
Prehistory – River Valley Civilizations

I. Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) (2 million to 12000 BCE)

A. As humans progressed, advanced humans …B. Mostly hunters/gatherers and …

1. People …

I. Paleolithic (Old Stone Age)(2 million to 12000 BCE) CONT

2. Groups migrated to …

C. Greatest accomplishment was …1. Caused by ???

a) Enabled by ???

D. 14,000 years ago end of last GREAT ice age providing better living conditions ???

II. Neolithic (New Stone Age) (10,000-4000 BCE)

A. Agricultural Revolution 1. Invention of agriculture -

a) End of ice age resulted in:1. ???2. ???

b) People began to …c) Animals …

2. Initially developed in the Middle East and independently arose in India, N. Africa, Americas, Asia and Europe

3. Transformation …a) Required ???

1. Who did the hard work?b) ???

1. As farmers cleared land they …

Neolithic (New Stone Age) (10,000-4000 BCE) CONT.

4. Allowed for ??? WHY???a) Discovered uses for copper (4000 BCE) and development of

bronze (3000BCE)1. Advent of tools allowed for …2. This meant …

5. Pastorialist disseminated informationa) Who???b) What???

1. New weapons2. New modes of transportation

Neolithic (New Stone Age) (10,000-4000 BCE) CONT.

6. Technological Innovations led to ???a) Agricultural production, trade, and transportationb) Examples:

1. ???2. ???3. ???4. ???5. ???

7. What happens to the role of women with the advent of agriculture?

III. Civilization – Discussion

• Is the term Civilization a synonym for good?– For each of the following words, tell me if they are

negative or positive terms:• Gender inequality• Slavery• Warlike• Divisions in social-class – have/have nots• Diseases• Ruler and ruled• Destruction of environment

III. Civilization CONTA. Why Civilization?

1. Need groups of people to …

B. What defines a civilization?1. Must contain all of the following:

a) ???b) ???c) ???d) ???e) ???f) ???g) ???

C. Scholars still debate the “true” definition

IV. Characteristics of River Valley Civilizations

A. The “Big” 4 and the Americas1. Mesopotamia (Tigris and Euphrates)2. Egypt (Nile)3. India (Indus)4. China (Hwang He / Yellow)5. Chavin6. Olmecs• What do all of these have in common?





IV. Characteristics of River Valley Civilizations CONT

B. Mesopotamia, China and the Americas developed ??? Egypt and India ???

1. Despite trade and connections…

IV. Characteristics of River Valley Civilizations CONT

C. Similarities1. Use of …2. Monumental Building …3. Arts promoted by

1. Sculptures, paintings, and literature

4. Creation of …

IV. Characteristics of River Valley Civilizations CONT

5. Trade expanded from …a) Egypt and Nubiab) Mesopotamia and Indus Valley

6. Complex …7. Creation of Legal Codes

a) Hammurabi’s Code

8. Creation of new religionsa) Vedic religionsb) Hebrew monotheismc) Zoroastrianism


Papyrus Sheets Cuneiform Tablet


Writing Forms

Sumerian Writing Hieroglyphics

Writing Forms

Sanskrit Ancient Chinese

IV. Characteristics of River Valley Civilizations CONT

D. Differences1. Egyptian economy was …2. Mesopotamian science and writing were…3. All created distinctive ….4. Egypt had …5. China developed …

IV. Characteristics of River Valley Civilizations CONT

E. Decline of River Valley Civilizations1. Most in decline by … WHY???2. What did they leave behind?

V. Conclusion

A. RVCs created…B. Civilization created ??? BUT???

1. Increasing contacts vs. local identity

C. The 4 major RVCs shared … but were radically different … HOW??? WHY???

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