
    LTC Dipl. Eng. Ivo PIKNER

    Abstract:This paper deals with possibilities of side-damage elimination during military

    operations. It provides fundamental information on characteristics and potentialities of introduced precision guided weapons.


    GeneralA serious problem faced at attacking legal military targets during the armed con-

    icts is injured or killed civilians or other non-combatants and undesired side harm of the civilian installations. Employment of high precision weapons in current conicts shows, along with new courses of action, also new options and ways to reduce the risk of non-military target damage.

    Side damage risk eliminationRisk of non-combatant health or lives harm side effect and undesired side damage

    of civilian installations is imminent at any military operation impossible to totally avoid. However there are many ways of how to reduce it substantially.

    The land or air attacks potential target selection and assessment process should comprise their combat or military evaluation for attaining the operation objectives, together with denition of the way for attaining the desired military effect. The objective should be reached with as low threat to the non-combatants as possible and minimum undesired side damage of protected installations such as residential building, schools, hospitals, religious facilities, cultural heritage and diplomatic buildings. Research done at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has showed the U.S. citizens intolerant to the own and allied battle injuries and increased in the intolerance to enemy injuries, mostly of civilian population. It should be noticed, though if the enemy deploys the legal military targets – e.g. HQ, AD systems or armoured vehicles in or among protected installations, these loose the protected status as stipulated by international law. Even



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    now measures should be taken to direct the attack, if applicable, at the military target to minimize side-effect damage.

    Similar attitude should apply to double use facilities – both military and civilian, such as communication equipment representing legal targets in accordance with martial law. Every time the advantage of their destruction should be sensitively compared to potential non-combatant life injuries. Similarly complex issue is use of “human shields”, volunteer or not, to protect key facility object.

    There are several feasible options of civilian population threat or undesired facil-ity damage elimination. First, the above mention target selection process – needs highly performed intelligence and reconnaissance and profound analysis, as well, of broad mili-tary, political, humanitarian, economic and other relations, such as Centres of Gravity (COG) for an air operation. Second, the way of attacking the selected target. If it is a legal military target as of international martial law but surrounded by civil installations or facilities a suitable weapon system to strike is selected. Its killing effect should be such to destroy or annihilate the target (according to dened criteria) but causing no risk to civil population or protected installations, as shown in gures 1 and 2.

    Naturally, high precision weapon systems are considered, assets of destruction either guided along the whole ight trajectory or in the ight end phase. Those are land, air or naval assets guided by internal or external system to the target killed with high hit probability and high efciency. While “Desert Storm” operation in Iraq in 1991 pre-sented the guided assets in approximately 20 % of the total used air missiles and ammu-nition, today estimates “Iraq Freedom” operation of this year range between 60 % and 70 % reaching 90 % in areas of highly undesired side-damage risk. Weapon calibre is an important parameter. A thousand kilogram bomb destruction effect obviously differs from the effect of a 60-kilogram warhead guided missile. That is a reason of why mini-aturized air bombs are being developed.

    The undesired side-damage may be reduced by selection of suitable direction/angle of attack, i.e. bomb landing to orientate the splinter effect off the protected instal-lations. Appropriate fuse timer setting so that ammunition explodes after having pen-etrated into the structure or ground may play similar role. Also attack timing – night hours, for example – helps to eliminate non-combatant injury risk.

    A military target is surrounded by installations protected as of international law. Employment of a too effective weapon or inappropriate course of attack causes high side damage risk of hitting the protected installations.

    It is of course impossible to reach hundred per cent certainty of side damage avoidance ever. A human or technical factors should always be considered either in the phase of preparation or execution of the operation. Experience of high precision weapon employment, particularly PGM (Precision Guided Munition), shows 8 to 10 per cent failure rate of precise target hit.

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    Another option for considerable reduction of undesired side damage is employ-ment of non-lethal weapon systems that use other principles of enemy system annihi-lation than explosive or incendiary charges. Submunition BLU-114/B with conductive carbon bres is a typical example. It was successfully used in Serbia during the Kosovo crisis for power network shut down through short-circuiting of the transformer sites and power lines.

    Figure 1: Convention ammunition damage side effect

    The use of “electromagnetic bombs” generating a very high power electromag-netic pulse capable to seriously damage electric and/or electronic equipment such as computers and radio/radar receivers and put thus the enemy command, control and infor-mation systems out of operation has been currently discussed.

    Precision guided weapons of small calibre, suitable attack direction and narrower splinter effect may eliminate side damage.

    High risk for both the civilian population and friendly forces is represented by attacks at combat chemical agent storage sites, as leakage of the agents into environment is imminent. Therefore special warhead and bomb charges has been developed capable of crushing the agent containers and release chemical or ozone neutralizers at the same time or make a sustained heat effect to dispose the agents, as appropriate.

    Obytná část

    Nemocnice Mešita - Kostel

    Vojenský objekt

    Maximální oblastničivého účinku

    Residential area

    Destruction effect maximum range

    Military installation

    Hospital Mosque / Church

    Pikner.indd 8.3.2004, 18:59130-131

  • Figure 2: Side damage elimination

    High precision weapons: Leading representativesThe last mentioned operation in Iraq strictly afrmed superiority of the high preci-

    sion weapon systems to the today commonly used conventional ammunition that must be used in big amounts to kill the target reliably so that a considerable area in the target neighbourhood is hit. The high precision weapons were mostly represented by guided ammunition able to hit the target at rst attempt with high probability. The guided ammunition reduced number of sorties as well as of total red ammunition in air and land strikes, and also negative injuries of non-combatants (in the operation “Enduring Freedom” in Afghanistan in 2001—2002 the guided ammunition represented almost 90 % of used ammunition).

    The Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) that really proved in Afghanistan and Iraq (in some events even 80 pieces a day were used) distinguishes by its extraordinary resistance to harsh weather effects and by high precision rate.

    Laser guided munition is more precise when compared to JDAM, however sensi-tive to weather effects and needs marking with a laser emitter – either airborne or sur-face. The laser sensor is unable to overcome obstacles in the form of cloud layers, smoke or dust.

    The following paragraphs illustrate the leading examples of precise guided air-to-surface and surface-to-surface weapon systems designed to destroy surface hardened and armoured targets established in modern forces.



    Obytná část

    Nemocnice Mešita - Kostel

    Vojenský objekt

    Maximální oblastničivého účinku

    Vhodný směrútoku

    Residential area

    Destruction effect maximum range

    Military installation

    Hospital Mosque / Church

    Suitable attack direction

    Pikner.indd 8.3.2004, 19:00132-133

  • AGM-86C CALCM (Conventional Air-launched Cruise Missile) is a subsonic strategic, air launched winged cruise missile powered by a small turbofan jet engine. It is equipped with a combined inertial/GPS navigation system that provides for under 5 metres circular error probable at target. The missile total length is 6.3 m, range around 1,100 km and the warhead differs by version to carry either high-explosive charge of 1,360 kg or blast fragmentation charge for hardened targets.

    BGM-109 Tomahawk – a subsonic US submarine or ship-launched land-attack cruise missile. The navigation system is combined inertial TERCOM/GPS and terminal guidance in the target area is provided by the optical Digital Scene Matching Area Cor-relation (DSMAC) system. The warhead is either conventional unitary or submunition. An improved navigation system variant of Tactical Tomahawk is under development. Missile length with booster is 6.25 m, total weight 1,587 kg and range around 1,600 km.

    AGM-158 JASSM (Joint Air to Surface Stand-off Missile) is the latest cruise missile of stealthy features. It is designed to destroy the enemy’s high-value targets from aircraft that launch from outside the area defence. The combined Global Positioning System (GPS) – aided inertial navigation system (INS) is completed with an imaging infrared seeker in the terminal phase for very precise guidance. The missile has a tilted arrow wing and penetrating high-yield explosive warhead of 450 kg weight.

    AGM-154 JSOW (Joint Standoff Weapon) is a glide weapon with the range under 65 km (depends on launch altitude). The 225 kg calibre warhead is either com-bined-effect or penetrating submunition or unitary penetrating. The JSOW uses com-bined INS/GPS navigation system completed with imaging infrared and datalink for terminal homing in AGM-154C version.

    GBU-29, GBU-30, GBU-31, GBU-32 JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munition) is currently the Air Force most used guided munitions. It is a kit of aero surfaces and the INS/GPS navigation module and control surfaces installed to a classic bomb body. Weight (226 kg, 454 kg or 907 kg) and warhead type (high-explosive or penetrating) dene designation. Range is under 24 km and hit accuracy under 13 m the advanced ver-sions with DAMASK sensor feature even only 3 m circular error probable.

    Paveway II and Paveway III designations cover over 10 types of laser-guided munitions consisted of either a general purpose or penetrator bomb (weight 225 to 2,000 kg), folding stabilizers block and a laser guiding module with control surfaces. Paveway III version has got an improved navigation system that makes it launchable at low or surface altitudes.

    AGM-130 is in fact the GBU-15 glide bomb with 907 kg calibre warhead com-pleted with a rocket engine. Range is under 65 km. There are more versions. The naviga-tion system is of INS/GPS type, a television or an imaging infrared seeker for precise terminal guidance.

    SLAM and SLAM-ER (Standoff Land Attack Missile – Expanded Response) are precise guided missiles developed of AGM-84 Harpoon antiship missile. They are armed



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  • at the Navy aircraft. The navigation INS/GPS system is completed with the Imaging Infrared seeker in SLAM-ER version. SLAM-ER has been improved and incorporates a pair of deployable wings which increase the range of the missile to 280 km powered by a jet engine, and a booster for ship or submarine launch.

    AGM-65 Maverick is a tactical, air-to-surface guided missile of 136 kilogram penetrator or 57 kilogram high-explosive warhead. The missile is made in several ver-sions differentiated in navigation system, which may be optoelectronic, infrared or laser one. The missile length is 2.49 m, weight from 208 to 302 kg and range beyond 27 km.

    Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) is a precise guided air-to-ground weapon. The US Air Force used it rst on 11 March 2003. MOAB is the hugest conventional bomb in the world today. Out of the total weight of 9,750 kg the explosive takes 8,100 kg. The weapon is of glide type with precise guidance based probably on GPS. The MOAB killing effect – similar to BLU-82/B (Big Blue, Daisy Cutter) that will expect-edly be replaced with – relies largely on heat effect and blast that hits extremely large area.

    Artillery weapon systems when guided ammunition is used might classify to high precision weapons. The artillery ammunition characteristic feature is precise guidance to target that gave the ammunition the general designation of precise (terminal) guidance ammunition.

    M712 Copperhead is a conventional cannon-launched guided projectile equipped with laser guidance system. It needs target designation with laser. It is one of the rst representatives of the weapon category developed and introduced in the US Army (since 1980). The Copperhead round is designed for 155 mm calibre barrel artillery. It was rst employed during Operation Desert Storm in Iraq to destroy observation posts and for-ward AD radar installations. Its priority employment is destruction of enemy’s armoured vehicles. It is 1,368 mm long, weighing 60 kg out of which the composition B charge weighs 16.5 kg. The effective range is under 17 km at target-hit probability 0.7—0.8.

    Excalibur artillery ammunition has been developed by Raytheon Company on the ground of contract with the US Army. Excalibur is the rst GPS-guided artillery ammunition. Excalibur has been designed for 155 mm calibre with accurate rst round re-for-effect capability under the range of 45 km.

    Krasnopol is artillery ammunition of Russian provenience of rst round re-for-effect capability (no precision re). The munitions is designed to defeat armoured vehicles; multiple rocket launchers; self-propelled artillery systems; command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence centres; defensive fortications; bridges; and water crossings within the range limits 3 to 25 km. It is capable of employment on still or moving targets under the velocity of 36 kph placed on plain terrain, in trenches or shelters. Krasnopol ammunition is produced in 152 and 155 mm calibres. The 152 mm calibre forms a part of supply stocks of ammunition on wheels for the self-propelled cannon howitzers (M-1973 ACACIA) or towed cannon howitzers, such as D-20.



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  • M-39 ATACMS (The Army Tactical Missile System) is a long-range guided missile red from the Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) M270 launcher and deployed within the ammunition loads of the US corps MLRS battalions. It provides re capability for high payoff targets beyond the range of currently elded cannons and rockets. The development tests nished in 1990 and the same year it was delivered to the US Army units. The rst engagement was during Operation Desert Storm in Iraq in 1991. The ATACMS primary targets were the SCUD surface-to-surface missile sites, AA missile launchers, rear bases, bridges and even tube and rocket artillery posts. The mis-sile ranks to the high precision weapons thanks primarily to its submunition with termi-nal guidance. The missile is designed for two basic variants of warhead known as Block I and Block II that dispense Anti-Personnel or Anti-Armour submunition or controlled-initiation bomblets.

    ConclusionThe high precision weapon systems has been elded by the powerful and modern

    militaries as well as others as a key element of improved weapon systems re efciency in the 21st century operations. The military experts foresee the high precision weapons to become the main striking assets, especially the airborne carrier systems whose fea-tures distinguish with high dynamism and mobility. The recent conicts – in Afghanistan (2001—2002), Iraq (1991, 2003), former Yugoslavia (1995—2001) and Chechnya ghts (1995—2002) experience has showed the importance of the high precision weapons for the combat action result. Therefore the armed forces should be both armed with those assets and, at the same time, trained in effective courses of actions when enemy uses them.

    Another considerations should be paid to the economic aspects of high precision weapons elding, particularly from the cost point of view. Though, it means to answer the question whether engagement of “classical” weapon systems to attain the desired effect is or is not more costly in the last instance than engagement of the high precision weapons. Of course, elded high precision weapons have implied an answer to the unde-sired side effects elimination, an issue that has come forth and become a criterion of major weight for weapon engagement assessment.

    References[1][2] A-report; years 2002, 2003[3] Sizov, Skokov “High Precision Weapons Importance in Today Warfare”. Voyennaya mysl 1993, No.12[4] Hallion, Richard P. “Precision guided munition and new era of warfare”. Air Power Studies Centre,

    PAPER NUMBER 53[5] Hanousek, M. “Vysoce přesné zbraně zahraničních armád”. VA Brno, 1993[6] Kraváček, O., Novák, J. “Některé poznatky a závěry z války v Perském zálivu”. Study report. VU 010

    Vyškov 1992[7] Krolikowski, M.,Marcinkowski, C. Afganistan 2002, Dom wydawniczy Bellona.



    Pikner.indd 8.3.2004, 19:00134-135

    AbstractGeneralSide damage risk eliminationHigh precision weapons: Leading representativesConclusionReferences

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