Page 1: Powerpoint fashion spread

Photo-shoot – Outfit 1

Page 2: Powerpoint fashion spread

I like this image because of the framing, he is in the middle of the image.

The shadows do go over his face and some elements of the outfit making it harder to see.

There is no direct address but this is okay in a fashion spread.

The background makes him stand out due to the colours.

Page 3: Powerpoint fashion spread

This is the image I chose, I like this image because it is clearly fully in focus. The background is interesting as there is variety in it.

There is also nice depth of field to the image so the focus is on the outfit.

The lighting is nice as it’s not too harsh on the model.

Page 4: Powerpoint fashion spread

I chose this image because I like the background and it also has depth of field.

The lighting is not great as it is harsh and has a shadow going across him.

Page 5: Powerpoint fashion spread

I used this image as I like the pose the model is doing, it looks natural. I also like the framing as you can see enough of his clothes.

The lighting is too bright and looses detail in some aspects of the image.

Page 6: Powerpoint fashion spread

I like this image as the green in the background allows him to stand out to showcase the image.

Since I used manual settings it allowed me to capture depth of field so the model can stand out. The angle allows all of the clothes to be seen.

Page 7: Powerpoint fashion spread

Photo-shoot - Outfit 2

Page 8: Powerpoint fashion spread

I chose this image as I like the lighting, it also has strong depth of field due to the manual settings.

The pose is casual and shows all of the clothes as he is fully in focus. The image also has a lens fare by his legs adding to effect.

Page 9: Powerpoint fashion spread

I like this image as it gets the whole outfit in the image. I also like the framing as he is centred in the middle of the image.

I used manual settings, this helped me get the correct shutter speed and aperture. Using manual focus allowed me to get the correct depth of field and have the focus on the model. I also like the location as the tree acts as a background and allows the model to stand out against the other colours.

Page 10: Powerpoint fashion spread

This is the image I chose because the main thing I like about this image is the focus, it is very crisp. I also like how the greens in the backgrounds make the clothing stand out so that the focal point is on the models shirt.

I used manual settings which allowed me to get the lighting I wanted and to get depth of field in the image.

Page 11: Powerpoint fashion spread

I chose this image because it has a nice depth of field making the focus be the model, I did this by using manual settings on the camera. The image also has a lens flare which can be seen by the models leg adding more effect to the image. I also like the lighting it adds a warm feel to the image.

Some of the out of focus spots in the background have white spots of lighting that glow behind him.

Page 12: Powerpoint fashion spread

The lighting on this image is quite dark adding a gloomy effect. His pose also goes with the lighting as he is facing the floor.

I used manual settings, this shows the model being in focus. I took the photo at this location as it allows the clothes to stand out.

Page 13: Powerpoint fashion spread

Photo-shoot - Outfit 3

Page 14: Powerpoint fashion spread

I like this image as it is very crisp and in focus, I used manual settings and this allowed me to get the right lighting.

His clothes are brightly coloured allowing him to stand out against the background. The lighting also is focused on the model.

Page 15: Powerpoint fashion spread

This is the image I chose, I like it a lot as the background captures the water in the background. Since he is stood up against the tree it allows the colour from his shirt stand out.

The manual settings also helped me capture depth of field. This image follows the rule of thirds as my model is framed at the left of the image on the focal points.

Page 16: Powerpoint fashion spread

I like this image as it follows the rule of thirds allowing him to be on the focal points. I don’t like the lighting as it is very harsh over his clothes.

The image is not fully focused but it still shows elements of depth of field as I used manual focus.

Page 17: Powerpoint fashion spread

I like this image as the models pose is natural. The framing is nice as he has enough head space and he is framed in the middle.

I used manual focus to capture depth of field.

Page 18: Powerpoint fashion spread

This image is framed nicely, it shows enough of the clothes and is close up enough to see detail.

I also like the models pose/facial expression as he is looking towards the ground showing emotion.

Page 19: Powerpoint fashion spread

Photo-shoot - Outfit 4

Page 20: Powerpoint fashion spread

This is the image I chose, I really like this image as it captures a lot of depth of field. I also like the reflection in the water as it adds a background for the model to stand out.

I used manual focus which allows me to capture narrow depth of field so the focus is on him. The lighting is also not too harsh so the clothes can be seen easily.

Page 21: Powerpoint fashion spread

This image follows the rule of thirds as he is on the right of the image following the rule of thirds.

I used manual setting so I was able to capture the lighting I wanted. I was also able to capture depth of field by using manual focus.

Page 22: Powerpoint fashion spread

This image has quite dark lighting so it is quite hard to see the clothes, the image is also slightly out of focus.

But I do like how the colour in the background contrasts from the colours he is wearing allowing him to stand out.

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The lighting on this image is too dark but I like how it is brighter on the model.

The depth of field is narrow allowing him to stand out and the focus is crisp.

The image follows the rule of thirds making the model be the focal point.

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The models pose in this image is quite natural. I also like how the green contrasts against the blue of the shirt allowing him to stand out.

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