Page 1: Possibilities Achieved – “Unifying Campus Community and Services” Presenters: Gary Ham, Chief Information Officer, SunGard/Collegis Janice Forsstrom, VP

Possibilities Achieved – “Unifying Campus Community and Services”


Gary Ham, Chief Information Officer, SunGard/Collegis Janice Forsstrom, VP Admin & Finance, North Shore Community College

Page 2: Possibilities Achieved – “Unifying Campus Community and Services” Presenters: Gary Ham, Chief Information Officer, SunGard/Collegis Janice Forsstrom, VP


Purpose of this Presentation:

To share four years’ experience in developing and extending services through an integrated Campus Portal (Luminis), particularly services that NSCC integrated to provide overall community value and return on investment.

Our unified digital campus is delivering improved accessibility, customer service, and community.

Page 3: Possibilities Achieved – “Unifying Campus Community and Services” Presenters: Gary Ham, Chief Information Officer, SunGard/Collegis Janice Forsstrom, VP

Topics of Discussion/Agenda

Background info – Project History & Timeline

Portal Integration Elements

Live Portal Demo

Measurements - tracking efficiency and effectiveness

Cultural changes and organizational impact

Future strategies

Discussion and Questions

Page 4: Possibilities Achieved – “Unifying Campus Community and Services” Presenters: Gary Ham, Chief Information Officer, SunGard/Collegis Janice Forsstrom, VP

Background Information One of 15 public Community Colleges in

Massachusetts – 4 campus locations 6690 credit students (3900 FTE) 2500+ non-credit students 100+ programs of study

Career & Liberal Arts Transfer Technical Training

130 Full-time faculty Approximately 400 adjunct faculty

Recent Awards Center for Digital Government 2004 Best of the Web – 1st

place (tie with Lehigh University) MIT / Accenture 2004 – 1st Place Higher Education

Technology Innovator

Page 5: Possibilities Achieved – “Unifying Campus Community and Services” Presenters: Gary Ham, Chief Information Officer, SunGard/Collegis Janice Forsstrom, VP

Strategic Direction

Page 6: Possibilities Achieved – “Unifying Campus Community and Services” Presenters: Gary Ham, Chief Information Officer, SunGard/Collegis Janice Forsstrom, VP

Project History and Timeline – First 2 yrs.

Page 7: Possibilities Achieved – “Unifying Campus Community and Services” Presenters: Gary Ham, Chief Information Officer, SunGard/Collegis Janice Forsstrom, VP

Project History and Timeline – yrs. 3-4

Page 8: Possibilities Achieved – “Unifying Campus Community and Services” Presenters: Gary Ham, Chief Information Officer, SunGard/Collegis Janice Forsstrom, VP

Portal Integration Elements SCT Banner 6.x SCT Luminis 3.2 – integrated iplanet email, calendar

& Groups SCT Self-Service for faculty and student Blackboard 6.x Touchnet Payment Gateway

Credit Card Payment Recently implemented e-check payment

Internally Developed Systems Personal Web Server Intranet

Content Mgmt. tools integrated with NSCC Public Web Site Many Paperless processes

Page 9: Possibilities Achieved – “Unifying Campus Community and Services” Presenters: Gary Ham, Chief Information Officer, SunGard/Collegis Janice Forsstrom, VP

Portal Integration Elements

Page 10: Possibilities Achieved – “Unifying Campus Community and Services” Presenters: Gary Ham, Chief Information Officer, SunGard/Collegis Janice Forsstrom, VP

Newer services and extension of portal Intranet/Administrative toolsets:

Internally written Room Reservation System that

communicates with SCT Banner system

Paperless Federal Work Study program

Paperless Media Request and Production Request

Dynamic FAQ Tool

Publication (content management) tools that

dynamically update the NSCC public web site

Personal Web Space with wysiwig web based tools

Luminis open LDAP used for wireless security authentication

Continued Uportal Channel Development

Page 11: Possibilities Achieved – “Unifying Campus Community and Services” Presenters: Gary Ham, Chief Information Officer, SunGard/Collegis Janice Forsstrom, VP

Live Portal demo

Page 12: Possibilities Achieved – “Unifying Campus Community and Services” Presenters: Gary Ham, Chief Information Officer, SunGard/Collegis Janice Forsstrom, VP

Measurements for Tracking Efficiency, Effectiveness and Overall Value

Provides consistent interface to all systems


Online services utilization, Unique logins

Online course growth & enrollments

Satisfaction surveys

Return on investment – tracked in detail

Cultural (soft but can be used as measurement)

College community wants more and more services

Communication Enhancements

Page 13: Possibilities Achieved – “Unifying Campus Community and Services” Presenters: Gary Ham, Chief Information Officer, SunGard/Collegis Janice Forsstrom, VP

Utilization Rates

Page 14: Possibilities Achieved – “Unifying Campus Community and Services” Presenters: Gary Ham, Chief Information Officer, SunGard/Collegis Janice Forsstrom, VP

ROI Tangibles Online Web Admissions – 30+ per day Web Recruit - 100% electronic – 5000 collected prospects Online registrations 82%+ 7 semesters in a row – Online payment Returning students register earlier Student schedules no longer mailed FA awards and book vouchers through portal Non-credit student services integrated into portal Faculty obtain class rosters, schedules and enter grades online as Standard

Operating Procedure Significantly reduced postal mail due to communication enhancements

through portal, email, & web services Advising - Online Degree Audit available to students Integrated and more efficient LMS support Dynamic account generations (no manual account maint.) with single sign on In-house 24 x 7 services and consolidated helpdesk Access course resource areas - available for all courses Automated email distribution lists available for all courses Personal Web Space – used to support curriculum and course resource

areas Intranet with many online services and paperless processes

Page 15: Possibilities Achieved – “Unifying Campus Community and Services” Presenters: Gary Ham, Chief Information Officer, SunGard/Collegis Janice Forsstrom, VP

Investment and Return

In house support and self-service savings (FY02-04) $741,875

Less Campus Portal, Web Service, and Academic Support costs (FY02-04) -$589,783

Net Return on Investment $152,092

Page 16: Possibilities Achieved – “Unifying Campus Community and Services” Presenters: Gary Ham, Chief Information Officer, SunGard/Collegis Janice Forsstrom, VP

Cultural Changes and Organizational Impact

Initial successes and ease of use enhanced users’ belief that change was possible

Significant # of online student and faculty services widely used and accepted

Increase in technology adoption and reduced phobia

Advising Pre-requisites Degree Audit Generated interest leading to discussions of possible cyber advising strategy

Page 17: Possibilities Achieved – “Unifying Campus Community and Services” Presenters: Gary Ham, Chief Information Officer, SunGard/Collegis Janice Forsstrom, VP

Cultural Changes and Organizational Impact

Higher level of critical thinking More function & process oriented Student Enrollment Centers Combined STFS and FA

Creative ideas constantly being discussed on further unifying and enhancing communications

Assisted in breaking down silos Increased cross functional thinking and

consideration Creative ideas for enhancing electronic


Page 18: Possibilities Achieved – “Unifying Campus Community and Services” Presenters: Gary Ham, Chief Information Officer, SunGard/Collegis Janice Forsstrom, VP

Futures Implement SCT Self-Service Advancement and Finance Further develop web-based toolsets similar to the Media

Request and Room Reservation System. Implement Digital Imaging (Live April 05) Implement SCT workflow to automate communication

tasks to portal users Integrate Banner access exclusively via the portal – (tested

and ready to roll out) Further expand use of Group tools. Integrate more Library resources. Increase services within the portal to assist with online

advising and career services

Page 19: Possibilities Achieved – “Unifying Campus Community and Services” Presenters: Gary Ham, Chief Information Officer, SunGard/Collegis Janice Forsstrom, VP

Summary Ease of use leading to High utilization rates and adoption was

a key factor in our successes to date

Project was designed to provide an integrated building path for enhancing communication (academic and administrative), instructional support and redesigning services

Initial goals of the project were met with out-of-the-box software and integration solutions

Additional value achieved with extended integration to internally developed systems and applications.

Data collected from surveys, usage rates, requests from users for additional services and overall satisfaction has proven its value as a good business model for NSCC

Page 20: Possibilities Achieved – “Unifying Campus Community and Services” Presenters: Gary Ham, Chief Information Officer, SunGard/Collegis Janice Forsstrom, VP

Questions & Answers

Resources for this presentation are available @ This PowerPoint presentation

Portal interactive overview

ROI / VOI spreadsheet

Overview & documentation of portal Implementation

Contacts: Gary Ham, CIO [email protected] Jan Forsstrom, VP of Admin & Finance [email protected]

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