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To grasp the idea of the thriller concept I visited YouTube to research some of Hurtwood House’s AS thriller opening sequences. We used YouTube to upload our preliminary task so the whole world wide audience can see and leave comments. We used YouTube for our audience feedback it provided us with useful comments and area’s where we can improve on our real thriller opening sequence project.

I visited the Art of The Title Sequence website to help me with the typography for the group project. The site provides us with opening thriller sequences from movies so we can analyze how they embed the typography with the movie to make it look professional it influenced us on how to place our typography on our project as we lacked more with the typography in our group.

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We used a Flip HD Camera to obtain audience feedback from our preliminary task and for our audience research to find out what the views would want in a thriller opening sequence and how us as a group can fulfill their thriller needs in our main thriller opening for example most wanted a very restricted and dark Mise En Scene. The Flip Camera was very useful as it was portable and easy to carry rather than holding the camcorders everywhere we go and quick to upload and required no editing.

We set up blogger because it was easily accessible. This helped a lot as the members within our group can easily be updated with the recent updates to our thriller blog. Also blogger is electronic which means that our work will be safe and stored promptly other than hand written work getting lost. Additionally we uploaded our preliminary task on blogger which helped us to see what people thought of it as they left comments.

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Animatics was used to grasp the whole outline of our soon to be thriller opening. It acted as a story board of our idea of our thriller. This was effective as it was used as a guideline to set out the stages and steps for our thriller project. We used a flip camera to capture our images which was drawn by a member in our group then we uploaded on to IMovie to create still frames.

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Garage band was our main music program we used this to make the soundtrack for our opening sequence. To produce music with Garage Band made life easy as it broke down each element of the soundtrack so it would be straightforward to edit. Also it helped us add special effects to the soundtrack for instance there is an echo effect to create a very uncanny atmosphere. Furthermore Garage band helped to sync the track with our opening sequence so everything was in order and will sound natural. Also we added diegetic sound to the track to make our opening sequence seem natural and dramatic. However we had some struggle with Garage band as we had various copies of our track because most bits of our soundtrack were not in sync.

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Final Cut was our main editing program we used this to use our camera footage and make it seem presentable for example we changed our picture quality to make it look thriller like. We mainly focused on the color correction so it suits the mood and gives a very eerie atmosphere. We also slowed down each clip to make it seem more dramatic. Additionally we blurred some parts to limit the audiences' view to raise enigma codes.

We used Photoshop to create our Production logo “Visual Productions”. It helped us to find a font that will be suitable for our whole concept of our thriller. Also Photoshop helped us color correct the font so it does not incoherent with our opening sequence. We used the color scheme blue and purple to create a very original production logo and it could be considered to look professional. Additionally we used the shadow effect to empathize our name so the audience can recognize our production logo and to show we and not associated with other production companies. We created the eye image to show that our opening sequence is there to be watched to recognize all the techniques we used.

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The HD camera was probably the vital source we needed to make our thriller opening sequence successful. Using the HD camera made our thriller look different compared to the others in our media class as it made our thriller look more professional just like Hollywood movies. The HD camera gave us more options with our cinematagophory as it provides us with the shallow and deep focus techniques which was used consistently through our opening sequence for instance the close up on the box. The HD camera made our thriller seem more life like which is what we needed to created a more conventional thriller. We didn’t just want the audience to watch our thriller we wanted them to live through it. However the HD camera provided us with a high quality footage but it was not easy to use at the start we could not playback our filming as we could not locate the playback buttons also it sometimes ran out of battery quick which made our filming process slow sometimes, but after a while we did get use to it and took full advantage of the HD camera

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Blogger was used to help keep on top of things and to give bloggers the routine we had to go through to create a thriller opening sequence. For instance Also blogger helped us to plan our thriller and simplified each step on our thriller production. Furthermore it let our whole group know what each individual is up to on the production so everyone in the group can help each other out. We posted our storyboard which was prior at the start of our production, audience feedback on our thriller opening, a group diary so we know what we do everyday and our print screens of our production work to keep everyone up to date. Our blog gives an in depth analysis of what we did to make our thriller successful. Blogging at the start we found very aggravating as it took a long period of time to upload our posts but after a while we got used to it and started blogging everything that was associated with our thriller opening sequence.

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Facebook is one of the biggest social websites. We took advantage of this and uploaded our final thriller to gain audience feedback from people that are close to us. For instance we got comments such as “Loved it”. Also uploading our final thriller on Facebook meant that we will get quite a lot of comments whereas YouTube is more world wide and getting comments will be hard to get.

The YouTube annotations was useful on analyzing our work as it helped us discuss each segment of our work and share it with the world wide audience. However there was disadvantages with the annotations as it was hard to place the text box in the right place also the duration was hard to alter but eventually it all worked out.

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Live Type was used for the typography for our final thriller opening. It was our main program for the credits. The advantages were that we added various effects animation effects There are, for example, glows, scrolls, fades and zooms. The timing of the effects can be customized and new effects can be created from scratch using key framing. For instance we used the silver eroded font as our main style. However Live Type was not easy to get the font right and in sync with our thriller opening also there was limited fonts and styles. However Live Type still made our Thriller opening look professional just like Hollywood movies.

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In our final moments of our thriller project we uploaded the drafts and the actual copy of our thriller opening sequence. This allowed our followers on blogger to see our final piece and keep up to date on how we eventually got to this stage. Blogger helped us to stay up to date with our project and helped us notice the media elements that were missing which we could easily review on and edit. The limitations were that the uploading of our final video took up a large period of time and some points it was hard to view on our blogger but eventually our opening sequence easily accessible.

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Final Cut was vital at the end of our thriller project as it helped synchronizing the soundtrack and the movie to make it flow and seem natural. It was the last editing software we used as Final Cut concluded our project editing the small bits to make it complete. However there were struggles exporting our video clip as at some points to view our opening sequence the screen would have turned black but eventually we fixed this problem and our opening sequence was viewable.

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