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Prayer: A 30 Day Journey of Prayers to Help

You Pray

David Olmst

©2016 David Olmst

Table of Contents


Prayer for Healing Self

Prayer for Guidance

A Prayer With and For Family

Prayer for Right Decisions

Prayer of Thanks to Jesus

Prayer for Dreams and Goals

Prayer for Commitment to God

A Prayer For Children

A General Prayer of Thankfulness and Healing of Others

A Prayer to Trust God

Prayer for Joy

Prayer for Positive Relationships with Others and God

Prayer of Thanks

Prayer for Jesus and Others

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Prayer of Blessings

Prayer for Strength

Prayer for Influence

Prayer to God

Prayer for Inspiration

A Prayer for God’s Guiding Strength

A Prayer for New Situation or Leaving Comfort Zone

A Prayer for Decisions

Prayer of Thanks to God

Prayer for Others

Prayer for Working the Best You Can

Prayer for Life Trials

Prayer for A Good Day

Prayer For Better Finances and Responsibility

Prayer of Thanks For Life Changing Event

Prayer of Thanks for Answered Prayers

Pictures Used

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This book is for my family and the people who seek a connection to God. May your talks

with God be with an open heart and He lead you down the path of holiness.

You are picking up this book because you want prayers to help guide your heart closer to God. These prayers do exactly that. Many of them give thanks to God and give you direction in life. However you choose to talk to God, there is no wrong or right way. Just remember; always start your day with prayer and pray throughout the day. Not only will you see a difference but the world will too.

“Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.” – Romans 14:19, NIV

To let you know, as I am writing this book, I am praying that it will be an inspiration to you as it was for me writing it. I pray my workings connect you closer to God and you do the same for others.

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Prayer for Healing Self

Prayer for Healing Self

All people need healing during their life. It can be for you or others. May this healing prayer,

heal you and others.

"Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul!" 3 John 1:2

Dear God,

Thank you for another sunrise that you have showed me. Every time I open my eyes, I thank

you. Lord God, I am here again to ask for Your Mighty Hands to heal me from this sickness.

You are the one who has all the answers and You are the one who has all the power. May you

strengthen my body and heal everything that is wrong with me. Lord, I also pray for my brothers

and sisters who are also suffering in illness and pain. May you heal them, so that we may able to

help our family. Lord God, this illness has made me realize how important you are to me, despite

of the pain that I am feeling right now, I am still thankful that you have given me hope to be

healed. Thank you God for everything you have done for me. May Your Holy Spirit come upon

me. This I pray, Amen.

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Prayer for Guidance

Prayer for Guidance

At times, we do not know what direction to take. If we take a step back, talk and listen to God,

He can help. May you open your heart and let God guide you always.

"Father in Heaven, Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7

I am here today to honor your name and to thank you for all the things you have done for me . Right now Father, I need your help, I am feeling overwhelmed and underpowered with all the things that are

currently going on in my life. I am praying for your guidance as I do not know what to do to conquer my

trials. Please show me the right way Father. It is only you Father, who can guide me on the right path. All my heartaches and pain that I have in my heart, I lift everything to you Father. May you bless me with

love and understanding. Thank you Father, in Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.

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A Prayer With and For Family

A Prayer With and For Family

One of the many reasons Jesus was on earth was to help us connect others to God. Praying with your

family does that exactly. May God bless you and your family while you pray together.

"For if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God's church?" Timothy 3:5

God our Father,

Thank you Father for being there for my family and me. You are our strength and hope as we fight the

battles in our lives. Father, we pray that we may be a living example of committed believers demonstrating those character qualities that will bring glory and honor to You. We pray Father that there

will always be love in all of us and may our home be a place that stimulates an unconditional love, understanding, respect and honor to one another and most especially to You, Our Father. We pray

Father, that our family be a reflection of You whom we serve. God, You have given so much to us, thank

you. In Your Mighty Name. Amen.

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Prayer for Right Decisions

Prayer for Right Decisions Sometimes we have doubts and do not know what direction to take. Praying to God can help us make the right decision.

"And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." James 1:4

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the day and the blessings that you have given us. Lord, I thank you for my salvation.

Thank you for choosing me to be your child. I pray Lord that you give me the courage to keep on walking with You, even when the road ahead looks uncertain. Give me the grace to bridge the gaps as I walk in

the journey of life. I know Lord that by enabling Your grace I will be a stronger person and conquer all

the trials that life has given me. May you always be there for me to guide and strengthen my decisions. Thank you Lord. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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Prayer of Thanks to Jesus

Prayer of Thanks to Jesus There are many reasons Jesus was put on this earth. Jesus deserves many praises as he led a life we should all live. Read this prayer with an open heart to Jesus and love towards others. Following in

footsteps and reading this prayer, God will walk beside you always. "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Almighty God, Thank you for giving us your Son, Jesus Christ who is our savior. Thank you for letting Him save our

souls. May I always remember how blessed I am that I know you Father. Let this day be full of your love

towards others and guide us with your spirit. Help us in our day to day activities. We honor and give thanks to You our only God Forever. Amen

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Prayer for Dreams and Goals

Prayer for Dreams and Goals

Many people who do not have a connection to God are depressed. Many people who have a connection

are also depressed. Let’s open our hearts to God to listen to the goals He has for us so we can have dreams and goals that we will accomplish. I personally pray for you that you will have dreams and

goals. Please do God’s will and work toward their accomplishments.

"Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of

God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13-14

Father in Heaven,

I am here to ask for your help for me to dream again. Please help me to rekindle in my heart the

eagerness and fire towards my goal, my dreams and my purpose in life. I am currently losing hope because of what's happening in my life, I pray that you will fire me up again and give me more strength.

May I also find my purpose again and travel to the right path towards You. I am a bit lost but I am hoping to get back on track by the guidance of your Holy Spirit. Thank you Father. For Your Glory and

Pleasure, I pray. Amen.

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Prayer for Commitment to God

Prayer for Commitment to God

Have you prayed for your commitment to God? Talk to God about commitment today. I pray that you

will strengthen your commitment to God each day.

"Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established." Proverbs 16:3

Father my Savior,

I am here in front of you to commit my spirit into your hands. I am here to lift my life to You and let Your

will be done. You know every suffering and happiness that I have, I know Father that without You I am nothing. Without Your guidance I won't do anything right in my life. I am giving my full trust in You

Father because I know that You will never fail to take care of me. You will never fail to love me

unconditionally and You will never fail to leave me. From this day on Father, my life is with You. Let your spirit will grow upon me as I walk in my journey. Thank You for Your Son Jesus Christ who died in the

cross just to save me. I pray that You will always be the center of my life. I will forever thank you Father. Amen.

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A Prayer For Children

A Prayer For Children

We all want the best for our children and at times, question our children’s decisions. The best

thing we can do for our children is to be a role model in Jesus’s ways and to pray for them. May

this prayer do just that.

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward." Psalm 127:3

Lord God,

I am here to seek your guidance for my children. I pray that my children will understand that You love them so much, as I love them. I also pray that they see You will guide them. May they be filled with Your

Holy Spirit to the fullness of Christ. I also pray that they may learn to communicate with You. May You

put Your praise in their hearts and on their lips continually and lead them to be entirely dependent on You. May they also feel your preciousness. Teach them to base their life and security only to You, God. I

also pray that my children will respect You as I do, Lord. May you fully guide them and protect them always. I am lifting them up to You my only God. Thank you Lord. This I pray. Amen.

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A General Prayer of Thankfulness and Healing of


A General Prayer of Thankfulness and Healing of Others

Prayers can be in any words you choose. This is a prayer of thankfulness and a prayer to heal

others. Just remember that there is no wrong way to pray.

"He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed." 1 Peter 2:24

Dear Father in Heaven,

Thank you for the peacefulness that I have in my heart today. May your Son Jesus Christ live in me each day. May You always control whatever I will do or say because I know that I will never go wrong with

you, Father. May you help in everything that I will do. Please also help people in need, especially the sick and sorrow. May they see you in me so that I may bring them to You, Father. Thank you for everything

you have done for me. I pray that I may also be a blessing to everyone today and in everyday of my life.

This I pray, in Jesus Name. Amen

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A Prayer to Trust God

A Prayer to Trust God

At times, we may question God. This can especially happen in difficult situations. May this prayer lead

you to trusting God without ever questioning him.

"But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in your hand; rescue me from the hand of my enemies and from my persecutors!" Psalm 31:14-15

Dear God,

As you've said this world there will be troubles, there will be problems that need to face as I aged and this will make me wiser. But right now, life is becoming more complicated, there are so many changes

that I cannot control anymore. Lord, always remind me on why things are changing so rapidly. I know that it is only you who has the power to change everything and I know that at the end of this, it is for my

own will. Lord, I pray that You will enable me to trust You each day of my life. You know how difficult my

life is and how stressed I am right now. But I pray Lord for your guidance and remind me to always turn my eyes on You and Your sufficiency. It is only you who I trust Lord. Thank you for everything. Amen.

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Prayer for Joy

Prayer for Joy

At times of anger it may be hard to see the joy we actually have in our lives. This prayer to God can lead

you in the right direction and lead to the joy that is actually there.

"Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds," James 1:2

Father in Heaven,

Help me Father to live in Your joy, love and peace. Please give me strength and understanding to be

away from any anxiety, anger, guilt, envy and most especially bitterness. Help me Father to refuse any negative emotion that I might be getting around. Show me Your truth if I will be tempted. Show me your

wisdom and fill me your spirit. Also Father, give me more patience in case I may be facing those trials.

May I grow closer to you always. Thank you Father. Amen.

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Prayer for Positive Relationships with Others and


Prayer for Positive Relationships with Others and God

A Christian needs a positive relationship with God. Included in this relationship is a healthy relationship

with most others. May God help you understand the difference between a healthy relationship and one that is not.

"Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13

Lord God,

Thank you for this day, for everyone who has ever prayed for me and for anyone who will pray for me as

well in the future. I thank you God for all the people of strong faith in you who have placed in my path and influenced my character now. I pray God that you will move me away from any distractions and

temptations instead please keep my thoughts fixed on what is true, pure and worthy of praise. Protect

me God from any person or relationship that would slowly place me in a wrong path. Bring me wise, genuine friends who will make my relationship stronger to you. Thank you God. in Jesus' name, Amen.

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Prayer of Thanks

Prayer of Thanks

God gave us a lot of gifts to be blessed with. We work hard to fine tune these gifts through the word of

God. Let’s give Him grace through this prayer of thanks.

"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!" 1 Chronicles 16:34

Lord God,

You are the Creator and Ruler of the universe and to You, I commit myself and trust only in You all my needs. Thank You Lord for all the blessings that you have given me; to give me all my needs and wants

to live every day. Thank You for the never ending unconditional love that You have given me. Thank You for all the people around me, truly Lord I am so blessed not just because of these blessing but because

You have chosen me to be your child. May you always give me the opportunity to spread Your good news

to everyone and may they see You in me and in my life. Thank You Lord. Amen.

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Prayer for Jesus and Others

Prayer for Jesus and Others

We are blessed to have Jesus walk on the same earth we are walking on. Let’s give thanks to Jesus with this prayer.

"Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another" 1 John 4:11


Almighty God,

Thank you for giving us your Son, Jesus Christ who is our savior. Thank you for letting Him save our souls. May I always remember how blessed I am that I know you Father. Let this day be full of your love

towards others and guide us with your spirit. Help us in our day to day activities. We honor and give thanks to You our only God Forever. Amen

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Prayer of Blessings

Prayer of Blessings Even people who do not follow God’s ways are blessed. They just need to see the light. Let’s pray for

our blessings as well as people who haven’t realized they are blessed.

"And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ. Jesus." Phillipians 4:19

Father in Heaven,

Thank you for this day, for all the blessings that you never forget to give me. I pray Father that you will continue to shower me with your blessings. I promise Father that I will do my best to honor and show

you that I am worthy of your blessings. Thank you Father for keeping me safe and my family as well as

my friends. May you always guide us through this day. Amen.

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Prayer for Strength

Prayer for Strength

Prayer does not just make us physically strong, it also makes us spiritually strong. Our strength is always tested by outside and inside forces. May this prayer give you strength to conquer the weak areas in your life.

"Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord!" Psalm 31:24

Dear God,

You are the light of my life and the King of heaven and earth. Your promise is my strength and your

Spirit is my guide to walk greatly in the journey of my life. God, may you always show me the best thing to do in my day to day activities. May you always help me to conquer all my trials and may these trials

make me stronger and be nearer to you. Thank you God. I honor your name forever. Amen

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Prayer for Influence

Prayer for Influence

We have the strength to change the world. We can do it by influencing others in the ways of God. Influence can come in many ways. It may be by leading by example or talking to a person in need

about the benefits of prayer and God. Let’s pray to be a positive influence to others.

"Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm." Proverbs 13:20

Dear God, Saying "thank you" won't be enough on how you made me a better person. You never leave me despite

of my disobedience. I pray, Lord, for your guidance and help to change my life for better according to your will. I also pray that I will be a good influence to others so that I can bring them to you, Lord. May

they see your spirit as I speak your words towards them and open their hearts to know you more. I

cannot do this without you. Thank you, Lord. In your Mighty Name. Amen

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Prayer to God

Prayer to God

Sometimes we need a prayer to remind us to follow God in his ways. Let’s give him thanks while he

shows us the ways of the world. Try to listen to him talk to you after this prayer. God bless.

"But test everything; hold fast what is good." 1 Thessalonians 5:21

God the Most High,

You are my strength, my hopes and my life. You gave me everything that I need even the things that I

want. You showed me how to live my life with real meaning. You woke me up from my old self and renewed me with your gracious spirit. Thank you, God, for making myself more worthy now. I promise to

love and follow you for the rest of my life. Thank you, God. Amen.

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Prayer for Inspiration

Prayer for Inspiration

We inspire to do our best in the eyes of God. We can also pray that our influence and examples lead others to grow into God’s ways. God, please let this prayer lead people to your majestic ways.

"For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit." 2 Peter 1:21

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for making me see another sunrise. Thank you for letting me breathe the fresh air today.

Father, I am offering everything that I will do today in Your mighty name. May this day be full of inspiration to open the eyes of others on how majestic You are. Guide me, oh Father, and let your spirit

be upon me always. This I ask in Jesus name.. Amen.

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A Prayer for God’s Guiding Strength

A Prayer for God’s Guiding Strength If the most holy may forget to pray to God and leave him out in our more difficult and most glorious

times. This prayer can guide you to have the strength to include God in everything you do.

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:!0

It's another day for me, despite of the difficulties that I have i am still here full of strength and hope that every day will be full of positive endings. Lord, this is because of you. You gave me the strength that no

one can give. You always let me feel that I am not alone, that each battle of my life, you are sharing the pain that I have. Without you Father, I am nothing. I may no longer be here or may no longer pray

anymore. Lord God, may you continue to guide me in my journey in life. May you always let me feel that

I am not alone, that I am leaning in the hardest wall that everyone can lean on. It is you Father who makes my life go on. I will thank you forever... Amen

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A Prayer for New Situation or Leaving Comfort


A Prayer for New Situation or Leaving Comfort Zone

We all have our comfort zones. Sometimes our comfort zones can get in the way of spreading His news

and meeting new people who could lead us closer to God. We pray that you leave your comfort zone through this prayer.

"It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8

Dear Father,

This is the day that I've been waiting for. I will be now leaving my comfort zone to try my luck in a different community. May you bless me with your mighty hands as I start my new life. May you guide me

as I travel today and may I be safe with my journey. You know that I do not know anyone in the new community, but with your grace I'm sure everything will be okay. In Jesus Name I Pray.. Amen

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A Prayer for Decisions

A Prayer for Decisions

We make decisions every day. Sometimes we do not know which decision to choose. May this prayer

guide you closer to God and help you make the best choice.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths" Proverbs 3:5-6

Father in Heaven,

I am here before you to ask for your holy spirit to guide me with my decisions. I am currently into a point

to choose between the best options for my future. Indeed, I don't have the courage to decide because I am afraid that I may not choose the best that you prepare for me. May you give me the wisdom to

ensure that what I will choose is coming from your will. Thank you Father. My trust is always in you. Amen.

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Prayer of Thanks to God

Prayer of Thanks to God

We must always give God thanks.

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Dear God, Today, I thank you for letting me see the sun again. Thank you for the food that we have in our table

which we all share. Thank you for the goodness that everyone showed me each day of my life. Thank

you for all the trials that I've been through to make me stronger. Lastly, thank you Lord, for giving me a peaceful life under your loving arms. Amen

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Prayer for Others

Prayer for Others

We all need God in our lives. This prayer will help bring others closer to God.

"But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you," Matthew 5:44

Lord Father,

Thank you Lord for the blessings that you have given me, I may not be worthy of all the good things that

you have done but still you never fail to surprise me. I pray God, that you will heal the sickness that I have in my body so that I may able to work and do my tasks. I also pray for your guidance not just for

me but for my entire family and friends, may your Holy Spirit be with us. Lastly, I also pray for others who needed you in their lives, may they already find you so they will achieve the same contentment that

I have. This I ask in Jesus Name.. AMEN

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Prayer for Working the Best You Can

Prayer for Working the Best You Can

God created us to do our best. A lot of times we decide to take the easy way out and not face difficult

situations that will make us better people. We pray for you that you choose to do that best you can. Here is a prayer to help.

The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied.Proverbs 12:4

Thank you Lord for giving me the chance to have another day and to appreciate your beautiful creation.

May you bless my day today as I go to work and may I always be reminded that I will do my best to please you and not anyone else. I lift everything to you today with all my faith and trust. May your

guidance and help be with me always. Amen

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Prayer for Life Trials

Prayer for Life Trials

Life can be difficult. It is up to us to be positive in these situations. This prayer can help you through

difficult trials. Open up and listen. God will give you courage.

"Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him." James 1:12

Father in Heaven, For the past days you know Lord that I am down and feeling empty. I am so worried that things won't go

well for me and my family. We've been struggling to so many trials and all we need right now is a

miracle. Father, you know our needs.. Please help us to conquer our trials. Give me more strength and patience as I go on with my life. Thank you Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Prayer for A Good Day

Prayer for A Good Day

Nobody likes a Debby downer. People enjoy people who are happy, positive and caring. Why? Because

that is God’s will. May this prayer make your day great and help guide you into being a positive person throughout your life.

"One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind." Roman 14:15

Dear Lord,

Thank you for another day of opportunity for me. I am positive that this day will be the best day that I will have because of all the blessings you have given to me. May this day be filled with your love and

blessings not just for me but also to my family and friends. May your spirit guide me all throughout the day. Thank you God.. Amen

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Prayer For Better Finances and Responsibility

Prayer For Better Finances and Responsibility

Most people do struggle financially and may not meet life’s needs. These are the trails we meet in

life. Even if we pray daily, we may not see an improvement. Please pray this prayer as well as pray for the courage to try something new to help you with your financial needs.

"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." Matthew 6:33

Dear Lord,

There are lots of things in my mind right now. There are so many responsibilities that I need to weigh

and decide on. I have so many finances to work on and I do not know where I can go to anymore. I have an ongoing medication, debts to pay, everyday financials and I do not know if how will I survive.

Lord, I am here to ask for your help and guidance. Please clear my mind to think of what I must do and

please give me more strength and courage that I will pass this trial. Indeed Lord, I lift everything to you. Let Your will be done and not mine. In Jesus name.. AMEN

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Prayer of Thanks For Life Changing Event

Prayer of Thanks For Life Changing Event

We all have life changing events. Some are positive and some negative. Let’s give thanks to God for the

life changing events that influence to be better people. God bless.

"Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness: He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the

Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory." 1 Timothy 3:16

Loving Father,

Thank you for always being there no matter how stubborn I am. Thank you for giving me your unlimited

forgiveness even though I am truly a sinner. Thank you for making me feel your unconditional love even though hatred is still present in my heart. Thank you for all the blessings you have given me even though

I am not worthy of it. Thank you, Oh God, for changing my life and making me realize that I cannot live peacefully without you. Thank you for everything Father. AMEN.

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Prayer of Thanks for Answered Prayers

Prayer of Thanks for Answered Prayers

God does answer prayers. You may never know it and at other times, it is obvious. We should always

give thanks for the answering of prayers we see and don’t see. This prayer will help you.

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Mark 11:24


Thank you for answering my prayers. Thank you for giving me what I asked and needed even if I do not see it at first. Thank you for teaching me the value of patience to wait for the best time. You know,

Father, how happy I am right now and this is because of You. You never fail to grant your child's prayers, you never fail to listen to me. Thank you for all the bountiful blessings.. I love you Father. Amen


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