Page 1: Ppt pengaruh religiusitas terhadap pola perilaku dan prestasi peserta



-- I N D A H N U R N A N N I N G S I H --

Page 2: Ppt pengaruh religiusitas terhadap pola perilaku dan prestasi peserta

There are many issue that

circulated in the process of

learning and teaching , actually if

we talk about religionly. It has

some relation. Some people argue

that this process may has deep

relation with good example,

moral, ahievement or conversely.


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Have any relation

between this element ?

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The effect of education agency for student, it just not as transfer of knowledge,

futhermore it also refers to something about school condition and education’s system

that applycable . All of the aspect has impact to the personality for every student....

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One of education system that can be increase more about quality , from

many aspect, such as achievement, in spite of morality, it can be doing

with awarding of religion values.

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Religionity is important to be having for everyone. For a person

such as student, this is run as basic elements and as a fundamental

think, so that we also take more concern for it. In the school, it can

also be practical by shaum, pray together, so on..

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Based on result of the research in JHS 2 Bantul that moeslim, and all of student in MTsN Gondowulung Bantul, there are difference about moral and no differences about

religionity between student of general school and islamic school.

(Journal of Perilaku Moral dan Religiusitas Siswa Berlatar Belakang Pendidikan Umum dan Agama, Vol 33 no 2)

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Some of fact in the daily refers about difference character between

student from islamic school and general school. Those research indicated

one of reason why it can be happened. It has some probably, like the

method of education, and differences in enviroment from both of school.

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Perilaku religius mahasiswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran PAI dan

pembinaan keagamaan secara integratif melalui Tutorial PAI

Proses perkuliahan ikan Agama Islam (PAI) di jurusan Pendidikan

Teknik Elektro telah dilaksanakan 6 x tatap muka , dari tugas –tugas yang telah

diberikan dan pengamatan oleh dosen PAI tentang perilaku religius ada

kecenderungan mahasiswa dapat dikelompokkan menjadi tiga kriteria, rajin

beribadah, kurang aktif dalam beribadah dan pasif dalam ibadah.

Sedangkan pembinaan keagamaan mahasiswa melalui tutorial PAI belum dapat

dilaporkan karena tiga kelompok tutorial PAI baru dilaksanakan rata-rata 3 kali tatap

muka. Meski demikian peneliti mentargetkan para responden memiliki motivasi yang

tinggi dalam beribadah. Adapun target amalan harian responden sbb:

No. Jenis Amalan Target

1. Sholat Fardlu 5 x sehari

2. Sholat Berjama’ah 3 x sepekan

3. Sholat sunnah rawatib 3 x sepekan

4. Sholat Dluha 1 x sepekan

(Journal of Peningkatan Perilaku Religius Mahasiswa Melalui Integrasi Pembelajaran

Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) Dan Pembinaan

Di Unit Kegiatan Keagamaan Mahasiswa)

For the degree of university, a tutor/ lecturer can also monitoring and targeted some ways to get the result of quality in religion , such as bring about “pekan

pesantren” as one week . Into the bargain, teacher can targeted like in this journal :

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In the other result of the research,there are some of summary..

• With memorize and reciting Al Quran, a student will have power of remember, suplement of intelligence in their dialy

• With pray punctualy, it can learn more to student about their regularity, actualy for their closenees with Allah

• With shaum such aincrease kes Senin Kamis, or another kind of shaum, it can be increase intellegence.

(the research of modernity medicine and considered as fundamental of success)

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So ,we can conclude that certainly, there are relation between religionity and

achievement. But if we just maximality our religion , and pay not attention to another

element, it just no result . Because ineffective of religionity never can bring us to get

achievement and also good behavior.

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“Sesungguhnya mereka yang beriman dan beramal saleh, tentulah Kami tidak akan

menyia – nyiakan pahala orang – orang yang mengerjakan amalannya dengan baik”

(al Kahfi : 30)

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Name :

Indah Nurnanningsih



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