Page 1: POPE FRANCIS President’s Letter - Constant in asking the American Medical Association to stay true to

Internet Newsletter of the Province of St. Joseph Page 1

President’s Letter 1 Message Re: Life to AMA 4 Provincial Promoter’s Letter 5 De Profundis 5 Crossword 6 Te Deum 7 Bro. Tonto 9

Vol. 12, No. 11 November 2016

In This



Ms. Marianne Jablonski, O.P.

President, Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic

St. Joseph Province, U.S.A.

Food for the Soul 10 OP Moment Trivia 11 Around the Province 12 Links of Interest 12 Dominican Pop Quiz 13 Dominicana Ad 14 CREDITS 14

Jubilee Year of Mercy ‘Dear migrants and refugees! Never lose the hope that you too are facing a more

secure future, that on your journey you will encounter an outstretched hand, and that

you can experience fraternal solidarity and the warmth of friendship!’ POPE FRANCIS

My dear brothers and sisters,

May the Peace and Love of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, be with you! And let me be the first to

say, “Happy Thanksgiving!” Yes, we have a great deal for which to be thankful. Despite the many

personal trials and tribulations that seemingly never end, coupled with a plethora of societal oppres-

sions and persecutions against God and humanity, we must give thanks! We must truly believe –

and live – in the Peace and Love of Christ. This is our call, our vocation: to witness His Truth, His

Hope, His Promise of life eternal in Him to those who have yet to encounter Him and those who

have rejected Him. This is the time, my brothers and sisters, to stand tall and strong in our Faith

and “…fight the good fight…” for His honor and glory and the salvation of souls. “Give thanks to the

Lord for He is good. His mercy endures forever!”

And you will know His Goodness and Mercy. He promised.

At this time, I humbly ask your prayers for our upcoming Provincial Council meeting (Dec. 1-

4, 2016). In addition to a somewhat ambitious agenda, we will also be electing new executive offic-

ers for the Council. I’m asking you to pray the Litany o f Dominican Saints and Blesseds for 30 days,

beginning on November 2nd. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will inspire all the delegates to select

those members who will best serve Him, our Order, and our members; and that God’s Will be done.

Thank you in advance. I know what great prayer warriors you are!

Please don’t forget to pray for the Holy Souls, especially those in our families and our Order.

They will be a great intercessors for us!

May God continue to bless you through

the intercessions of Our Lady, St. Joseph, and

our Holy Father, Dominic!

See Dominican Litany on pages 2 & 3

President’s Letter

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November 2016

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Pray Without Ceasing

November 2016

Continuation of the Litany of Dominican Saints & Blesseds

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November 2016

The American Medical Association (AMA) has long held that assisted suicide is incompatible with the role of the doctor. However, the AMA is reconsidering that position. In sever-al weeks, on November 13 and 14 in Orlando during an interim meeting, a special session will be devoted to discussing assisted suicide.

As the largest association of doctors in the country, the AMA has a huge influence. Please join in asking the American Medical Association to stay true to the Hippocratic Oath and continue to oppose assisted suicide.

Sign here:

The earliest versions of the Hippocratic Oath state, “The regimen I adopt shall be for the benefit of my patients … and not for their hurt or for any wrong. I will give no deadly drug to any, though it be asked of me, nor will I counsel such.”

Some will argue that a doctor’s role is to show compassion and that assisted suicide is “death with dignity.” However, this is simply wrong. A doctor’s role is to preserve life, not take it. There is nothing dignified or compassionate about a doctor killing a patient.

And don’t be mistaken. Physician-assisted suicide will not be rare. It will become common-place and less than voluntary. In fact, in Canada, where physician-assisted suicide was just legalized recently; sick patients are already being pressured to end their lives.

This summer, three elderly members of a church in the rural province of Québec found out they had cancer. Immediately after delivering the cancer diagnosis, the first question their doctors asked them was, “Do you wish to be euthanized?”

We must strongly urge the AMA to recognize how detrimental assisted suicide is. The AMA, as the largest association of doctors in America, must remain the largest advocate for de-fending sick and elderly patients.

Let’s make our voice heard to the AMA. Let’s advocate they be the association of doctors that stays true to the fundamental vows they took to become doctors.


Kira Nelson and the entire CitzenGO team

P.S. Our elderly and our sick deserve to be loved, cherished, and respected. Assisted sui-cide disposes of the weak in our society. The AMA must protect these patients.

We must stand for life. Besides signing the petition, please write to the AMA, personally. Receiving hundreds of let-ters is more impressive than receiving one letter with a hundred signatures. eLumen Editor

Urge the American Medical Association to stay true to the Hippocratic oath!

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One of the Dominican Family traditions is our

regular prayers for our dead. Please have a

Mass celebrated for all the deceased members

of the Dominican Laity in the Province of St.

Joseph, U.S.A., and in particular for those

listed below.

Name: Mr. Donald Bauer , O.P.

Religious Name: Br. John Macias

Chapter: Immaculate Heart # 304

Location: Buffalo, N.Y.

Final Promise: January 13, 1980

Date of Death: October 11, 2016

Name: Ms. Suzanne Kost , O.P.

Religious Name: Sr. Margaret o f Caste llo

Chapter: St, Catherine of Siena # 603

Location: Columbus, OH

Final Promise: February 12, 1962

Date of Death: October 16, 2016

Suzanne was a Dominican for 55 years! She

was known as the rosary maker and was an

efficacious promoter of the rosary. So for sure,

dedicate a rosary for our sister, Suzanne.

Please remember our brother, Donald, and sis-

ter, Suzanne, who died in Christ with the hope

of rising with Him. Please pray one Rosary for

all our deceased members.

Send the names and dates of members who

have died to your Regional Editor, so that they

can be included in our continued prayers for

the dead.

Sorrowful Mother, pray for us.

St. Joseph, pray for us. Holy Father Dominic,

pray for us.

From the Provincial

Promoter’s Desk

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Saint Dominic,

Earlier this year Mr. Joe DeMatteo (from the chapter in Hawthorne) tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to be part of a team that would be giving a retreat in Sing Sing Fed-eral Penitentiary, about an hour north of New York City on the Hudson. The dates worked out, and I was able to join the team. The mere physical barriers to getting in or out, the mul-tiple checkpoints, and the sound of gates clanking all help give a sense of just how confining and isolated such a place is. The Catho-lics in the prison, shep-herded by a devoted chap-lain and drawn together by Bible study, are clearly a community who care for one another. They face hostility from some of their fellow prisoners for choosing to live a Christian life. The retreat team stressed the basics of following Jesus; some of the inmates also shared their stories of

living as believers in the midst of a difficult envi-ronment. Back in the 1860's Fr. Jean-Joseph Lataste, O.P., became an apostle and source of hope for prisoners in France: he saw that many could experience a profound conversion and live a new life of genuine joy. He helped found a cloistered community of Dominican sisters which

would have a place for women who had been in prison. In the spirit of Father Lataste, we can all be of help to our brothers and sisters behind bars, whether by prayer, visits, or good litera-ture sent through prison chaplains. Please keep the Residents Encounter Christ retreat teams in your prayers, and think of how you can become part of our Savior's mission to bring new life to those behind bars.

Wishing you every blessing, Fr. Bede

Fr. Bede Shipps, O.P., Provincial Promoter

November 2016

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November The Crossword Puzzle used to be a regular feature. It is time to

reintroduce it. We all could use the intellectual stimulation.

The above puzzle originally appeared in November 2011. Answers are on page 13

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November 2016

Congratulations to the Dominican Laity

Our Lady of Grace, Cromwell,

CT, group became a Chapter on May 31, 2016, during our 800th year anniversary. They meet at

Holy Apostles Seminary in Crom-well, CT. Father Brian Mullady,

OP is the Spiritual Director.

On Saturday, October 1, 2016, the

members of Our Lady of Mercy

Chapter #110, Norfolk, MA,

attended a retreat given by the

spiritual promoter, Fr. Nicanor

Austriaco, O.P. On Sunday, October 02, 2016, the chapter celebrated the Rite of Temporary Promis-

es with Justin H. (Bro. Hyacinth) and Richard S. (Bro. Ignatius). Ryan M. (Bro. Martin de Porres)

was also received into the Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic during the Mass which was celebrated

by Fr. Austriaco and concelebrated by Fr. Wayne Cavalier,

O.P. In attendance were two special guests from Europe.

Sister Sara Boehmer, O.P., the Prioress of the Dominican

Sisters of Bethany, from Venlo, Holland, and Sister Hanna

Laue, O.P., who is prioress of her congregation in Latvia,

came to visit. The Dominican Sisters of Bethany are cele-

brating the 150 years of their founding by Bl. M. Jean-

Joseph Lat-

aste, O.P.,

along with

the 800 Jubi-

lee celebra-

tion of the



Continued on page 7 From left: Sr. Sara Boehmer, O.P., from Venlo, Holland, and Sr. Hanna Laue, O.P., from Latvia,

From left: Fr. Nicanor Austriaco, O.P., and Fr. Wayne Cavalier, O.P.

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November 2016

On August 13, 2016, Our Lady of the Assumption Chapter #203, New York, N.Y., celebrated the fi-

nal promises of Ronald Duran, Monique Mirouze, and Jennifer Norwood in the Church of St. Vin-

cent Ferrer in New York City. On September 15,

2016, Joseph Hopkins made his final promise in the

Friars’ Chapel at St. Vincent’s. Ms. Anna Donnelly,

chapter president, received the promises, and Rev.

Joseph P. Allen, O.P., Chapter Spiritual Assistant,

was the celebrant. [See above]

Our Lady of Grace Chapter #115, Cromwell CT,

celebrated Reception Day on October 2, 2016, with

Fr. Brian Mullady, OP. Pictured on the left is Mrs.

Trish Gigante, OP with her husband Michael. On

the right is Mr. Vincent Vu, OP. The chapter meets

at Holy Apostles College and Seminary. [At right]

Let us all continue our prayers for the members

who have advanced and been received that they

stay for the journey.


Left to right: Mr. Ronald Duran, O.P., Mr. Joseph Hopkins, O.P., Ms. Anna Donnelly O.P., President, Ms. Monique Mirouze, O.P., Ms. Jennifer Norwood, O.P. Rear: Rev. Joseph P. Allen, O.P., Spiritual Assistant

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November 2016

Brother Tonto

Brother Tonto Studies Dominican Spirituality

Plato: All Dominicans share in St. Dominic’s ideal.

Aristotle: The Dominican Laity enflesh Dominicanism.

Augustine: The nature of Dominican spirituality is grounded in Truth.*

Kant: The Dominican Laity exhibit the total experience of Dominican spirituality.

Kierkegaard: The Dominican Laity have faith in their Dominicanism.

Marx: Everyone needs a rosary.

Nietzsche: Stop.

Pope B16: I’ve retired to devote myself to Dominican spirituality.

Pope Francis: Dominican spirituality is better than Ignatian.

The nature and extent of Dominican spirituality.

(1) whether it is necessary

(2) whether it is a science

(3) whether it is speculative or practical

(4) how it is compared with other spiritualities

(5) whether it is the same as Franciscan spirituality

(6) whether it is the same as Jesuit spirituality

(7) whether God is its subject matter

(8) whether it is open to argument

(9) whether it rightly employs metaphors and similes

(10) whether sacred scripture may be expounded within.


1. It seems that we have no need of any further knowledge.

2. Further Dominican spirituality can be concerned only with

praying, for nothing can be known.

On the contrary: Dominican spirituality is inspired by God.

I answer that: It was necessary for man’s salvation that there should

be an Order of Preachers to tell people about God.

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Book Review

Champions of the Rosary, the History and

Heroes of a Spiritual Weapon by Don-

ald H. Calloway, MIC, is a thorough ex-

amination of what makes the Rosary the

most beloved prayer of Catholics. Fa-

ther Calloway gives new information

that most Dominicans probably aren’t

familiar with. The pictures Father adds

are beautiful -- 26! He even had some

new ones commissioned just for the

publication of this book. I’m tempted to

cut them out to be framed. My favorite

is St. Dominic slaying the dragon:

Let victory be thine, O Mother. Thou wilt conquer.

Yes, thou hast the power to overcome all heresies,

errors, and vice. And, I, confident in your powerful

protection, will engage in the battle, not only

against flesh and blood, but against the prince

of darkness, as the Apostle [Paul] says, grasping

the shield of the holy rosary and armed with

the double-edged sword of the divine word.

Champions of the Rosary is the most comprehensive book

I have ever read on the connection between the Domini-

cans and the Rosary. I kept flipping back to the cover of

the book to check to see if the author was a Dominican.

Father Donald Calloway belongs to the congregation of

Marian Clerics of the Immaculate Conception of the

Blessed Virgin Mary. Still, I wonder if he were commis-

sioned by the Order of Preachers to write on the Rosary.

It’s awfully coincidental that this book came out for the

Dominican’s 800 Jubilee. Plus, the publication date was August 8, 2016, (Feast of St. Dominic). My

November 2016

St. Dominic: Champion of the Holy Rosary by Nellie Edwards. (2016)

Artist: Vivian Imbruglia

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Dominican senses twitch.

Praise and thanks be to

God for whatever reason

Father Calloway was in-

spired to write Champi-

ons of the Rosary. Every

postulant should be giv-

en this book to read. It

belongs in every Lay Do-

minican’s Library. It is

an important, powerful story of our beloved

rosary. Interview with author:



Marian Clerics of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M:

Ignatius Press:

The Catholic Company:


Product Details

Paperback: 428 pages

Publisher: Marian press (August 8, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1596143436

ISBN-13: 978-1596143432

Product Dimensions: 6.5 x 1 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.5 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Biography Fr. Donald H. Calloway, MIC, a convert to Catholi-

cism, is a member of the Congregation of Marian

Clerics of the Immaculate Conception. Before his

November 2016


Who is this famous Lay Dominican? He was a courtier at the court of Henry VIII.

He became a Dominican Tertiary at Blackfriars, Oxford. Eventually, he was

arrested with Bishop John Fisher and Sir Thomas More. He was released howev-er, due to the efforts of his cousin, Anne

Boleyn. However, he was arrested a sec-ond time, found guilty of treason for un-

specified acts relating to hostility to Henry VIII’s church policies. He was beheaded at the tower of London on July 9, 1539.

Pope Leo XIII beatified him in 1895.

a. Jerome Cajetan b. Adrian Fortescue

c. John Liccio d. Peter Ruffia

See page 13 for answer.

conversion to Catholicism, he was a high school

dropout who had been kicked out of a foreign coun-

try, institutionalized twice, and thrown in jail multiple

times. After his radical conversion he earned a B.A.

in Philosophy and Theology from the Franciscan

University of Steubenville, Ohio, M.Div. and

S.T.B. degrees from the Dominican House of

Studies in Washington, DC, and an S.T.L. in

Mariology from the International Marian Re-

search Institute in Dayton, Ohio.

150 Years

of Dominican

Sisters of


August 14,



August 14,


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November 2016

Links of Interest Map of Dominicans Around the World

Do Cat—Social Justice:

Before you vote read

Catholics in the Public Square:


Lay Dominican Mr. Charles DeFeo, O.P.’s Blog:

Above all the members of Most Holy Rosary

Chapter, #201, near Newburgh, N.Y., with

many of their family members, went through

the Holy Doors at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

Shrine in Middletown, N.Y., on September 24,

2016. Deacon Alex Gapay held a Communion

Service followed by a picnic on the beautiful

grounds. The event was a blessed occasion.

Region I Meeting On November 5, 2016, St. Mary’s Chapter will

host the Fall Regional Meeting, to held at St.

Mary’s Church, 5 Hillhouse Avenue, New Ha-

ven, CT. Registration is 9:30 and the cost is $

15. If you have questions, contact Mr. Roman

Gorski, O.P., [email protected]

Region IV Meeting On November 19, 2016, Our Lady of Victory

Group will host the Fall Regional Meeting, to

be held at St. John Neumann Parish Hall on St.

John of God Campus, 680 Townbank Road,

North Cape May, N.J. Registration and break-

fast will be 9:00-9:45 am and the cost is $ 15.

Send payment to Mr. Edmond McCrane, O.P.,

1729 Morris Street, Villas, N.J. 08251, before

November 12, 2016. If you have any questions,

contact Mrs. Patricia Ellis, O.P. 609-886-7081.

AROUND THE PROVINCE . . . news you can use

Region V Meeting On November 5, 2016, the Our Lady of Fatima/

St. Catherine of Siena Chapter will host the

Fall Regional Meeting, to be held at the Domin-

ican House of Studies. Registrations will begin

at 9:30 am. This is an important region presi-

dential election meeting. Please email Mrs.

Ann Devine, O.P., [email protected] as

to head count so preparations can be made.

Don’t forget about the Pilgrimage materials to

be found with the eLumen included on the

sending email.

A little something to remind us to be thankful this year for the grac-es, blessings and trials that we’ve had this past year. Deo Gratias

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on p



November 2016

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Read All About IT!!!!

Please send Notices of Advancements, Obituaries, and Events of interest to

Lay Dominicans, to your Regional Editors.

eLumen Credits

Ms. Marianne T. Jablonski, O.P. [email protected] Provincial Council President

Fr. Bede Shipps, O.P., [email protected] Provincial Promoter,

Editorial Staff: Mrs. Faith Flaherty, O.P., Managing Editor [email protected]

Mrs. Helen Tice, O.P., Layout/Design [email protected]

Ms. Louise A. Mitchell, O.P., Copy Editor [email protected]

Ms. Amy Strickland, O.P., Calendar [email protected]

Mrs. Lynn Simpkins, O.P. OP Trivia [email protected]

Mr. Pedro Saavedra, O.P., Puzzler [email protected]

Reg. 1 Mrs. Faith Flaherty, O.P. [email protected] Reg. 2 Ms. Maria Vida, O.P. [email protected] Reg. 3 Mrs. Lisette Diener, O.P. [email protected] Reg. 4 Mr. Donald Wacker, O.P. [email protected] Reg. 5 Ms. Ann Devine, O.P. [email protected] Reg. 6 Mr. Michael Murphy, O.P. [email protected]

The Internet Newsletter of the Province of St. Joseph is published monthly and sent to subscribers via email.

To subscribe, please contact [email protected]

Copyright © 2016 .The Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic

Province of St. Joseph, U.S.A. All rights reserved

“Permission to reprint is granted provided that citation

is made to eLumen with the volume, issue, and year,

and to the author and title of specific articles.”

Last Page

Never grow tired of doing what is right. 2 Thessalonians 2:14

November 2016












Answer: OP Moment Trivia is: b.

Blessed Adrian Fortescue

“Note the insignia between the collars."

The answers to the Dominican Pop Quiz are below:

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