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Village: Manikpur , Tahasil: Biramaharajpur,District: Sonepur, State: OdishaLease Area – 19.692 HaScreening Category – ‘B2’

APPLICANTM/s Manikeswari MineralsPS – Bhawanipatna,Dist. – Kalahandi,Odisha.

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01 Executive Summary 03

02 Introduction of the Project/Background Information 05

03 Project Description 07

04 Site Analysis 12

05 Planning Brief 16

06 Proposed Infrastructure 19

07 Rehabilitation and Resettlement ( R & R) Plan 22

08 Project Schedule & Cost Estimates 23

09 Analysis of Proposal (Final Recommendations) 25

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M/s Manikeswari Minerals, the Lessee of Manikpur mining lease area ia aProprietorship (private individual) firm having its office at Bhawanipatna in thedistrict of Kalahandi, Odisha. Sri Rajendra Kumar Agarwal is the proprietor of theManikeswari Minerals. The Quartz deposit over the total lease area of 19.692 hais located in village Manikpur, of Biramaharajpur Tahasil in Sonepur DistrictOdisha.

The said lease is located in survey of India Topo Sheet No. 73 D / 1, bounded byLatitude: 200 55’ 29” to 200 55’ 52”N and longitude of 840 04’ 04” to 840 04’ 19”E.The ML area is accessible from district head quarter Sonepur by covering adistance of 20 km. The nearest railway station is Charmal at distance 21 km fromthe lease area. The area represents a plain and less undulating topography withgently sloping terrain from west to east with highest altitude of 122 mRL thelowest altitude of 120 mRL having an elevation difference of 2 m. The quartzdeposit is located in central part of the lease 1.4 Hect.

The said Mining Lease over 19.692 ha has been granted in favour of M/sManikeswari Minerals by Department of Steel & Mines, Govt of Odisha, videorder No - 277 Dt 9.1.2017. The total lease area is non-forest land.

As per the approved mining plan the area is feasible only for mining of Quartz.Since the Gemstone available in the lease area is not feasible for mining qualitywise and quantity wise there is no proposal for mining of Colluvial zonecontaining Gemstone which is occurring separately from the quartz area. Inpage No 18 of the approved mining plan it is stated that trial pits will be taken upduring 1st year for testing of quality and quantity of gemstone. If gemstone ofsuitable quality and quantity will be available then the mining plan will bemodified accordingly. As mining of Gemstone is not economically feasible thereis no proposal for mining of colluvial zone having Gemstone. Only prospectingwil be taken up to assess the quality and quantity of Gemstone.

The lessee is proposing for mining of only Quartz a minor mineral. As per thenotification from Ministry of Mines on dated 10.02.2015, Quartz is being treatedas minor mineral. After the said notification IBM is no more entertainingprocessing of mining plan / scheme of Quartz, being a minor mineral ratherhave communicated that, the same comes under the perview of state Govtbeing Quartz as a minor mineral. ( Ref Letter of IBM related to a Quartz miningscheme submitted for approval)

As per the provision for grant of environmental clearance in EnvironmentalImpact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2006 and its amendment on 24th

December, 2013 regarding categorisation of Category ‘B’ projects / activities into Category ‘B1’ and ‘B2’, this project comes under Category ‘B2’ and require

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prior environmental clearance from the State Environmental Impact AssessmentAuthority, Odisha. This project will be appraised based on following documents:

(i) Form-1 as per Appendix under EIA Notification, 2006(ii) Pre-feasibility report of the project(iii) Mining plan approved by the authorized agency of the concerned State


So, this mining plan is prepared under Rule 22 of MCR 1960, by the RQP,Sri N J Jena, (Regn. No. RQP/CAL/236/96/A) and duly approved by RegionalController of Mines vide letter no.BBS / SNP/Qtz & Gem / MP-257 on dated29.09.2005. when Quartz was a major mineral.

Considering the cost of the project, cost towards production, sale value ofQuartz etc,the project is viable for mininf of Quartz and bring some positivebenefit directly or indirectly to the nearby locality.

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CHAPTER -22.0 INTRODUCTION OF THE PROJECT /BACKGROUND INFORMATION2.1 Identification of project and project proponent. In case of mining

project, a copy of mining lease/letter of intent should be given

The proposed project, Manikpur mining lease has been granted to M/sManikeswari Minerals in Sonepur district of Odisha State for a period of 50 years.Mining of Quartz will be taken-up by opencast manual method. There is noprogram of mining of Gemstone as the same is not economically feasible.

This is a private individual firm and Sri Rajendra Kumar Agarwal is the proprietorof the Manikeswari Minerals.

2.2 Brief description of nature of the project.

Manikpur mining lease area of over 48.66 acres or 19.692 ha is located in villageManikpur,Tahasil-Biramaharajpur, District Sonepur of Odisha has been grantedto M/s Manikeswari Mineral by Government of Odisha for a period of fifty (50)years formining of Quartz (minor mineral).

2.3 Need for the project and its importance to the country and or region

The need and the importance of this project are mainly mining of Quartz to soldin open market to be used for manufacture of silica refractory, as flux in ironsteel, ferroalloy industries, in glass & abrasive industries and for manufacturingof silicon alloys.

2.4 Demand-Supply Gap

There is good requirement of Quartz in the state. Presently about 30000 MtQuartz is being produced in the state. Besides substantial amount of quartz isbeing obtained from other states and also imported. The requirement of the stateis much more than the production. Due to industrialization of the state thedemand will still increase. A maximum quantity of 1032 Cum or 2408 Mt perannum of Quartz (max saleable) will be mined from Manikpur lease area byhandling maximum 3440 um or 8600 Mt of ROM per year which will be suppliedto various industries.

Imports vs. Indigenous production.

Quartz production in the country is insufficient to meet the requirement. Howeverpresently Govt of Odisha mining department have taken steps to increase theproduction of the state. As good quality Quartz is available in the state it hasadvantages to mine the mineral rather than importing the same.

2.5 Export Possibility

The excavation of Quartz is for the manufacturing silica refractories, as flux iniron steel and ferro alloy industries, in glass and abrasive industries and formanufacturing of silicon alloys in domestic market. The Quartz of the deposit is

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of exportable quality. So there is possibility of exporting the material in futureafter the mine is fully developed

Domestic/ export Markets

There is good domestic market for the Quartz available in Manikpur lease area.The material produced can be easily marketed in the domestic market. As thereis good domestic market there is no need of exporting the Quartz produced fromthe mines.

2.6Employment Generation (Direct and Indirect) due to the project.

Total number of employment will be around 33 including Management,Supervisory personnel, Skilled, Semiskilled and Unskilled. Besides there will beindirect employment of about

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CHAPTER - 33.0PROJECT DESCRIPTION3.1 Type of the Project.

Quartz available in the area is proposed to be excavated by conventionalmethod of opencast manual mining method on single shift basis. Because ofhard and compact nature of the material drilling and blasting will be requiredfor loosening of the rock mass.

3.2 Location (Map Showing General Location, Specific Location and ProjectBoundary & Project Site Layout) with Coordinates.

The ML area is located in South-West of village Manikpur underBiramaharajpur Tahasil of Sonepur district, Odisha State. Manikpur mininglease area forms a part of Survey of India Toposheet No. 73 D/1. The ML areabounded between the latitude of 200 55’ 29” to 200 55’ 52” and longitude of 840

04’ 04”to 840 04’19” E. The ML area is accessible from district head quarterSonepur by covering a distance of 20 km towards east. The said ML area isearmarked in the Toposheet as shown in the following Map.


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3.3Details of Alternate Sites Considered and the Basis of Selecting theProposed Site, Particularly the Environmental considerations gone intoshould be Highlighted.

Being a granted and executed mining lease area for mining of Quartz thedeposit is site specific. No alternate site can be worked out. It has to be carriedout within ML area granted by the State Government of Odisha as per theconditions of lease agreement document. As far as the environmentalconsiderations, the proponent will abide by all relevant acts & rule andprovisions of EP Act 1986.

3.4 Size or Magnitude of Operation.

Size of the ML area is 19.692 Ha. Magnitude of the proposed operation isexcavation maximum 3440 cum or 9600 Rom per annum (Saleable Quartz +Waste rock).

3.4.1 . Project Description with Process Details (a Schematic Diagram / FlowChart Showing the Project Layout, Components of the Project etc. shouldbe given)

Method of Mining: Quartz in the ML area is excavated by conventionalmethod of opencast mining on single shift basis. Bench height will bemaintained maximum 2 mtr and width minimum 1.5 times of height. Drilling willbe done by Jackhammers and and blasting with gelatinious explosives withdelay detonatoreto be done to minimize effect of blasting.

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Time Schedule: Total working days are 240 days in a year. Number of shiftper day is 01 (One). The working hour in a shift is 8.00 hours.

Production Planning: The maximum handling of material including Quartzfrom this ML will 3440 cum or 9600 Rom per annum (Saleable Quartz + Wasterock).

.Extent of Mechanization: A standard equipment selection has been madein respect of mining machines consisting of jackhammer Compressor etc.After blasting breaking will be done manually by conventional manual methodusing hammer and crowbars.

Loosening of the hard rock mass is effected by the blasting Jackhammerdrilled holes. After mining and sizing materials will be stacked manually.

Transportation: Quartz excavated and stacked in the ML area will betransported to the buyers destination by users carriers. During transportationoverloadind of trucks and consequent spillage of materials on the roads will beavoided by covering tarpaulin in the loaded trucks.

List of Machinery/Equipment Proposed: The nature and quantity ofmachinery required for excavation and /or blasting of Quartz / rock depends onthe production capacity as envisaged in the approved mining plan. However,the machines used are as follows:

Table No. 01

List of Machinery

Name of the Machine Nos.

Jack Hammers 1

Explosive Van 1

Air Compressor 1

Pumps As required

Water tankers 1

Ambulance 1

Jeep 1

Sieves of different size As required

Blasting: Manikpur area is enriched with Quartz which is hard in nature.Since the deposit is hard, jointed & fractured, the material can be handled onlyafter drilling & blasting for loosening & fragmentation for making production.

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Broad Blasting Parameters:

Burden : 1.5 m

Spacing : 2.0 m

Depth of the blast hole : 1.0 m

Diameter of the blast hole : 32 mm

Volume of the materialblasted

: 4.00 CuM

Length of the cartridge : 200 mm

Diameter of the cartridge : 25 mm

Weight of the cartridge : 140 gm

Type of Explosives:

Class-III (Special gelatin of 80% strength) with ordinary detonator and safetyfuse of standard length will be used in the mine for blasting.

Storage: No storage of explosives will; be done within the ML area. Total

blasting job (Supply of explosive,Transport, Charging of holes, and blasting)

will be carried out through an agency approved and authorized agency after

taking necessary permission from the authgority.

3.1Raw Material Required along with Estimated Quantity, likely Source,Marketing Area of Final Product/s, Mode of Transport of Raw Materialand Finished Product.

The said project is a minor mineral / Quartz mining project. No other rawmaterial is required for mining of Quartz, rather only production of Quartz fromthe available reserve within the ML area will be done.

3.8 Resource Optimization / Recycling and Reuse Envisaged in the Project,if any, should be briefly outlined.

Excavation of Quartz will be carried out strictly as per conditions given in thelease agreement with a view to optimize all resources available and as per theapproved mining plan. The Quartz deposit of the area is dome shaped and topslicing method of mining will be done. No top soil is there to be recovered outof mining of Quartz. However, it is calculated that total mineable reserve(demonstrated reserve) has been assessed to be 75625 tonnes (P-12 ofmining plan).

3.9 Availability of Water, Its Source, Energy / Power Requirement andSource should be given.

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3.9.1 Availability of Water and Its Source

Water is used for drinking, potable use, dust suppression and plantation. Atotal 15 KLD liters per day of water is used per day for the above activities. Thewater is made available from nearby water source and a pert of therequirement will be met from rainwater harvesting.

3.9.2 Energy / Power Requirement and Its Source

No electricity is required as all workings will be done during daylight hours. Forwatch and ward during night time solar lights will be used.

3.10 Quantity of Waste to be generated (Liquid and Solid) and Scheme forTheir Management / Disposal

During plan period total 4356 cum of waste will be generated. Out of which726 cum is overburden, 726 cum is sub-grade and 2904 cum is mineral reject.For dumping of overburden, a non-mineralized area of 0.560 ha has beenearmarked for dump purpose and the proposed dump height will be 5.0 m.A retaining wall around the dump will be constructed to prevent the wash off ofdumps. Around the retaining wall a garland drain and settling tank will beprovided to prevent the possible transportation of mine dust or fines.

Liquid Waste / Waste Water: There is no proposal to have workshop withinthe lease area. Thus, no trade effluent is generated from the ML site.However, during rainy season surface runoff containing suspended solids andsilts flows out which will be checked by garland drain, settling tank and Checkdams.

3.11 Schematic Representations of the Feasibility drawing which giveinformation of EIA Purpose.

As per the guide lines of MOEF & CC, GOI vide letter no.J-13012/12/2013-IA-II(I) of dated 24.12.2013,this pre-feasibility report is prepared only for mining ofQuartz (minor Mineral) from Manikpur mining lease area of M/s ManikeswariMinerals is a Category-B2 project for grant of environmental clearance. Thelease period is for fifty years and the lease area is less than 25 Ha.

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The ML area is located in south west of village Manikpur, under BiramaharajpurTahasil of Sonepur district in Odisha State. The ML area is accessible fromdistrict head quarter Sonepur by covering a distance of 20 kms by road. The MLis 8.0 km distance from the Highway.

4.2 Land Form, Land Use and Land Ownership.

The ML Lease area is over 19.692 ha. Is Govt. owned non-forest area as perland schedule of the revenue department as given in below Table No. 02.

Table No. 02

Land Schedule

Khata Nos Plot Nos KisamArea

In Acres InHectares



122,123,124,127,128,129,130, 131,139,140,141,142,,143, 144,148,,150, 151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160, 161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170, 171,172,173,174,422,423,424,425,425,427,428,429,430,431, 432,434,445,446,449 & 597.

Mala, Atta,Patharabani,UnataJojona

Jogya 48.658 19.692

4.3 Topography (Refer Map No. 1)

The area covers a land of 48.658 acres or 19.692 ha.and is located at south west ofvillage Manikpur in Sonepur district of Odisha. The area can be featured in Survey ofIndia Toposheet No. 73D /1. The substantial part of the area represents plain andless undulated terrain with highest altitude of 122 mRL the lowest altitude of 120mRL having an elevation difference of 2 m. The general slope is towards west toeast.

4.4 Existing Land Use Pattern (Agriculture, Non- Agriculture, Forest, WaterBodies (including area under CRZ)), shortest distances from the peripheryof the Project to the periphery of the Forest, National Park, Wild LifeSanctuary, eco-sensitive areas, water bodies (distance from the HFL of theRiver), CRZ.

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The ML area over 19.692 Ha is non-forest area as per land schedule of therevenue department.

Distance of Various Physical Features from the Boundary of the LeaseArea

There is no national park/wild life sanctuary/biosphere reserve/ tiger reserve/elephant reserve in the lease area and buffer zone (10.0 km radius of the MLarea).

There is no seasonal or perennial nala inside the ML area.

There is no endangered fauna like elephant, sloth bear, python etc in & aroundthe ML area.

4.5 Existing Infrastructure

Location of the ML Lease area with respect to the infrastructure is given asfollows:

Table No. 03

Existing Infrastructure

Sl. No. Important Place Station Distance (km)

1 Bus Stop Murshundi 2

2 Railway Station Charmal 21

3 Hospital Murshundi 2

4 Primary School Murshundi 2

5 College Biramaharajpur 7

6 Post Office Biramaharajpur 7

7 Police Station Biramaharajpur 7

8 Dist HQ Sonepur 20 Km

4.6 Soil Classification and Geology both Regional & Local

Regional Geology:

The area forms a part of the Archean complex with form meta sediments ofGangapur group (Pre-Cambrian age) also forms a very small part of eastern ghatsupergroup pegmatite and quartz veins are the peculiarities of this area. Augen –gneiss, migmatites, porphyroblastic granites, leptinyte and Khandalite withoutGraphite are the dominant rock unit in the site.

The Quartz veins as long as 100- 150 mtrs and 20- 30 mtrs wide are trendingin NE-SW with moderate to steep dip due west. 3 sets of joints seen along EW,NW-SE and NE-SW with steep dip. Some of the plains are over line by thick soil

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mantle derived from Khandalite and Gneissic rock with maximum thickness of10mtr.

Local Geology:

The Quartz deposit near Bankia belongs to Eastern ghat group of rock of Archeanage . The lease area is occupied by one ridge of considerable elevation which liesin Sonepur district. The basement consists of entirely hard sheet rock. Sequenceof litho-units encountered in the lease hold area is as follows:

Soil and alluvial___________unconformity_________________

Eastern Ghat Super group

4.7 Climate Data from Secondary Sources

Climate of the Sonepur which is located at 28 kms from the ML site can be takenas a reference to describe the climate of the ML Site. Sonepur's climate isclassified as tropical. The summers here have a good deal of rainfall, while thewinters have very little. The average annual temperature in Sonepur is 23.42 °C.The average annual rainfall is 1312 mm. At an average temperature of 31.8 °C,May is the hottest month of the year. December is the coldest month, withtemperatures averaging 21.1 °C. Between the driest and wettest months, thedifference in precipitation is 288 mm. Throughout the year, temperatures vary by10.7 °C.

4.8 Social Infrastructure Available

Accessibility: The ML area is accessible by black topped road & Well-connected by road and rail. The ML site is connected through 200 km long roadfrom state head quarter Bhubaneswar and 20 km from district head quarterSonepur. The nearest railway station is Charmal located at a distance 21 kmfrom the ML area.

Market Facility: Market is at Murshundi which is located at a distance of 2 kmfrom the ML site.

Water availability: Water supply for the ML including drinking is made availablefrom panchayat water supply from Manikpur.

Medical & Educational Facilities: Medical facilities are available at Murshundiat a distance of 2 Kms from the ML area. Primary School for educational facilitiesis at Murshundi at a distance of 2km.

Postal & Telephonic facilities: Postal and telephonic facilities are available atBiramaharajpur of 7 Km. The area is covered under various telephone networks.

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CHAPTER – 55.0PLANNING BRIEF5.1 Planning Concept (type of industries, facilities, transportation etc.) Town

and Country Planning / Development Authority ClassificationThe said proposal is a Quartz mining project. The lessee does not have any planfor construction of town ship for its employees. Mostly local villagers areemployed. They are coming from local areas. Public and self transport facilitiesare used for attending the work place.

5.2 Population ProjectionThere is no human settlement inside the ML area. People of the buffer zone aremostly engaged in business and agriculture.

5.3 Land use planning (breakup along with green belt etc.)It is a Quartz mining project. Area about 1.43 Ha will be used for excavation ofQuartz.. The details of land use of area are given as below:

Table No – 4(Land use Break Up)


Type of Land Use Area to be used in HectaresIn Present plan period. Conceptual period

1 Area under excavation 1.190 1.430

2 Storage of top soil 0.100 0.100

3 Overburden dump 0.560 1.250

4 Mineral storage 1.020 1.020

5 Infrastructure 0.100 0.100

6 Roads 0.100 0.100

7 Railways 0.000 0.000

8 Green belt 1.600 1.600

9 Settling tank 0.010 0.010

10 Effluent treatment plant --- ----

11 Mineral separation point --- ---

12 Town ship area --- ---

13 Other --- ---

Total 4.680 5.610

14 15.012 14.082

Total applied area 19.692 19.692

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Afforestation and Reclamation/Rehabilitation: There is no forest growth in theML site except some scattered bushes. During plan period 1120 numbers ofsaplings will be planted covering an area of 1.60 ha. This worked out area will bereclaimed/rehabilitated by way of plantation in the following manner after thereserve is completely exhausted.

(1) Watering and manuring will be done periodically as per requirement.

(2) Post plantation care such as soil working, pruning etc will be done.

(3) Casual replacement will be done.

(4) Insecticides will be sprayed for pest control.

(5) Proper watch and ward will be done to save trees from cattle and fire.

4.4 Assessment of Infrastructure Demand (Physical & Social)

No new infrastructures will be constructed to handle the proposed production.Existing facilities are adequate.

4.5 Amenities / Facilities

Accessibility: The ML area is accessible by all-weather black topped road &Well-connected by road and rail. The ML site is connected through 500 km longroad from state head quarter Bhubaneswar and 20 km from district head quarterSonepur. The nearest railway station is Charmal located at a distance 21 kmfrom the ML area.

Market Facility: Market is at Mursundi which is located at a distance of 2 kmfrom the ML site.

Water availability: Water supply for the ML including drinking is made availablefrom existing panchayat water supply of Manikpur and from nearby sources.

Medical & Educational Facilities: Medical facilities are available at Mursundi ata distance of 2 Kms from the ML area. Primary School for educational facilities isat Mursundi at a distance of 2km.

Postal & Telephonic facilities: Postal and telephonic facilities are available atBiramaharajpur of 7 Km.The area is covered under BSNL telephone networks.

Facilities at Site:

First-aid facilities equipped with sterilized dressing materials such as cotton wool,bandages, iodine and antiseptic solution etc for treatment of the workers will beprovided, before hospitalization. Rest shed is provided at the ML site to take food& water and rest during lunch time. Site office is used for day to day MLadministration and management.

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CHAPTER – 66.0PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE6.1 Mining Area (Processing Area)

Temporary arrangements like site office, rest shelters & approach roads etc shall

be provided. No permanent infrastructure is proposed

6.2 Residential Area (Non – Processing Area)

As the local person shall be employed, no residential building/housing areproposed.

6.3 Greenbelt

There is no forest growth in the ML site except some scattered bushes. Duringplan period 1120 numbers of saplings will be planted covering an area of 1.60 ha.

6.4 Social Infrastructure

Market Facility: Market is at Mursundi which is located at a distance of 2 kmfrom the ML site.

Water availability: Water supply for the ML including drinking is made availablefrom existing panchayat water supply Manikpur and other nearby sources.

Medical & Educational Facilities: Medical facilities are available at Mursundi ata Distance of 1 Kms from the ML area. Primary School for educational facilities isat Manikpur at a distance of 1km.

Postal & Telephonic facilities: Postal and telephonic facilities are available atMussundi at a distance of 2 Km

6.5 Connectivity (Traffic and Transportation Road / Rail / Metro / Waterwaysetc.)

Accessibility: The ML area is accessible by all-weather road & Well-connectedby road. The ML site is connected through 500 km long road from state headquarter Bhubaneswar and 20 km from district head quarter Sonepur. The nearestrailway station is Charmal located at a distance 21 km from the ML area.

6.6 Drinking Water management (Source & Supply of Water).

Water is used only for drinking, portable use, dust suppression and plantation. Atotal 15,000 liters of water is used per day for the above activities. The water ismade available from panchayat water supply and from other nearby sources.

6.7Sewerage System

No residential facilities envisaged in the project. ML is operating only in singleshift. So no sewerage system is required in this ML area.

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6.8 Industrial Waste Management

There is no industrial waste from the ML site as the mining is manual and therewill be no workshop in the ML area..

6.9 Solid Waste Management

During plan period total 4356 cum of waste will be generated. Out of which 726cum is overburden, 726 cum is sub-grade and 2904 cum is mineral reject. Fordumping of overburden, a non-mineralized area of 0.560 ha has been earmarkedfor dump purpose and the proposed dump height will be 5.0 m. A retaining wallaround the dump will be constructed to prevent the wash off of dumps. Around theretaining wall a garland drain and settling tank will be provided to prevent thepossible transportation of mine dust or fines..

6.10 Power Requirement & Supply / Source

No electricity required at ML site. Only diesel is used for operating miningequipment only. For which 2 KL of HSD will be used and sourced from localmarket. For watch and ward lighting solar power will be used.

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7.1 Policy to be adopted (Central / State) in respect of the project affectedperson including Home Oustees, Land Oustees and Land Less Laborers (aBrief Out line to be given)

The ML area is over 19.692 ha is Govt.Pvt. owned non-forest area as per landschedule of the revenue department the lands of low category having kisam likeAtta, mala, Berna , Etc ie low category lands.

There is no human settlement with in the ML area so there vwill not be any homeoustees. People of the buffer zone are mostly engaged in business andagriculture.

R & R Policy of Govt. of Odisha will not be required as there is no humansettlement within the ML area.

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8.1 Likely date of Start of Construction and Likely Date of Completion.

M/s Manikeswari Mineral can operate the ML which has been granted Govt asmining lease for a period of 50 years. The commencement of productions willstart after obtaining environmental clearance. The excavated Quartz will becompletely used as construction material.

8.2 Estimated Project Cost along with Analysis in terms of Economic Viabilityof the Project.

The project is scheduled for a period of 20 years from the date of execution ofthe lease.

Capital Cost:-

The capital cost covers the expenditure incurred towards mine development, costinvolved towards land, infrastructure, plant and machineries etc. besides theinterest during development stage insurance, margin money on working capital,contingencies etc have also been included in the figure. The details of the breakups are furnished below.

Sl.No. Major Head Rs in Lakhs

1 Cost of Infrastructure 10.00

2 Cost of Machinery & plant 10.00

3 Contingency 5.00

4 Working Capital 15 .00

TOTAL 40 .00

Cost of production of QUARTZ

(Excluding royalty and taxes.)


Material Description Production cost :Rs / Cum.

1 Salary and wages 250.00

2 Fuel & Oil &Spares 12.00

3 Depreciation and interest 80.00

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4 Handling of waste & Rejects 40.00

5 Envirnomental Management 50.00

6 Over Heads 80.00

7 Misc Expences. 100.00

Total production cost 600.00

Selling price 780.00

Profit per Mt 180.00

The approximate cost of the project comes to around Rs 40 lakhs. Consideringthe mining and selling price a profit of Rs 180/- per Mt is expected, which iseconomically viable.

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9.1 Financial and Social Benefits with Special Emphasis on the Benefit to theLocal People including Tribal Population, if any, in the area.

As the project is to process and generate Quartz to be used as raw material forindustries. By opening of the mine local peoples will be benefitted by way directand indirect employment. Social infrastructures in the area will be improved dueto CSR activity of the mines as well as due to transport movements. Apart fromproviding direct employment, contractual employment and indirect employmentmostly from the local community due to Quartz Mining there will be overallimprovement of the locality.

The Quartz mining operations also result in financial gains for the state andcentral exchangers, through collection of various taxes like royalty, welfare cessand central excise.

There will be Improvement of the general living standard of the people in thevicinity to some extent and growth of allied industries in the area to some extent.

From the above analysis it is ascertained that the project is technically viable andeconomically feasible.

M/s Manikeswari Minerals(Rajendra Kunar Agrawal)



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