Page 1: Posters - Codes & Conventions

The 3 main characters on show and are the largest things on the poster. They’re also placed along the whole top third and top intersection sections within the rule of third.

The film title is within the bottom third of the poster, above the tagline and billing block . It’s the largest font on the poster.The billing block is fairly unreadable due to the elongated shape of the font of the grey colour.

The whole posters colour scheme represents the sci-fi genre well. It’s comprised of muted greys, silvers and blues.

The content in the middle third of the poster symbolizes the films genre and contains iconography related to the sci-fi genre (a spaceship).

Page 2: Posters - Codes & Conventions

Tagline is at the very top of the poster and the film title is within the bottom third of the poster.

Billing block doesn't’t stand out. Typical colour and font style.

The entire posters colour scheme is fairly dark and you can see actual smoke surrounding the main character who is also purposely framed right in the middle of the poster. This was done to represent the films narrative as the film itself is about discovery the mystery behind the main character.

Page 3: Posters - Codes & Conventions

Several actors names are written at the very top of the poster. The actors/actresses are selling points of the film itself so showing off their names is important.

This piece of text is ironic and links to the films iconography, as we can see the female character (Ellen Page) on the poster is actually a pregnant teenager.Rom Coms tend to have a sort of snappy/quirky tagline on their posters.

The main characters are the main image on the poster.

The entire colour palette is bright and vibrant. The font colour stands out from the background with its individual colour.

Again the billing block is hard to read. This is a conscious decision made by the distributors who created the poster. It is designed so that it doesn't’t catch the viewers eyes as their focus should be on other features such as the film title and characters.

Page 4: Posters - Codes & Conventions

While rom-com posters still follow the basic codes and conventions they also have their own set of codes and conventions that they incline to follow. Unlike other posters, it’s not uncommon for a rom com poster to include the film title within the top third of the poster. Similarly to other posters the main characters are practically always the main image. However they’re always placed side by side and tend to only be the male and female love interests of the film.

Names are also usually right above the character on the poster.The font style and colour is soft and easy on the eyes. This goes for the entire colour scheme and background of the poster.

Page 5: Posters - Codes & Conventions

The red, gothic font style links to the films genre of horror well, even the sub genre which is a supernatural horror.

This poster considerably darker than the last two as the film has much darker themes.

All the posters so far have represented the films themes

Once again the tagline is found at the top of the poster while the title is placed within the bottom third.

Instead of including the directors or producers names they include the line, “from the makers of”. This is due to the fact that the directors and producers of horror films aren't usually as well known as other genres, although the names of films they’ve worked on will be well known. And people will consider watching insidious if they liked Paranormal Activity or Saw for example.

Page 6: Posters - Codes & Conventions

The main character(s) of a film have always been on the poster and always within the middle third. Animated characters are no exception.

This poster follows the same technique as the Insidious poster with including the production and distributors names rather than the actor producers or directors names.

Plain background, emphasizes the characters as the most important feature of the poster and therefore the film.

Page 7: Posters - Codes & Conventions

Rows of robots standing together

in an army like formation giving the sense that

they are going to cause trouble and rise up against the

humans (will smith).

Main character takes up the majority of the poster, actors name is also in clear

view (gaining audience through the actors reputation).

The metallic like background and general colour scheme establishes the sci-fi genre.

Title and tagline within the bottom third, with the tagline just beneath the title.

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