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International Scholarly Research NetworkISRN Renewable EnergyVolume 2012, Article ID 132606, 15 pagesdoi:10.5402/2012/132606

Review Article

Potential of Small-Scale Hydropower forElectricity Generation in Sub-Saharan Africa

Chiyembekezo S. Kaunda,1 Cuthbert Z. Kimambo,1 and Torbjorn K. Nielsen2

1 Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Dar es Salaam, P.O. Box 35091, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania2 Department of Energy and Process Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway

Correspondence should be addressed to Chiyembekezo S. Kaunda, [email protected]

Received 17 May 2012; Accepted 12 June 2012

Academic Editors: B. Chen and J. Kaldellis

Copyright © 2012 Chiyembekezo S. Kaunda et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative CommonsAttribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work isproperly cited.

The importance of renewable energy such as small hydropower for sustainable power generation in relation to its capacity tocontribute towards alleviating acute shortage of rural electricity supply in the sub-Saharan African region has been discussed.A relatively comprehensive small hydropower technology review has been presented. Rural electricity supply scenario in theregion has been presented and, in general, the region has very low electricity access levels coupled with various challenges. Smallhydropower technology has been discussed as one of the promising decentralised power generation system for rural electricitysupply in the region. Despite challenges in data acquisition, this paper has shown that the SSA has significant hydropower resources,but the level of installation is very low. Challenges hampering SHP technology development in the region have been identified anddiscussed, such as those concerning technology, climate change, finance, and policy. This is basically a paper where the authorsconsulted a wide range of literature including journals, conference proceedings, and reports as well as expert knowledge in thearea. It is hoped that this paper contributes to the information base on SHP technology which is quite lacking in the region.

1. Introduction

Sustainable electricity supply not only supports social andeconomic development processes but also environmentaland global climate change management and hence itsimportance in attainment of the Millennium DevelopmentGoals. Currently, there is an increasing electricity demandin industry, household, and services sectors in developingcountries to support social-economic development activi-ties. If this electricity is generated unsustainably and thetrend is not controlled, it could lead to exacerbation ofenvironmental and climate change management problemswhich the world is currently experiencing. The energy supplysector (mainly for generation of electricity), according to theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), is thelargest contributor to the global human-induced greenhousegas (GHG) emissions (responsible for global warming—main cause of climate change); in 2004, energy supplysector contributed to around 26% of global GHG emissions,followed by forestry (17%), agriculture (13%), and transport

(13%) [1]. Developing countries, especially those from sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries (sub-Saharan Africa asa geographical term refers to the area of the continentof Africa that lies south of the Sahara. The countriesin the sub-Saharan African region are Angola, Benin,Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde,Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Republic of theCongo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cote d’Ivoire,Djibouti Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, TheGambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho,Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tomeand Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South AfricaSouth Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda,Zambia, and Zimbabwe.) (except South Africa), altogether,do not contribute significant levels of GHG emission inrelation to the global GHG emission levels. However,these countries are encouraged to participate in the GHGreduction initiatives because GHG reduction activities aresynergistic with other national developmental programs such

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as environmental management, improvement of humanhealth, and in general sustainable development programs.Renewable energy electricity generation is associated withvery small levels of lifecycle GHG emissions which aremainly due to emissions released during manufacturing stageof their energy system components. Generation of elec-tricity from renewable energy sources such as hydropoweris, therefore, one way of responding to impacts of thecurrent environmental degradation and climate change.Further, renewable energy resources are abundant and canbe harnessed to generate the much needed electricity andmechanical power to support development programs indeveloping countries.

Electricity generation in SSA is characterised by acuteshortages and high levels of unreliability. In most of thecountries in the region, electricity generation capacities areless than 1000 MW, against huge demand for domestic,service, and industrial applications. The entire installedelectricity generation capacity for all the 48 countries ofsub-Saharan Africa countries excluding the Republic ofSouth Africa is just around 30 gigawatts (GW), whichis stated to be almost equal to that of Argentina [2].A considerable portion of this installed capacity is notavailable for generation due to various reasons such as agingof plants, destruction of power generating systems as aresult of environmental challenges such as buildup of debris(which clogs the generating system) and flooding (mainly forhydropower stations), and general plant failure as a resultof limitations in plant maintenance [2]. In SSA, as it canbe seen from Figure 1 that the net electricity generation bysource is dominated by fossil fuel (thermal), possibly dueto contributions from South Africa (which generates mostof electricity from coal). Further, it can also be seen fromFigure 1 that hydropower constitutes a significant portion tothe net electricity generation capacity in the region. Manycountries in the region, such as Angola, Cameroon, Burundi,Congo Brazzaville, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia,Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Tanzania,Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, generate more than halfof their electricity from hydroelectric power stations. Suchcountries include those in [3].

While hydropower is generally considered as renewableresource, large scale hydropower electricity development canresult in environmental damage as well as social conflict,particularly in the case of storage-based hydropower stations.Water storage facilities (dams) in large-scale hydropowerstations are known to emit GHGs, especially methane(CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Displacement of humansettlements when constructing dams and competition forwater usage between power generating station owners andsurrounding communities in the dam catchment area aresome of the main social challenges associated with thesehydropower stations. The main electricity supply effort in theregion over the last decade has been on meeting electricitydemand by expanding large-scale hydropower generationplants [3]. As a result, other renewable energy technologies,which may be viable sustainable power supply options tomany SSA countries such as small-scale hydropower, solarand biomass resources, have been neglected.



















Period (years)

Net electricity generationThermal electricity generation

Hydroelectricity generation












electricity generation

Figure 1: Electricity generation by source in sub-Saharan Africafrom 2000 to 2009 [3].

Renewable energy technologies can be deployable ina decentralized and modular manner. This makes themsuitable energy sources for small grids or off-grid solutions,thus ideal for power supply in rural off-grid regions whereconnection to the grid is either prohibitively expensiveor technically very difficult to achieve. Renewable energytechnologies are therefore arguably one of the viable solu-tions to the modern energy supply in SSA region whereit is estimated that 66 percent of the population lives [4].According to REN21 (a renewable energy policy network),off-grid renewable energy solutions are among the cheapestand most sustainable options for rural areas in many regionsof the developing world [5].

This paper discusses the small scale hydropower in SSAregion (see Figure 2) and its potential in alleviating electricitysupply shortage especially in rural communities. The papercontributes towards enlarging the knowledge base on SHPtechnology in Africa. The lack of information on possiblerenewable energy technologies is one of the barriers on theuptake of renewable energy technologies for modern powersupply on the continent. The next sections of the paperdescribe the rural electricity scenario in SSA and small scalehydropower technology, potential, application status, andchallenges in the region.

2. Sub-Saharan Africa RuralElectrification Scenario

Sub-Saharan Africa is the only region in the world thatexperiences acute shortages of rural electricity supply. Ascan be seen from Table 1, in 2010, out of an African totalpopulation of about 590 million people without electricity,585 million of them are found in SSA. The average ruralelectricity access level in SSA region is 14% as compared to

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90 85


8 09
















go R




ial G




(a) Electricity access levels in Central Africa (2005)













































(b) Electricity access levels in East Africa (2005)













































th A










Urban electricity access level (%)Rural electricity access level (%)

(c) Electricity access levels in Southern Africa (2005)



































B. F

























ra L





Urban electricity access level (%)Rural electricity access level (%)



e d’



(d) Electricity access levels in West Africa (2005)

Figure 2: Urban and rural electricity access levels in sub-Saharan Africa [7].

98.4% in North Africa, 60% in South Asia, 74% in LatinAmerica, and 72% in Middle East [6].

Electrification study by Rosnes and Vennemo in 2008showed that levels of rural electrification vary a lot fromcountry to country in the region. It is only Gabon (54%)and South Africa (50%) that have national rural electricityaccess levels of greater or equal to 50% (Figure 2). Manycountries have levels of below 10% and some even below2% such as Burundi, Malawi, Uganda, United Republic ofTanzania, Mozambique, Mali, Liberia, Togo, Sierra Leone,and Eritrea [7]. Except South Africa and Gabon, all SSAcountries have large difference in urban and rural electricityaccess levels (Figure 2). As can be seen from Figure 2, WestAfrican countries are relatively better off than the rest of theSSA subregions—Ghana (21%), Cote d’ivoire (23%), andNigeria (28%) have levels of at least 20%.

In SSA region, most of the rural electrification inter-ventions are done through extension of the national grid

and are usually done by the central governments. Ruralelectrification through grid extension can be very expensiveand technically challenging to implement as stated earlier on.Remoteness and sparseness of most of the SSA rural settle-ments make transmission and distribution costs of electricityexpensive and sometimes prohibitive. This may explain whymost governments in the region are not able to finance allthe planned rural electrification programs by themselves andmany of them seek assistance from development partnersin this area. Most of SSA rural households cannot affordthe cost associated with bringing the electricity to theirload centres from the grid. Economically, most of the SSArural electricity consumers have less disposable income topurchase electricity than their counterparts in urban areas.This is due to high poverty levels in rural communities.Further, the average price of grid electricity in the region ismuch higher than that in other developing regions of theworld [8]. Technically, it is a challenge to transport electricity

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Table 1: Electricity access in 2009 regional aggregates.

RegionPopulation without electricity

millionsElectrification access

(%)Urban electrification access

(%)Rural electrification access


Africa 587 41.8 68.8 25.0

North Africa 2 99.0 99.6 98.4

Sub-Saharan Africa 585 30.5 59.9 14.2

Developing Asia 675 81.0 94.0 73.2

China and East Asia 182 90.8 96.4 86.4

South Asia 493 68.5 89.5 59.9

Latin America 31 93.2 98.8 73.6

Middle East 21 89.0 98.5 71.8

Developing countries 1,314 74.7 90.6 63.2

The world 1,317 80.5 93.7 68.0

Source: International Energy Agency [6].

through long distances because of transmission losses andtechnical difficulties in maintaining such a long grid networksystem. Already in most of the SSA countries, the systemtransmission and distribution losses are above the normalacceptable values with an average of 25% of the electricitygenerating capacity [9] such that if such a grid network isextended to supply electricity in most of the rural areas,the electricity transmission efficiency of the network woulddrastically reduce, resulting in economic losses to the powerutility company.

Rural electrification using modular and stand-alonerenewable energy systems are at infancy stage in the region.Most of the renewable energy rural electrification projectsand programmes that have so far been implemented in SSAare those dealing with solar photovoltaic (PV) installations(most of them financed by international development agen-cies and central governments). The majority of these solarPV installations have been those of institutional type (ruralhealth centres, police units, and schools) mainly for lighting,communication, and few for water pumping. Householdsolar PV installations are not many—the majority of thembeing the systems installed by the projects for technologydemonstration purposes and those installed by worthypeople in urban areas for their parents and relatives in thevillages. At household level, the investment costs of solarPV systems are very high for the majority of typical ruralSSA households to afford so as to meet their energy require-ments. Further, solar PVs do not provide households (eveninstitutions) with many of their required energy servicesespecially for thermal and mechanical power applications[10]. Furthermore, solar PV technology is expensive tomaintain, it requires purchase of supporting systems suchas invertors, batteries, and special low-wattage appliances;as such rural electrification projects especially those usingsolar home systems (SHP) have been known to benefit onlya few rich households in rural communities in the regionbecause the poor households may not use the technologydespite having the installed system [11]. The limitation of themajority of rural households in using the installed renewableenergy electricity may also apply to other renewable energysources, not only to solar PV as discussed. Therefore, in

most SSA countries, renewable energy electricity may be usedoptimally if it is supplied to institutions, to a community (orsettlement), and if it supports income generating activities,unlike targeting individual households. This calls for a needfor a robust stand-alone energy system that can be installedto supply electricity to satisfy the diverse range of energyrequirements so as to stimulate and support social-economicactivities of the rural communities. Section 3 looks at smallhydropower as one of renewable energy technologies thatis robust enough to be used for institutional and incomegenerating applications in a stand-alone mode.

3. Small Hydropower

Small hydropower (SHP) system is one of the renewableenergy technologies for generating electricity and mechanicalpower. SHP system is categorized as being “small” dependingon the capacity of the installed electricity. There is nointernational agreement on the limit of “small”, but mostEuropean and other countries accept 10 MW as the upperlimit [12]. Within the SHP category, the systems are furthercategorized into pico, micro, mini, and small systems. Mostof the countries and organizations recognize pico as a systemthat generates less than 10 kW, micro (more than 10 kW butless than 100 kW), mini (more than 100 kW but less than1 MW), and small (above 1 MW but less than 10 MW). Withsuch type of installed capacities, SHP is more robust than aPV system. SHP installed systems therefore are better placedto support diverse energy requirements for institutional,community, and small scale industries in remote locations,than either solar PV and wind power. The SHP can beof a reservoir or run-of-river type: run-of-river types haveno water storage for power generation, but, instead, waterfor power generation is diverted from the main river viaa weir. For small capacities of SHP, run-of-river types areideal because, with absence of a reservoir, investment costper kW of installed electricity is reduced (for small SHPsystems, the main emphasis is on reducing investment cost).A typical run-of-river SHP system for electricity generationis composed of the following basic components: water

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intake structure (e.g., weir and settling tank), penstock,turbine, mechanical power transmission system to generator,generator, electricity transmission system to load centres,and control system. Some of these basic components areshown in Figure 3.

SHP is a site-specific technology and as such notall locations on the river flow course are ideal for SHPdevelopment except those that have considerable sizes ofhead such as sloping sections of the river and natural falls.This shows that most of the potential sites for SHP arefound in mountainous areas with perennial rivers. Not onlydoes the site dictate the SHP system size (as well as itstype) but also the level of complexity of SHP system civilworks and thus the investment cost per kW of installedpower. The system investment cost also depends on localeconomics and government taxes that are imposed on systemcomponents as well as on the labour services. The investmentcost of a typically system ranges from US$1,000 to US$20,000per kW of installed electricity [14]. Maintenance costs ofSHP plants are relatively small in comparison to othertechnologies such as diesel generators. SHP is a long-lastingand robust technology—the life span of a well-installed SHPsystems can be as long as 50 years or more without majornew investments on parts, replacements (the average lifeconsidered for investment purposes is about 30 years) [15].

As an electricity generation technology, SHP is a veryefficient energy technology because electricity is generateddirectly from the shaftpower. SHP system for power supplyis a well-matured technology as the case with solar PVand wind energy systems. SHP technology is already beingapplied as one of the energy interventions in most of theAsian countries such as India, Peru, and China [14, 16, 17].In SSA region, the technology is not applied widely despitethe region stated to have enormous SHP resources [18].The SHP technology was first introduced in the region bymissionaries and tea planters and its development is cur-rently championed by international development agencies,most of which are not research-based institutions, as a result,information about SHP in SSA is limited in academic arena.The technology awareness seems to have penetrated in mostof SSA countries as evidenced by the inclusion of SHP energysystems in most of the rural electrification master plans, forexample, in Malawi, Tanzania, and Mozambique. There isan opportunity for further popularisation of the technologybecause most of the SSA countries have liberalized theirenergy sectors, allowing for independent (private) powergeneration and selling it to the national power utilitiesthrough independent power purchase agreements. In fact,private sectors in Kenya and Rwanda have started venturinginto SHP generation business [18].

In general, SHP schemes have relatively low lifecycleinvestment costs per kW of installed power and through theirmodular nature, it is possible to size the system to meetspecific power demand according to potential of the site andthe available finances. It is also possible to integrate SHPsystem with other small scale renewable energy systems suchas solar photovoltaic, wind, and biomass power systems tooptimise harnessing of the available local renewable energyresources for power generation. SHP systems especially

Figure 3: Basic components and arrangement of run-of-river smallscale hydropower system [13].

pico- and micro-hydropower systems offer potential forSSA countries to generate electricity, as the system can bedesigned and installed using local resources: materials andlabour. This creates job opportunities and ability to usetechnology to advance standard of living in the region.

Basically, the power exploited from hydropower at aparticular site is proportional to the product of flow rate andhead as given in the following:

P = ηoρgQH , (1)

where ρ is a density, g (m/s2) is the acceleration due togravity, Q (m3/s) is the flow rate, and H (m) is the net headavailable at the inlet to the turbine and ηo is the overall energyconversion efficiency (hydraulic to shaftpower). The valuesfor overall efficiencies are higher in large-scale hydropowerthan SHP projects because, for large scale, the systems aredesigned with relatively high levels of precision and accuracy.The overall efficiency (hydraulic power to electricity) for SHPelectricity generation system is lower (less than 80%) than formechanical power supply system because of generator lossesin the former [15]. The energy potential at a site is fixed byflow rate and head (see (1)); thus, there is a limit at whichhydropower can be exploited at a particular site and once thisis reached, further power expansion is not possible.

Before an SHP system is installed on a site, it is importantto determine the power that will be harnessed from the siteas given by (1). The information on flow rate and headat the site as well as other site conditions are importantin the design of the whole SHP system. It is important tofirst undertake a desk study hydropower resource assessmentusing hydrological and topographical graphs/maps as wellas geographic information system (GIS) and flow durationcurve before undertaking a comprehensive feasibility studyof the site. The desk study provides a variety of siteinformation important such as slope, power canal length,availability of access roads, distance to load centres, area ofthe catchment, head available for power generation, flowrate, and firm power to be generated. The design flow rateis obtained from the annual flow duration curve of the riverat the site and head is determined from the topographicalmap (as well as GIS). Determination of design flow rate andother hydrological characteristics is quite a challenge task

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unlike head. In SSA, most of the prospective sites for SHPprojects are either ungauged or have insignificant data fordesign analyses. In this case, estimation of the hydrologicalcharacteristics especially flow duration curve is done usingmodels. These models estimate the flow duration curve atthe ungauged site from gauged sites of similar catchmentcharacteristics. The results of the desk study are importantfor decision making, to continue with the project or not. If itis decided from the desk study to continue with the project,then it is important to undertake comprehensive feasibilitystudies by visiting the site and taking actual measurements ofhead and flow rate.

The shape of the flow duration curve describes thesuitability of the site for SHP production. A very steep curveshows abrupt change in amount of discharge for a relativelyshort period of time—signalling that the site is prone tofloods (unsuitable). The design of SHP system can be basedon three design flow rates: (i) the plant is designed based onminimum potential power that is obtained from minimumannual flow rate. Minimum annual flow rate is the flow ratethat is available at least at all the times in the year, written asQ100. The SHP plant design based on the minimum annualflow rate gives the plant a theoretical capacity factor of100%. (ii) the plant is designed based on small potentialpower when the design flow rate that is equivalent to the95% of the time flow is exceeded (or flow that is availablefor 95% of the time in a year, Q95) giving a theoreticalplant capacity factor of 95%; (iii) finally the plant can bedesigned based on average potential power when the designflow rate is equivalent to 60% of the time flow is exceeded(or flow is available for 60% of the time in a year, Q60)giving a theoretical plant capacity factor of 50% [19]. Forvery small systems, such as pico-hydropower plants (less than10 kW), some of the routine design procedures such usingflow duration curve are not normally followed [20].

From Figure 3, one of the most important components ofthe SHP system is a turbine; in fact some of the SHP systemsare named after the type of the turbine. The turbine is amechanical device that converts hydraulic power in the waterinto mechanical power—known as shaft power and is usuallyplaced in the powerhouse. This shaft power is convertedinto electricity by the generator; thus, the turbine determinesthe electricity capacity of the SHP installation. The mostcommon types of turbines for SHP application are Francis,Kaplan, Pelton Wheel, Crossflow, and Centrifugal pumpsoperated in turbine mode. Different turbine types havedifferent efficiency profiles with respect to discharge as can beseen in Figure 4. As can be seen from the figure, the hydraulicperformance of the Propeller turbines is more sensitive toflow variations than Francis, Kaplan, Pelton, and Crossflowturbines. Pelton Turbine is not only one of the most efficientturbines (around 90%) but it can also sustain the optimumefficiency for a variable range of flows. Crossflow turbinehas relatively inferior efficiency levels (around 80%), but theturbine can sustain optimum efficiency levels for a range offlows [21]. Crossflow turbines are widely used in developingcountries, such as Ethiopia, for development of MHP systems[22]. Crossflow turbine runners are simple to manufacturebecause the blades can be made from standard steel pipes’











0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120



cy (η

) (%


Relative discharge (%)





Figure 4: Typical efficiency curves for different types of hydropowerturbines [21].

cuts and, as such, they are relatively of low cost per kW ofinstalled electricity than others.

Design charts have been developed by turbine manufac-turers to help in selecting the appropriate turbine for thedevelopment of SHP site according to the head and powerrequirements. An example is the turbine application rangechart shown in Figure 5. As can be seen from the chart,Kaplan and Propeller turbines can effectively be applied inlow and medium head sites with power requirements of morethan 1 kW, Crossflow turbines can be applied in all headranges with power requirements of more than 5 kW, andPelton turbines can be applied only for high head with powerrequirements of more than 50 kW. This chart agrees withthe rule of thumb that Pelton turbine is for high head whileKaplan and Propeller turbines are for low head applications.

SHP technology is continuously undergoing improve-ment both in areas of technical performance and investmentcost reduction. Availability of cheap PVC pipes which arecommonly used as penstocks and use of cheap electronic loadcontrollers (ELCs) to control electricity generation in placeof expensive mechanical governors make the investment costof an SHP system per kW of installed electricity comparefavourably with most of the renewable energy systemscurrently [24, 25]. Further, use of relatively cheap syn-chronous motors as generators and development of relativelycheap Crossflow turbines have helped to reduce the unitpower investment cost of the system further. In developingcountries such as those in the sub-Saharan African region,the local capacity to manufacture electromechanical (gen-erating) component (turbines and generators) is importantwhen it comes to reducing investment cost because exportedturbines and generators tend to be relatively expensive for anSHP project. The other advantage for local development ofSHP systems in SSA region is that manual labour to work onexcavations and to transport construction materials as wellas system components to the site is readily available.

Small hydropower plants are long-term investments, andsince they are installed in locations where the operatorsand consumers are relatively less informed technically, it is

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0.01 0.1 1 10 1000.1



















Flow rate Q (m3/s)

1 kW 5 kW 50 kW

200 kW

1 MW

5 MW


Figure 5: Turbine application range chart [23].

important to design the systems so that they are most ofthe times operated in unattended mode and also that safetyissues are incorporated to protect both the user and the plant.Electromechanical components such as turbine, generators,controllers, and switch board need to be secured in a powerhouse that is specifically constructed for such a purpose. Inthe power house, rotating components such as shafts andbelts should be guided properly to prevent accidents. Civilcomponents such as intakes, power canals, and penstocksneed to be secured properly. For PVC pipe penstocks, it isrecommended to bury them so as to protect them againstbeing trampled on by livestock (for example). It is alsorecommended to bury PVC pipe penstocks so as to minimisetheir rate of thermal degradation as a result of heat from solarradiation. For a well-installed SHP system, the lifecycle of thesystem can be more than 50 years (as already stated), andto achieve this, it is important to develop (at country level)installation and safety procedures to ensure the structuralintegrity of the installation and its optimal performanceas well as safety. For SHP electricity system supplyingelectricity to a community via minigrid, it is recommendedthat national standards/procedures regarding decentralisedelectricity installation and safety should be applied. Inthe absence of such standards/procedures, development ofSHP can face a stumbling block from negative publicityemanating from poor installations which are major causes ofsystem malfunctioning and accidents.

4. Potential of Small Hydropower in SSA

The current technology of harnessing SHP uses potentialenergy in water as a result of presence of head in the riverto drive the water turbine, as stated earlier on. Basing onthis current technology, the potential of generating electricityand mechanical power from small scale hydrosystems isqualitatively stated to be enormous in many countries inSSA Africa [4] due to its geographical features: presenceof perennial rivers and mountainous locations especially incentral, eastern, and some southern parts of Africa. It shouldbe pointed out that most countries do not have a completeup-to-date national inventory of the potential sites for theinstallation of the SHP systems; in terms of head, flow rate,

firm power output, and unit power investment cost. This isone of the challenges for the development of SHP in SSAand is briefly discussed in Section 6. Most of the practicaldata on SHP is obtained from SHP projects developers whousually conduct their own SHP energy resource assessmentstudies at the potential sites for development of theirsystems. Currently, many national power utility companies inconjunction with governments’ departments of energy havestarted the SHP resource mapping exercises in the region,for example the Tanzania Electricity Supply Commission inTanzania [26], Department of Energy Affairs in Malawi [27],and the Energy Foundation of Ghana [28].

Bearing in mind the likelihood that the current SHP maynot give up-to-date accurate inventory of the potentials SHPin the region plus the fact that other potential SHP sites areyet to be identified and assessed, this paper tries to give apicture of the recorded SHP potential in some selected SSAcountries as follows.

(i) Malawi has an SHP potential of 7.35 MW fromthe identified 22 sites in [29], and in 2002, JICAfeasibility studies identified a further 345 kW micro-hydropotential which has been included in the ruralelectrification for the country [27]. The SHP poten-tial in Malawi is mostly located in the NorthernRegion of the country bordering with Tanzaniaand areas surrounding Mulanje Mountain in theSouthern Region;

(ii) Tanzania is reported to have an SHP potential of185 MW from the 85 identified sites: the resourceassessment was conducted by TANESCO with finan-cial help from the Tanzanian Ministry of Energy andMines and technical help from IC-SHP of China [26],and TANESCO is reported to continue with SHPresource identification, assessment, and updating theinformation previous identified and assessed sites.Most of the sites are located in the southern partof the country bordering with Malawi, Zambia, andMozambique. So far, from the inventory of SHPin Tanzania, only 5 sites have been appraised andare included in the Rural Electrification Master Plan[26];

(iii) Uganda has an identified SHP potential of more than50 sites with a total potential of about 210 MW.Further, the country in 2009, registered at least 13licenced SHP developers with a projected installedelectricity capacity of about 85 MW plus a plannedinstalled capacity of 23 MW from other unregisteredprojects. Installation works in 10 of the 13 registeredprojects were not yet completed by 2009 [30].

(iv) Mozambique is stated to have over 60 identifiedpotential sites with a potential of over 1000 MW ofelectricity mostly in central and eastern regions [31];

(v) In 2009, Rwanda is reported to have a potential of333 potential micro-hydropower sites and that 25 ofthem were being developed under the financial andtechnical assistance from Belgian Technical Coopera-tion (5 micro-hydropower plants of 5,15 MW total

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capacity) Dutch-German Partnership, EnergizingDevelopment (6 sites currently being developed of1.6 MW capacity), Government of Rwanda (8 micro-hydroplants of 6.35 MW capacity) and UNIDO(4 micro-hydrosites). These small scale hydropowersystems will generate electricity that will be integratedinto the national grid and some will be used for off-grid application [32];

(vi) In Ghana, in 2010, it was reported that a total of21 mini-hydropower sites had been identified andassessed in the country with potential electricityoutput ranging from 4 kW to 325 kW [33];

(vii) Kenya is stated to have an estimated SHP potential ofabout 3000 MW in 2011 [34].

As a whole, the potential for SHP (pico, micro, andmini) in Africa is estimated to be above 10 GW and onlyabout 0.5% has been developed [35]. Again, technically, itis possible to divert small portion of the flow from thebig river for power generation; this means that even large-scale hydropower sites could as well be potential sites forSHP development. Thus, in general, SSA has significant SHPpotential which if harnessed can improve access and supplyof electricity to rural off-grid communities.

5. Installation Status ofSmall Hydropower in SSA

In general, there is scarcity of data on the actual number andcharacteristics of installed SHP systems in SSA, some of thedata not available in a form suitable for quantitative analysis.This paper, therefore, attempts to provide a platform forthe inventory of SHP in the region. As it is clear that notall installed systems have been captured in the paper, thepaper just gives a picture on the level of installation in theregion, and based on these numbers, subsequent refinementon the inventory can be made. As stated earlier on, SHPtechnology was introduced in most of SSA countries byearly missionaries and tea planters for the sole purpose ofproviding power to their mission bases and plantations, suchas in Malawi [36], Tanzania [37], and Kenya [38]. Some ofthese early systems are still functional as of today. The SHPinstallation level (in terms of installed electricity capacity) insome selected SSA countries is given as follows.

(i) In Kenya, SHP contributes 15 MW into 745 MWhydropower grid-based electricity installed capacityand the SHP off-grid installation capacity is 31 MW[34]. With the liberalization of Kenyan energy sectorand the introduction of feed-in-tariff, independentpower producers are investing in SHP, for example,in 2011, 19 SHP proposals amounting to 111 MWunder the feed-in-tariff were submitted and 16 ofthem (with a total capacity of 81 MW) were accepted[34].

(ii) Ethiopia has a reasonably high installed capacity of80 MW of SHP electric plants [35]. The installed off-grid SHP systems are used for supplying electricity

for domestic application in rural households, ruralmicroenterprises, institutions (such as missions andschools), and tea factories.

(iii) SHP in Rwanda, in 2009, contributed 6.5 MWinto the generation capacity of about 43 MW fromhydropower [32]. The total electricity generationcapacity of Rwanda, in 2009, was about 72 MW[39]. Rwanda, as with Kenya, is one of the countrieswhere the potential market for microhydro off-gridelectricity is high. According to the market researchdone by Meier and Fischer [40], there is strongdemand for pico- and micro-hydropower systems inthe country in the offices, schools, health centres,local small business, cottage industries, and somelocal village communities. The research discoveredthat the willingness to pay for the electricity onthe part of the beneficiaries was high. In fact, theresearch discovered that there were already 7 SHPsite developers in the private sector operating in thecountry involving all steps of developing an SHPstation including manufacturing of electromechani-cal equipment of the systems. The private sector hasrealized installation of about 30 pico-hydroplants inRwanda by 2011. Thus, Rwanda is a good case studyfor the promotion of SHP technology through ruralelectrification private sector involvement. SHP elec-tricity is supplied to the local communities through aminigrid and every household pays a monthly tariffranging from 2.5 to 5 US$ depending on usage.

(iv) Although a lot of effort and resources have beenexpended on numerous resource assessment studies,not a single mini-hydroplant has been developed inGhana by 2002 [41].

(v) In Malawi, despite the proven studies on potentialSHP sites for rural electrification (off-grid mode)and grid-fed electricity generation, only Wovwe(4.5 MW installed capacity) has been achieved forgrid-based electricity [42]. However, from a researchconducted by Kaunda [36], there are a few installedmicro-hydropower systems for rural electrificationin Malawi by missionaries, tea estates, and latelyby development partners such as Practical Action,contributing about 1.3 MW of off-grid electricitysupply.

(vi) In Uganda, by 2009, a total of about 17 MW SHPelectricity capacity was installed and integrated intothe national grid [30].

(vii) Tanzania is one of the countries where there isrelatively large number of micro- and mini-hydroinstallations, some of which have been installed byTANESCO, missions, and NGOs. From the researchanalysis done by the lead author of this paper, theinstalled capacity from 29 identified SHP systems indifferent parts of the country is 5.4 MW.

At the moment, several initiatives are in progress toassist developing small hydropower in some SSA coun-tries through international development agencies such as

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UN-based agencies like United Nations Development Pro-gram (UNDP), United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP), and United Nations Industrial DevelopmentOrganisation (UNIDO). Other international agencies suchas Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) andPractical Action have also been active in promoting SHPtechnology in SSA countries. These agencies have beeninvolved in supporting programmes to remove barriers toharnessing of power from SHP potential and technologydissemination. One example of such interventions is theestablishment of regional (ECOWAS) SHP training andsupport Centre Abuja, Nigeria by UNIDO in 2006. TheCentre provides trainings on SHP feasibility study, analysis,design, development, and implementation of SHP systems inthe Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)region [43]. Apart from Nigeria, UNIDO has been veryactive in installation of demonstration SHP systems in SSAcountries such as Tanzania, Rwanda, Mali, and Kenya [44].Other agencies have also been assisting countries to under-take resource assessment studies such as JICA in Malawi[27]. The German Organisation for Technical Cooperation(GTZ) has also been active in supporting installation ofcommunity-based micro-hydropower systems as well as SHPresource assessment in Uganda [30]. Also bilateral donorsand nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) have embracedSHP as a viable means to provide modern energy to ruralareas, such as the Oikos East Africa (with funding fromEuropean Union) in Tanzania [45], Practical Action inSouthern Africa (Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe—asdiscussed in the subsequent paragraphs) with more fundingcontributed by the European Union as well.

The result of this intervention is that a number ofSSA countries, either through their departments of energyor national power utility companies have established ruralelectrification master plans that include development ofSHP; for example, the Malawi rural electrification masterplan includes 11 sites with a power potential of 345 kW[27]; the Tanzania Rural Electrification Master Plan includedevelopment of 5 SHP systems [26]; the Uganda governmenthas developed an Indicative Rural Electrification Master Plan(IREMP) which includes development of the available SHPsites [30].

On regional basis, the following are some of the donorfunded projects specifically on promoting SHP technologyfor rural electrification in SSA.

The UNEP is implementing a Global EnvironmentFacility (GEF) funded project that looks at the possibilities ofapplying SHP technology in tea estates to generate electricityfor use in tea factories and the excess electricity for ruralelectrification of the nearby communities in the EasternAfrica region plus Malawi and Mozambique [46]. TheProject further looks at reducing GHG emissions throughpromotion of SHP technology. Under this project, a collab-oration of the East African Tea Trade Association (EATTA),UNEP, the African Development Bank, and the GEF has setup a facility to accelerate the uptake of SHP in the region. Theproject is reported to have been strongly accepted by the teaestates owners because it provides a solution to the limitedand unreliable power supply from their national electricity

grids. The Project aims to establish 6 SHP demonstrationprojects in 4 of the EATTA member countries [47]. For thecase of Malawi, in 2009, the project conducted feasibilitystudy on two sites on the upper Ruo River and one site onthe Lujeri River to determine the potential to develop andupgrade the generating capacity of an existing SHP systemat the Lujeri Tea Estate in Mulanje District, southern part ofthe country. The study concluded that SHP development andexpansion at the sites was technically and financially viableas well as environmentally acceptable. The project was notimplemented because the Lujeri Tea Owners did not wantto lose production during the period (about 18 months) theexisting SHP plant was to be shutdown as it undergoes up-grading. However, the project has laid down the necessarydesign data for any organisation/company that would wantto install the SHP on the sites in future [48]. According tothe Project Mid-Term Evaluation Report, by 2010 the 6 SHPinstallations in 4 countries (Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, andTanzania) were not yet completed but were in good progress[49].

In West Africa, UNDP is implementing a UNDP-GEF Regional that looks at promoting micro-hydropowertechnology as a decentralised power system for off-grid ruralelectrification. The project is taking place in 10 ECOWAScountries (Cameroon, Mali, Central African Republic,Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Congo/Brazzaville,Rwanda, Equatorial Guinea, Togo, and Benin) plus Burundi.It is scheduled to be completed by 2015, and for each ofthese 11 participating countries, the project will strengthenthe institutional, regulatory, and operational capacities ofkey agencies to provide decentralised microhydro-basedelectricity access to remote rural areas. The project willfurther install 36 demonstration micro-hydropower plantsfor rural electrification in the 11 countries using differenttechnology models. The lessons learned at national level willbe shared amongst the participating countries in order toeffectively develop viable delivery models [50].

Practical Action, a British-based nongovernmentalorganisation, is implementing a regional micro-hydropowerproject in Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe underthe header of the EU funded project “Catalysing ModernEnergy Service Delivery to Marginal Communities inSouthern Africa.” The project seeks to promote the useof renewable energy through creating micro-hydropowertechnology expertise in rural communities by equippingthe community members with technical skills in design,fabrication, installation, maintenance, and operation aswell as the ability to organise and control the project. Onthe regional level, the project aims to develop a regionalpool of local micro-hydropower expertise in Malawi,Zimbabwe and Mozambique thereby transforming theminto centres of excellence in microhydropower technologywith capacity to provide technical and social supportfor microhydro project design, manufacturing, qualitystandards, maintenance, and operation of system. Theproject will install 15 demonstration microhydropowerschemes to be implemented through local partners (inMalawi and Mozambique only) in the three countriesconcerned as follows:

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(i) Malawi—2 schemes in Likhubula and Thuchila riversimplemented by Mulanje Mountain ConservationTrust (MMCT) in partnership with Mulanje Renew-able Energy Agency (MuREA);

(ii) Mozambique—9 schemes in Mukudu, Chadzuka andChuwa in Machipanda implemented by KwayedzaSimukai Manica (KSM);

(iii) Zimbabwe—4 schemes in Nyafaru, Nyamarimbiraand Chidokori implemented by Practical Action.

The project is in the middle phase of its implementationand installation of three demonstration microhydropowersystems in each of the three countries has been completed.These demonstration systems are Bondo Microhydropowerscheme in Mulanje District, Malawi; Chipendeke Microhy-dropower scheme in Mutare District, Zimbabwe; NdiririMicrohydropower scheme in Manica District, Mozambique[47, 51, 52].

Despite the challenge of having scattered information onSHP installations, it can be seen that the level of installationsis very much low when compared to the potential available.Section 6 discusses the challenges being faced to develop SHPtechnology in the SSA region.

6. Challenges: SHP Development in SSA

In general, one of the major challenges hampering SHPdevelopment in the region concerns technology limitationson the part of local human resource to implement thetechnology in the following areas.

(i) Conduct feasibility studies on the identified sites toprovide required data, both technical and economictype of data, to inform SHP designers. Lack ofaccurate design data in most of the identified SHPpotential sites is one of the reasons for the installationof malfunctioning systems in the region. Very fewgovernments have SHP inventories of potential siteswith only names and their locations as well asestimations of head and flow rates: many inventoriesare not exhaustive and are outdated. Some of thegovernments rely on feasibility study results thatare conducted by international development agencies(most of them use expatriates for the job) to updatetheir inventories, but clearly it may not be possiblefor these agencies to characterise all the identifiedSHP in the country, unless it is their main projectand, further, some of the agencies may not be willingto share data. It is possible to take advantage ofopportunities for short-term trainings as well aspartnerships with SHP regional (as well as country)centres of excellence such as that of Abuja institutedby UNIDO and SHP program in Rwanda and Kenyato improve the local capacity to conduct feasibilitystudies. Furthermore, the governments and nationalpower utility companies should make a deliberateeffort to have up-to-date databases of SHP sites andtrain their technical staff to conduct the feasibility

studies. Governments are usually the official custo-dians of public data and an up to date SHP databaseis one of the prerequisites for the establishment of avibrant private sector driven SHP development in theregion.

(ii) Plan, design, and operate the SHP system. Manygovernments, as a result of SHP technology aware-ness campaigns, have incorporated SHP in ruralelectrification plans (as discussed already); the verylow levels of government sponsored installations areargued to be partly due to limited human capacityin this area [53]. Training of local human resource isalso necessary in this regard. However, there has beena lot of technical people especially from governmentdepartments and national power utilities attendingshort-term and tailor-made trainings in SHP, but thetechnology is still not wide spread. This is arguedto be due to centralised administrative frameworkwhich tends to localise the acquired knowledge,experience, and skills in governments’ ministries andnational power companies. This has resulted in theabsence of qualified third-party operators in ruralcommunities to implement SHP technology, as withthe case in Tanzania [54].

(iii) Manufacture the system components such as turbineparts and generators. Most of the turbines andgenerators are imported and are relatively expensivedue to some added costs of transportation and taxes.Thus, with lack of capacity in manufacturing systemcomponents, not only does the investment cost perkW increase but also the local availability of spareparts is limited resulting in increased number of not-functioning installed systems merely due to unavail-ability of the required parts. Further, the importedspare parts are prohibitively expensive to purchasefor a small-scale power production system. This isone of the serious barriers to the development ofSHP in SSA region. Furthermore, the extent to whichdamaged off-grid power systems components can berepaired locally using locally sourced materials andhuman resource is stated to be one of the importantissues in implementing sustainable power systems[55]. If the technology is not supported by skilledtechnical expertise, it is prone to failure and thefaulty systems can remain in their state of disrepairfor long period of time. The availability of localknowledge and support networks for the SHP tech-nology is specifically important because the systemsare typically installed in remote rural areas where itis crucial to maintain systems in good working orderover their useful lifetime. The local capacity andsupport networks may include central governmentinstitutions (such as the departments of energy),national power utility companies, local governmentauthorities, and beneficiary institutions/householdrepresentatives.

(iv) There is limited SHP technology innovation in mostof the SSA countries as compared to the developing

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countries of Asia such as Peru. This is due to limi-tations in research and training in SHP technologyin higher learning institutions and SHP centres ofexcellence both at regional and national level (asdiscussed earlier on). The existence of governmentfunded research and technology development centresin most of SSA countries can offer the opportunity tointroduce SHP technology innovation centres in theregion.

The other challenge facing development of SHP in SSAis the civil strife in some of the countries resulting intomilitary activities. Clearly, this poses as a barrier to thedevelopment of small hydropower technology in those coun-tries. During military activities most of the infrastructuresthat support essential services are targeted for vandalismand looting as being part of the weapons of war. Sincesmall scale hydropower systems are quite robust technologyboth in terms of plant size and installed power capacity,and many are installed in remote rural areas supportingessential services, they may be easy targets. In some cases,tribal/community clashes concerning ownership of waterresources have rendered the utilisation of water for otherpurposes such as for power generation limited or stopped atall. In such environments, the future of SHP infrastructuralprojects looks not promising. Therefore, it is advisable thatduring planning stage, there is need to study the social-political environment in the installation areas and to developmeasures on how to manage SHP installations in suchpolitically volatile environments.

Most of the sub-Saharan African countries rely onhydropower for electricity generation [56] as pointed outearlier, and since hydropower depends on the runoff [57],the region’s power sector including SHP systems is thereforevulnerable to water scarcity as a result of climate changerelated occurrences such as decreased levels of precipitation,increased levels of evaporation and droughts [58, 59]. Someresearchers, such as Klunne [60], propose that since SHPsystems are run-of-river (especially micro and pico systemsand that small volumes of water flow are usually tapped fromthe main river for power production, then these systemsare less vulnerable to climate change related water flowvariations. This may be true for relatively large perennialrivers (which act as storage facilities in this case), but forrelatively small rivers, SHP systems may be very vulnerableto water scarcity in the rivers due to absence of water storagesystems.

Further, one of the climate change negative impacts isthe occurrence of extreme weather events such as floodingand hailstorm. These may damage existing infrastructuressuch as the SHP systems. Again, scarcity of water resourcesas a result of climate change causes increased competitionfor the available water in the rivers (for power productionand other uses) and may exacerbate the problem of water-related conflicts, since it will then be a scarce commodity;this may further negatively affect SHP generation. This,therefore, points out that SHP without storage system aremore vulnerable to climate change and therefore issues ofclimate change must be considered during the planning and

designing phase. This should, however, not to be looked atas a strong barrier towards implementation of SHP in theregion, but should be taken as one of positive challenges tobe solved so as to come up with a sustainable installation.Further, according to many experts, in Africa, climate changewill exert pressure on the water sector affecting both itsavailability and quality [58]; hence, it is necessary to improveon the current knowledge on how climate change affects thesmall hydropower sector in the region so as to inform thedesigners and policy makers.

Climate change is defined by IPCC as a significantand lasting change in the statistical distribution of weatherpatterns over periods ranging from decades to millionsof years. There are a lot of grey areas in the body ofknowledge on how climate is changing within the regionand even at country levels. Evidence that climate is changingin the region is based on anecdotal pieces of informationon weather-related changes and events from countries andresults from global circulation climatic model simulations. Itis difficult to extract concrete conclusions about the influenceof climate change at a country level from these global modelssince they are not able to fully mimic the dynamics of climatechange at the country level. However, for planning purposes,the global analysis results on how climate change affects levelof precipitation (thus runoff) and hence hydropower canprovide some useful insights.

Globally, climate change is expected to increase precipi-tation and hence runoff as a result of snow melting due to theincreased global average temperature [57], thus, a positiveoutlook for the hydropower sector. On a regional basis, forAfrica, Arnell [61] conducted simulations using the 1996IPCC’s Special Report Emissions Scenarios for a river runoffprojection up to the year 2050 using the HadCM3 climatemodel. The simulations indicated a significant decreasein runoff in the north and south of Africa, while therunoff in eastern Africa and parts of semiarid sub-SaharanAfrica is projected to increase, indicating a positive futurefor hydropower sector in east Africa than other parts ofthe region. Again, simulation studies by Hamududu andKillingtveit [57] point out that there will be significantregional changes at worldwide level in river flow volumesand timing as a result of changes in precipitation and runoff.For the African Region, their simulations show a reductionin hydropower resource potential with the exception ofEast Africa, agreeing with Arnell [61] results. However,these simulations’ results must be handled with care due tosignificant degrees of uncertainties coming from the genericassumptions when developing the scenarios.

Furthermore, climate change impacts on land use andenvironmental mismanagement in the catchment areas haverendered some of the identified potential sites not suitablefor small hydropower generation due to buildup of silt andother debris, affecting the river basin and profile. Some ofthe installed SHP plants in the region are no longer workingbecause of the problem of silt clogging the generatingequipment. Therefore, catchment area management is alsoimportant to consider during the planning stage. Unsus-tainable harvesting of natural forest for energy and otherpurposes is one of the major environmental challenges in

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most of the sub-Saharan African countries’ river catchmentareas. This challenge is exacerbated by the fact that over 80%of the population in the region rely on biomass energy mostlyin form of firewood and charcoal [62].

The other challenge concerning SHP technology inmost of the SSA countries is lack of policy and regulatoryframework to guide the development and implementationof the SHP systems. Insufficient regulatory framework leadsto unhealthy situations in which, for example, SHP projectdevelopers often do not know which requirements applyand work in an unreliable grey area of regulation. This maydiscourage potential SHP developers from investing in thetechnology.

SHP is a cross-cutting technology; apart from engineer-ing, it also involves agriculture, water resources management,and environmental management sectors as well as nationalpower utilities, local authorities, and financing partners. Itis thus important to include all these sectors during theproject development, implementation, and operation stagesto ensure sustainability of the technology. In case of ruralelectrification, neglecting of involvement of local authorityand local communities can create obstacles in the operationof the SHP technology because the local communities maynot cooperate effectively in water management upstream ofthe intake resulting into low power production.

7. Conclusions

The important findings from this paper are as follows: (i)there is an acute shortage of rural electricity supply inalmost all of the sub-Saharan African countries and grid-based rural electricity supply is associated with a lot ofchallenges; (ii) small hydropower technology is one of thebest suited technology for off-grid power supply but it isquite site-specific affecting both the design of the systemand unit power investment cost; therefore, it needs dedicatedplanning and system design stages; (iii) sub-Saharan Africanregion has a lot of identified small hydropotential sites andare recorded in some of the countries’ small hydropowerinventories, but most of these sites have not undergone fullfeasibility studies both technical and economic; therefore,these inventories are inadequate in providing required designdata and other useful information to potential developers;(iv) basing on the reported estimates of SHP potential dataavailable in many countries of the region, it is reasonableto qualitatively state that the region is well endowed withSHP potential; (v) despite having scattered information oncountry level SHP installation levels, this paper how that theregion has very low levels of SHP installation (in relation topotential estimates available) and that most of them are initi-ated by international development agencies—it is in Rwanda,Kenya and Uganda that private developers have startedparticipating in SHP power generation, on independentpower producer arrangement; therefore, case studies on such“success stories” may be conducted to inform formulation ofupcoming similar projects in other countries in the region;(vi) there are many challenges hampering development andimplementation of SHP projects in the region, technological

challenges including lack of local human capacity to plan,design, manufacture, install, and operate SHP projects arequite pronounced in many countries in the region; thepresence of a regional centre of excellence in SHP technologydevelopment in Abija, Nigeria plus outputs of SHP regionalprojects on capacity building as reviewed in the paper shouldbe utilised and possibly scaled up at country levels, possiblyutilising the already existing national research and technol-ogy development centres. Technological innovations such asconcerning the development of efficient SHP components(for example turbines) for the rural SSA scenario should alsobe encouraged in the region.

Lack of funds to finance SHP projects has been men-tioned as one of the challenges facing the SHP developmentin SSA. As discussed in the paper, most of the SHP projectsrely on funding from development partners and centralgovernments, and, in most cases, the funding is just able tofinance a portion of the available hydropower potential inthe country. To become less dependent on donors and public(central government) funding, strategies must therefore beput in place on how to attract other sources of financingsuch as from the private money lending institutions (likecommercial banks).

The SHP is traditionally designed for a particular sitebecause of the technology being site specific, as discussed inthe paper. Considering the diverse range of sites in terms oflevels of heads and flow rates, there is need for a design ofmodularized and standardized SHP system to be applied to arange of potential sites. This will help to effectively exploitSHP resources available on the site as well as to help inmanagement of the SHP technology in terms of availabilityof spare parts since the spares will not only be specificto the type of plant installed on a particular site. Whenconducting feasibility study, apart from quantifying the firmpower potential available at the site, it is also important toselect the suitable installation technology that matches themodular system on the site (for example, selecting the rangeof modular turbines match the site power characteristics).

Despite the challenges, this paper shows that smallhydropower technology has the potential for power genera-tion in sub-Saharan Africa especially for rural power supply.The challenges discussed in the paper should be looked atas negative stumbling blocks, but rather as areas to workon during planning stage so as to improve on the sustain-able technology development and implementation in theregion.


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