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10. The meat industry is directly responsible for 85 percent of all soil erosion in the U.S.11. And then there’s the fact that 51 percent or more of global greenhouse-gas emissions are caused by animal agriculture.12. And the University of Chicago found that going vegan is more effective in fighting climate change than switching from a standard car to a hybrid.13. The National Audubon Society, the Worldwatch Institute, the Sierra Club, the Union of Concerned Scientists, and even Al Gore’s Live Earth say that raising animals for food damages the environment more than just about anything else that we do.

Meat production is a leading cause of climate change, water waste, and deforestation.

1. Meat production wastes a ton of water.

2. It takes 2,400 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of meat.

3. Raising animals for food takes up half of all water used in the U.S.

4. You’d save more water by not eating a pound of meat than you would if you didn’t shower for six months. So keep showering (please), but stop eating meat. Mmm Okay?

5. EPA says that animal agriculture is the number one cause of water pollution. And it’s responsible for more water pollution than all other industrial sources combined.

6. Mostly because of the massive amounts of animal poop spilling into our waterways.7. About seven football fields of land are bulldozed worldwide every minute to create more room  for farmed animals.8. If we actually ate the foods we feed to farmed animals, we wouldn’t need to grow nearly as many crops, and we could eliminate the need to decimate the rain forest.9. Livestock grazing is the number one reason that plant species in the U.S. go extinct.

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