Page 1: Preliminary task evaluation

Preliminary Task EvaluationGEORGIA HIRD

Page 2: Preliminary task evaluation

1.Using forms and conventions of real media products

Like many other films, I began with the titles. These are the main characters and film name. This introduces the video to the audience so they know that the film is about to begin.

These images are establishing shots, this sets the scene showing the surroundings of the location. The audience can tell from the different shot types what is going on in the scene.

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1.Developing and challenging forms and conventions of real media products

This shot is in black and white, this enables the character to stand out more against the background and become much clearer. Not all films use colour to create effect.

Slow motion shots are not used in all films, I used it to build tension

In my film, I used a variety of shots

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2. Representing particular social groups

In my film, I used two female characters, representing the social group females.

The setting and layout and props I used represent office workplace

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3. Media Institutions

I would choose an institution like ‘Working Title Films’ to distribute my film because the company was founded by film producers, they have helped co-produce many films that I like and it is a UK based company.

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4. Audience The audience for my film would be anyone from the age of 15 and

above interested in the thriller genre, both male and female. I would give the film a rating of 15 because it’s a thriller.

Black and white could be considered scary The music playing when the film title shows is eerie

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5. Attracting/addressing my audience

To entice those interested in the thriller genre, I used: Camera shot variety Effects Sound – tension building music Tense atmosphere – dialogue, acting A title that could suggest a variety of things

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6. Construction Having a storyboard when filming really helps, it enables you

to keep a track of where you are and makes sure you don’t miss anything out.

Filming is difficult, for example when you are trying to get the right angle and shot type to match each other and look the same if you needed to go back and do it again. Also, the actors trying to remain in character is difficult to deal with.

Editing is very time consuming

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7. What I have learnt from my preliminary task

After constructing my preliminary task I now know to: Use a microphone for better sound quality Use a wider variety of camera angles and movements Allow lots of time for editing Allow for time to go back and retake shots Dedicate more time to find sound and produce it Think more about the props and settings included

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