
    A N A R I TA E S TO R N I N H O S I M E S


  • 1I N D E X

    03 | Curriculum vitae


    09 | Religious Centre in the Quarry

    13 | Ecological Park

    19 | Collective Housing

    25 | Firemans House

    33 | Inhabit the Interior of the Block

    39 | Swimming Pools

    51 | Civic Centre

    63 | Dissertation


    67 | Observatorium


    75 | Urban Park

    77 | Literary Cafe

    79 | Extension of a school and cultural institutions


    85 | Photography

    87 | Drawing

    N D I C E

    03 | Curriculum vitae


    09 | Centro Religioso na Pedreira

    13 | Parque Ecolgico

    19 | Habitao Colectiva

    25 | A Casa do Bombeiro

    33 | Habitar o interior de Quarteiro

    39 | Piscinas

    51 | Centro Cvico

    63 | Dissertao de Mestrado


    67 | Observatorium


    75 | Parque Urbano

    77 | Caf Literrio

    79 | Ampliao de uma escola e instalaes culturais


    85 | Fotogra a

    87 | Desenho

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  • 3Name Ana Rita Estorninho Simes

    Address Urb. Barradas, V. M Gertrudes n.14 r/c, Alporchinhos, 8400-450 Lagoa, Portugal

    Phone +351 967611121

    E-mail [email protected] | [email protected]

    Nationality Portuguese

    Day of birth 04/08/86

    Work Experience

    2013 Nov. 01 to 2014 Apr. 30 MGM Morales de Giles Arquitectos SLP E: [email protected] T: +34 954564114

    Professional Internship with Leonardo Da Vinci grant. - Final grade 9/10


    2009-2012 University of Evora (UE)

    Master of Architecture (course nal average grade: 14/20)

    Dissertation Title: Portugal and the Brazilian Model - Architectural Relation between approximation and Contemporaneity. Oscar Niemeyer and Paulo Mendes da Rocha in Portugal (dissertation nal grade: 18/20).

    Presentation and defence of the dissertation at 4 December 2012. Jury: Altino Joo Serra de Magalhes Rocha (Advisor- University of Evora), Maria Marques Calado de Albuquerque Gomes (Examiner - Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University of Lisbon) and Joo Carlos Gromicho Bila e Nasi Pereira (President of the Jury - University of Evora).

    2009-2010 Escuela Tcnica Superior de Arquitectura - University of Granada (UG)

    1st year of the Master of Architecture. ERASMUS Lifelong Learning Programme

    Masters principal subjects Advanced Project (Professor Joo Ventura Trindade - UE) | Research Seminar (Professor Nuno Crespo - UE)Project (Professor Francisco Martinez Manso - UG) | Architectural Restoration (Professors Eduardo Zurita Povedano and Maria Roser Martinez Ramos - UG) | Construction (Professor Milagros Palma Crespo - UG) | Urban History (Juan Calatrava Escobar) Urbanism (Professor ngel Fernndez Avidad - UG)

    2006-2009 University of Evora

    Degree of Architectural Culture (course nal average grade: 14/20)

    Degrees principal subjects Project (Professors Joo Rocha, Pedro Gameiro and So a Aleixo - UE) | Architecture and Technology (Professor Nuno Lopes - UE) | Architecture and Technology (Professor Jos Jlio Correia da Silva - UE) | Architecture and Construction (Professor Antnio Vilhena - UE) | Architecture and Urbanism Development (Professor Joo Belo Rodeia - UE) | 20th Century Architecture (Professor Joo Belo Rodeia - UE) | Landscape Studies (Professors Aurora Carapinha and Nuno Cruz de Carvalho - UE)

    2003-2006 High School at Escola Secundria de Silves

    Course of Visual Arts ( nal average grade: 17,2/20)

    C U R R I C U L U M V I T A E

  • 4Personal skills and competencies

    Mother tongue Portuguese

    Other languagesSelf-assessment

    Understanding Speaking Writing

    European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production

    English C1 pro cientuser

    B2 independentuser

    B2 independentuser

    B2 independentuser

    B2 independentuser

    Spanish C2 pro cientuser

    C2 pro cientuser

    C1 pro cientuser

    C1 pro cientuser

    C1 pro cientuser

    French A2 basicuser

    B2 independentuser

    A2 basicuser

    A2 basicuser

    B1 independentuser

    German A1 basicuser

    A2 basicuser

    A1 basicuser

    A1 basicuser

    A2 basicuser

    (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CECR)

    Certi cates Grantor Date European level

    English Department of Linguistics and Literatures - University of Evora 27/09/2010 B2 independentuser

    Spanish Centro de Lenguas Modernas - Universidad de Granada 11/01/2010 B1.2 independentuser

    Computer skills and competencies

    Autodesk AutoCad 2010 (good), Adobe InDesign CS5 (very good), Adobe Photoshop CS5 (good), Adobe Lightroom 3 (median), Sketchup (basic), VRay for Sketchup (basic), Microsoft Of ce: Word (very good), Powerpoint (very good), Excel (median) and strong knowledge of internet in the eld of optical user.

  • 5Additional Information


    May, 2012 Participation in the OBA Competition (Aurora Borealis Arctic Observatory) organised by Archmedium, through EQUIPO CUNHA/SIMES. The proposed project was included between the nalists of the event. http://www.

    Leading Conferences and Seminaries to the personal progress

    March 26, 2013 Museu Nacional dos Coches building visit, Launching of the 4th edition of Cadernos DObra magazine and Paulo Mendes da Rocha, Ricardo Bak Gordon, Rui Furtado and Nuno Sampaios Conference under the 2nd Estratgia Urbana Anniversary.

    September 16, 2011 Architect Paulo Mendes da Rochas Conference, under Estratgia Urbana programme at MuDE (Museum of Design and Fashion), Lisbon

    November 16, 2011 Kazuyo Sejima Conference with Beatrice Galilee, at Aula Magna, Lisbon

    May 04, 11, 18, 25 and June 15, 2011

    Teses de Arquitectura em Conferncia (Thesis of Architecture in Conference) - Doctoral Degree of Architecture Opening, at Colgio dos Lees, University of Evora

    May 21-22, 2009 International Seminary Tempo na Arquitectura (Time in Architecture), at University of Evora

    September 6, 2009 Peter Zumthor Buildings and Projects 1985-2007, at Aula Magna, Lisbon

    October 29, 2008 Architect Paulo Mendes da Rochas Conference, at Portuguese College of Architects (OA), Lisbon


    January, 2009 Participation in the Exhibition in homage to Architect Nuno Teotnio Pereira, carried out by 3rd grade students of Architecture Course under Project subject, with Professor and Architect So a Aleixo.


    October 29-30, 2010 Photography Workshop - Imagens e Acontecimentos - Implantao da Repblica (Images and Events - Republic Implanting - organised by Eugnio de Almeida Foundation at Evora - with the Professor and Photographer Jos Manuel Rodrigues.

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  • 7A C A D E M I C P R O J E C T S

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  • 9Alentejo terra de campos solitrios e de plancies imen-sas e quentes, cor de carne viva. Percorrendo-o, observa-se o recorte da estrada no horizonte aplanado. Subitamente, entre o montado, a paisagem transforma-se. Visualiza-se um conjunto de cheios e vazios de massa calcria, cortes profundos na terra, crateras esculpidas pelo Homem. O horizonte deixa de ser plano quando se observam as pe-dreiras de mrmore.

    No Alentejo, a extraco do mrmore a actividade mais dinmica e a zona de maior produo Vila Viosa Bor-ba Estremoz.

    R E L I G I O U S C E N T R E I N T H E Q U A R R YC E N T R O R E L I G I O S O N A P E D R E I R A

    P A R D A I S | V I L A V I O S A | P O R T U G A L


    Alentejo is a land of solitary elds, vast and warm low plains, with the colour of esh. Going through it, there is the outline of the road on the at horizon. Suddenly, be-tween the montado, the landscape becomes different. One sees a set of mass and voiding limestone, deep cuts in the land, craters carved by man. The horizon ceases to be at when one looks at the marble quarries.

    In Alentejo the extraction of marble is the most dynamic activity. The zone with the largest production is Vila Viosa Borba Estremoz.

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    A pedreira abandonada junto estrada, de humildes 22 metros de profundidade o local escolhido para o estabe-lecimento do centro religioso que visa servir a populao de Pardais.

    Percebe-se a existncia de um ponto que parece romper o tosco desenho elipsoidal da cratera, um ponto onde possvel captar todo aquele imenso vazio. O gigante blo-co de mrmore, proposto no enunciado da disciplina de projecto, colocado no ponto que parece penetrar no interior da cratera, possibilitando um contacto visual mais abrangente da mesma. O interior do bloco escavado para conter nele os espaos da igreja, do baptistrio e da casa morturia e na sua superfcie esculpem-se as ram-pas que conduzem o usurio aos diferentes espaos. O percurso de rampas esculpidas nas bancadas da pedreira acedem ao cemitrio em lculos talhados no mrmore, acompanhando o desenho das prprias bancadas.

    A entrada para a igreja feita cota 98.5 m, onde se ante-cede o adro orientado a Sudoeste, ou seja, orientado para o montado tpico da regio, existindo assim uma ligao com a natureza fazendo lembrar os adros de in uncia rabe.

    A igreja o elemento central do volume e possui uma rea de 210 m2 e 10 m de p-direito. o espao harmo-nizador entre plos opostos que representam a chegada e a partida. Portanto, no topo do percurso esculpido no bloco, localiza-se o baptistrio e na base, onde o bloco est semi-enterrado encontra-se a casa morturia.


    The abandoned quarry near the road, with a humble 22 meters of depth is the location chosen for the establish-ment of the religious centre that aims to serve the popula-tion of Pardais.

    It is perceivable the existence of a point that seems to break the crude and elliptical drawing of the crater, a point where it is possible to capture all that vast emptiness. The giant block of marble proposed in the project, is placed on the point that seems to penetrate inside the crater, allow-ing a bigger visual connection with it. The interior is exca-vated to contain spaces inside, the church, the baptistery and the mortuary house, and on its surface are sculpted the ramps that lead the user through the different spaces. The ramps carved into the walls of the quarry, design the access to the cemetery that consists of loculi incrusted in the marble, following the drawing of the walls.

    The entrance to the church is made at the height 98.5 m, which precedes the churchyard directed southwest, there-fore, directed to the cork and holm oaks in the region, so there is a connection with nature reminiscent of the squares of Arab in uence.

    The church is the central element of the volume and has an area of 210 m2 and 10 m ceiling height. It is the harmo-nizing space between opposite poles that represent arrival and departure. Therefore, at the top of the route carved from the block is located the baptistery and at the bottom, where the block is underground, is the mortuary house.

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    main roads recent by-pass

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    E C O L O G I C A L P A R KP A R Q U E E C O L G I C O

    E V O R A | P O R T U G A L



    Numa anlise de grupo ao crescimento da cidade conclui--se que a escala da Avenida Tlio Espanca rompe com a linguagem das vias da cidade, deste modo prope-se o corte do trnsito transformando-a numa via pedonal. De-senvolve-se um corredor verde que liga a cidade perifrica cidade tradicional.

    Aproveitando a existncia de duas linhas de gua prxi-mas ao local de interveno escolhido, a gua torna-se es-truturante do parque ecolgico, servindo como elemento de continuidade e ligao aos espaos. Junto das Portas do Raimundo surge um acesso subterrneo, que atravessa a estrutura viria para conduzir ao parque, criando um acesso directo (1). Este acesso feito atravs de escadas a cu aberto, que conduzem num primeiro momento a um caminho onde a luz se vai descobrindo at ao poo de luz, que se re ecte no espelho de gua. A rotunda do Raimundo torna-se assim um desafogo no percurso, onde tambm acolhe exposies. Na continuidade surge uma rampa, que percorre o espao em penumbra, at surgirem focos de luz vindos dos bancos translcidos na superfcie (2). A rampa continua a cu aberto at superfcie onde surge o alinhamento com o percurso de gua. A gua de-senha o percurso de onde se rami cam passadios que conduzem aos diversos programas propostos na integra-o do parque ecolgico, como o parque de merendas (3), o parque infantil, a zona habitacional (4) e as hortas recreativas (4), a estao rodoviria que se prope com um novo desenho (6), a Ermida de So Sebastio (8) e os programas que se introduzem nos moinhos junto da Escola Severim de Faria e do bairro do Gancho (7).

    As habitaes a norte pontuam o terreno perpendicular-mente via, permitindo en amentos visuais para o parque. As habitaes a Sul usufruem de hortas recreativas numa


    On a team analysis of the city growth it is concluded that the scale of Tulio Espanca Avenue breaks the language of the city routes, in this way it is proposed to cut traf c mak-ing it a pedestrian route. It develops a green corridor that connects the peripheral city to the traditional one.

    Leveraging the existence of two water lines near the cho-sen intervention site, the water becomes structural on the ecological park, serving as a continuity and connection ele-ment between spaces. An underground access is created next to the Raimundos Gates, which crosses the road to lead to the park, creating a direct access (1). The ac-cess is made through open stairs, leading at rst to a path where the light is progressively discovered until the light well, which is re ected in the water mirror. The Raimundo roundabout becomes a relief on the course, which also hosts exhibitions. Afterwards comes a ramp that travels over the dimly lit space until lights appear coming through the translucent seats from the surface (2). The ramp re-mains in open air until it touches the water path. The water draws the route where branching walkways lead to differ-ent proposed programs in integration with the ecological park, such as a picnic area (3), a playground, the residential area (4) and recreational gardens (4), the bus station, to which is proposed a new design (6), the So Sebastios Chapel (8) and the programmes which are introduced in the mills near the Severim Faria school and Ganchos neighbourhood (7).

    The residential area, in the north, punctuates the site per-pendicularly to the road, allowing visual openings to the park. The residential area, in the south, has recreation gar-dens in a present ecological perspective relation to the souls place, connected to the old agricultural use of these peripheral grounds.

    vora ergue-se no topo da colina. Ao longo dos tempos expandiu-se extrapolando as suas cercas, surgindo vrios bairros em torno da cidade amuralhada. Contudo, os eixos, j demasiado marcados desde a construo das portas romanas, que ligam aos principais aglomerados ur-banos, continuam, ainda hoje, bem legveis, marcando o radiocentrismo de toda a estrutura da cidade. Esta encon-tra-se actualmente com um centro histrico bem delimi-tado, compactado pelas cercas e uma estrutura viria que acentua esse limite em relao aos diversos bairros.

    Evora stands atop a hill. Throughout the ages, it expanded extrapolating its enclosures, appearing numerous neigh-bourhoods around the walled city. However, the axis, al-ready too visible since the roman city, which connected to the surrounding main urban conglomerates, still, even to-day, clearly legible, marking the radiocentric city structure. The city has now a well-de ned historical centre, com-pacted by the city walls and by a road that emphasizes that limit with the different surrounding neighbourhoods.

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    perspectiva ecolgica actual e em relao com a prpria alma do lugar, ligada ao antigo uso agrcolas destes terre-nos perifricos.

    A proposta cose as duas escolas atravs do novo desenho da rodoviria, onde a uem muitos alunos, atravs da rea-bilitao dos moinhos pr-existentes e do desenho do an- teatro junto da ribeira como espao ldico. A rodoviria passa a de nir uma nova entrada para o parque. A separa-o do uxo de transportes pblicos das entradas e sadas de pessoas feita atravs do eixo central da estrutura, que faz o en amento visual da estrada para o espao verde. O moinho mais prximo da escola converte-se num centro de estudo ambiental que se liga preservao dos ecos-sistemas do parque. Os outros dois moinhos reabilitam-se para receber os programas culturais, o moinho adossado ao bairro converte-se em caf-biblioteca, o outro em es-pao musical.

    Prope-se a recuperao da Ermida de So Sebastio e a abertura da mata ao pblico. Prope-se a extraco de alguns eucaliptos de modo a que o espao se torne mais permevel para o pblico.

    Aps a passagem ladeada pelos dois montes, a gua de-saparece, fazendo uma pausa onde se descobre outro caminho. Surgem pequenos socalcos e a gua reserva-se numa clareira contida num tanque circular, onde as pesso-as podem parar para repousar ou refrescar-se. O outro caminho segue at um lago desenhado para receber a ribeira da Torregela. Neste ponto desenha-se um an te-atro embutido no terreno, orientado para Este. O lago prope uma nova entrada para o parque, desenvolvendo uma continuidade com as escolas Severim de Faria e An-dr Gouveia e o Bairro da Malagueira, sem a interrupo da estrada. Esta entrada vai ao encontro da fonte quatro-centista e ao antigo mercado do gado que se reabilita para funcionar como posto de bicicletas.

    The proposal connects the two schools through the new bus station design, where ood in students, through the preexisting mills rehabilitation and the amphitheatre de-sign near the riverside. The bus station rede nes a new entrance to the park. The transportation uxes separation, differentiating public transports paths from people paths, is possible through the central axis of the park structure, which opens the view to the green space. The schools closer wind mill is turned into an environmental study cen-tre connected to the preservation of the parks ecosys-tems. The other two mills are rehabilitated to receive the cultural programmes. The mill close to the neighbourhood turns into a coffee-library and the other in a musical space.

    It is proposed the So Sebastios Chapel recovery and the opening of the woods to the public. It is proposed the extraction of some eucalyptus in order to turn the wood more open to the public.

    The water disappears after the passage anked by the two hills, , pausing where it discovers another path. Small terraced slopes appear and the water is stored in a cir-cular tank on a glade, where people can stop to rest or freshen up. The other route continues until a lake designed to receive the Torregela stream. On this point an east ori-ented amphitheatre built on the terrain is designed. The lake offers a new entrance to the park, creating continuity with the Severim Faria and Andr Gouveia schools and the Malagueira neighbourhood without breaking off the road. This new entry goes towards to the fteenth century fountain and to the old cattle market, rehabilitated to func-tion as a bike station.

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    C O L L E C T I V E H O U S I N GH A B I T A O C O L E C T I V A

    E V O R A | P O R T U G A L



    Considerando que a avenida Tlio Espanca se transforma em eixo pedonal, conduzido por uma linha de gua, que uni cando duas zonas, cria um limite ao parque ecolgico. Prope-se a implantao do edifcio dentro desses limites. O edifcio, enviesado em relao estrada, permite criar um en amento visual para o parque para quem passa na estrada ou junto a esta e ainda tirar um maior partido da orientao solar. Os acessos virios ao edifcio de habita-o colectiva fazem-se atravs de um troo de estrada a Este, que conduz os utentes directamente s garagens subterrneas, permitindo que o parque se mantenha li-berto dos ainda pouco ecolgicos automveis. O acesso principal ao edifcio feito a Oeste, sem acesso autom-vel, de modo a que as pessoas se mantenham mais ligadas ao parque, tentando promover o conceito de mobilidade saudvel introduzido na sua prpria concepo ecolgica.

    No interior dos mdulos habitacionais cada espao possui um ambiente diferente possibilitado pelos diferentes ma-teriais de revestimento de paredes e soalho. O soalho de ripas de madeira, excepto nas instalaes sanitrias e nas cozinhas, permite atravs da sua textura facilitar a mobili-dade, por exemplo de pessoas invisuais. As paredes tam-bm possuem diferentes texturas, que marcam a transio entre os espaos.

    O edifcio desenvolve-se em quatro pisos, um deles sub-terrneo onde se encontram as garagens. O piso 0, o piso de acesso, constitudo por duas tipologias T2, dois espa-os polivalentes comunitrios e dois espaos exteriores cobertos, os vestbulos. A cada piso superior localizam-se mais duas tipologias T2 e duas tipologias T1. Quanto aos acessos verticais, a opo de utilizao das escadas ou do elevador permite visualizar a paisagem. Durante o percur-so, que contorna os centros vazados do edifcio, que am-pliam o espao interior, a vista orientada a Este e a utili-zao do elevador panormico orienta a vista para Oeste.


    Considering that Tulio Espanca avenue becomes a pedes-trian axis, lead by a water line, which uni es two zones, creating a limit to the ecological park. The building implan-tation is proposed within those limits. The building, rotated relatively to the road, allows the creation of a visual eld to the park for those who pass on or near the road and to take better advantage of the solar orientation. The road ac-cesses to the residential housing are made through an east road section, which leads users directly to underground garages, allowing the park to remain free of the still poorly ecological cars. The building main entrance is located on the west side, without car access, so that people remain more connected to the park, trying to promote the con-cept of healthy mobility introduced in its own ecodesign.

    Inside the housing modules, each space has a different atmosphere made by the different wall and oor coat-ing materials. The wood strips of the oor, except on the toilets and kitchens allows through its texture facilitate mobility, to blind people for example. The walls also have different textures, marking the transition between spaces.

    The building is developed in four levels, one of which underground, where are the garages. The level 0, the ac-cess oor, comprises two typologies T2, two multipurpose community spaces and two covered outer spaces, the halls. At each upper level are located two more typologies T2 and two T1. Regarding the vertical accesses, both of them, stairs and elevators, allow visualizing the landscape. During the route, that surrounds the emptied centres of the build-ing that amplify the interior space, the view is oriented to east and the use of panoramic elevator directs the view to west.

    O projecto de equipa proposto para um parque ecolgico na cidade de vora contm programa para habitao co-lectiva, cuja implantao geral se estudou desenvolvendo--se trs zonas habitacionais. Posteriormente desenvolveu--se individualmente um edifcio implantado numa das zonas propostas, com capacidade para seis tipologias T2 e quatro T1.

    The team project proposed to an ecological park in Evora, contains residential housing program, whose implantation was studied developing three areas. Later, each one devel-oped a building implanted in one of the proposed areas and with the capacity for six typologies T2 and four T1.

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    A implantao dos edifcios surge da leitura do terre-no e de uma analogia ocupao mediterrnica. Assim, procura-se integrar os edifcios nas encostas mais salubres acompanhando o seu declive. Prope-se a diviso do programa em duas zonas distintas: uma zona de trabalho constituda pelo quartel de bombeiros e pelo respectivo ancoradouro e uma zona mais familiar, constituda pelos edifcios de habitao colectiva, do lar e da creche.

    Mantm-se os caminhos pr-existentes e o acesso que conduzia antiga Aldeia da Luz ganha um novo dina-mismo, passando a ligar Mouro ao conjunto A Casa do Bombeiro.

    Entre os dois cumes de cota 175, prope-se um novo tro-o da estrada, bifurcando a antiga via em dois acessos que conduzem s diferentes zonas. O quartel de bombeiros implanta-se na cota mxima 166 do cabeo mais prximo da via e assim anuncia a chegada ao conjunto, privilegiando do fcil acesso estrada que conduz a Mouro. Visando a vertente nutica do quartel, prope-se uma ligao do mesmo gua, onde se encontra o ancoradouro e um anexo de apoio aos treinos aquticos. Seguindo o mes-mo raciocnio de implantao, desenham-se os edifcios da creche e do lar no topo de outro cabeo e na vertente Sul da mesma encosta a habitao colectiva, que acompanha suavemente o declive do terreno. Fazendo uma ligao entre as duas zonas prope-se o desenho de um espao polivalente moldado no prprio terreno, que visa a rea-lizao de eventos promovendo o contacto social. Este espao encontra-se a uma cota intermdia entre os dois cabeos privilegiando de uma vista panormica sobre a envolvente.

    F I R E M A N S H O U S EA C A S A D O B O M B E I R O

    M O U R O | P O R T U G A L



    The implantation of the building comes from the territory interpretation and from an analogy to the Mediterranean occupation. Thus, it tries to integrate the buildings in the most salubrious slopes. It proposes to split the program into two distinct areas: a work area made by the re sta-tion and by its dock and a more familial area, formed by residential buildings, geriatric home and nursery.

    The preexisting pathways and the access that led to the old Aldeia da Luz are maintained, gaining a new dynamism, con-necting Mouro to the The Firemans House complex.

    Between the two hilltops at height 175m, it proposes a new stretch of the old road bifurcating it into two accesses leading to different areas. The re station is implanted at the higher height (166) of the nearest hill to the road and thus, announces the arrival to the complex, focusing the easy access to the road that leads to Mouro. Regarding the nautical aspect of the headquarters; it proposes a link to the water, where the anchorage and aquatic training support house are. Following the same implantation idea, the buildings, nursery and geriatric home, are designed on the top of another hill, and on the south slope is im-planted the housing, that accompanies gently the terrain slope. Making a connection between the two areas a mul-tipurpose space shaped on the terrain is proposed, which aims to hold events promoting social contact. This space is placed at an intermediate elevation between the two hilltops emphasizing the panoramic view of the landscape.

    A estrada que ligava Vila de Mouro antiga Aldeia da Luz, que cou submersa, actualmente uma linha pouco sinuosa, que galgando a paisagem suavemente ondulada, desvanece no grande lado, o Alqueva.

    O exerccio A Casa do Bombeiro prope a implantao, neste territrio, de um quartel de bombeiros, habitao colectiva (10 fogos T2), um lar com capacidade para 20 idosos e uma creche com capacidade para 25 crianas.

    The road that connected Mouro Village to the old Aldeia da Luz, that was submerged, is now a meandering line that climbs the gentle rolling landscape until fading in the big lake, the Alqueva.

    The exercise The Firemans House proposes the implan-tation, in this territory, of a re station, housing program (10 apartments T2), a geriatric home for up to 20 elderly and a nursery with capacity for 25 children.

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    Lar e creche resultam da relao harmnica entre os di-ferentes espaos verdes, onde as duas geraes vivem e convivem num ambiente bastante familiar.

    A chegada ao lar anunciada por elementos de ao cor-ten que ltram os raios solares e abrigam a entrada. Estes elementos dispostos vertical ou horizontalmente marcam diversos espaos quer no exterior, funcionando como elementos de sombreamento, quer no interior formando paramentos e dando ritmo s passagens entre as zonas comuns e as zonas mais ntimas. Os quartos privilegiam da melhor orientao solar e das vistas para o grande lago e para o vale. As salas comuns e o programa mais tcnico orientam-se para o interior do recinto que se desenvol-ve atravs da relao de ambos os edifcios. Na creche existe uma clara diviso programtica entre as zonas para as crianas e as zonas de funcionrios/as e administrativa.

    Os espaos verdes so de grande importncia nestas tipo-logias, promovendo o saudvel contacto com a natureza. Os recintos exteriores formados entre a creche e o lar permitem uma multiplicidade de actividades, quer para o recreio das crianas, quer para as actividades ao ar livre para os idosos. Estes permitem, tambm, um contacto mais prximo entre as duas geraes.


    The geriatric home and nursery result of the harmonious relation between different green spaces, where the two generations live in a very familial atmosphere.

    The arrival to the geriatric home is announced by Corten steel elements that lter sunlight and shelter the entrance. These elements arranged vertical or horizontally char-acterize different spaces, outdoor, functioning as shading elements, or within forming walls and giving rhythm to the passages between common and the intimate areas. The rooms enjoy better solar orientation and views to the large lake and valley. The common rooms and techni-cal program are oriented to the interior of the enclosure, which develops through the relation of both buildings. In the nursery there is a clear division between the program-matic areas for children and areas of staff and administration.

    Green spaces are extremely important in these typologies, promoting the healthy contact with nature. The outdoor enclosures formed between the nursery and the geriatric home allow a multitude of activities, whether for recrea-tion of children, whether for outdoor activities for the el-derly. They also allow a close contact between the two generations.

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    O povo de cultura mediterrnica tem como referncia o modo de implantar as habitaes no cimo ou nas ver-tentes dos montes, procurando tirar partido das zonas mais salubres. Assim, a habitao colectiva implanta-se na vertente da encosta, acompanhando o seu declive, e divide-se em duas bandas. Atravs das diferentes cotas de acesso possvel a criao de momentos distintos, uma galeria de acesso adjacente ao terreno, a habitao, que se dispe em espelho permitindo uma fachada ritmada e os logradouros, que se apresentam como transio do espao verde natural para o espao habitado, esbatendo o seu contraste.

    Quando se entra no interior da habitao, comunica-se directamente com a sala com um p-direito de 4 metros. A descida para a sala feita pelos patamares e degraus revestidos de xisto, sendo este o elemento negro que se destaca da brancura das restantes paredes. Trata-se de um buscar do exterior para o interior, ou seja, trazer um ele-mento que abunda na envolvente para o abrigo da habita-o, tornando-o um elemento de evidncia.


    The people with Mediterranean culture have as a refer-ence the way of implementing the houses perched on the slopes or hills, looking to take advantage of the areas most salubrious. Thus, the collective housing is implanted in the side of the hill, following its slope, and is divided into two bands. Through the different heights of access is possible to create different moments, an access gallery adjacent to the terrain, the housing, which features as a mirror allow-ing a rhythmic faade and common grounds, which are presented as a transition between the natural green space and the living space, blurring its contrast.

    When one enters inside the house, one encounters the living room with a ceiling height of 4 meters. The descent to the living room is made by landings and stairs covered with schist, which is the black element that stands out of the whiteness of the remaining walls. The idea is to bring the outside in, i.e., grabbing an element that exists naturally in the environment and taking it into the houses, making it an highlighted element.

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    I N H A B I T T H E I N T E R I O R O F T H E B L O C KH A B I T A R O I N T E R I O R D E Q U A R T E I R O

    L I S B O A | P O R T U G A L



    A escolha do interior de quarteiro, de nido pela Rua da Escola Politcnica a Este, a Rua de So Bento a Oeste e o Largo do Rato a Norte, teve-se em ateno a possibilida-de de se resolverem algumas carncias do ponto de vista urbanstico. As frentes que de nem o quarteiro apresen-tam, em pontos espec cos, lacunas na sua unidade. Na frente para a Rua da Escola Politcnica permanece a fa-chada de um edifcio demolido entre a antiga Real Fbrica das Sedas e o Palcio das Alagoas. Orientado para a Rua de So Bento, o Largo Hintze Ribeiro um local descarac-terizado pontuado por trs Figueiras-da-baa-de-moreton. Pretende-se ainda criar uma ligao entre o exterior e o interior do quarteiro, criando atravessamentos atravs do conjunto proposto.

    Na proximidade do quarteiro, subindo pelo Largo do Rato, encontra-se a Me dgua das Amoreiras, reservat-rio do Aqueduto das guas Livres construdo entre 1732 e 1834. O edifcio adossa-se ao aqueduto e a partir deste ponto bifurcam-se troos subterrneos que fazem a distri-buio da gua zona do Chiado e at Esperana.

    Em analogia ao Aqueduto, estrutura linear que distribui a gua em diversos pontos da cidade e que in uenciou a sua organizao urbana, prope-se um edifcio que organize o interior do quarteiro, com um volume linear que marca a distribuio de pessoas atravs do mesmo. Transforma--se o interior do quarteiro num espao mais pblico e resolvem-se as ligaes entre trs pontos de chegada. Ao mesmo tempo, o volume remata pontos mais descaracte-rizados do interior, como as fachadas traseiras dos edifcios


    The selection of the inner block, limited on the east side by the Escola Politcnicas street, westward by So Bentos street and northward by Ratos Square, had in mind the possibility to solve some urban de ciencies. The faades that de ne the present block, in speci c points, have gaps in their unit. In the Escola Politcnica street remains the faade of a demolished building between the old Real Silk Factory and the Palace of Alagoas. Oriented to the So Bentos street, Hintze Ribeiros Square is a characterless place punctuated by three Moreton Bay Fig trees, whose crowns cover almost the entire square. It is also intended to create a link between the exterior and interior of the block, creating crossings through the proposed complex.

    In the proximity of the block, continuing up through Ratos square, is located the Me dgua of Amoreiras, guas Livres Aqueducts reservoir built between 1732 and 1834. The building abuts the aqueduct and from this point bi-furcates into underground sections that make the water distribution to the Chiado and to Esperana areas.

    In analogy to the Aqueducts linear structure that distrib-utes the water at different points of the city, in uencing its urban organization, a building is proposed to organize the inside of the block, with a linear volume that marks the distribution of people through it. It becomes a pub-lic space and determines the links between three arrival points. Simultaneously, the volume resolves more unchar-acterized points inside, as the rear faades of So Bentos Street buildings and the Escola Politcnica Street entrance. This meandering volume contains the geriatric housing

    O objectivo deste trabalho criar um espao para idosos que queiram viver em comunidade, uma comunidade di-nmica que fornea actividades, emoo e ligao entre o habitante idoso e a comunidade envolvente. Na seleco do local deve entender-se como a comunidade envolven-te urbana interage com o projeto que se prope. O pro-jecto deve ser de nido por um conceito arquitectnico que incorpore espaos inter-geracionais, espaos comuni-trios e habitao geritrica num conjunto dinmico. Deve escolher-se uma envolvente urbana, que inclua diversas comodidades aos residentes idosos, como pequeno co-mrcio, mercearia, estabelecimentos de sade e bem--estar, espaos verdes, oportunidades educacionais e de voluntariado, para alm de outras tipologias de habitao. A acessibilidade tambm uma caracterstica importante na seleco do local.

    The purpose of this work is to create a space for seniors who want to live in community, a community that pro-vides dynamic activities, emotion and bonds between the dweller and surrounding community. In the selection of the site it is important to understand how the surrounding urban community interacts with the proposed project. The project should be de ned by an architectural concept that incorporates intergenerational spaces, community spaces and geriatric residential in a dynamic set. An urban envi-ronment was chosen, which included several amenities for the elderly residents such as small shops, groceries, health care facilities and wellness, green spaces, educational and volunteer opportunities, as well as other housing typolo-gies. Accessibility is also an important characteristic in se-lecting the location.

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    Estrela Garden

    Botanical Garden

    Prncipe Real


    Me dgua Reservoir

    Amoreiras Garden

    Rato Square

    Faculty of Sciences

    Proximity of social, cultural and educational facilities and places of worship: Mestre Joo da Silva House-museum; Cornucopia Theatre; Portuguese Association of Disable People; Universidade Aberta; So Mamede Church; Faculty of Sciences; Botanical

    Garden of the University of Lisbon.

    Proximity of services: Public Security Police (PSP); Portuguese Postal Service (CTT); Directorate-General for social security regime; Directorate-General for Justice.

    Public transport network: urban bus network; subway network (yellow line)

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    program and is based on a succession of platforms that contain the community program. Through the platform, it determines the crossing between Hintze Ribeiro Square, at height 57, and the access height through Escola Politc-nica and Tenente Ral Cascais Streets, at height 65. There is now a framing of the trees of the Square and a revitali-zation of public and commercial space of the preexisting buildings through the creation of small-scale retail to the community. The slab platform on the community program functions as a leisure garden for residents and users.

    da Rua de So Bento e a entrada na Rua da Escola Poli-tcnica. Este volume serpenteante contm programa das residncias geritricas e assenta sobre uma sucesso de plataformas que contm o programa comunitrio. Atravs das plataformas resolve-se o atravessamento entre o Lar-go Hintze Ribeiro, cota 57, e a cota de acesso pela Rua da Escola Politcnica e a Rua Tenente Ral Cascais, cota 65. Passa a existir um enquadramento das rvores do Lar-go e uma revitalizao dos espaos pblico e do espao comercial dos edifcios pr-existentes atravs da criao de espaos de pequeno comrcio para a comunidade. A plataforma que assenta sobre o programa comunitrio funciona como uma cobertura ajardinada, para o recreio de residentes e utentes.

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    S W I M M I N G P O O L SP I S C I N A S

    G R A N A D A | S P A I N


    The proposed program is located in the Fuente Nueva University Campus, which is a transition zone from the city centre to an area of weak urban planning and of many buildings without architectural value.

    The site for the new pool facilities is located on the north of the campus and along the Paseo Professor Juan Osorio that crosses it.

    The Paseo is a green corridor, used not only by mem-bers of the campus facilities, but also by people practicing sports, walking their pets or simply resting under the trees.

    To the North, in an area rear to the campus, the future installations of the RENFE railway station and a new road are expected, thus becoming a new front for the city.

    The current ow of people that is mainly done by the eastern entrance will also be done in the North-South direction too, coming from the new lane.

    The University Campus Fuente Nueva is an area quite permeable to people access. All accesses have the pres-ence of trees, mainly the big axis that crosses it, where trees are denser. Its a nice area, however, there is no har-mony between the built volumetric.

    O programa proposto localiza-se no Campus universitrio Fuente Nueva, que se trata de uma zona de transio en-tre o centro e uma zona cujo planeamento urbanstico mais dbil, com vrias construes sem valor arquitectnico.

    O local de implantao das novas instalaes para a Pis-cina encontra-se a Norte do campus e junto do Paseo Profesor Juan Osorio que o cruza.

    O Paseo um corredor verde, que para alm de ser vi-vido pelos utentes dos diversos equipamentos do campus, tambm uma zona de passagem para outras pessoas que pretendem atravessar o campus, praticar desporto, passear os seus animais de estimao ou simplesmente descansar sombra das suas rvores.

    A Norte, numa zona traseira ao campus, prevem-se as futuras instalaes da Estao Ferroviria RENFE e uma nova estrada, passando a ser uma nova frente da cidade.

    Os uxos de pessoas que actualmente se fazem, sobre-tudo, pela entrada Este, passaram a fazer-se tambm no sentido Norte-Sul atravs da nova via de circulao.

    O Campus universitrio Fuente Nueva uma zona bas-tante permevel. Todos os acessos esto pontuados por rvores, sobretudo, o grande eixo que o atravessa, onde so mais densas. Trata-se de uma zona agradvel, contudo, no existe uma harmonia ao nvel da volumetria dos edi-fcios existentes.

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    ro O




    La Constitucin Avenue








    01 Fuente Nueva Park 02 Train Station 03 Rugby Facilities 04 Current Swimming Pool Facilities of the University Campus 05 Paseo Profesor Juan Osorio

    06 Faculty of Civil Engineering 07 Basilica of Juan de Dios

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    The proposal is based on a very strong space occupation concept. The building assumes a horizontal form. It is like a thin box that sits on the site. Thus, seen from the side, its volumetry is diluted in the trees.

    Regarding that at the northern end of the site a new road will rise connecting the new railway station, it is necessary to be aware that this area will earn another dynamism, becoming a new city front. Therefore, the building implan-tation is backed away, leaving space for a large passage.

    The building consists of two oors, one of which is un-derground

    The roof and wooden slats cladding around the perimeter evoke an extreme lightness. The building seems to oat because its support walls are hidden and the slats do not touch the ground.

    The aperture in the eastern faade is the entrance over-looking the trees that arises in the rugby eld. This new green space connects the Campus to the northern Park through an ecological path.


    A proposta passa por uma ocupao muito marcada pelo espao. O edifcio assume uma forma bastante horizontal, como um estojo que ca suspenso sobre o lote. Assim, o que se v desde o Paseo uma volumetria longitudinal diluda entre as rvores.

    Como a Norte do lote surgir uma nova via automvel, que ligar nova estao ferroviria, necessrio ter cons-cincia de que a zona ganhar outra dinmica, tornando-se uma nova frente para a cidade. Deste modo, a implantao do edifcio recuado em relao futura via, deixando um amplo espao para uma zona de passo.

    O edifcio composto por dois pisos, dos quais um en-terrado.

    A cobertura e o revestimento de madeira que cobre todo o permetro evocam uma grande ligeireza. O edifcio pare-ce utuar, pois os muros de apoio encontram-se ocultos e o revestimento no chega a tocar o cho.

    A abertura na fachada Este a entrada que se orienta para o conjunto arbreo que surge no espao do campo de rugby. Este novo espao verde permite ligar o campus com o Parque a Norte atravs de um percurso ecolgico.

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    C I V I C C E N T R EC E N T R O C V I C O

    M O T R I L | S P A I N



    When arriving to the Civic Centre, the rst perception is the building perpendicular to the street. Through that perpendicularity the elevated building designs a space that welcomes visitors arrival. The sea views are, at that time, still ltered by small trees southward, guiding the visitor to the stairway of the plaza, or to the vertical accesses. The stairs to the upper oor are within their own supports, which have punctuated openings for natural lighting. The elevator is in the arrival area, next to the trees. It separates departs from the building to be assumed as a solid verti-cal volume.

    The lower oor is at the same level of the plaza, privileg-ing a strong relation of proximity to the water surface. At the same time it de nes the plaza, is oriented towards it and the sea. The nursery is proposed in this oor, thinking about the possibility that children have more contact with the nautical activity and outdoor activities. On the upper oor, one can go through the outside path along the west faade under the canopy, reaching the southern terrace space over the sea. From the lobby, circulation of the inte-rior spaces is very uid, these have versatile features and communicate among themselves, except the restaurant area, that is intended as more controlled. The spaces have natural light, quite controllable through mobile enclosing elements of the western faade and skylights.


    Quando se chega at ao Centro Cvico, a primeira per-cepo a do edifcio perpendicular rua. Atravs dessa perpendicularidade o edifcio suspenso desenha um es-pao de chegada que acolhe os visitantes. As vistas para o mar, nesse momento, so ainda ltradas por rvores de pequeno porte a Sul, orientando o visitante para a escada-ria da praa ou para um dos acessos verticais. As escadas de acesso ao piso superior encontram-se no interior dos prprios apoios, que tm aberturas pontuais para ilumi-nao natural. O elevador est na zona de chegada, junto s rvores. Este afasta-se do edifcio para assumir-se como um volume macio.

    A planta inferior encontra-se mesma cota que a praa, privilegiando de uma forte relao de proximidade com a lmina de gua. Ao mesmo tempo que de ne a praa, orienta-se para esta e para o mar. Prope-se que o in-fantrio esteja neste piso, pensando na possibilidade das crianas contactarem com a actividade nutica e outras ao ar livre. No piso superior permite-se um percurso exterior coberto junto da fachada Oeste at zona Sul, um espao de esplanada sobre o mar. Desde o vestbulo, a circulao pelos espaos interiores bastante uda e estes apre-sentam caractersticas polivalentes, comunicando entre si, excepto a zona de restaurante, que se pretende mais controlada. Os espaos possuem iluminao natural, bas-tante controlvel atravs de elementos de sombreamento mveis na fachada, e de lanternins.

    O porto de Motril um porto cujo desenho resultou da necessidade, onde surgiram algumas construes ob-soletas. Actualmente, tem a funo de molhe industrial e desportivo. O projecto de um Centro Cvico para o lote tem como objectivo harmonizar aquela rea atravs do seu desenho e de espao pblico.

    Motrils port design has been the result of necessity, where some obsolete buildings have arisen. Currently, it serves the functions of industrial dock and marina. The two activi-ties operate simultaneously. The project of a Civic Centre for the site is intended to harmonize the local through its design and public space.

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    pormenor do corte AA

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    D I S S E R T A T I O ND I S S E R T A O D E M E S T R A D O



    GRADE: 18/20


    Oscar niemeyer e Paulo Mendes da Rocha em Portugal

    Apresentada e defendida no dia 4 de Dezembro de 2012, a dissertao foi avaliada pelo jri composto por Altino Joo Serra de Magalhes Rocha (Orientador - Universi-dade de vora), Maria Marques Calado de Albuquerque Gomes (Arguente - Faculdade de arquitectura - Univer-sidade Tcnica de Lisboa) e Joo Carlos Gromicho Bila e Nasi Pereira (Presidente do jri - Universidade de vora).


    A dissertao prope-se a compreender qual o panorama arquitectnico em que se enquadram as duas obras de Oscar Niemeyer e Paulo Mendes da Rocha em Portugal, respectivamente o Casino Park Hotel (1966-1976/79) e o novo Museu Nacional dos Coches (2008 - em constru-o). A distncia cronolgica de cerca de quatro dcadas entre a realizao dos projectos, as nicas obras constru-das de dois grandes arquitectos brasileiros no pas, conduz a algumas questes s quais se pretende obter resposta com o desenvolvimento do trabalho. Porqu que entre a sua execuo decorre esse largo espao de tempo? Quais os motivos que conduzem ao hiato? Como se de nia o panorama arquitectnico portugus durante a realizao dos dois projectos? Qual o contributo dessas obras? Em que pontos se aproximam? O estudo foca assim sobre a relao da arquitectura moderna brasileira e o seu con-tributo para a arquitectura portuguesa e as causas que conduzem ao desaparecimento dessa aproximao, assim como a conjuntura da arquitectura moderna brasileira.


    Oscar Niemeyer and Paulo Mendes da Rocha in Portugal

    The dissertations presentation and defence, at 4 Decem-ber 2012, was evaluated by the jury composed by Altino Joo Serra de Magalhes Rocha (Advisor- University of Evora), Maria Marques Calado de Albuquerque Gomes (Examiner - Faculty of Architecture - Technical University of Lisbon) and Joo Carlos Gromicho Bila e Nasi Pereira (President of the Jury - University of Evora).


    The paper proposes to understand what is the architec-tonic panorama in which the two works of Oscar Niemey-er and Paulo Mendes da Rocha in Portugal t, respectively Casino Park Hotel (1966-1976/79) and the new National Coach Museum (2008 - under construction). The chrono-logical distance of about four decades between the pro-jects completion, the only constructed works of two great Brazilian architects in the country, leads to some questions to which the paper intends to respond. Why between its executions, elapses that large time? What are the reasons that lead to the gap? How was the Portuguese architec-tonic panorama de ned during the two projects accom-plishment? What is the contribution of these works? On what points they draw near each other? The study focuses on the relation of modern Brazilian architecture, its con-tribution to Portuguese architecture and the causes that lead to the disappearance of this approach, as well as the conjuncture of modern Brazilian architecture.

  • C O M P E T I T I O N

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    O B S E R V A T O R I U M

    O U N A S V A A R A | F I N L A N D



    The proposal intends to establish a deeply bounded re-lation with the site, incorporating it in the project, so as to make the experience of dwelling in the project cor-respond with the experience of dwelling in this territory. The building was thought as a route, a new path through the forest. The hotel creates a new inhabited link between the north and south slope of the hill. The ideas of Ter-ritory building - Route architecture are the fundamental premises of this project. Being the contemplation of the Aurora Borealis the motif for the hotel, the building/route is de ned by a long and narrow platform, which gives the project formal continuity and at the same time structures the space of the observatory. The observatory stretches through the entire project, creating more humanized out-door spaces that receive the forest, allowing its continuity. This space is conceived not only for the guests of the hotel but also for the inhabitants and visitors of Rovaniemi.

    The platform, de ned by a stone wall that binds the entire project sprouts from the terrain and integrates the pub-lic spaces (restaurant, planetarium and saunas) which are excavated spaces that pretend a dwelling strongly bonded with the topography, assuming the territory as the body of the hotel. The platform isnt wanted as a barrier, so it has several transition points that link the two heights of the platform assuring the forest continuity and making the project simply existing inside the forest without causing any scission. Small courtyards of access to the towers are carved on the platform where the rooms are located. The solution of the tower establishes the transition between the soil and the top of the trees, allowing an amazing view over the exuberant forest around and marking the visual relation between the project and Rovaniemi.


    A proposta pretende estabelecer uma profunda relao com o lugar, incorporando-o no projeto e, assim, relacio-nar a experincia de habitar o projecto com a experincia de habitar este territrio. O edifcio foi pensado como uma rota, um novo caminho atravs da oresta. O hotel cria um novo percurso habitado entre o Norte e o Sul da encosta da colina. As ideias de Edifcio territrio rota arquitectural so as premissas fundamentais do projeto. Sendo a contemplao das auroras boreais o motivo para o hotel, o edifcio/rota de nido por uma plataforma lon-ga e estreita, que d ao projecto continuidade formal e, ao mesmo tempo, estrutura o espao do observatrio. Este estende-se atravs de todo o projeto, criando mais espaos humanizados exteriores que recebem a oresta, permitindo a sua continuidade. Este espao concebido no apenas para os hspedes do hotel, mas tambm para os habitantes e visitantes de Rovaniemi.

    A plataforma, de nida por um muro de pedra que liga todos os pontos do projeto, integra os espaos pblicos (restaurante, planetrio e saunas), que so espaos esca-vados, criando uma forma de habitar fortemente aliada topogra a, assumindo o territrio como o corpo do hotel. No se pretende que a plataforma seja uma barreira, por-tanto tem vrios pontos de transio que ligam as duas cotas da plataforma para assegurar a continuidade da o-resta e para que o projeto se desenvolva no seu interior sem causar qualquer corte com esta. Na plataforma so esculpidos pequenos ptios de acesso s torres onde es-to localizados os quartos. A soluo em torre estabelece a transio entre o solo e a o topo das rvores, permitin-do uma vista incrvel para a exuberante oresta envolven-te marcando a relao visual entre o projeto e Rovaniemi.

    Onde os dois rios Kemi e Ounas se encontram, emerge a colina Ounasvaara, na margem oposta do rio Kemi em relao a Rovaniemi. Este um lugar especial no territrio, porque constitui um ponto elevado numa regio predo-minantemente plana. A partir desta oresta h um amplo domnio visual que torna este um espao privilegiado. Esta regio do planeta tambm o lugar onde ocorre um dos fenmenos mais belos da natureza, as Auroras Boreais. A possibilidade de projetar um hotel no interior da oresta com o propsito de criar um espao de observao das Auroras Boreais constitui uma oportunidade de pensar uma forma de habitar que nos aproxime da natureza.

    Where the two rivers Kemi and Ounas meet themselves emerges the Ounasvaara Hill on the opposite shore of the river Kemi with relation to Rovaniemi. This is a special place in the territory because it constitutes a point of el-evation on a predominantly at region. From these woods there is a wide visual dominion that makes this a privileged space. This region of the planet is also the place where one of the most beautiful phenomenon of nature occurs, the Aurora Borealis. The possibility of designing a hotel in the interior of the forest with the purpose of creating an observation space of the Aurora Borealis constitutes an opportunity of thinking a form of inhabiting that brings us closer to nature.

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    transition points

    observatory +

    Observatory Platform Topographical Design+ Forest Continuity

    Public Program Visual Relations

    aurora borealis

    rovaniemi andriver kemi

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    contemplation space


    living room

    entrance hall

    Section B _ Planetarium Section C _ SaunasSection A _ Restaurant

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    0 5 25




  • P R O F E S S I O N A L I N T E R N S H I P

    A T M G M A R Q U I T E C T O S

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    U R B A N P A R K P A R Q U E U R B A N O

    S E V I L L E | S P A I N


    Parque Urbano assim o nome do projecto que reabilita o claustro e o jardim do antigo convento Santa Mara de los Reyes em Sevilha. O atelier MGM Arquitectos venceu no ano 2004 o concurso de ideias para a sede do Centro de Documentao e Difuso da Arquitectura e da Enge-nharia Civil de Andaluzia, reabilitando este edifcio. Depois de vrios anos de espera, foram realizadas diversas altera-es ao projecto inicial, sobretudo no desenho dos seus vazios.

    O espao ajardinado possui uma grande qualidade espa-cial, oculto dentro do centro histrico de Sevilha. Funciona como uma bolsa de ar no que a compacta construo da cidade. Esta bolsa con gura-se pelas traseiras do antigo convento, pelo ptio do claustro e pelo jardim - espaos que se conectam.

    Na zona das antigas celas, hoje em runas, e respectivo jardim, os arquitectos desenham um banco que percorre o espao e guia o visitante, sem tornar este um percurso impositivo.

    O projecto do parque urbano vinha a ser desenvolvido no momento em que integrei a equipa de arquitectos como estagiria. Coube-me inicialmente a tarefa de desenhar a estereotomia do pavimento do claustro e do acesso ao jardim. E mais tarde a de auxiliar em pequenos pormeno-res relativos organizao, apresentao e cumprimento de normativas de mobilidade. Assim como a realizao da maquete nal do projecto em colaborao com os ou-tros colaboradores.

    Urban Park is the name of the project that rehabilitates the cloister and the garden of the old convent Santa Mara de los Reyes in Seville, The MGM Architects studio won at 2004 the competition of ideas to the headquarter of the Centre of Documentation and Diffusion of Architecture and Civil Engineering of Andalusia, rehabilitating this build-ing. After several years of waiting, were made many chang-es to the initial project, mainly in the draw of its empties.

    The garden has a great spacial quality, hidden inside the historical centre of Seville. It functions has a bubble in the compact construction of the city. This bubble is con gured through the back of the old convent, through the patio of the cloister and through the garden - spaces connected together.

    In the old cells zone, today in ruins, and the garden, the architects draw a bench that ranges through the space and guides the visitor, without impose this path.

    The urban park project is being developed at the moment that I integrate the team of architects as intern. It was given to me the task of drawing the stereotomy of the cloister and the garden access pavement. And later the task of as-sisting in small details related to the organization, presenta-tion and mobility speci cations accomplishment. Such as the nal model elaboration with the other collaborators.

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    L I T E R A R Y C A F E C A F L I T E R R I O

    S E V I L L E | S P A I N


    O projecto do Caf Literrio remata a proposta do Par-que Urbano no antigo convento de Santa Mara de los Reyes.

    Trata-se de uma proposta onde se pretende reaproveitar os tijolos das antigas celas em runa, colocados de forma a que todo o edifcio funcione como um brise-soleil, criando um bonito efeito de entrada de luz no seu interior.

    Este trata-se de outro projecto j iniciado, ao qual me dediquei na elaborao de maquetes de estudo, na ex-perincia de novas propores do edifcio e respectiva maquete nal.

    The Literacy Cafe project tops the Urban Park propose in the old convent Santa Mara de los Reyes.

    It is a propose where the intention is to reuse the bricks of the old cells in ruin, placed in a way that all the building function as a brise-soleil, making a beautiful light effect in its interior.

    This is another project already initiated, which I dedicate myself in the models elaboration and in the experience of new proportions of the building and its nal model.

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    E X T E N S I O N O F A S C H O O L A N D C U L T U R A L I N S T I T U T I O N SA M P L I A O D E U M A E S C O L A E I N S T A L A E S C U L T U R A I S

    N E U T R A U B L I N G | G E R M A N Y


    O projecto de ampliao da escola em Neutraubling fruto de um concurso internacional restrito. O edifcio existente, representado de um tom mais amarelado na maquete, uma escola primria e respectivo pavilho desportivo. O programa da ampliao constitudo por salas de aula de jardim de infncia, escola de msica, teatro, cantina e biblioteca.

    A envolvente urbana do quarteiro onde se actua carac-teriza-se pela sua organizao tipo cidade-jardim: ruas arborizadas e estreita relao entre as habitaes e os espaos ajardinados. Seguindo a inteno de manter esta relao, os arquitectos propem um edifcio que comu-nique tambm com os espaos verdes. Assim a proposta do atelier passa por distribuir o programa em diferentes pavilhes, uns mais opacos com vos longitudinais outros mais transparentes atravs do desenho de vigas de gran-de canto espaadas entre si que tambm cobrem todo o espao de ligao. Este espao tambm um espao de relao a que os arquitectos chamavam de grande rua, funcionando como uma rua que comunicasse os pavi-lhes, onde alunos e professores circulassem e onde se promovesse o encontro. Este espao pretende-se lumi-noso e com uma continuidade visual em relao a todo o projecto caracterizado pelas vigas.

    The extension of the school in Neutraubling is due to a restricted international competition. The existent building, represented in a yellowish colour in the model, is a prima-ry school and its porting pavilion. The extension program consists of class rooms of the kindergarten, music facilities, theatre, canteen and library.

    The blocks urban surrounding where the intervention is taken is characterized by its garden city organization type: tree-lined streets and closed relation between the houses and the garden spaces. Following the intention of preserve this relation, the architects propose a building that also communicates with the green spaces. Thereby the studio propose is to distribute the programme in different pavilions, some more opaque with longitudinal openings, some more transparent through the spaced thick beans that cover all the linking space. This space is also a space of relation that the architects called the big street functioning as a street that connects the pavil-ions, where students and professors ows and where the meeting is promoted. It is intended a luminous space with a visual continuity with all the project characterized by the beans.

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  • H O B B I E S

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    P H O T O G R A P H YF O T O G R A F I A


    O trabalho nal de Fotogra a apresenta como objectivo a produo de um dirio atravs da associao de ideias (imagens) abstractas com o concreto eu, como um re-gisto visual do espelho de ns prprios e o sentir em rela-o ao acaso encontrado.

    Aqui apresenta-se a seleco de algumas fotogra as que componham O dirio.

    The Photographys nal work presents as its objective the production of a diary through the association of abstract ideas (images) with the real me, as a visual record of the mirror of ourselves and the feeling about the found chance.

    Here it presents the selection of some photographs, which compose The diary.

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    2 31

    1 Santo Anto Church - Giraldo (Evora) - graphite (2007) 2 Giraldos Square fountain (Evora) - graphite (2007) 3 Giraldos Square Arcade - graphite (2007)

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    D R A W I N GD E S E N H O

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    4 5 6 7


    4 Still life - Indian ink (2004) 5-11 Still life - ink (2005)

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    1 Grandparents - graphite (2004) 2 Self-portrait - graphite (2004)


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    53 4

    3 Portrait - graphite (2005) 4 Self-portrait - graphite (2009) 5 Un nished portrait - sepia (2008)

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