
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German theologian and anti-Nazi worker, said of praying first thing in the morning, “The morning prayer determines the day. Squandered time of which we are ashamed, temp-tations to which we succumb, weakness and lack of courage in work, disorganiza-tion and lack of discipline in our thoughts and in our conversation with others, all have their own origin most often in the neglect of morning prayer. Order and distri-bution of our time become more firm where they originate in prayer. Temptations which ac-company the working day will be conquered on the basis of the morning breakthrough to God. Decisions, demanded by work, become easier and simpler where they are made not in the fear of men but only in the sight of God. ‘Whatever your task, work hearti-ly, as serving the Lord and not men’ (Col. 3:23). Even mechanical work is done in a more patient way if it arises from the recognition of God and his command. The powers to work take hold, therefore, at the place where we have

prayed to God. He wants to give us today the power which we need for our work.”

It makes sense to begin our day with prayer, because in prayer we consult the One who runs the universe and who runs our lives. Why then

would we want to bypass our Counselor and Guide? We are not as the people of the world who live as though God does not exist, for we know God exists and we know Him. We give thanks for our daily food, because we know He is the re-sponsible One for getting it to us. We plead with Him for help when a loved one is in the hospi-tal, because we believe that He has power over the body that doctors cannot even begin to imagine. Is He suddenly absent when we have to conduct our daily affairs?

No, the God of heaven is also the God of earth and He is with us always, and He can help us maneuver throughout the day.

Therefore, be sure to begin every day with prayer. DR

March 25, 2018; Volume 95, Number 12

SAVAGE STREET Church of Christ

Our History:

The Savage Street Church of Christ began on March 4, 1923 at 6th and H Streets. After sometime

on Evelyn Street, we moved to our present location on March 20,

1960. Join us in 2023 when we celebrate our 100th anniversary!

Praying first thing in the morning

6:00 Service

What About Job’s Wife?

Job 2.9

10:30 service

How Evolution Has Permeated

Our Society


Scrambled Scriptures is brought to you by Creation Moments, a non-profit organization supported entirely by tax-deductible donations. If God puts it on your heart to help us continue to provide free educational materials to parents and churches, thank you for making a donation of any amount at

© 2015, Creation Moments, Inc. All Rights Reserved

The Lord’s Prayer Part 1

3/13/18 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: We wanted to update you on our upcoming mission trips. Dara and I have now fixed our mission trips dates to Malawi, Africa as April 28-May 23rd. The purpose of this trip is to strengthen the churches that are already in existence by kicking off their Mobile Bible School. We will have the privilege of being the first teachers over the course of a couple months. Four days a week we will travel with the local missionary, Dale Kaestner, to different villages (over 500 miles total) where we will teach 4 hours a day, Mon-Sat, with one day off. Nathan will be teaching 2 John, 3 John and Jude, and will also be preaching on Sunday’s, teaching a youth class, and directing the Mobile Bible School students in times of devotion. Dara will be teaching the ladies’ classes at the Mobile Bible School. She will be teaching them on the subject of prayer, “How to Study Your Bible with an Introduction to Exegesis”, as well as lessons on “How to Bring Your Neighbors to Christ”. All lessons will be taught to the local churches as well as to non-Christians. Last year the Mobile Bible school had over 725 in combined attendance, and they expect similar responses this year. Dale stated that the attendees come from all over, and most walk an hour to come to the study. Nathan and Dara’s expenses (flight, 2-nights motel, medications, and food) will be around $4900 total.

Our sons, Blade and Dysen are also planning on participating in a shorter mission trip of 10 days to Honduras. This would be Blade’s second mission trip, and Dysen’s first. This trip to Honduras would be with the Concord St Church of Christ in Orlando, FL, where we worked from 2014-2016. The boys will mostly be involved in the building of homes. Their expenses (airline, food, lodging) is around $4060 total.

We currently have raised about $7000, leaving a total deficit for the two mission trips of about $2000. We know this is a lot of money, but we believe that both of these works are worthy of your support. Any assistance you can give would be appreciated and considered a blessing, regardless of the size. If you are able to help financially, please make checks to Nathan House, and write in the memo “Malawi missions” and send to: Nathan House 1553 Tully Rd Hughson CA 95326

In addition to any assistance you can provide (or have already provided), we are also requesting that you please pray for this work, our health and for the safety of those that will be going.

If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 541-218-5830 or 541-441-7862, or email at [email protected] Thank you and God Bless Nathan and Dara House

Vacation Bible School Count-down 92 Days

March Activities: 25th: Potluck 28th: Singing 30th-April 1st: Leadership Training For Christ Convention

April Activities: 22nd: Elders Meeting 25th: Singing 28th: Family Fellowship 29th: Potluck

Pray for our LTC group that they will have a safe trip to California and back.

Pray for the Kinder family. Judy Kinder passed away March 20th due to complications during surgery.

"Our youngest son has had issues with he ribs in healing as they should. Well to add to that this last week his doctor had a CT scan done to see what steps may be needed to correct the ribs issue and found that he has Gallstones. He is to visit his doctor today to see what steps they will need to do to deal with this first before they can proceed with the rib issues. We ask that the church would please keep Eric in their prayers as the ribs issue has been an on going thing for about 1 1/2 years and the gallstone issue is recent. I will keep up informed as thing progress." (Terry & Jo Miller)

Please continue to pray for all of our shut-ins.

2018 ContributionOpen & Close

Building March Greeters Card CollectorsMeet with elders

& preacher

Weekly Average 3,340 ..................

Last Week March 18, 2,947 ..........

Total After 11 Weeks 36,750.........

March 25: Kerri Ruhl

April 1: Larry & Diane

Cheryl CatesNash Crisp

Orie Peugh

The elders and

preacher have

regular meetings.

You may come

Mondays at 1:30

PM to Don’s office.

Call first. Or they

can meet with at

another time.


Potluck Today Stay after services and enjoy fellowship and food at our monthly potluck. On the menu is sandwiches and salad. Come

join us!!!

LTC Puppets "Hand it to Him" Puppet Team will meet TODAY at 4:00 pm for our final practice. Please bring a loud voice. Now how often are kids told that?

Family Fellowship Our next Family Fellowship will meet Saturday, April 28th. Please mark your calendars. More details to come!

Needed Andrea Crisp is looking to borrow a Treasure Chest for the Junior High Class. If you have a wooden or stur-dy cardboard treasure chest that you could lend, please let her know.

Attention All Men Can you please take the time to fill out a Involvement In-ventory form so that we know which men want to serve in what areas. This will help to fill out the monthly duty roster. The forms are on the foyer table.


Pray for these caretakers and the shut-ins:

Phil Friesen as he cares for Diana Jean Parker as she cares for Elzie Glenda Brazil as she cares for

Mildred Jack Collier as he cares for Marie Cliff & Eve Hanson

OTHER NEWS If you would like to receive the bulletin as a PDF, please see Rebekah Calvert. If you would like to have your an-nouncement run in our bulletin, please place it on the secretary’s desk before Friday morning or email it to Re-bekah Calvert: [email protected] If you would like a CD with any recorded sermons or adult classes please see Don.

Suggested Good Work Bring a homeless person some food and a drink.

Why Do You Eat? “Other men live that they may eat, just like unreasoning beasts; for them life is only their belly—we eat only to live. Eating is not our main occupation, nor is pleasure our chief ambition. Food is permitted us simply be-cause of our stay in this world.” –Clement

“I know that nothing is better for them than to rejoice, and to do good in their lives, and also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor—it is the gift of God.” –Ecclesiastes 3.12–13

Church History 1563: The Edict of Amboise* grants a narrow permission for the exercise of the Protestant

religion in France. Whereas to-day, anyone can practice any kind of religion in France, but the French do not have much interest in biblical matters. So which is worse or which is bet-ter: Having the interest, but for-bidden from seeking it or having no interest and no restrictions? *The Edict of Amboise also known as the Edict of Pacification, was signed at the Château of Amboise on 19 March 1563 by Catherine de Medici, acting as regent for her son Charles IX of France. The treaty officially ended the first phase of the French Wars of Reli-gion. Moreover, the treaty restored peace to France by guaranteeing the Huguenots religious privileges and freedoms.

Do You Possess Your Possesses Or Do They Possess You? “Possessions delude the human heart into believing that they provide security and a worry-free existence, but in truth they are the very cause of worry.” –Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“Many of our disappointments and much of our unhappiness

arise from our forming false no-tions of things and persons.” –Abigail Adams

“He who possesses most must be most afraid of loss.” –Leonardo da Vinci

“In our rich consumers’ civiliza-tion we spin cocoons around ourselves and get possessed by our possessions.” –Max Lerner

“Every increased possession loads us with a new weariness.”–John Ruskin

“Many possessions, if they do not make a man better, are at least expected to make his chil-dren happier; and this pathetic hope is behind many exertions.”–George Santayana

“Many wealthy people are little more than janitors of their pos-sessions.” –Frank Lloyd Wright

“Shallow people believe posses-sions give them depth.” –Mardy Grothe

Our Mission Works Outside of Josephine County, Oregon

Chimala Mission Hospital and Schools,

Tanzania, Africa

Wayne Jackson &, Stockton, California

Brad Harrub & Focus Press, Franklin, Tennessee

Don Iverson’s India Work

Don Patton’s archaeological work, especially Noah’s Ark

Mountain States Children’s Home, Longmont, Colorado

OUR SHEPHERDS: Wayne Duncan Dan Calvert


OUR DEACONS: Gene Tomlinson Michael Crisp, Jr. Carl Peugh

OUR SONG LEADERS: Larry Amberg Phil Joseph


CONTACT INFORMATION: 220 NE Savage Street Grants Pass, Oregon 97526 541-476-3100 [email protected]


Sunday Classes 9:30 .......... Worship 10:30 ........ Worship 6:00 ........


Classes 7:00 ..........


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