Page 1: Preparation of the global GF-TADs strategy for FMD control ... · Which will be translated in tools, methods, strategies and policies, laws & regulations . Appendix 15 Open Session

Appendix 15

Open Session of the EuFMD: 2012, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain 1

EuFMD Open Session 2012

Appliance of Science in the Progressive Control of FMD

29-31 October 2012, Jerez-de-la-Frontera, Spain

The role of the OIE in FMD prevention and control

How to translate science in standards and guidelines, how to develop tools

and ensure their convergence

Joseph Domenech

OIE has always supported FMD prevention and control as one of its major strategic objectives


Emergence Global Hot Spots of Infectious Diseases

Repeated Crises

Animal diseases: a major problem for animal productions and human health: - Food security - Rural development - Small holders livelihoods - Trade: domestic, regional, international - Human health and well being

Global cargo ship network

Headquarters in

Paris (France)

5 Regional


6 Sub-Regional


The OIE, an intergovernmental organisation

Creation of the



des Epizooties



Organisation for

Animal Health

Creation of the

United Nations

1924 2003 1945

In 2012

OIE has always supported FMD prevention and control as

one of its major strategic objectives

Continuing to consolidate major objectives of the 4th Strategic Plan

Transparency of world animal

disease situation

(including zoonoses)

Collect and publish

veterinary scientific

information, notably animal

disease prevention and

control methods

Sanitary safety of international

trade in animals and

their products under the

mandate given by the WTO

OIE activities are a global public good

Reinforcing priority missions of the Fifth Strategic Plan 2011-2015

Food safety: • Need for a global

supply of safe food • The Veterinary

Services play a key role in protecting consumers

Food security:

Is a key public health


Healthy animals

guarantee food security

and food safety

Developing international standards on animal welfare

Veterinary education

Relation animal / environment and “One Health” A worldwide strategy for managing risks at the animal-human interface ecosystems

Scientific progress is incorporated into practice to achieve progressive control of diseases and food safety

Through the publication of standards, guidelines and


Which will be translated in tools,

methods, strategies and policies, laws & regulations

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Appendix 15

Open Session of the EuFMD: 2012, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain 2

Based on responsive, transparent and rapid procedures.

Well recognized and independent experts invited

to participate to small groups which reports to the Specialist Commissions.

Specialist Commissions play a central role in the OIE standard setting procedures

Major source of OIE experts: OIE Reference Centres, comprising Reference Laboratories and

Collaborating Centres (277 in 2012)

OIE standard setting process

- Specialized Commissions: Scientific Commission for Animal

Diseases, Code Com., Biological Standards Com., Aquatic animals Com.

- Ad Hoc Groups: FMD Vaccine Quality,

FMS Status, PPR, PRRS, Brucellosis, CSF, RVF, Epidemiology, Trade in animal

products, Antimicrobial resistance…

- Working Groups: Wildlife Food safety…

OIE standard setting process

Proposed Standards sent to all OIE Delegates Comments from all OIE Delegates Consultation of major partners

Second round of discussions with Commissions…

General Session May

Adoption: vote of all Delegates during the World Assembly


- Aquatic Animal Health Code

- Manual of Diagnostic Tests

for Aquatic Animals

236 laboratories, 112 diseases /topics in 37


41 Collaborating Centres 38 topics in 22 countries

Collaborating Centres

Reference Laboratories

The OIE’s scientific network OIE Reference Centers


Disease information

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Appendix 15

Open Session of the EuFMD: 2012, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain 3



Fundamental activities

for targeted surveillance, prediction,

awareness and reporting to OIE

And then for the appropriate response: choice

of tools, methods and strategies

Global Early Warning System (GLEWS)

Permanent institutional cooperation FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization

WHO - World Health Organization

WTO - World Trade Organization

IPPC - International Plant Protection Convention

World Bank CABI - CAB International

ILRI - International Livestock Research Institute

And cooperation with Regional public organisations and private sector bodies

(more than 50 agreements)

International Cooperation


Global Framework for the Progressive Control of Transboundary Animal Diseases


OIE Scientific and

Technical Review

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Appendix 15

Open Session of the EuFMD: 2012, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain 4

Disease Information Summaries,“Disease cards

OIE Global Conference on Wildlife, Paris (France)

23-25 February 2011

International Conferences

FMD Conf. :see below

Disease Control strategies Underlying principles - It is better to prevent than to respond

to crisis

- To control at source where the pathogens are

- To be science based

- Disease prevention and control programmes against TADs are public


- Applicable to bioterrorism

- Based on surveillance and rapid response:

Transparent health information

Early warning and detection

Immediate response

- Risk based approaches, Risk analysis:

Understanding the epidemiology

of diseases

Integrative and participatory


Multidisciplinary (socioeco., ecol…)

- Multisectoral approaches:

Animal and human health,

Agrosystems, Wildlife…

- Private Public Parternership

- Other factors than sciences to be


Consumer perception

Economical and political pressure

Disease Control strategies Underlying principles

- Good governance of animal

health systems:

Quality of Veterinary Services

to implement and certify

Appropriate legislation

- Use of OIE standards by importing and

exporting countries

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Appendix 15

Open Session of the EuFMD: 2012, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain 5

Some examples Capacity building

Capacity building programme for

Delegates and focal points

Meetings organised

by the OIE and its

regional and sub-

regional offices

“One Health”

Veterinary education

Recognition of veterinary qualifications.

Promotion of professional excellence throughout

the world

OIE Worldwide Conference of

Deans of veterinary Education


- Minimum curriculum

- Evaluation - Twinnings

Foot and Mouth Disease - Code articles 1.6.2, 1.6.7 and 8.5.

- AHGs: FMD Statuts, Vaccine quality

- Transversal WGs and AHGs: Wildlife, Epid.

- Scientific Commission for Animal Diseases

- 9 FMD Reference Laboratories (including

4 OIE and FAO) *3 more FAO FMD Ref. Centers

- Publication on Deboned

Beef trade: Qualitative Risk

Assessment of spread by

international trade in deboned

beef (D Paton & All.) The Progressive Control

Pathway for FMD (PCP-FMD)

OIE Stand. FMD official

statuts, Endorsement

of Nat. Cont. Programmes

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Appendix 15

Open Session of the EuFMD: 2012, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain 6

Field Projets - Laboratory twinnings

- Vet Faculty twinnings

- Support to Vet. Serv.

- Reg Programs:


SEACFMD Networks - LabNet - EpiNet

Transparent animal Health information

Convergence of tools

- Laboratories and networks

- Epidemio Centers and networks


- Regional Animal Health Centers


Linking the PCP-FMD stages to the OIE PVS levels

of Critical Competencies (CCs) was one the very representative examples of why and how to

improve the tool convergence.

OIE: - Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA - Gaborone, BOTSWANA - PANAFTOSA, Rio de Janeiro, BRASIL

- Vladimir, RUSSIA - Onderstepoort, SOUTH AFRICA

OIE and FAO: - Plum Island, USA - Pirbright , UK

- Pakchong, THAILAND - Lanzhou, PEOPLE'S REP. Of CHINA

FAO: - ICAR, Mukteswar, INDIA - Brescia, ITALY


FMD Reference Laboratories/Centers Main OIE updates

- Guidance issued on the management of Reference Centre

networks (May 2012)

- Guidance issued on the use of OIE emblem and titles (June 2012)

- First “audit” expert mission conducted on a reference laboratory (August 2012)

- Annual reports format under review (web-based online


OIE/FAO synergies

- Letters to designated FAO reference centres to request

application as OIE Ref Centre - FAO and OIE discussions on how to recognise networks of reference centres

- Task force members to meet and call for a meeting with WHO

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Appendix 15

Open Session of the EuFMD: 2012, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain 7

Component 2 of the Global Strategy

The OIE Performance of the Veterinary Services

(PVS) Pathway will be the major tool of Component 2 “Strengthening Veterinary Services” to structure and plan the activities and assess


To endorse National FMD control plans or to apply for FMD-free status recognition, countries progressing along the PCP Pathway will have to

develop in parallel their VS to be able to fulfill the criteria.

The basic principle is that a country embarking on the PCP-FMD should acquire the appropriate

capacity and capability of the VS to conduct activities aimed at the control or elimination of

FMD (and other TADs). This is referred to as the ‘enabling environment’ in the PCP.

A correspondence table has been worked out between the PCP Stages and the compliance level

required for each of the PVS Critical competencies (CCs) relevant to FMD control.

Linking the OIE PVS and FMD PCP Tools


between FMD PCP Stages and OIE PVS

Critical competency Levels


33 OIE PVS Critical Competencies (CCs) among 46 are of particular relevance to the prevention and control of FMD:

Animal Health (4 / 5)

Veterinary Public Health (1 / 4)

Laboratory (2 / 2)

Trade (4 / 8)

General Management (17 / 31)

Resources (5 / 6)

All countries reaching PCP Stage 3 must at least have reached compliancy level 3 (i.e.

general agreement with OIE standards) for the 33 FMD-relevant CCs

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Appendix 15

Open Session of the EuFMD: 2012, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain 8

Table I. Selection of FMD related PVS CCs

Linking the PCP-FMD stages to the OIE PVS levels of Critical Competencies


Table of Correspondance between OIE

PVS CCs levels and FMD-PCP stages

FMD PCP Stage 1: PVS level 3 required for 7


FMD PCP Stage 2: PVS level 3 required for 17 CCs

FMD PCP Stage 3 (request for official OIE endorsed FMD national control programme):

PVS Level 3 for all 33 CCs

FMD PCP Stage 4 (transition towards OIE-free status with or without vaccination): PVS

level 3 for all 33 CCs

Thank you for

your attention

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