Page 1: Por los Senderos del Alma By the Path of the Soul · Por los Senderos del Alma JACQUELINE FICA By the Path of the Soul SIGNATURE Until 2010 From 2010 I´M AUTODIDACT

Por los Senderos del AlmaJACQUELINE FICABy the Path of the SoulSIGNATUREUntil 2010 From 2010 I´M AUTODIDACT

Page 2: Por los Senderos del Alma By the Path of the Soul · Por los Senderos del Alma JACQUELINE FICA By the Path of the Soul SIGNATURE Until 2010 From 2010 I´M AUTODIDACT

I was born in a small town of Bizkaia called Sodupe,a small corner of the North of Spain where thecomplicated climate , throughout the time has engraved the character of it`s landscape and it`speople. Traying to rebel against this reality orquestion it only means we have to accept it and facewhat we come up against. These origins awaque yourdarkest fears and create an intendment of yourdreams, answers that are present even as a child, it`sdifficult to perceive your surroundings, as there isnobody to speak about closed doors which appear tabu even a threat.This was the reason, the need of finding answers so as not to be trapped in thedarknees, following my own light and landscapes, my own innerself.It was good fortune that providedme whith the answers: I found a well of black inkand in the deepest part, the lost lines I nedded to have emerge from my innerDaknees an exuberant and misterious natural world, well arranged by the smoothclarity of paper, in secret and alien lines until it shaped a new landscapes, anotherplace, my own world.

Page 3: Por los Senderos del Alma By the Path of the Soul · Por los Senderos del Alma JACQUELINE FICA By the Path of the Soul SIGNATURE Until 2010 From 2010 I´M AUTODIDACT

EXPOSICIONESJacquelíne Fíca (1956)1983. 1º Premio en el Certamen de Poesìa León Felipe con un libro ilustradode poemas “Polen”. Exposición en Jator Enea, Sodupe (Bizkaia.1990. Exposición individual en la Kultur Etxea de Soupe (Bizkaia).1992. Exposición de ilustraciones (3º libro de Cuentos) Kultur Etxea deGordexola ( Bizkaia). Exposición en la Kultur Etxea de Sodupe (Bizkaia)1993. Colectiva. “11ª Convocatoria del Premio Penagos de Dibujo(Seleccionados) Fundación Cultural Mapfre Vida. Madrid. Individual . Sala de Exposiciones del Club Náutico de Laredo (Cantabria).1997. Individual. Galería Sanz de Bilbao (Bizkaia).2009. Individual. “Tapelia” en Bilbao (Bizkaia).2010. Individual. “Lamiak”. Madrid. Individual. Casa de laCultura de Llanes (Asturias)2011. Colectiva. Galería Beaskoetxea. Barcelona.2012. Individual. Capilla de Santa Ana Villasana de Mena (Burgos)

Page 4: Por los Senderos del Alma By the Path of the Soul · Por los Senderos del Alma JACQUELINE FICA By the Path of the Soul SIGNATURE Until 2010 From 2010 I´M AUTODIDACT

Plumilla y TintasDip pen and InkTríptico Mimosas - Triptych Mimosas Nº 363x73 cms.Nº 163x73 cms.Nº 263x73 cms.

Page 5: Por los Senderos del Alma By the Path of the Soul · Por los Senderos del Alma JACQUELINE FICA By the Path of the Soul SIGNATURE Until 2010 From 2010 I´M AUTODIDACT

Nº 4La gran MadreBig Mother76x97 cms.Lápiz, plumilla y tintaPen, Dip pen and Ink

Page 6: Por los Senderos del Alma By the Path of the Soul · Por los Senderos del Alma JACQUELINE FICA By the Path of the Soul SIGNATURE Until 2010 From 2010 I´M AUTODIDACT

Nº 5Otra PrimaveraAnother Spring73x93 cms.Plumilla y Tintas

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Nº 6Pensamientos MenudosLittle Pansies48x56 cms.Plumilla, Pincel y Tintas

Page 8: Por los Senderos del Alma By the Path of the Soul · Por los Senderos del Alma JACQUELINE FICA By the Path of the Soul SIGNATURE Until 2010 From 2010 I´M AUTODIDACT

Nº 7El VolcánThe Volcano65x53 cmsPlumilla y TintasDip pen and Ink

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Nº 8Tronco secretoSecret Trunk63x73 cms.Plumilla y TintasDip pen and Ink

Page 10: Por los Senderos del Alma By the Path of the Soul · Por los Senderos del Alma JACQUELINE FICA By the Path of the Soul SIGNATURE Until 2010 From 2010 I´M AUTODIDACT

Nº 9Ventana abiertaOpen window55x70 cms.Plumilla, Tintas y PincelDip pen, Ink and brush

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Nº 10Lindísima AmapolaBeautiful Amapols54x42 cms.Plumilla y TintasDip pen and Ink

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Nº 11Recodo del CaminoPath Bend60x70 cms.Plumilla y TintasDip pen and Ink

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Nº 12Violetas en el MuroViolets on the Wall63x73 cms.Plumilla y TintasDip pen and Ink

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Nº 13Entre HelechosBetween Ferns63x73 cms.Plumilla y TintasDip pen and Ink

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Nº 14Sol de InviernoWinter´s Sun34x48 cms.Plumilla y TintasDip pen and Ink

Page 16: Por los Senderos del Alma By the Path of the Soul · Por los Senderos del Alma JACQUELINE FICA By the Path of the Soul SIGNATURE Until 2010 From 2010 I´M AUTODIDACT

Nº 15Banano en FlorBanana in Bloom63x73 cms.Plumilla y TintasDip pen and Ink

Page 17: Por los Senderos del Alma By the Path of the Soul · Por los Senderos del Alma JACQUELINE FICA By the Path of the Soul SIGNATURE Until 2010 From 2010 I´M AUTODIDACT

N 16El rincón de laBomarea PardinaThe Corner of thePardina Bomarea63x73 cms.Plumilla y TintasDip pen and Ink

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Nº 17Hacia la LuzTowards the Light63x73 cms.Plumilla y TintasDip pen and Ink

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Nº 18Alambrada en FlorWire in bloom63x76 cm.Plumilla y TintasDip pen and Ink

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N º 19ColgadaHanging60x70 cms.Plumilla y TintasDip pen and Ink

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From 2003 till now Jacqueline Fica has lived in “Vallejo de Mena”a small village also in the North. She has completely dedicated herwork to being creative as an artist, writer and also restaurationof antiques. Jacqueline FicaMobile phone 34 607975731e-mail [email protected]

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