

    Master of Mass Communication (1st Year)

    Directorate of Distance Education



    Enrolment No. : 14041126008

    Name : Satyadhar Joshi

  • Assignments

    1) -Editing Tele-Printer Copies 10

    2) -News Stories- Covering Major Events 05

    3) -Book Review 01

    4) -Film Review 02

    5) -TV Review 02

    6) -Script of Radio News 02

    7) -Script of other Radio Programs 02

    8) -Script of TV News 02

    9)-Script of Advertising (TV and Radio) 04

    10) -Print Advertisements

    (a) Classified 05 (b) Display Classified 05 (c) Display 03

    11) -Posters 02

    12) -Pamphlets 02

    13) -Leaflets 02

    14) -Press Release 02

  • News Stories- Covering Major Events on Indo Israel Relations

    1. Haryana and Israel comes closer after Regime change at State and Centre

    Gurgaon: In recent time Israel has taken several projects in Haryana ranging from dairy to

    vegetables, vegetables to water treatment. In the last few months, the Indo Israel Research

    would be opened in Hisar to work on dairy production. The old projects of drip irrigation

    would also pick up speed.

    The political reaction on this has been on the same old lines where the Aam Admi Party,

    which is the new Left Wing political party opposed military relations with Israel and also was

    not impressed with the recent development. Congress, on the other hand, didnt comment on this issue.

    Other Links:




    2. Agriculture and Israel: Many state heads now taking Israel seriously

    New Delhi: With the change of regime in many Indian states and the new Right wing

    government at the Centre, states heads have been over in their way of doing business with


    Maharashtra, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and other BJP ruled states have seen an

    increase in affinity in increasing relations to enhance agriculture productivity. It should be

    noted that rainfall, and land acquisition has already made BJP feel the wrath of the farmers.

    Many state representatives attend Agro fair in Israel. Out of the CMs that have been most

    active to get the deal sealed, Fadnavis seems to be the best pick.

    Other Links:


    3. Israeli Defence companies wooing Indian Government

  • New Delhi: It is not a secret that Indias most favoured nation when it comes to defence equipment is Israel. The problem here is lack of structures, transparency, and old fashioned

    bureaucracy. Although, at the top most level things have changed, but structural reforms

    needs to be made to truly realize the potential of this relationship.

    4. Emerging Business Relations between India Israel with the Private Equity Players and Start-ups now trusting India more than ever

    Private Equity continues to struggle in India as per a report published by Wall Street Journal.

    As per Mr Joshi the co-founder of Qcfinance, the structural reforms to make private equity

    work is still lacking. Although, he added that some of the big players like Ola Cabs, flip kart,

    etc are still able to thrive, there is no level playing ground in this area.

    Yet in 2014 there was jump of 30% - the highest ever- in private equity due to regime change

    and global factors (like lowered interest rates in west).

    How would this effect the Israeli India PE relations? Israel is known as the start-up nation

    and has many MBA programs focused on PE, and many players residing in Tel Aviv which

    might just get in based on how India opens up.



    5. MBA abroad for Indian students: Israel is the new player but there is a long way to go

    New Delhi: Israeli Universities are have been traditionally interested in post doc students, but

    trend is changing. The place where the best talent goes is US, probably due to its size and

    momentum. And the not very best goes to Canada and Australia primarily because of two

    reasons guaranteed 2 year work permit and 20 hours off campus employment. Although, due to security reasons and size, Israel is not offering these two coveted measures

    but the ideological attraction of Indian students still make Israel the best place to study

    entrepreneurship and defence.

    6. Modis Kashmir policy is it really like Israel?

  • New Delhi: Modis rehabilitation of Kashmiri pundits have come under fire. There have been large scale protest, and even more tricky part is that BJP is having a coalition with a party

    which has a soft corner for the separatists. The only way to get the rehabilitation done is to

    remain in power in state and centre which BJP is rightly doing, but the voters of BJP would

    like to see action and results to justify the means to remain in power. Although, this time the RSS and the Hindutva organizations are much more organized to get a meaningful and

    constructive solution of Pundit rehabitation, there are black sheeps in the ruling government

    which might just pull things off.

    1) Movie Review: PK (2014)

    PK starting Amir Khan and from the makers of 3 Idiots was seen as the most controversial movie of the year and was politicized. The movie went ahead and discussed some of the

    aspects of faith that might be redundant, mundane, and outdated which it claims from a

    neutral viewing of an alien.

    The political reactions was divisive and the movie did arouse some bad feelings and hurt the

    sentiment of some of the people from Hindu Faith. The ideological right wing suggested that

    the reply to these movies would be the movie suggesting how the cultural aspects like Yoga,

    Ayurveda, Gita can help achieve a better society. But, there were many other Hindu

    organization that wanted a Ban on this movie.

    The new left, reformed as AAP stand in support of movie, and AAP head Arvind praised the

    movie. As the old lines, where Bollywood is ruled by Liberal and Minority Winged

    ideologies, the movie was unanimously praised. The older version of this movie can be linked

    to OMG.

    What I didnt like about the movie is the open biasness and blunt agenda of the western liberals who are political motivated and hand in gloves with the sympathisers of terrorism and

    scared to touch that subject.

    Similarity with OMG: The earlier version of Paresh Rawals OMG tried to denigrate not only Prabhpad who is the greatest scholar and re-created lots of Vaishanavite Literature, but also

    Shri Shri Ravishankar who is the current favourite of spiritual people. The freedom of speech

    gives a right to the movie makers to talk about Hindu Gurus, but the trend of denigration by

    the bolloywood, which is also has remained sympathizer of terrorist continues in spite of the

    Indian right.

    Overall I would rate this movie 4/10.

    More Links:


  • 2) Movie View: Lucy (2014 film)

    Lucy is a 2014 English-language French science fiction action film written and directed by

    Luc Besson and produced Europacorp.

    It stars Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman, a woman who gains psychokinetic abilities

    from a nootropic drug being absorbed into her bloodstream.

    Science fiction movie with a touch of time as defined in mysticism- and activating hidden part of brain again a topic of meta physics. I could clearly see the connect of this movie with spirituality that time is the only relative thing and the biggest truth of the world.

    The acting of Scarlett was very good, and the direction was also very good. What I didnt liked about the movie was the lack of depth and lack of meta physical literature review and

    also the graphics were ordinary.

    In Indian context, we have literature that talks about increasing functioning of mid brain or

    the cortex by various meditation techniques, mostly in the Kudalini awakening. It would be

    interesting to see some Indian cultural movie makers to touch and go in Science fiction this

    theme but the current left wing liberal media controlled mostly by the minatory might not just

    admire the depth of the Hindu mysticism and its connectivity with the Sci Fiction.

    Overall I would rate this movie 8/10 an would like to see an Indian Version of the same


  • 1

    Editing 10 Tele-Printer Copies on Indo Israel Relations

    1. Narendra modi and Israel How the relations are going between the two nNations

    New Delhi: Narendra Modi is undoubtedly one of the most Pro-Israeli Prime Minister as

    expressed by various articles in the media. But it might take time for him to understand the

    importance of structural and systematic reforms that are required in foreign affairs and

    diplomacy to make irreversible changes. A recent interview by the former senior BJP leader

    Arun Shorie suggested the importance of structural, irreversible, policy change,

    institutionalization, bringing-in-the-expert and other long term sustainable framework that needs

    to be build up in various spheres.

    While his during his reign in GujratGujarat, he had traditionally good relations with Gujrat Israel

    as it Gujrat is geographically closer to Israel, sea route has built up historic ties, diamond trade,

    areas of desert management, and his limited acceptability post 2002.

    His Gujrat model, while being successful, needs some critical changes to be used in centre. As a

    PM, he has more power over legislative aspects, rather than management aspect, hence his work

    now become even more challenging. This requires more collaboration with party, bureaucracy

    and sometimes even opposition. Powered by strong irreversible changes he will be able to

    achieve great success in bringing the changes required. Hence even from Israeli sides, the focus

    should be helping Modi do the changes over small goodies.

    Narendra Modi intends to carry out liberalization and privatization of defense sector and also

    provide more liberty to military to carry out what the NSA of India calls offensive defense.

    The current NSA Ajit Doval is also a friend of Israel and has worked for years in Pakistan as

    secret agents and understands the working of ISI and also the threat of nuclear proliferation to

    terrorists. Although in recent time, Indias current cold start doctrine where it would do a very

    fast war is developed, yet there needs to other strategic positioning against Pakistan.

    Gujarat also have the strongest anti-terror cells and training based on Israeli Krav Maga. Hence

    as an appreciator of the anti-terror capabilities Modi stands as another all time favorite.

    2. Gita and its way of dealing with International Relations, Terrorism and State Policy under the New Right Wing Government

    Gita has being the main tenant of the Indian right wing, and it interesting to note that this was the

    book that Modi gifted to Obama and Japanese PM in 2014.

    Gita has been traditionally linked to policy making as early pre independence when Gandhi used

    to carry Gita and also wrote a detailed interpretation of Gita using concepts of nonviolence.

  • 2

    Gita has being the main tenant of the Indian right wing, and it was the book that Modi gifted to

    Obama and Japenese PM.

    Gita talks about the decision making for the greater good, detaching personal ambitions from the

    goal, focusing on contribution and not achievements, humans relation with God, interpretation of duties, and many other tenants. It also talks about personality crisis, personal goals vsvs.

    national goals, and other dilemma that would haunt a warrier. It could be taken literary or taken

    as symbols of fight between good and bad. Gandhis view oin gGita is different, where he states that that the war of Mahabharata is not literal and but it happensed in minds of all humans although all other Hindus believes that the war was real and happened in reality where thereby

    making Mahabharata is not mythology text but a part of history. The same Ggita is so strongly

    imprinted in Hindus such that it is always used by not only Gandhi but all Hindus as a principle

    text to take moral high ground by citing suitable example.

    Gita and Ramayana are two epics where Hindus often cite the correct most ideal

    behaviorbehaviour during critical decision making. Broadly speaking these are two books that

    Hindus refer to when in doubt as the two are based on avatar of GodLord Vishnu. While

    mythological do believes suggest that Mahabharata happened 5000 years ago (making it a part of

    History) at the starting of Kalyuga, whereas it suggest that Ramayana happened 10 lack years

    ago [cite]. Thus in Mahabharata and an avatar of Lord Vishnu- Krishna and how God behaved

    forms a basis of Hindus would behave and the same role is played by Lord Ram (again avtar of


    3. Applying Corporate Finance in Emerging India Israel Business Rrelations 2015 and ahead beyond

    Gurgaon: Research published by at IndiCom 2015 on India Israel Relations has

    provided new theoretical realms to the subject of corporate Finance. Corporate Finance provides

    theories that could can be used to value different strategic moves for companies between India

    and Israel. Semiconductor Nanotechnology is an overlapping technology for energy and defence

    and one of the major areas of cooperation beaten India and Israel.

    It can be seen that Like in India, Israeli companies are backed by government which is feature

    similar to India but Israeli defence companies they are closely integrated and coupled to US

    which is not there the case with Indian companies.

    India and Israel have similar structure and a zeal for innovation in nanotechnology which is an

    emerging area. Commercialization and research in nanotech is one area both countries draw their

    parallels; also the fact that India is turning into a knowledge economy makes its essential for

    both countries to join hands. This can be done by understanding valuation perspectives of

    nanotech companies. In this section we have listed the Nanotech companies.

    Finding implications of nanotech using financial data for using the analysis to get consensus

    estimates on marked implied growth and volatility. These statistical can be used to draw

    consensus sales and consensus growth in nanotechnology. Now, specially looking at semi-

    conductor companies as we did before, we can do an analysis of the related companies to get a

    general idea of the sectors movement. This Also, is important to understand macro and global trend in the area of nanotech investing.

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    Companies for both countries have less use of debt (not so mature fixed income markets) in

    semi-conductor and also an erratic return on eqity. The theory of diversification and optimal debt

    might help companies of both companies to increase their shareholders return. India is federation

    of many states and we propose that valuation done from Israeli side should consider the

    dynamics of the states that these companies are located into. This is not the case while doing

    valuation from Indian side of the Israeli companies which is more homogenous.

    Indian Companies and their Correlation with Multiple suggests that semiconductor companies

    are dependent on debt also that return on equity is not clearly the measure that can be trusted to

    value the multiple.

    4. International Business and the Emerging trends in 2015

    International business is dependent on politics and while doing joinjoint venture or expansion

    one needs to consider all aspects of game theory. Thus decision making of company in IB needs

    to done differently in the ever changing world with new risks and complexities.

    International Politics & Game Theory can be used in conjunction to formulate the best strategy.

    These games are based on understanding IB, JV, risks, synergies and other games. A lot of these

    aspects are already covered in financial risk research. The lack of game theoretical understanding

    can be removed by applying the proposed model in companies of India and Israel.

    Quantization of political risk cannot be done hence in our decision tree we have assumed some

    of the values. Synergy computation of joint version under international business is in itself a

    topic of immense research but they are calculated using market implied numbers.

    The solution to all above problem lies in the creation of the optimal Nash equilibrium strategy

    where both nation knows that deviating from the equilibrium points would cost both the nations.

    5. Indian Start-ups lacks fundinged by from many VCVenture Capitalist, while Israel is the worlds VC specialistt - can the gaps be bridged in Defence Sector?

    Gurgaon: Israel exports defence components to three major buyers: India, China and US. While

    the major proportion of equipment areproportion of equipment is air defence based, not all type

    of defense exports can be done to all nations where there is an approval required from

    Washington. The top four players here in Israeli defence sector are Israeli Aerospace Industries,

    Rafael Advance defence system, Israel Military Industry, and Elbit systems. Venture Capital,

    Private Equity (PE) and other investors in defence is one area that will pick up very fast.

    While the top Israeli Private Equity funds are Apax partners, Everest Special situations, Galil

    Capital, Plenus and Vintage ventures; yet they none of them have great presence in India. Israel

    is known as the startupstart-up nation and has very high proportion of PE funds raised globally,

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    which is only challenged by the Silicon Valley - California. Yet there is very less penetration of

    these funds in the Indian Silicon Valley Bangalore.

    Although Indian GDP is $1.8t while Israel is $0.3t where the difference is six times in 2014, yet

    as per rough estimate the PE deals value are three times where Indian PE deals are around $10-

    12b while Israel is $3-4b (estimate of 2014). This clearly depicts a void in India PE, although

    recently this void has been catching up rapidly. There is very less PE in Defence in India while

    this is not a problem in Israelthis problem would also get solved after defence clearance and

    make in India project recently taken by the Right wing Government.

    6. Nano manufacturing for energy, water and other areas

    Nanotechnology Manufacturing is leaded by US in terms of Intellectual property and China in

    terms of manufacturing volume and plants. The reason for this is the liberal and traditional

    education system of USA which gives it edge over any other nation.

    Israel specializes on small tech start-ups, and that is the reason all top Tech Giants have their

    presence in Israel.

    India doesnt have any Nano manufacturing where we India lacks Carbon Nano tube manufacturing and & assembly, Micro electro mechanical system, 3D printing technology and

    other related ideas.

    Yet Indian companies like Micromax was able to become the biggest mobile company by

    making their custom manufacturing implemented in China. This is one of the big proof evidence

    of the intellectual property expertise that can be created in India Likewise Motorola is also

    planning to buy manufacturing play of Nokia in Chennai.

    Also, many Indian state governments ordedordered big amount of soalrsolar cells from China.

    Again with the development of high efficient solar cells, this will change.

    Hence for all these, the Make in India supported by Israel can be used to boost up

    manufactutiongmanufacturing in India. Thus Nanotechnology aginaagain can be used for large

    scale water purification plans for various rivers of India.

    7. Cyber Defence or SMC in defence India Israel sharing confidential information

    India Israel would be sharing various ifnromationinformation during war time as well as peace

    time, in this regard secuiresecure multiparty shjaringsharing becaimesbecomes an important


    There is recent research paper in which the authors have applied research on secure

    computation to discuss about various solutions on data sharing for defense data that can be

    used to share information between India, Israel and USA. The information on terrorists and or

    on an act on terrorism is generated in raw form, where it has difference level of reliability. Thus

    sharing of information can cause difficulty for the secret services if the anonymity breaks down.

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    We have shared also a scenario of blitzing war where there is war scenario which gets freeze

    after tactical strikes on PoK terror camps or camps in North East UP by joint forces of India, US

    and Israel. Although there is overlap but the list of most wanted terrorist between India and US

    is still different and information on the combined data is often received by both the countries.

    8. Emerging Spiritual Dimensions in India and its comparison with Jewish Kabbalah

    Contemporary religious leaders have been very successful in propagating various thought on

    spirituality while cannot be directly called religious but still very cloeclose to the soul of


    Many teaching have penetrated and reached many people beyond boundaries like Vipassaana,

    Sadguru, Ravi Shankar, Pillia, etc. Likewise, the adaptation of defence techniques mixed with

    Yoga seems an area that can be explored.

    9. ESG Engine and India Israel Relations & Pricing Political and Terror risks

    While developing a risk model for India and Israel, terrorism and wars play a very important rile.

    Any valuation for long term in India would take in effect any possible war (whether limited or

    full scale) with Pakistan. While the smesame with valuation would include any possible attack

    on attack my Israel on Iran. Both of these wars could be triggered by terrorist and hence it

    important ot to quantify efeteffect of suychsuch warfare on future GDP as well as markets of

    both the nations. This would require revisiting all extreme events like Mumbai terror attacks or

    terror attacks by Hamas. These events would help back test and validate the VaR in the limited

    data that is available.

    10. PrincplePrinciple compoenetcomponent Analys Analysis of Indian right Wing governemntgovernment 2015 and beyond

    Any right wing government in world adhere to some common prociucespractices. Conscious of

    conservative, tender box, and India wins Freedom are some books that the right wing should read

    to get educated about the right way to right wing works!.

    It took long time for the Right wing to become pragmatic and understand the importance of

    economic liberalization and creating a open and fair market where everyone from small to big players can compete. This was not working very good till the right wing was having a rigid stand

    by swadeshi movement. The approach should be helping the swadeshi but not blocking anyone

    in this free world.

    Moreover, lack of think tanks on economy limits the right wing to take the compatible and

    consensus decision on issues like FDI, Land Acquisition which also comes at the cost of

    sometimes pushing the masses to the Left wing organizations.

  • 6

    Resources and applications:


    Right Wing chapter

    Business Paper

    Defence Paper

    VC part deleted

    Two papers

    Defence paper re-editing

    Book chapters re-editing

    Business paper re-editing

  • Book review

    Title: The Evolution of Indias Israel Policy: Continuity, Change, and Compromise since 1992

    Author(s): Nicolas Blarel 9780199450626



    I found this book as one of the most comprehensive reviews of India's policy toward

    Israel (for the contemporary period) which considers factors that Indian Establishment

    would consider while having an open and overt relationship. This books looks at

    history that starts with the establishment of Muslims League, partition of India, Need

    for Arab states in oil, Kashmir, and various factors that define Indian Israel

    Relationship. As the friendship is getting overt, the book also is straight in listing

    visits and deals between India and Israel.

    What I liked the most about the book is the detailed statistical exploration of trade,

    military imports and the effort the author has put to gather the data. The author also

    has done great work at explaining the dilemmas India has while having an Indian

    policy to Israel and Indian policy with the Middle East.

    What I disliked about the book is not overtly stating that the main problem in India

    Israel relation is Indian Muslim population and the voting patter of Indian Muslims

    (block voting) to parties that favour them beyond or rather at the cost of Indian Nation


    This book will be good for any Israeli or any Indian who want understand relations

    with Israel and the reasons of why things have moved slow in the past years and the

    reasons for the momentum in the last two decades.

    Overall, a much awaited book that delineates current Indian policy toward Israel and

    anyone who wants to understand the current and future India Israel Relations.

  • Asan Mudra Pranayam




    This books it the best all time book on Yoga and physical exercise and takes a look at

    the exercise in a very scientific and easy way.

    The book starts with the first few chapters on sitting, standing, laying down exercise

    and then moves to breathing exercise.

    The best part of the book is the picture and the description which makes it very easy to

    understand and the selection of the exercises which a common person disconnected

    from India can do.

    The exercise in books are explained keeping in mind how to not press upon the

    readers to do the tougher ones.

    While all things related to exercise are explained the book still lacks about

    categorizing exercise on difficulty for steps 1 group or level for starters. This makes it

    a daunting task for someone to select which to start with as a new person would select

    one kind of each exercise.

  • TV News

    Indian billionaire hosts Israeli start-up targets


    VTR of Mukesh Ambani in his meeting with Fadvanis and followed by clip of Reliance industries

    headquarter. This is followed by Israeli Ambassador meeting with Chief Minister of Maharashtra.

    Websites of the startup in Israel: SimilarWeb and Perion and interview of owners of these



    (VO) Ambani attended the presented from SimilarWeb, which has developed a traffic monitoring

    and analysis tool for websites and applications and has $40 million to date. He also attended

    presentation of Celltick, a provider of medical services for mobile platforms, which has raised

    $42 million to date, and Israeli startup Winapp, which has developed technology linking the print

    world with the digital world.

    Other participants included large Israeli technology companies, which are apparently looking for

    cooperation, rather than investments. One is Perion Network Ltd. (Nasdaq:PERI: TASE:PERI),

    which markets software and applications, and another is Outbrain Inc., which has developed an

    engine for recommending contents for websites.

    Reliance has an investment fund named GenNext Ventures, which "Bloomberg" has reported

    conducted talks with venture capital funds and private investors in Israel, the US, and the UK in

    order to help Ambani and his company find startups suitable for investment and cooperation.

    According to "Bloomberg", Reliance has $10.6 billion in available cash. In addition to its

    business in the oil and oil refining market, its Reliance Retail subsidiary owns marketing and

    lifestyle chains in India, and plans to enter the online commerce sector.

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