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  • Pressure Point Defensive Tactics

    Copyright 2009 Russell Stutely Productions. All Rights Reserved | |

    Pressure Point

    Information Sheet

  • Pressure Point Defensive Tactics

    Copyright 2009 Russell Stutely Productions. All Rights Reserved | |

    Before we get on to the correct striking areas there is some science that needs to be understood.

    This is the science of The Laws of Complimentary Opposites, this means at a basic level, that front is opposite to

    back; Top is opposite to Bottom and that left is opposite to right.

    How does this help the Police Officer when dealing with an assaultive subject?

    Well, once you understand this Law, then the application of your Defensive Tactics techniques becomes MUCH

    easier. In fact you can make it up to 5 times easier to apply a technique using this Law than without.

    Brief Pictorial explanation below

    The Front of the Body Is opposite to the Back of the Body

    This means, at a basic level when you make this comparison, that a strike to the front of the body, followed by a

    strike to the back of the body (or vice versa) will have a greater systemic effect on the body.

    Lets take this one step further for greater clarification.

  • Pressure Point Defensive Tactics

    Copyright 2009 Russell Stutely Productions. All Rights Reserved | |

    The front of the body is split into top/bottom and

    left/right The same at the back of the body. These quadrants

    have been numbered for ease of analysis

    Again, how does this help the Law Enforcement officer make the Arrest?

    If we take a very simple example to make the point;

    If you are attempting to apply an arm bar to the assailants right arm, you are in quadrant 1. Remember that the

    further away you go, then the more systemic the reaction. This means that ultimately a strike to quadrant 8 would

    be best, that is, however, unfeasible in a fight.

    So, you would take your next best option if available, usually quadrant 3 or 4.

  • Pressure Point Defensive Tactics

    Copyright 2009 Russell Stutely Productions. All Rights Reserved | |

    Pressure Point Defensive Tactics Module 1

    Striking Areas

    Your open hand Power Slap should connect to this area for the best affect. This is non-injurious to the assailant

    but results in a very easy and quick Knockout

    Your Hammerfist can connect here for a very quick knockout. The alternative area of attack is the same as

    for the elbow

    Your elbow strike should hit this area. When struck this

    causes massive shock to the system and also to the Lung operation. This makes the assailant short of breath and

    go into panic mode. Usually resulting in a collapse to the floor.

    Your punch can go into this area. This results in a massive shock to the system, followed up by a

    doubling up of the body, thereby assisting in the Control and restraint / arrest.

  • Pressure Point Defensive Tactics

    Copyright 2009 Russell Stutely Productions. All Rights Reserved | |

    Your punch can also go into this area. When struck in and down through the body, this can have several major effects. Light strike doubling up of body, head comes forward and down. Massive shock to the system Medium strike as above plus the assailant feels a desperate need to urinate. The shock goes very deep and lasts for several seconds up to one minute. Heavy strike as above plus. The assailant can lose control of Bladder and Bowels for a few seconds. Usually resulting in a total collapse to the floor.

  • Pressure Point Defensive Tactics

    Copyright 2009 Russell Stutely Productions. All Rights Reserved | |

    Pressure Point Defensive Tactics Module 3

    Striking Areas As previous plus:

    Your back slap should go to either of the above areas. You will normally hit both with one strike (remember that

    these areas are on BOTH Sides of the body). They are shown separately to make it easier to see where they are.

    The back slap will result in similar outcomes to the elbow

  • Pressure Point Defensive Tactics

    Copyright 2009 Russell Stutely Productions. All Rights Reserved | |

    Your knee strikes can go to any of these areas Inner thigh will knock the leg away, take the balance and bring the head down. Outer thigh result in a dead leg and a collapse of the body Torso strike doubling up of the body and similar results to the punch.

  • Pressure Point Defensive Tactics

    Copyright 2009 Russell Stutely Productions. All Rights Reserved | |

    Pressure Point Defensive Tactics Module 5

    The following areas will result in instant knockouts when medium to heavy force is used along with the correct angle

    and direction.

    At the moment these are shown as areas only. As you become more proficient, you will fine tune this down to

    specific targets whenever possible, in the knowledge that the area alone will do the job required.

    Strike Areas The actual Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) name will be given

    As above plus:

    This area is known as GB20 (Gall Bladder 20) ST4 (Stomach 4)

    ST5 (Stomach 5) ST6 (Stomach 6)

    Gall Bladder Cluster (GB 13/14/15) Large Intestine 18 (LI18)

  • Pressure Point Defensive Tactics

    Copyright 2009 Russell Stutely Productions. All Rights Reserved | |

    Spleen 6 (Sp 6) Gall Bladder 31 (GB31)

    Spleen Gall Bladder Crossing Gall Bladder 26 (GB26)

    Brachial Stun Gall Bladder 21 (GB21) Back of elbow Triple Warmer 10/11 (TW10/11) It is rare for an elbow strike to cause a K.O unless it is

    done very hard and the shock of the dislocation causes the K.O

  • Pressure Point Defensive Tactics

    Copyright 2009 Russell Stutely Productions. All Rights Reserved | |


    Now we will examine the quadrants from Module 1 in greater detail. We can make quadrants in any part of the

    body. In fact WE SHOULD make quadrants in any part of the body to make our techniques MUCH easier to apply.

    Here we have taken JUST the torso and split that into quadrants. On a basic level, this means a strike to area 1

    followed by a strike to area 4 will have a greater systemic effect on the body

    Here we have divided the head into quadrants. We know that a strike to GB20 in area 8 works. We know that a strike to the GB Cluster in area 1 works. Therefore if we hit them both together and towards each other, then we WILL get

    a much better reaction. This is a prime example of the quadrants in action.

    Here we can see that one leg has been split into quadrants. GB31 is area 1 and Sp6 is area 8. A BIG distance away

    and a GREAT systemic reaction.

  • Pressure Point Defensive Tactics

    Copyright 2009 Russell Stutely Productions. All Rights Reserved | |

    Conclusion These notes are designed purely as a guide to the actual PPDT Courses.

    The diagrams are for illustration purposes only and the EXACT locations and full explanations will be given on the

    actual course.

    Above and beyond PPDT Level 5 we go into MUCH more detail with Pressure Points and also include MANY more of

    them in our studies.

    We also take the other categories and expand on them in much greater detail:

    Balance Points


    Waveform Striking

    Palm Down

    Dizzy Drills


    The categories covered in PPDT are enough to help make that arrest and make it much easier.

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