Page 1: Prayerfully, carefully, with vulnerable people, making shopping trips for those in self isolation or in financial difficulty, and sending packages to families with

Ministry Team Rev Janet Aspey: 0161 282 9060

Rev Wesley Loane: 0161 222 0273

Malc Aspey: 07931 762437

Rachel Foster: 07940 041854 Jackie Davies: 07754 275075

Sue Jackson: 07789 728546

Steph Carthew: 0161 973 9735

Circuit Office: [email protected] 0161 928 0022

Bowdon Vale : [email protected] Handsworth: [email protected]

The Vine (Hale): [email protected]

Websites: Twitter User Name is: AMC_Church Instagram User Name is: altrincham_methodist_church

26th July 2020

July is our Bible month when we will be exploring the book of Ruth. Today’s service will be led by Milly Morgan and we explore the fourth chapter of Ruth. We’d love it if you were able to think about any interesting stories of people from your family tree. Please send your thoughts to us at

[email protected] or by text to 07860015449

Join us at 10.30am for Worship

We are hoping that one of our Sunday morning services will feature the Methodist Home that is part of our Circuit - MHA Handsworth. There are a number of our church members who live there and we are usually able to take

services there, though because of the current situation that hasn't been possible. I thought that it might be helpful to people in Handsworth if, during the service, we were able have some videos from people in the circuit to send them love, prayers and greetings and to let them know that we haven't forgotten about them or those who work

there in caring for them. If you are able, please send a video of yourself giving a greeting, or if you are unable to do a video, then send us your message in an email and we will record it on your behalf. Please send you videos or

emails by Thursday 30 July to [email protected],uk - if you have any problems with a video please contact Malc on 0161 282 9060 and he will be able to help you.

A Prayer you may like to use as you prepare for worship: Prayer written by Keith Davies former Chair of Manchester and Stockport District Loving God, we thank you for the strength you give us to face the opportunities and challenges each day. Sometimes the race of life seems long and hard and we feel tired and alone, but we thank you for all those who cheer us on and who bless us with acts of kindness and words of encouragement. May we all find in you our true meaning and reward and an end to all our striving and searching. And at our journey’s end, may we know by sight that which we anticipate by faith. Amen.

Please remember in your prayers

Vera M Jean M June J Kath A Alison S Sue & Rob H Tony & Tracey C Edith B Maureen H Pat K Charles H

Stan R The family & friends of Derek T The family & friends of Peter R Joan M Margaret G

Joyce Mc Peter & Ann McM Melissa C Judith B Cliff & Jean C Christine H

Methodist Church Official Guidance

If you need any assistance, please either contact your pastoral visitor or Email:[email protected] Text: 07860015449 Phone: 0161 9280022

Page 2: Prayerfully, carefully, with vulnerable people, making shopping trips for those in self isolation or in financial difficulty, and sending packages to families with

Church Office in Altrincham, Bowdon Vale, Timperley & The Vine (Hale) 0161 928 0022 [email protected]

Circuit Office is Closed – we’re working from home so you can still

contact us at [email protected] The phone has been diverted to a member of circuit staff

If you would like anything included in the notice sheet, please send or email to Admin Team by

Thursday (1pm) of each week.

If you would like to receive a copy of notice sheet via email, please send your email address to [email protected]

Prayerfully, carefully, slowly Everyone will have seen that the Government is allowing churches to open for worship subject to various conditions with effect from 4 July. We know that many of you will be keen for that to happen, but we also know that there is a lot of uncertainty and anxiety about starting to go out and about. On top of that, there will be some people in our churches who will not be able to leave their homes to come to church or will be advised not to do so.

Our priority has to be to care for everyone as best we can. That means that we need to look at ways of opening our churches for those who want to be there, whilst at the same time making sure it is as safe as it can be. The guidance from the Government and the Methodist Church changes frequently and there will be new guidance about re-opening Methodist church buildings for worship following the latest Government announcement. That will certainly involve work to be done and supplies and equipment to be purchased. We won't be able to re-open our churches until we have worked through all those things and satisfied ourselves that the arrangements, we make are sound, but we will move as quickly as we safely can.

At the same time we need to think about how we will continue to care for those who can't come to church or feel anxious about coming and also people who have engaged with what we do online but are not church goers. Many people think that, as Methodist churches, we should take the opportunity to re-think what the church should be like in the new coronavirus world. We would like to find ways of talking about all that alongside the careful steps we take to re-open our buildings.

We continue to be the church of Christ, active in our communities through worship, prayer and service.

The situation continues to change daily, and we will try to keep in touch with your regularly through Facebook, Email and phone calls. You can find the most up to date information from the Methodist Church at


Altrincham Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Debt Centre At this time of national crisis, many are facing financial uncertainty, and this is likely to plunge many families into unmanageable debt. If you know of families/individuals who are struggling with debt at this time, please give them the CAP helpline number 0800 328 0006 (freephone). We continue to work with families who live in the WA14, WA15 and M31 postcodes but for anyone outside these areas then please contact the helpline for further support and advice.

Joyce Bowett would like to thank the lovely friends from Altrincham Methodist Church who so kindly came to sing Happy Birthday to me, whilst Shielding, and in Lockdown, 2 floors up here at Newhaven. I couldn’t believe it, you were all just wonderful !

We should have been away Celebrating with a Family Holiday in Portugal, I thought the day would be a little disappointing, but believe me, you all made my Day, Thankyou so very much!

You were all such a witness too, as several friends and neighbours, wondered what was happening, and I have received several phone calls since, saying it was amazing,

fantastic, they couldn’t believe the L❤️VE being shown,

they had never seen anything like it before❣️ God Bless you all, Love & Prayers, Joyce Xx

It has been with sadness that we have now closed all our church buildings with the exception of the FoodBank who are still operating as part of Trafford Council's Assist project out of Timperley. We pray for all who normally use our buildings from within our own church family and the wider community and look forward to the time when we are able to meet in our buildings once again

Page 3: Prayerfully, carefully, with vulnerable people, making shopping trips for those in self isolation or in financial difficulty, and sending packages to families with

All We Can All We Can has launched a serious of positive and encouraging videos you can watch and join in with from the comfort of your home.


Your donations and prayers are supporting the work we do. Thank you.

Could You Be A Volunteer? During this outbreak of Coronavirus, we are hoping to provide support to those within our churches and potentially within our communities. The support we are hoping to offer will be to help avoid the loneliness that comes from isolation by having volunteers who are able to check how people are doing and be a listening ear as a friendly voice on the end of a phone. The other area that we hope to offer support in will be to do basic shopping and deliver it to those who are unable to go out, or if necessary, to take people to appointments. Those who volunteer will need to go through an enhanced DBS check and if using your own car to ensure with your insurance company that your insurance covers you for volunteer work within the church - some insurers may require a change to business use, others simply need notifying, and we will also need a copy of your driving license, to comply with our safeguarding guidance. If you are interested in being a volunteer please email [email protected], phone the circuit office 0161 928 0022 or talk to a member of the ministry team. If there is anyone who would like to act as a co-ordinator for this project, please talk to Janet via the same contact details.

Pastoral Care If you are in need, whether that is because you are feeling lonely and want to talk to someone, or because you need medicines collecting or some shopping doing, you can contact us by sending an email to [email protected] or by sending a text message to 07860015449. You can also phone the circuit office on 0161 928 0022 and leave a message. In each instance please tell us your name and how you would us to contact you. Someone will get back to you as soon as possible. If you are struggling and are unable to use any of the above, please contact your pastoral visitor who will make sure that we get to know. Over the next weeks, the ministry team or circuit administrators will be contacting you to make sure that our contact details are correct. If you prefer not give us that information when we ring, then perhaps you would use one of the above methods to let us have your name, address, home number, mobile number, email address and what the best way to contact you is. If possible, we would also like an emergency contact for you. This information is so that we can keep in touch with your during this crisis and also so that we might know who might contact us if you are unable to.

Worship Through Giving. As many people are aware, we are continuing to work to support our church and wider community throughout the current crisis. Whilst we are still streaming worship and engaging via social media, we are also doing a number of pastoral projects to support all those that we can. This currently involves, among other things, maintaining regular contact with vulnerable people, making shopping trips for those in self isolation or in financial difficulty, and sending packages to families with children and young people at home.

We really appreciate that so many people already set aside their giving by standing order directly to church. As we are not able to meet in person, we encourage those of you who currently give cash or via envelopes, if you are able, to move to giving via standing order or bank transfer. You can contact your church treasurer to arrange this. If you are not sure who your treasurer is, or don't know their contact details, please email the circuit office or call 0161 928 0022.

It may be that you currently don't financially support our work but would like to give a one-off donation to support our current projects. If so, please do email the circuit office or call for information.

Many thanks for being faithful in worship through giving in this uncertain time. Thank you, Rachel Foster, Circuit Youth Worker

Page 4: Prayerfully, carefully, with vulnerable people, making shopping trips for those in self isolation or in financial difficulty, and sending packages to families with

Carol Rogers and her family would like to thank everyone who has sent cards and flowers following Peter's death. Your thoughts, prayers and kindness are helping us through this difficult time. Peter's funeral will be held at 1.00pm on Thursday 30 July at Altrincham Crematorium with close family members only, owing to the present restrictions. We hope that the service will be able to be live-streamed and further information will be sent nearer the time. Thank you again.

Worship Ideas We know many people are joining the live worship which Janet and Malc are streaming on Sunday mornings or accessing it later in the week and we’re grateful for all the work they’ve put in. They’ve suggested ways in which you might get in touch and share things there - it’s great that we can find new ways of connecting in these strange times.

A group of us are exchanging ideas about other things we might do and we want as many people as possible to be able to contribute ideas or thoughts on what might be needed. So here are some of the ideas we’ve had:

Things you might be able to do: - record yourself doing a reading or a prayer which we could include in an act of worship

- deliver printed worship material to people you are caring for

- join a large or small coffee morning, prayer group or bible study by video link or phone

- join in a live reading of a play

Things we could offer - you may be interested in some of the ideas we’ve mentioned but not be sure how to go about setting something up. We can help!

- reading of the daily office from the Northumbria community (perhaps early in the morning or in the evening)

- live or recorded midweek services

- sending out printed worship or devotional material by email or printed

- “Desert Island Discs” where someone we know talks about their favourite music, pictures, hymns or poems

If you’d like any of these things to happen or if you have other ideas, please let us know. Let us know too if you’d like help with anything, including how to do any of the things we’ve mentioned. Send requests, thoughts and ideas to the [email protected] address and we’ll pick them up. Kevin Jaquiss

We pray for all in MHA Care Homes, Retirement Living and Live at Home schemes; for members and residents, families, friends, volunteers and staff. We pray for all those who serve: for those who provide and give out food, for those who keep the building clean and in good shape, those who answer the phone and keep the files in order, those who befriend and drive and organise activities, for those who nurse and those who give care, those who make us laugh, and those who comfort us when we are sad, those who have hard decisions to make, and those who feel there is nothing they can do. All-embracing God, help us to appreciate each other, and give thanks for all your goodness. Amen

By Alma Fritchley, Chaplain at Laurel Court, Withington & Jan Berry

Page 5: Prayerfully, carefully, with vulnerable people, making shopping trips for those in self isolation or in financial difficulty, and sending packages to families with

Prayers for MHA When we miss our families and friends when we see illness and loss all around us: Thank you, tender God, that we are held in your love. When we are anxious and afraid, when we feel weak and helpless: Thank you, tender God, that we are held in your love. When we grow weary in our caring, when we feel the world has forgotten us: Thank you, tender God, that we are held in your love. In our fear and in our trust, in our despair and in our hope, Thank you, tender God, that we are held in your love. Amen.

Barbara Glasson writes: Are we locked down? or are we to wait for wonders? Are we shut in or are we sitting at the window of the world? Are we socially isolated or re-centring in a new relationship with what actually matters? We are digging deep God and as we do so we hope to find pearls of great price.

Jean Bowyer passed away on Thursday evening. Please remember her family and friends in your prayers.

Trafford South FoodBank would like to pass on thanks for fantastic support that it has received whilst we have all been in lockdown. The response has been amazing to the point where our food stocks are very high, and storage is becoming a problem. We would ask that you keep on giving where possible and there is still a need for ‘non-food’ items such as hygiene and cleaning products:

Soaps, shampoo, shower gel, personal feminine products, toothpaste and brushes etc. Cleaning products eg washing up liquid, washing powder/capsules, hand wipes, detergent, cloths etc...

Items can be dropped off round the back of Timperley Methodist Church on Wednesday & Friday mornings from 9am – 12.00 noon. Shopping trolleys should be in the in the car park for people to empty into. This will save any unnecessary contact. Items can also be dropped off at: Sainsbury – Hale, Altrincham or Timperley; Asda or Waitrose – Broadheath

We continue to be grateful for the use of the Timperley Methodist Church premises at this time and send our thanks for the support received.

Message from the Trussell Trust: This is a challenging time for us all, and across the country food banks are working hard to maintain the provision of emergency food to those in crisis. We are committed to working towards an end to the need for food banks in the UK, but as things stand food banks are providing an essential service for people who have nowhere else to turn for support. We are doing all we can to ensure that they continue to do so at this time and thank you all for your support.

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Trafford Community Response Hubs There are 6 hubs across the borough supporting the most vulnerable through food shopping, provision of foodbank parcels, delivery to the door service, prescription collection and wellbeing phone calls. Trafford Council in partnership with many organisations are running this service. If you know of anyone who is struggling in lockdown, they can seek support through this service. The number to call is 0300 330 9073

Page 7: Prayerfully, carefully, with vulnerable people, making shopping trips for those in self isolation or in financial difficulty, and sending packages to families with
Page 8: Prayerfully, carefully, with vulnerable people, making shopping trips for those in self isolation or in financial difficulty, and sending packages to families with

The world might look very different right now, but...

Our team are still here for


Welcome to Virtual Holiday Club 2020!

At The Methodist Church our first priority is keeping everyone safe, and at our holiday club this means our young guests, their families and our leaders. For this reason, this year we have had to make the difficult decision that we cannot run our annual holiday club weeks in person, due to social distancing guidelines. However, you can still access our club through the wonder of the internet! We will still be packing your week with fun, songs, stories and crafts, but you can access everything right in your living room! Both clubs are available to children aged 4 (entering reception) to age 11 (Y6 leavers), with special access to Week B for Preschool age 3. If you have secondary aged children, they can join our Crew! Find out more further down...

This year we appreciate our emergency services heroes more than ever! During Week A we'll be thinking about all the amazing things they do to keep us safe, as well as spectacular rescues in times of danger. We'll also find out about rescue stories in the Bible, and God's huge rescue plan.

During week B we'll encounter the wonders of the universe! Have you hung a rainbow of hope in your window? Join us to find out more about them! As well as songs and stories we'll be trying out some science experiments too. Will you (and your grown ups) be brave enough to try them too?

The Crew is our team of young leaders for anyone aged 11(finishing Y7) to 25. We still need loads of help this year producing our videos for streaming and supporting our team, so please do still apply by contacting us. This will also register you for online activities and challenges throughout the club weeks, plus exciting outings and events that we're postponing until the world is back to normal!

Page 9: Prayerfully, carefully, with vulnerable people, making shopping trips for those in self isolation or in financial difficulty, and sending packages to families with

The Important Details!

How will it work? You will need to register for the club as normal, although everything will operate electronically, and you will need to supply an email address to be able to access our virtual resources. You can ask for a form by emailing us on [email protected]. Once you have booked, in advance of the club we will send you a pack of craft materials, ready to make along with our crew each day (these may be available for collection, depending on government guidance nearer the time - we'll send more details later). All of our gathered times, story times, songs and craft demonstrations will be streamed on YouTube throughout the day. You will receive a private link for the videos each day, curated specifically for your family and your children's ages. Do I still need to pay? You may be aware that we normally charge a nominal fee of £4 per day to access our clubs. This is used to cover snacks, materials and resources, as we operate thanks to a dedicated team of volunteers. This year we have decided to waive this fee. However, if you still feel able to make a donation to help us to cover our costs, it would be gratefully received. The church is a registered charity and as such, all of our income is from donations. In the current climate, as we are unable to meet, this has reduced dramatically. You are also welcome, of course, to make a donation to help fund our other projects which support church members, friends and the wider community, and our ongoing regular expenses. To make a donation, please make a transfer using the following details: Sort code: 08-92-99 Account number: 65581467 Reference: HC20

We're so excited that we're still going to get to share with you all this summer. Our closing date for bookings is 15th July, but it would really help us if you could get your booking in nice and early! If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact us at: [email protected]. In the meantime, keep safe, keep smiling and we can't wait to hear from you! The Holiday Club Team.

Page 10: Prayerfully, carefully, with vulnerable people, making shopping trips for those in self isolation or in financial difficulty, and sending packages to families with

The world might look very different right now, but... Our team are still here for you! Welcome to Virtual Holiday Club 2020! At The Methodist Church our first priority is keeping everyone safe, and at our holiday club this means our young guests, their families and our leaders. For this reason, this year we have had to make the difficult decision that we cannot run our annual holiday club weeks in person, due to social distancing guidelines. However, you can still access our club through the wonder of the internet, including being part of the Crew!

The Crew is our team of young leaders for anyone aged 11(finishing Y7) to 25.

This year our kids’ activities will be running through video streaming and online activities, so we need loads of help to present these. We will also need behind the scenes help, with things like handing out craft bags at our drive through stand.

You can apply to be part of the crew by clicking this link and filling in your details. This will also register you for online activities and challenges throughout the club weeks, plus exciting outings and events that we're postponing until the world is back to normal!

More about this year’s clubs:

Page 11: Prayerfully, carefully, with vulnerable people, making shopping trips for those in self isolation or in financial difficulty, and sending packages to families with

Do I still need to pay? You may be aware that we normally charge fee for our afternoon crew activities. This is used to only for the activities themselves, as we operate thanks to a dedicated team of volunteers. This year all the activities are free. Once restrictions are lifted, we will organise some alternative socials, and these will obviously carry their own charge. However, if you still feel able to make a donation to help us to cover our costs, it would be gratefully received. The church is a registered charity and as such, all of our income is from donations. In the current climate, as we are unable to meet, this has reduced dramatically. You are also welcome, of course, to make a donation to help fund our other projects which support church members, friends and the wider community, and our ongoing regular expenses. To make a donation, please make a transfer using the following details: Account Name: Altrincham Methodist Circuit Sort code: 08-92-99 Account number: 65581467 Reference: HC20 We're so excited that we're still going to get to share with you all this summer. Our closing date for bookings is 15th July, but it would really help us if you could get your booking in nice and early! If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact us at: [email protected]. In the meantime, keep safe, keep smiling and we can't wait to hear from you! The Holiday Club Crew Team.

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