Page 1: PrayerFlash from Tim and Tammy Aho Sept 2014

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Shirley, Solihull Issue #169 9 September 2014

Ministry Update From our vantage point, 2014 seems to be zipping by very quickly. September brought the return of a more regular routine, a bit more sunshine but slightly cooler temperatures, and a renewed expectation and trust that God is going to do something extraordinary in and through us in this next season of ministry. Terry Walling (adjunct professor at Fuller Theological Seminary) once said that the pursuit of our God-given passions will both thrill us to death and scare us to death, and that is exactly what we are experiencing. As we conclude many of our current roles, we are excited about the possibilities ahead. Please pray with us as we continue to lay the groundwork through the research and exploration that will commence following our two-month (14 October to 17 December) furlough. Prayer and Listening Please receive a big “thank you” for your prayers during this season of prayer and listening. Perhaps you think you may have missed something? If so, see our last PrayerFlash! or reply with a request for a copy of our Ministry Action Plan (MAP) that outlines in more detail the action steps we are currently implementing. Prayer Dates: 9th through 30th September 9th T&T meet with Richard, a young man who will provide house and cat care during our holiday; Tim chairs a DH Village Hall Management Team meeting. 10th T&T participate in an FCC gathering of regional (West Midlands) leaders; we meet Martin and Lynda (member of the FCC National Leadership Team and Springdale College principal) to begin a draft Church Planting Director job description. 12th Tim meets with David (Skype) using SASHET (Sad, Angry, Scared, Happy, Excited, Tender) for sharing, accountability and prayer; thethirdplace gathers in the evening. 14th T&T on the set up team for DHVC morning worship, Tim leads communion, and Tam leads the worship team. Afterwards we have lunch with new lead minister Andrew and Sara.

14th to 21st T&T away for a holiday in the Lake District. In a rare move for us, we are cutting ourselves off from all communication of an electronic kind. We will be providing an emergency landline number to our families and field team. Pray for us to be refreshed and re-energized as we rest, pray, and listen to God. 22nd Tammy works at the Family Support Centre; Tim serves as Chaplain for the local sea cadet unit. 23rd Tim donates blood; Skype conversation with Jessica G from St Louis who will be house sitting for us while on furlough. 24th T&T meet with Graeme and Sue for a meal and Discovery Bible Study. 25th Tim chairs a DH Village Hall Directors Meeting. Oh, and the joy of dental appointments (Ugh!). 26th thethirdplace gathers in the evening. 26th to 28th T&T participate in a DHVC all-church weekend - our fond farewell to the DH church family. Not goodbye, just a transition in the relationship! 29th Tammy works at the Family Support Centre; Tim meets with members of the FCC NLT to begin developing the new role descriptions necessary for the restructure and administration of the growing FCC; Tim serves as Chaplain for the local sea cadet unit. 30th Both of us participate in a meeting of the FCC NLT followed by another meeting of Tim, Tam, Dan, Martin and Leonard for more work on the proposed expanded roles in leading church planting in the Fellowship. Day ends with a meal with former teammates Bruce and Mary Ann in the UK for a visit. Family Update Jess has her fourth interview (California State Prison in Lancaster – LA County) on Monday 15th. Please continue to pray for God to provide exactly the position that will suit her training, gifts and needs. Due to busy schedules on both sides of the pond, and the 8-hour time difference, it has been very difficult for us to connect with Andrew for a week or so. We are hearing via Facebook and news coverage that the Governor of Arizona has declared a state of emergency due to record-breaking rainfall and flooding. Please pray for the safety and security of our precious friends and family in the Mesa/Phoenix area. Tammy’s mom continues on her roller coaster ride of health challenges and memory issues. Each time we talk, we gently broach the subject of assisted living; we’re rapidly approaching — if not surpassing — the time when it ceases to be a suggestion and becomes a necessity. Please pray for God to provide us with both sensitivity and grace as we continue to walk this difficult road with her. Hugs from both of us! Reminder Share our prayer requests with friends and church family, but please do not post them on the web or attempt to contact individuals via social media (such as Facebook) in any form.

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