  • 8/3/2019 Practical Reminders for Christian Growth


    Practical Reminders for Christian Growth

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    ctv|vtctv|vtctv|vtctv|vtReminders for

    Christian GrowthFrancis A. Tendencia

    Year 2000


    Kindling the Scriptures One Verse at a Time

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    About Gods Word

    Trust and Courage to Obey God

    God says to Joshua,

    6Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this

    people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land,

    which I sware unto their fathers to give them.7Only

    be thou strong and very courageous, that thou

    mayest observe to do according to all the law, which

    Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it

    to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest

    prosper whithersoever thou goest.8

    This book of thelaw shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt

    meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest

    observe to do according to all that is written therein:

    for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and

    then thou shalt have good success.9Have not I

    commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage;

    be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the

    LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou

    goest. (Joshua 1:6-9)

    This passage primarily has to do with the sure victorious conquest and territorial

    expansion that God promised to Joshua, the successor of Moses. This is the introduction

    for fulfilling the words of God to the Patriarch (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) concerningthe promise Land. God is saying here to Joshua, that conquering the Promised Land and

    the giants therein lies in their dependence upon God and to the Law that He has given to

    them through Moses.

    I know, as Ive said, that this passage has to do first of all with Gods promise to Joshua

    as he leads Israel to conquer the Promised Land. However, there are principles that wecan see here that we can use in our daily lives as Christians.

    In this passage, I observed that God gave three undeniable principles that would lead

    Israel to conquer the Promise Land, from the hands of the wicked and pagan enemies.

    Positive respond to Gods WordVerses 6 and 7 say,

    6Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land,

    which I sware unto their fathers to give them.7Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou

    mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not

    from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.

    Disobedience simply means we doubt God. When we disobey God, we are belittling the

    truthfulness and certainty of His word. We are putting it in a place where we view it just

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    like an old literature or its just a book made by man. And so because of this low-view of

    Gods word, we are in exchange implying that it has no greater value at all, that it is notthe final authority of our lives. Joshua must not view the Scriptures in this way. Instead,

    he should respond positively; meaning, with faith, with trust, and with assurance.

    You see, the Bible is true and trustworthy but we should respond to it POSITIVELY in

    order to EXPERIENCE its power and veracity.

    The Presence of GodVerse 9 says

    9Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou

    dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

    Suffice for me to say that if God be for us who can be against us (Romans 8). Rememberthis: One with God is greater than million of soldiers.

    The Promise of GodVerses 6 and 7 says

    6Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land,

    which I sware unto their fathers to give them.7Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou

    mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not

    from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.

    God is highly exalted in fulfilling what He says. He is the God who cannot lie. If there is

    impossible with God, that isHe CANNOTlie. It is IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD TO LIE!He fulfills what He says. He has an absolute word of honor. He is the God who does

    not have a broken vow.

    So these are the 3 principles that God gave to Joshua so that he could conquer

    victoriously the Promised Land. And I believe if we will also stick to these principles, we

    can also do great things for Gods glory. We must face our battles with these principles.

    This is Gods strategy for us to overcome temptations, trials, and problems. The point is:

    TRUST THE LORD! You have His word, you have His presence, and you have Hispromise.

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    How to Respond Positively to the Word of God?

    Using Joshua 1:6-9, I think there are five basic things.

    1. Dont be double minded. If God says He will do this, Heindeed will do that. Thats simple right?

    2. Dont be double-directed. There are no other guides thatwill lead us to spiritual maturity, other than the Word of

    God. You s hould walk in this One Way, the Word of the

    Lord. The path of righteousness always leads to life andgood success. (Physical, as well as spiritual).

    3. Understand that the Word of God is your dailyproclamation and answer to every difficult and challenging

    situations. Read it, there lies Gods wisdom for your life.

    4. Meditate it. Give a personal time to be alone to study the Bible.5. Love it. If you love, sacrifice is natural.

    Thank God, He Knows my Way, I Cannot Hide from Him!

    For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous(Psalm 1:6).

    To know the way of the righteous is an act of Gods Omniscience. The sweet thing is:

    His knowledge about us comes from His loving Heart. Part of loves demonstration is to

    know personally the object of love. Out of Gods love, God is longing to know us; I mean

    our weakness, our strength, our tears, our joys, everything about us! He wants to know itBY EXPRESSING OURSELVES TO HIM PERSONALLY, of course based upon our

    relationship with Him as our Father. Im not talking here the basic of His Omnisciencebut the act of relationship between Him and us.

    Also the perfection of His love is surely demonstrated by the fact that He knows us

    absolutely, since He is our Creator.

    I believe the word knows in Psalm 1:6 doesnt only points to Gods Omniscience (that

    He knows everything ) but has an idea of personal relationship. Love always wants to

    know his love. The Lord knows who are His, for they are vulgarized by the walk of their


    One of the comforting truths also is that, the phrase way of the righteous impressed an

    idea of personality, behavior, manner, and works that completes the persons life. Hence,

    God knows us in a very tremendous way, our minds, our motives, our desires,

    everything! God knows and He is concerned and willing to help us for He has a heart that

    is tremendous and of absolute benevolence, that is, He is pleased to do good to us

    because it glorifies His character and exalt His person. For how can the Lord meet theneeds of our life and even the very longings our heart and the purpose of our existence IFHe is not that too wise and too good? And since God knows us very well, we can be

    certain and secure that His love will lead us to the Best and Highest Good of existence.

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    The words of the Psalmist concerning the Lord is so tremendous to meditate, for it will

    cast all doubts, fears, anxieties, and discouragements that hinder us to live like Him. Hesays, For the Lord knows the way of the righteous! (Psalm 1:6)

    God knows the way of the righteous because it is His way that the righteous follow. The

    way of the righteous is according to His will and character. Unlike the ungodly, his way

    is wicked and superbly in misalignment with Gods Word. It is not known to God in a

    sense that, the Lord does no evil. Theres no single point of imperfection in His mind,

    and therefore His knowledge is entirely perfect and absolute.

    Friend, we have a trustworthy God! He is willing to listen to our questions and struggles!

    God is good! His mind is always in line with His heart! But sometimes we silentlyblaspheme the Lord with closed-mouth but by open heart when we are in unexplainable

    circumstances and we brag. Though most of our problems are consequences of our own

    foolishness, we are so close-minded and coward to believe that God is indeed good. Whyshould we just put our trust on Him with patient courage and anticipation? Oh we dont

    give God a place to prove Himself as He really is. We are so quick to stone God throughthe murmur our hearts and mind. We always haste for answer, not knowing that God

    answers in perfect timing and with perfect explanation of everything. Laziness to wait

    and focusing on the situation and concentrating to ourselves are the basic things that

    make God blur and false in our mind.

    Preparation to become Successful

    Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.

    Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot fromevil. (Proverbs 5:26-27)

    How to walk in this life successfully and with care? Well, the

    answer is by pondering first your motives and your ways. You need

    to consider or check your heart and your going. Mistakes come

    when we forget and fail to do this very simple principle. Gods

    wisdom has a great and important impact in our daily walk. Godswisdom thru the Scripture gives us right motive and leads us to the

    right path. Gods wisdom is so perfect (Psalm 119) that if we live in

    line with the Scriptures, the surety of excellence in Gods sight isthe by product (Philippians 1:9-10).

    So friend, as we do or work things out, consider these things in mind:

    1. Is my motive right?2. Is my going right?3. Do I have Gods wisdom (Bible) to direct me?4. Will the Lord be glorified in this? Or this is just a hidden desire of my ego?

    As you consider these things, then ponder to walk.

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    Respond to the Word of God Wholeheartedly

    Did not our hearts burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he

    opened to us the Scriptures?(Luke 24:32)

    To proclaim the Word of God effectively and in truth, it should first control you. It

    should first be blended well in your very life. That is, from the very beat of your heartunto the very thoughts of your mind, up to the very movements of your body. It should be

    first all in all in you. It should be once again incarnated in your very flesh, into the very

    real existence of your very self. God is alive and true! And Hes Word is indeed the same

    as He is. The Word of God is Alive. To experience it, the life of Gods Word should

    become your life as well.

    Putting the Word of God into your Heart

    Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom(Colossians 3:16)

    Today we need a burning presentation of the power and

    truth of Gods Word and it should begin within. It shouldgo to the heart, invading the mind, and stirring the hands,

    feet, mouth, eyes, and ears to apply. God is at work and He

    is alive. His Word is the same as He is! The Word and the

    Spirit of God must captivate the heart and the mind of the

    believer. So that by this means the Christian will live thelife of faith in power and in truth. This may sound mystic,

    but it is not my intention to sound like that, however this is the truth that we need to

    experience. I mean, the believer and the Word of God must unite, spirit to spirit, heart to

    heart, and mind to mind. I think this might be the reason why in the letters of our ApostlePaul he called the church as Christs Body. A state of close-intimacy with Jesus Christ!

    The Word of God must become the Apple of your Eye

    My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with thee. Keep my

    commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye.(Proverbs 7:1-2)

    Gods Word is genuinely received when it is laid up into our hearts. This should be the

    case for if not, it is not genuine acceptance at all. As we save money into our bank

    account, because it will help us sustain our needs, the same also with the Word, we truly

    treasure it when we deposit it into our very life. Also I really love the Word of God, whenit becomes the Apple of my eye. This is Wisdom! For Solomon, maturity comes when

    Gods Word more than anything else is prioritized.

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    Truths Learned are Truths to Apply

    But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. (James1:22)

    When God has taught you something, Satan will try his best to take it away from you like

    the seed that was snatched away from the roadside. Satan will attack your mind until he

    succeeds to put his stronghold in you. Gods truths are alive. They are the truths we need

    to live in this life, for there is life in Gods Word. This is the reason why those who seeksand gives heart for it will find satisfaction from the very life of the Word of God.

    Guard you mind and heart beloved!

    Where is the Source of Wise Living?

    The desire of the righteous is only good.(Proverbs 11:23)

    Gods wisdom is the foundation of righteous living. His wisdom is characterized by

    righteousness and therefore perfect in all its manifestations. Righteous walk comes from

    knowledge and understanding about what is right from the Holy Scriptures. Also, God

    keeps the paths of judgment and preserves the ways of His saints by His Wisdom. The

    Law of righteous living is simple, you should have a righteous principle (The Scripture)and you will be in a righteous path. Love Gods Word, its our Light to the Right Path!

    Listening the Wise Thing a Fool Cant Do! Are you one of them?

    A wise man will hear and increase learningHe

    (the fool) shall die without instruction: and in the

    greatness of his folly he shall go astray.(Proverbs 1:6;5:23)

    In learning, listening contributes much. It seems to

    me that the basic way to gain learning is first of all

    through listening. Education as someone has said is

    life. For me, one of the means to keep knowledge in our hearts is by disciplining our

    ears to listen concentratedly. The heart is like a container, you fill it with all kinds of

    things and the ear is one of the means to enter into it. For Solomon, Ear symbolizesattention and interest. Gods education cant be attained and enjoyed without giving

    our attention and interest. A wise man will hear and increase learning says Proverbs1:5.

    Realization and increase in learning is because of concentrated attention and interest.

    Listening is one of the ways to grow, to develop, to increase, to expand, and to conquer in

    our Christian education.

    Listening to the Word of God is tremendously important in our Christian life!


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    OBEY. The Master Jesus Christ is always teaching us through His Word. This is His

    Only absolute means of teaching us today. No other else! Give then our attention andinterest to the Word of God so we will grow.

    As we walk everyday with Christ, it should be clear to us:

    1. To whom we focus our attention and interest?2. What kind of education we get from that?3. What are we doing with the things we have listened?

    A man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels (not the counsels of theworld) (Proverbs 1:5).

    Friend if we continue to love listening to God and give full concentration of mind andspirit lifes education and heavenly learning would be open to you. The present problem

    of the world is the absence of Gods voice in their attention. They say, The Lord doesntspeak today? Of course thats true in a literal sense. We cannot hear the voice of God

    audibly. However He speaks CLEARLY today through the HOLY BIBLE! Nothing more

    nothing else!

    God cant be heard today by our physical ear. Unlike in the Old Testament, the Lord

    speaks to His servants in a wonderful way. They really heard Gods voice! But as I said,

    the Lord is speaking to our minds and heart through the Holy Scriptures. Through

    preaching and reading of the Word of God, and most especially by studying it will all our


    Read, hear, and Study the Word of God! There you will really hear God talking to your

    spirit! Or will I say, to the whole you!!!

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    About Prayer

    When you Pray to God, Specify your Request

    Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving

    let your request be made known unto God.(Philippians 4:6)

    James 1:8 and Philippians 4:6-7

    It is pretty obvious that God wants the believer to pray and to make

    his request known to God. Request is a biblical term. This

    request is in the context of Gods will, a request that is nurturedby our relationship with God and His words.

    It is wonderfu l to understand that our God who knows everything

    wants His children to present their requestto Him specifically. I

    believe, specific requests indicate a close-relationship we have in

    God. It is because of Christ Jesus Cross-Work.

    Concerning Specific prayer request I would like to say that a

    double-minded man is unstable in all his ways(James 1:8). I think

    one of the reasons why we are not persevering in our prayer life is

    because we dont understand the joy of sharing to God the request of our hearts. Godwants to listen to us! And God wants to answer our request that is in-line with His Word.

    But the problem with us is that we dont understand what we are asking for. Or if we asksomething, sad to say we are bothered by another thing. We have also an attitude that

    says, Is this the will of God for me? Ah maybe this one, oh no this one! Well, this is

    double-mindedness. Friend, we need to ask to God specifically. If we know that the thing

    we ask for will glorify the name of the Lord, and will meet our needs, then why not askfor it? A mature believer in the Word send request to God with confidence and

    perseverance. A growing understanding in the Word of God creates an increasing

    understanding and confidence in our prayer life. The more we know the Word, the more

    we know what to ask for in prayer.

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    Private Prayer

    But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closeth, and when thou hast shut thy door,

    pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall rewardthee openly. (Matthew 6:6)

    Privacy of the soul cant be bounded to a Solemn

    place. Christian privacy in prayer involves the

    quiet heart. We cant avoid the noisiness of the

    world around us, they might enter into our homes,

    but dont let it to enter into your heart. Guard

    jealously your heart against any intrusion of

    spiritual noise that w ill affect its quiet privacy.Sin is that noise! We should learn to practice how

    to enter into that concealed chamber of our

    heart where we do our communication with God.

    There in that private place of our heart we deposit precious treasures of truth, the onlytreasures that cant be taken away by things outward us. In this place of our hearts also

    we enjoy the richness of Gods truth, all that He is! The treasures of truth laid up there

    will in the future be our happiness, because we will see that the world passes away and allits luxury. And those who put their heart on outward glory will find themselves poor and

    damned in the face of eternity.

    Christians need privacy. For in their privacy they meet the Secret One hidden from the

    eyes of the carnal men. For in that place they renew their strength and refresh their spirit.

    You restoreth my soul says David to God in Psalm 23.

    Tired soul might not continue; restoration is vital if we need to finish. We should not act

    according to busyness, for even though you hit many things, its without power.Concentrated attack should always be.

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    Submission to God is like Breathing Air

    Yield yourselves unto God(Romans 6:13)

    I see that there is only one thing we could do to

    experience Life in the Spirit. What it is then?It is YIELDING, the giving of oneself (Romans

    6; 12:1-2) to God. This is not a once and for alldecision but an EVERYDAY choice. Oh many

    years I tried hard to walk in the Spirit, to

    experience the power of God. Ive disciplined

    myself to read Gods Word, set schedules to

    feed my spirituality. I tried to imitate the great

    men of the faith and many such heroes of

    holiness and of the faith. But it didnt work. Something is lacking, for my endeavor came

    from the human sphere of energy. Yes I prayed, I pondered holy livings, and read GodsWord even in mystic way. I set myself to follow the Lord but I failed! Yes because its allMY work! It was all human-discipline, human energy, human decision, human tactics,

    insights, and human desires. I thought I could do it alone! When in reality it was all a

    ceremony and rituals. I became like a Pharisee!

    Human law whatever it is that comes from within him cannot achieve divine standard, for

    we know that the human nature is corrupted by sin and is under condemnation (Romans

    8). There is a law of sin and death (Romans 8) that sets enmity and gap between manand God, flesh and the Spirit, law and grace, and doubt and faith. Yes I know that a

    moral person in our society is able to express desire, effort, and striving! That is why wehave this term religious person. But religion, ritual, program, and seminar cant bring

    us into spirituality. They may point the way, but sad to say to the false paths. Human

    nature is full of hypocrisy and pride.

    We need Grace! We need something beyond ourselves, something outside of ourselves,

    something from God! Oh! Thats Grace!

    Do we understand what it really means to yield? Do we understand the great lights that

    come from this word of the scriptures? This is a word of truth that cast darkness and

    creates rainbow of gladness in our hearts.

    To yield basically means to submit. Paul said, Submit yourselves unto God

    (Romans 6). This is the desire and striving of the new nature. Submission, that is the

    key truth. It means humble yourselves, put things in the hands of God. Need God!

    I dont want to be misunderstood here so I like to say that this word doesnt meanPASSIVITY. It is an ACTIVITY of God through His Word and through His Spirit in

    the INNER MAN. Thats why I said that life in the Spirit is an EVERYDAY CHOICE!

    And so if it involves a choice, therefore you Christian have a PART and struggle to do!

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    That is to YIELD! To submit to God! See? Oh I tell you, submission to God though it is a

    JOY to the New Nature, but TORTURE to the Old Nature.

    You must choose to whom you will submit your life? Is it to your flesh or to the HolySpirit? Is it to the World or to the Word? Our part then as a Christian has to do with our

    will. In the Christian life, we have this kind of battle which is called the Battle of the

    hearts. Life in the Spirit requires your choice! To love God is a decision; to follow

    Jesus-Christ is a choice! Whether you like it or not, you must choose!

    Slavery or force-service is not found in the sphere of the Spirit for Christ sets us free and

    therefore for that reason we have a choice to exercise in every aspect and detail of our

    lives. We are a responsible creature! See then that Submission is tremendously active! Isee a connection that Spirituality is that Activity of God through the Spirit and throughthe Word in the choice of the believer. There is a command in the Bible! We need to

    decide! We need to choose! This is freedom indeed as Gods children!

    However, in our decision as a Christian, let us remember that God resisted the proud butgives grace to the humble. There is no grace when you try to walk in the Spirit according

    to your law (human effort, desire, strategy, tactics, rule, mastery that comes from mere

    rituals of the flesh).

    Grace comes when you realize YOUR NEED not WHAT YOU HAVE or CAN DO. My

    friend if you cancel the grace of God in your spirituality, all you will reap is desperation.

    Many of us are discouraged because we think we can buy spirituality through religious

    activity and participation. God MAY respect human endeavors but He is pleased more to

    give. Unworthiness of human nature cannot please the Worthy One. But we can pleaseGod because He has given us a nature that is the same with Him the new nature in

    Christ Jesus. We need grace beloved!

    God resists the proud (those who walk like the Pharisees) but gives grace to the humble

    (those who in desperation of the soul cries out to God for grace). My friend, those who

    walk the Christian life through religious activities and programs practice spiritual pride.Let Gods grace through the Presence of the Holy Spirit guides us. This doesnt mean

    loss of freedom! But rather educating and empowering our will to follow the words of the

    Lord in the might of the Spirit. The strength to walk in path of righteousness comes not

    from us, but from the bread of life (the Word of God) and from the air of life (The Holy

    Spirit). Remember, holiness is not our fruit; it is the fruit of the Word and of the HolySpirit in life of the believer whose will is under the authority of the Scripture and of the


    We cant produce something for God by our own. We need Jesus Christ for He said,

    Without me, you can do NOTHING! (John 15). HELP is a beautiful word, with

    four golden letters that God loves to hear. I think He is always willing to answer this with

    resounding YES!

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    Life in the Spirit is life under grace. Allow the fire of the Scriptures and the air of the

    Holy Spirit to dwell within you in a natural way.

    Beloved, there is always a Throne of grace that waits us. Are we always present there?Are we asking God to help us? My friend we should be continually conscious of our need

    of God in our daily lives! We need God more than anything else. Think of these things!

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    About Relating to Others

    Talking that God loves to Hear

    Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt...(Colossians 4:6)

    What is the talking that God loves to hear?

    To understand this, let me explain first the negative things.

    1. TALKATIVENESSa. For Solomon talkativeness is a sign of foolishness. Its talking things in a

    wrong time, wrong place, and in a wrong manner, even to a wrong person.Also it is opening wide your heart without guarding it against the entrance

    of sin. Therefore those who talk much sin much. A wise person thus is a

    person who knows how to control his tongue (Prov.17:27). It is a control

    that comes from a calm spirit.

    2. ANGRY WORDSa. Angry words create fighting and inner hurts. It create wounds hurtful than

    that which is of the body. Anger in its negative sense is also foolishness

    for in this respect we use more our mouths than our minds. It is said that

    God gave us big brain to rule our small tongue.

    3. LYING MOUTHa.

    Lying mouth destroys people because you lead them to falsehood.Falsehood brings destruction! In falsehood, you are displaying fiction or

    directing peoples eyes to something which is in reality nothing. Alsothe serious thing is, when you speak lie, your doing the work of the Devil.According to our Lord Jesus, the Devil is the Father of lie.

    Now, concerning the talk that God loves, here are some of the basics:

    1. THANKFULNESS2. APPRECIATION to see the worth of others.3. LIBERTY when you talk to people, they understand true freedom because you

    tell them the truth in a loving way.4. KNOWLEDGE you speak with content.The Bible said, Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be

    acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)

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    Seven Wickedness Your Tongue Can DoMeditation from Proverbs 6:16

    1. PROUD SPEECH speech that displays excessive self-esteem.

    2. LYING TONGUE3. MURDEROUS TONGUE speech that causes deep

    wounds in the heart of others. This tongue destroys


    4. WICKED TONGUE - It produces evil words thatlead to chaos.

    5. TONGUE SWIFT TO SPEAK MISCHIEF whenthis person speaks, it produces some kind of harm

    that weakens communication, destroys fellowship, andcorrupts spiritual life.



    What Motivates Christian to Communicate?

    Christ Person and Presence is the greatest gift and power of Christian communication.

    There will be no other thing that can be compared with that. In prayer, Gods revelation

    of Himself is the greatest gift, like Moses. Gods sign of favor of him is the revelation of

    Himself. God loves to put Himself in darkness (I mean privacy) and it is our glory tosearch Him there.

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    Practical Reminders for Christian Growth

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    About The Things of This World

    What to do when Your Eyes Lusted?

    Flee also youthful lust.(2 Timothy 2:22)

    We should Flee our attention and intention from every face of lusts. For if not, it will

    produce inside us sin that corrupts the mind and action and is so burdensome to the


    Our eye contributes a large amount of percent in our everyday battle against sin. It should

    be guarded, protected, and secured by Gods Spirit and of the Word. It should focus only

    to the beauty of Christs Holiness and pure love. We can do this by not putting our eyeson tempting views and lustful materials. We should practice eyes of love, wherein people

    feel that they are special and meaningful. We should also have a sober and watchful eye

    against sin, evil pleasure and lust.

    What happens when lust carried away our attention?

    Basics:1. You put away honor from yourself. Lust destroys


    2. Good and honorable relationship with people isdestroyed. You make people distrust you andbelittling yourself before their presence.

    3. You put sorrow and discontentment to your heart.It is revealing to see that the power of lust comes from what

    we see, that also stirs up our hidden o natural desire and

    carnal pleasure. This lust of the eyes is one of the majortactics of the enemy which is used against us in manydifferent ways, form, and time.

    I see that to overcome outward temptation and to mortify the inward desire, one should

    be aware constantly on the what and how he or she sees everything. For the eye isone of the doors into our person. And Satan uses the outward variable to stir up or

    energize our fleshy and natural motive of humanness in a wrong way which God

    displeases. (Proverbs 4:25)

    Of course we cant possibly erase the outward evil around us! But we could control our

    eyes on focusing to it. Now when one focus his or her eyes to something that is morally

    impure, that is the beginning of evil in his/her mind and heart. For this reason one should

    always practice the dependable tactic of Joseph which he called, The Flee Tactic!

    Our eyes cant take away corruption outside us, but it can prevent its entrance.

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    How to Gain Great things?

    But godliness with contentment is great gain.(1Timothy 6:6)

    Greatest joy in life is to live things or life with contentment. Contentment gives us peace;wanting gives us worry, busyness, frustration, and tiredness. Life should be enjoyed by

    living it with contented action and contented rest. 6 days action contented and 1 day restcontented. This harmony with your God brings harmony to yourself and to your lifestyle.

    Real joy produces production and freshness. Life in the Spirit should be like that! The

    Spirit is the rain of our soul! Let His joy rain upon us and we will grow (Joel 1:12).

    How to become Rich?

    Labour not to be rich: cease from thine own wisdom(Proverbs 23:4)

    Concerning riches man should not be motivated to pursue it for it is

    Gods gift, though it involves human effort. Human effort is like

    harrowing the land but if land is barren it will not bear fruit. Fruit and

    productivity are Gods blessing of Grace. When God is pleased to blessthe work of our hands indeed we are blessed. But riches are not for all

    in this world. Not all people are rich.

    Our treasure is the Lord Jesus Christ! When we say Christ is

    everything to me it means that He is greatest treasure by whom ourcontentment, joy, pleasure, and peace comes. The treasures of Christ

    in our hearts are not disturbed by the treasures of the World! Also joy doesnt mean

    richness; Joy is always connected to contentment. Contentment is wealth! Life should not

    be lived by longing more the gifts, but by loving more the Giver.

    In all these things, one thing is so assured, that is, God will never let the righteous to


    Why there is Suffering?Humanly Considered

    God put laws in the universe and in every existence. When one follows the law there is a

    good consequence. But when one put himself in contrast to the law, there is a badconsequence that one will receive. For example when you fight the law of gravity, you

    will just fall. If youll try to walk on the sea, Im sure youll sink. If you will go against

    the laws of nature, it will fight you. And that could cost your life. The same also with the

    Law of Goodness, those who obey it will be satisfied in peacefulness. But those who

    reject and live against it will become darkness. But the question now is: Why there is

    suffering in the world? Why there is murder and every face of evil? Well, because Man

    fights the law or principle of goodness. Man is primarily the reason behind these entire

    dilemmas in life. Man is the creator of his own hell on earth. In the first place, when sin

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    Practical Reminders for Christian Growth

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    entered into the human heart ever since the fall of Adam and Eve, sin began to reign in

    the human heart and corrupted the inside and the outside of man. This is one of theearthly reasons why there is suffering!

    How God Responds to those who Deny and Rebel to His Kingship?

    Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing?He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. (Psalm2:1, 4)

    Its a great thing to understand that the Lord is not affected by the thinking and doings of

    man. God is not worried of Mans rebellion, wickedness, plan, and blasphemy. The Lordis so cool in heaven, as the Word expresses it: He that sitteth in the heavens shall

    laugh. (Psalm 2:4). Gods respond to Mans rebellion and pride (Psalm 2:1-2) is just a

    laugh. That conveys peace and control!

    I see truth here: You see Gods confidence is just an evidence of His great Omniscience(All-Knowing) and Omnipotence (All-Powerful)! He sees things in their realness! God

    laughs on Mans rebellion! Because what man sees Strength in their sight are just

    weakness in Gods Almightiness! So man here foolishly responded to God because

    Man thought that he can defeat God. Hes like a child who kicks on a warrior giant andsay, Hey man, want to fight! That makes the Lord laughs.

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