



PERSONAL PRESENTATION .............................................................................................................................................2

General Questions .......................................................................................................................................................... 2

TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE ..............................................................................................................................................3

Table Service ................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Types of Table Service .................................................................................................................................................... 3

Table Etiquette ................................................................................................................................................................ 5

Hygiene, Sanitation, Safety & Responsible Service of Alcohol ................................................................................ 7

Special Requests & Food Allergies ............................................................................................................................... 9

PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE - FOOD ..................................................................................................................................10

Breakfast ......................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Brunch ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11

Salads ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11

Salad Dressings .............................................................................................................................................................. 12

Soups ............................................................................................................................................................................... 13

Pasta Dishes ................................................................................................................................................................... 14

Entrées ............................................................................................................................................................................ 16

Sauces ............................................................................................................................................................................ 22

Potatoes ......................................................................................................................................................................... 24

Cheese ........................................................................................................................................................................... 24

Desserts ........................................................................................................................................................................... 27

PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE - BEVERAGE ..........................................................................................................................30

Wine ................................................................................................................................................................................ 30

Spirits ............................................................................................................................................................................... 31

Andrea Cavallucci



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General Questions

1. Tell me about yourself.

2. What is your present job title?

3. What is the thing you enjoy the most in your job?

4. What motivates you at work?

5. What are the achievements you are proudest of to date in your career?

6. Are you a good team player? Can you give an example that demonstrates you embrace teamwork?

7. Have you ever worked with colleagues from other countries and of different cultures?

8. How do you deal with conflict?

9. What do you expect from your manager?

10. What do you know about our company?

11. Why should we hire you?

12. Tell me 3 qualities that best describe you. Also, is there an area where you feel you can improve?

13. Some say that the instant a guest comes in contact with a crewmember is the “moment of truth”,

meaning the moment where the first impression is made. Why do you think this instant is critically


14. Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now? What is your ambition?

15. Do you have any final question for me?

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Table Service There are many rules and standards that are expected to be followed when working in a formal dining

environment. Although some of these, such as smiling and being polite, may seem like “common sense” to

some servers, others may be unfamiliar to new employees who aren’t used to working in formal restaurants

or in banqueting. Though the rules may differentiate from place to place, these fine dining etiquette tips

should serve as a basic guideline when providing patrons with the best meal, service and atmosphere

possible. Whether you’re serving dinner at a fine dining restaurant, wedding reception or upscale event,

these etiquette tips will help ensure you act professionally in any formal foodservice setting.

Types of Table Service Depending on the event or meal being served, the type of table service will vary. Formal dining at

restaurants will be different than at a buffet or catered wedding reception, but all service types aim to serve

patrons quickly, efficiently, and with great care.

Silver Service – Silver service is a type of service that adds a certain amount of style to an occasion.

The food is taken to the customer’s table on a serving platter called a flat. The food is then transferred from

the presentation platter to the guest’s plates from the left, with the use of a fork and spoon. In France and

Italy this kind of service is known as English service.

Features of silver service:

Silver service food is always served from the left, drinks and plated meals from the right.

Meals are served to the diner from platters, not plated in the kitchen.

The guest to the host's right is served first. (Usually a female guest)

Service continues to the right.

Plates are cleared from the right, glasses from the right; again starting with the guest to the host's right.

French / Gueridon Service – Also known as trolley service, French or gueridon service is a variation of silver

service. It is very formal and elegant. Part or all of the meal is finished tableside by the waiter, using a

flame/burner on a gueridon placed next to the guest’s dining table. This kind of service usually requires two

servers (a Chef de Rang and a Commis de Rang).

Dishes typically served Guéridon style dishes include Crepes Suzette, Caesar Salad, Cherries Jubilee,

Banana Flambé and Steak Tartar. This service turns food into entertainment, creating an atmosphere of


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A “guéridon” was a piece of furniture that was found in French homes, similar to what we might call a


Gueridon service was originally known as ‘Russian Service’ and involved serving large joints of meat, poultry,

game and fish. This food would be displayed on a sideboard or side table, then carved or portioned by

service staff allowing guest to have as much or little as they wished.

Russian Service – Similar to French service, in that it is formal and elegant. The food is prepared in the

kitchen and brought to the dining room in silver platters. The food is then carved or finished on a tableside

cart in front of the guest.

Butler Service – In Butler service the procedures are basically the same as for Russian service, except that

the guests serve themselves, with utensils, from a platter/tray held by the waiter with both hands. Butler

service is often associated with appetizers and hors d’œuvres at cocktail parties or events where there is no

sit-down dinner. Servers at these types of events should continue to refill trays in the kitchen as soon as they

are empty.

English Service – This is often called host service. All the dishes are stacked in front of the host or hostess, who

then proceeds to place the food on the individual plates from the platters or bowls placed in front of him or

her. Most Americans have seen this form of service at home on Thanksgiving day, where the husband will

carve the turkey, and the wife will prepare the plates to be passed around the table to their guests.

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American Style Service – The most common style of restaurant service. Customers first choose options from a

menu, and entrees are then cooked and plated in the kitchen before being served. Servers should use

descriptive adjectives when explaining menu items to patrons, and have extensive knowledge of different

flavors found on the menu. Successful servers are able to anticipate when to bring items to the table before

they are requested.

Service Family Style – Guests serve themselves from large platters presented on the dinner table. Dishes and

trays are then passed from the left to the right. Servers will generally be present for the beginning and end of

the meal to set up and then clean up the table.

Table Etiquette

Setting the Table (Mise-en-Place) – Fine dining restaurants require a lot more attention to detail than just

taking an order and delivering food. Common side work procedures will often include arranging table

settings for the next set of patrons, polishing flatware and folding cloth napkins into suitable designs. Formal

dinner settings can include up to 20 pieces of dinnerware for just one guest, and with so many plates,

utensils, and glasses, it can seem confusing as to what to place where. As a general rule of thumb, flatware

is set from the outside of the dinner plate to the inside, since this follows the progression of a formal meal.

Table settings are always arranged for right handed people. In a clockwise direction you’ll find the

following: Wine and water glasses, spoons, knives, charger and dinner plates with the napkin placed on top,

dinner forks, bread plate and butter knife, and ending with the dessert spoon and dessert fork. There may

be additional pieces such as cups and saucers, or specialty utensils like seafood forks depending upon the

menu. Don’t be alarmed it you see up to 4 beverage glasses for one person’s place setting. Glasses should

be arranged in a diagonal or square pattern to the right of the dinner plate, and are comprised of glasses

for water, white wine, red wine, and a champagne flute for occasions that require a toast.

It’s important to make sure the tabletop is symmetrical to create an aesthetically pleasing backdrop for

your customers to enjoy. Until employees learn where to place plates, napkins, and cutlery, rulers can be

used to measure the distance between the edge of the table and the dinnerware, to make sure all tables in

a restaurant stay consistent.


Always make sure tablecloths are free of wrinkles and stains, and seams should be faced down.

Allow the same amount of overhang on each side of the table.

When setting the table, hold glasses by the stem and cutlery from the middle to minimize the

appearance of finger prints.

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The mise-en-place for “à la carte“ menu features essential cutlery only, as this will continue to be placed on

the table all along the meal based on the patron’s food choice (see below example):

Serving the Table – Most upscale dinners will include 5 courses, encompassing an appetizer, soup, salad,

entree, and dessert. Many formal restaurants practice the open hand service method, which means that a

server’s arms are never to be crossed in front of a guest, and food is always served from the guest’s left side.

Plates should be rotated when being served so the protein of a dish is facing the guest, as opposed to a



When serving wine, never hold a wine glass by the bowl, always the stem; wine will stay cooler longer

if the heat from your hand isn’t pressing against the bowl of the glass.

Make sure to use a cloth napkin when pouring wine to wipe the excess drips from the mouth of the


Clearing the Table – There are some signs to gauge when customers are done with their meals in fine dining

restaurants. Napkins will be put back on the table, and cutlery is often placed in a vertical position on top of

a patron’s dinner plate. If customers need to get up from the table to use the restroom, or make a phone

call, napkins are placed on the chair to indicate the meal is not yet finished. Removal of plates should

always be conducted from the right of the guest, as this is industry standard. For meals with multiple courses,

empty glasses and plates should be cleared prior the arrival of the next course.

IImmppoorrttaanntt TTiippss ttoo RReemmeemmbbeerr::

Ladies are always served first

Never eat, drink, or chew gum in front of guests

Always exhibit proper posture- Do not slouch, cross your arms, or leave your hands in your pockets

while on service

Press uniforms to eliminate wrinkles, creases, and make sure they are free of stains or excess food.

Only use employee entrances and exits during formal functions

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Hygiene, Sanitation, Safety & Responsible Service of Alcohol

1. Do you know what “Potentially Hazardous Foods” are?

Potentially Hazardous Food is a term used by food safety organizations to classify foods that require

time-temperature control to keep them safe for human consumption. A PHF is a food that:

Contains moisture - usually regarded as a water activity greater than 0.85

Contains protein

Is neutral to slightly acidic - typically having a pH between 4.6 and 7.5

2. What is the meaning of HACCP?

Hazard analysis and critical control points

3. How often should you wash your hands?

As often as possible. Always wash your hands after eating, smoking, using the toilet, sneezing, after

touching dirty plates, dishes, cutlery and glassware.

4. Definition of “grooming”

Grooming means attention/care to personal appearance, hygiene, and clothing. All hospitality staff,

an in particular front of the house staff (staff that is in direct contact with the guests) are expected to

be groomed impeccably.

5. What should food handlers wear before touching ready to serve foods in order to avoid food


Latex gloves.

6. What is the main purpose of a “use by date”?

To reduce the likelihood of food safety risk.

7. What is food physical contamination?

Foreign objects found in foods.

8. You have just removed dirty dishes from a table and brought them to the dish washing area. What

should you do before returning to the dining room?

Wash hands for at least 20 seconds.

9. The patrons in one of your tables have just left. You find unused cutlery on the table. What should you

do with them?

Treat them just as dirty cutlery and bring them to the dish washing area for washing.

10. What is a “foodborne illness”?

Also referred to as “food poisoning”, it is any illness resulting from the food spoilage of contaminated

food, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, or parasites that contaminate food, as well as chemical or natural

toxins such as poisonous mushrooms and various species of beans.

11. List some behaviors an intoxicated person may display

Crude behavior, swaying, stumbling or falling down, slurred speech, dozing while sitting at bar or


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12. What is drink spiking?

When a substance, either alcohol or a drug, is added to a drink without the owner knowing it.

13. What is the three bucket system?

Standardized system for sanitizing, consisting of three sinks or buckets.

Sink 1 – Wash Sink. Filled with hot water and detergent.

Sink 2 – Rinse Sink. Filled with hot water only. Should be used to rinse off items that have been washed

using the first sink.

Sink 3 – Sanitizing Sink. Filled with warm water and chlorine sanitizer.

14. When should you wash and sanitize bar equipment?

After every use.

15. What are the effects of drink spiking?

Loss of short term memory, rapid drowsiness, or unconsciousness, dizziness, vomiting and/or fainting.

16. How should clean glassware be stored when not in use?

Upside down on clean surfaces.

17. How can you gradually cut a person’s alcohol off if this person seems to becoming intoxicated?

Always contact your supervisor prior to refusing the guest service. The following are some basic

guidelines for RSA Staff (RSA = Responsible Service of Alcohol):

- Start by gradually reducing service to a customer.

- You could also politely suggest food or low alcohol alternatives.

- Also warn the patron that their level of intoxication is getting to an unacceptable level.

- Try not to come across as aggressive or judgemental. This only makes the already intoxicated

patron more aggravated and the situation may get out of control.

- Remain calm even if the customer is irate.

- Offer to assist them by calling a friend or taxi on their behalf.

- Also suggest non-alcoholic beverages as alternatives.

18. List some basic hygiene guidelines for working in the bar areas.

Keep long hair tied back neatly, wash your hands frequently and thoroughly, shower regularly and

use deodorants.

19. Explain what “first in, first out” procedure means?

This procedure relates to the stock rotation and stock management. First in products are products

that been stored (in) before other ones. These products need to be used (out) first.

20. List some actions that are never tolerated in the bar areas.

Smoking, coughing or breathing over food or drinks, eating or drinking, chewing gums, wiping your

hands on your uniforms, touching your face, ears, eyes, nose or other body areas.

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Special Requests & Food Allergies

31. What is gluten?

Gluten is a protein composite found in wheat and related grains, including barley and rye. Gluten

gives elasticity to dough.

32. Describe the Celiac Disease

Coeliac disease, also spelled celiac disease, is an autoimmune disorder affecting primarily the small

intestine that occurs in people who are genetically predisposed.

Coeliac disease is caused by a reaction to gluten.

Classic symptoms include gastrointestinal problems such as chronic diarrhoea, abdominal distention,

malabsorption, loss of appetite, and among children failure to grow normally.

33. Describe lactose intolerance

Lactose intollerance is the inability of adults to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and to a lesser

extent dairy products, causing side effects.

34. What is vegetarian?

Vegetarian is the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat (red meat, poultry, seafood

and the flesh of any other animal).

35. Describe veganism

Vegans, in addition to being vegetarian, do not use other animal products and by-products such as

eggs, dairy products, honey, leather, fur, silk, wool, cosmetics, and soaps derived from animal


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16. What is the “Continental Breakfast”?

A light breakfast typically consisting of coffee, bread rolls, butter, jams or marmelade, croissants and

pastries (Viennoiserie).

17. What is the “English Breakfast”?

Traditional full English breakfast includes bacon, fried, poached or scrambled eggs, fried or grilled

tomatoes, fried mushrooms, fried bread or toast with butter, and sausages. Black pudding, baked

beans and hash browned potatoes are often also included.

18. What is “Porridge”?

Porridge (called Oatmeal in the United States) is a dish made by boiling ground, crushed, or chopped

plants – typically grain (cereals) – in water or milk. It is often cooked or served with flavorings such as

sugar, honey and raisin. It is usually served hot in a bowl.

19. List a few breakfast eggs preparation.

Poached / Scrambled / Fried / Sunny-side-up / Over / Over Easy / Omelets

20. What is a pancake?

A pancake is a flat, thin and round cake (prepared from a starch-based batter containing eggs, milk

and butter) cooked on a griddle or frying pan in oil or butter. There are various types of pancakes, the

most common are plain, blueberry and banana. They can be served with maple syrup and whipped


21. What are the “Viennoiseries”?

Viennoiseries are baked goods made from a yeast-leavened dough in a manner similar to bread, or

from puff pastry, but with added ingredients (particularly eggs, butter, milk, cream and sugar).

Viennoiseries are typically eaten at breakfast or as snacks.

Well known Viennoiseries include croissants, brioche, Danish pastries, pain aux raisins, pain au

chocolat, etc.

22. Can you list a few types of toast bread?

White bread toast, Whole wheat bread toast, Rye bread toast, Blueberry bread toast.

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23. Describe lattes, cappuccinos and espresso coffee,

- A latte is a coffee drink made with espresso and steamed milk.

- Cappuccino is an Italian coffee drink which is traditionally prepared with espresso, hot milk and

steamed milk foam.

- Espresso is generally thicker than coffee brewed by other methods


24. List a few breakfast eggs preparation.

Brunch is a combination of breakfast and lunch eaten usually during the late morning on Sundays.

25. What are “Eggs Benedict”?

Eggs Benedict is an American breakfast or brunch dish that consists of two halves of an English muffin,

topped with ham or bacon, poached eggs, and hollandaise sauce.

26. What is a “Mimosa”?

A Mimosa is a cocktail composed of one part of Champagne (or other sparkling wine) and one part

of chilled citrus fruit juice, usually orange juice. It is traditionally served in a tall champagne flute with a

morning brunch.


27. Describe the Caesar’s Salad

The Caesar salad features Romaine lettuce and croutons and is dressed with parmesan cheese,

lemon juice, olive oil, Worcestershire sauce, garlic, and black pepper.

28. Describe the Niçoise Salad

The Niçoise Salad is a composed salad of tomatoes, tuna, hard-boiled eggs, Niçoise olives, and

anchovies, dressed with a vinaigrette.

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29. Describe the Greek salad

Greek salad is made with pieces of tomatoes, sliced cucumbers, onion, feta cheese, and olives

(usually Kalamata olives), typically seasoned with salt and oregano, and dressed with olive oil.

30. Describe the Caprese Salad

The “Caprese Salad”, or simply “Caprese”, is an Italian salad dish made of sliced mozzarella,

tomatoes and basil, seasoned with extra-virgin olive oil, balsamic vinaigre and a pinch of salt.

31. Describe the Cobb Salad

It is a salad with bacon, avocado, tomato and blue cheese crumbles on lettuce with French


32. What is a Shrimp Cocktail (or Prawn Cocktail)?

The shrimp cocktail is a seafood dish consisting of shelled, cooked, shrimp or prawns in a cocktail

sauce (tomato juice, clam juice, lime juice, hot pepper sauce, ketchup), served in a glass.

Salad Dressings

33. What is “Thousand Islands” dressing?

It is a salad dressing and condiment based on mayonnaise and can include olive oil, lemon juice,

orange juice, paprika, Worcestershire sauce, mustard, vinegar, cream, chili sauce, tomato purée,

ketchup, or Tabasco sauce.

34. What is “Blue Cheese” dressing?

Blue cheese dressing Is a popular salad dressing and dip in the United States. It is usually made of

some combination of blue cheese, mayonnaise, and either or all buttermilk, sour cream or yogurt,

milk, vinegar, onion powder, and garlic powder.

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35. What is “Vinaigrette”?

It is a culinary sauce made mixing vinegar and oil and usually seasoning it with salt, herbs, and spices.

36. What is “Ranch” dressing?

It is a type of salad dressing made of some combination of buttermilk, salt, garlic, onion, herbs

(commonly chives, parsley and dill) and spices.


37. Describe the “French Onion Soup” (Soupe à l’oignon)

It a type of soup usually based on meat stock and onions, and often served gratinée with croutons

and cheese on top.

38. Describe the “Leek Soup”

Leek soup is a soup based on potatoes, leeks, broth, and heavy cream. Other ingredients used may

be salt and pepper, and various spices. Generally, the potatoes are diced and cooked in broth, while

the leeks are chopped and sautéed. After this all ingredients are combined and stirred. Chives may

be used for garnish.

39. What is a “Gazpacho”?

Gaspacho is a soup made of raw vegetables and served cold, usually with a tomato base.

40. What is a “Vichyssoise”?

It is a thick soup made of puréed leeks, onions, potatoes, cream, and chicken stock. It is traditionally

served cold but can be eaten hot.

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Pasta Dishes

41. Describe “Pasta Alfredo”

Pasta (usually fettuccine) Alfredo is a pasta dish where pasta is tossed with Parmesan cheese and

butter. The Alfredo sauce may also include cream.

42. Describe Italian Gnocchi (Dumplings)

Gnocchi are various thick, soft dough dumplings that may be made from semolina, ordinary wheat

flour, egg, cheese, potato, breadcrumbs, cornmeal or similar ingredients with or without flavorings of

herbs, vegetables, cocoa, or prunes.

43. Describe Lasagne (or Lasagna)

It is a typical Italian oven baked pasta dish made with several layers of lasagne sheets alternated with

sauces and various other ingredients.

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44. What are “Ravioli”?

Ravioli are a type of square dumpling composed of a filling sealed between two layers of thin egg

pasta dough. Usually served either in broth or with a pasta sauce, they originated as a traditional

food in Italian cuisine. Other related filled pastas include the ring-shaped tortellini and the larger


45. What are “Pappardelle”?

Pappardelle are large, very broad, flat pasta noodles, similar to wide fettuccine. The name derives

from the verb "pappare", to gobble up. The fresh types are two to three centimetres ( 3⁄4–1 in) wide

and may have fluted edges. Dried egg pappardelle have straight sides. Originates from the Tuscany


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46. What is “Beef Bourguignon”?

It is a French recipe from the Burgundy region (a notorious wine region). It is a stew prepared with

beef braised in red wine, traditionally red Burgundy, and beef broth, generally flavoured with garlic,

onions and a bouquet garni, with pearl onions and mushrooms added towards the end of cooking.

47. Describe “Beef Wellington”

Is a preparation of filet steak coated with pâté (often pâté de foie gras) and duxelles, which is then

wrapped in puff pastry and baked.

48. What is “Tournedos Rossini”?

Tournedos Rossini is a French steak dish that comprises a beef tournedos (filet mignon), pan-fried in

butter, served on a crouton, and topped with a hot slice of fresh whole foie gras briefly pan-fried at

the last minute. The dish is garnished with slices of black truffle and finished with a Madeira demi-

glace sauce.

49. What is a “Chateaubriand”?

It is a meat dish cooked with a thick cut from the tenderloin filet.

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50. What are the meat doneness levels? (Temperatures for beef, veal, lamb steaks and roasts)

51. List 3 beef cuts

The chuck is the source of bone-in chuck steaks and roasts, and boneless clod steaks and roasts, most


The rib contains part of the short ribs, the prime rib and rib eye steaks.

Brisket, primarily used for barbecue, corned beef or pastrami.

The foreshank or shank is used primarily for stews and soups.

The plate is the other source of short ribs, used for pot roasting, and the outside skirt steak, which is

used for fajitas. The navel is the ventral part of the plate, and is commonly used to make pastrami.

The loin has two subprimals, or three if boneless:

- the short loin, from which the T-bone and porterhouse steaks are cut if bone-in, or strip steak.

- the sirloin, which is less tender than short loin, but more flavorful, can be further divided into top

sirloin and bottom sirloin (including tri-tip), and

- the tenderloin, which is the most tender, can be removed as a separate subprimal, and cut into filet

mignons, tournedos or tenderloin steaks, and roasts (such as for beef Wellington).

The round contains lean, moderately tough, lower fat (less marbling) cuts, which require moist or rare

cooking. Some representative cuts are round steak, eye of round, top round, and bottom round

steaks and roasts.

The flank is used mostly for grinding, except for the long and flat flank steak, best known for use in

London broil, and the inside skirt steak, also used for fajitas.

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52. What is “Bouillabaisse”

Bouillabaisse is a traditional Provençal fish stew originating from the port city of Marseille. The main

ingredients are scorpionfish, sea robin, European conger, herbs and spices.

53. What is “Cioppino”?

Cioppino is a fish stew originating in San Francisco, California. It is considered an Italian-American dish,

and is related to various regional fish soups and stews of Italian cuisine. Cioppino is traditionally made

from the catch of the day, which in San Francisco is typically a combination of Dungeness crab,

clams, shrimp, scallops, squid, mussels, and fish all sourced from the Pacific Ocean. The seafood is

then combined with fresh tomatoes in a wine sauce, and served with toasted bread, either local

sourdough or French bread.

54. What is “Ratatouille”?

It is a French Provençal stewed vegetable dish, originating in Nice, and sometimes referred to as

ratatouille niçoise. The main ingredients are tomatoes, onions, zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers, garlic,

marjoram, basil, thyme and olive oil.

55. Describe the “Coq au vin” recipe

It is a French dish of chicken braised with wine, lardons, mushrooms, and optionally garlic. A red

Burgundy wine is typically used in the recipe.

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36. What are Lamb Chops?

Lamb chops are cut from the rib, loin, and shoulder areas. The rib chops include a rib bone; the loin

chops include only a chine bone. Shoulder chops are usually considered inferior to loin chops; both

kinds of chops are usually grilled. Breast of lamb (baby chops) can be cooked in an oven.

37. What is a “Rack of Lamb”?

A rack of lamb or carré d'agneau is a cut of lamb cut perpendicularly to the spine, and including 16

ribs or chops. It is usually roasted, sometimes first coated with an herbed breadcrumb persillade. The

tips of the bones are sometimes decorated with paper frills called manchettes.

38. What is a “Burrito”?

It is a type of Mexican and Tex-Mex food consisting of a wheat flour tortilla wrapped or folded into a

cylindrical shape to completely enclose the filling. In Mexico, meat and refried beans are sometimes

the only fillings. In the United States, burrito fillings may include a combination of ingredients such as

Mexican-style rice or plain rice, beans or refried beans, lettuce, salsa, meat, guacamole, cheese, sour

cream and various vegetables.

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39. What is “Carpaccio”?

Carpaccio is a dish of raw meat or fish (such as beef, veal, venison, salmon or tuna), thinly sliced or

pounded thin and served mainly as an appetizer.

40. What is “Ossobuco”?

It is a traditional Italian dish made with veal shank braised in white wine, vegetables and tomato


41. What is “Wiener Schnitzel”?

The Wiener Schnitzel is a national dish of Austria. It is a very thin, breaded and pan fried cutlet made

from veal. In Italy it is best known as “Cotoletta alla Milanese”, although the two dishes are not

identical (the cotoletta alla Milanese is cooked bone-in).

42. What is “Goulash”?

Goulash is a traditional soup or stew from Hungary made with meat and vegetables, seasoned with

paprika and other spices.

43. What is a “Ragout”?

The term ragout (French ragout) refers to a main-dish stew.

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44. What is a “Surf and Turf”?

Is a main course which combines seafood and meat. The seafood used may be lobster prawns, or

shrimp, which may be steamed, grilled or breaded and fried. The meat is typically beefsteak,

although others may be used. One type of combination is lobster and filet mignon.

45. What is a “Tartare de Bœuf” (Steak Tartare)?

Steak tartare is a meat dish made from finely chopped or minced raw beef. It is often served with

onions, capers and seasonings (the latter typically incorporating fresh ground pepper and

Worcestershire sauce), sometimes with a raw egg yolk. Tartare preparations can also be based on

seafood (typically salmon and tuna).

46. What is “Escargots à la Bourguignonne”?

It is a French dish made with snails cooked with garlic butter, chicken soup or wine, and and parsley.

After they have been cooked the snails are placed back in the shell.

47. What is “Fondue”?

Fondue is a Swiss dish of melted cheese served in a communal pot (caquelon or fondue pot) over a

portable stove (réchaud) heated with a candle or spirit lamp, and eaten by dipping bread into the

cheese using long-stemmed forks. In the “Fondue Bourguignonne”, pieces of meat are cooked in hot

oil or broth.

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48. Name 5 types of seafood

Salmon, red snapper, swardfish, mackerel, sole, trout, scallops, calamari, mussels, clams, sea bass,

shrimps, rock fish, eels, sardines, herrings, squids, octopus, crabs, lobster, etc.

49. Name 5 types of vegetables

Cabbage, beet, spinach, lettuce, beans, eggplant, tomato, cucumber, celery, garlic, pumpkin,

potatoes, peas, Lima beans, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, carrots, etc.

50. Name 5 types of fruits

Blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime, peaches,

nectarines, apricots, cherries, figs, apples, pears, pineapple, parsimon, grapes, etc.


51. What are the “Mother Sauces”?

The French “mother sauces” were originally four base sauces set forth by Marie-Antoine Carême in

the 19th century. Carême’s four original mother sauces were Allemande, Bechamel, Veloute and

Espagnole. In the 20th century, Chef Auguste Escoffier demoted Allemande to a secondary sauce of

Velouté, and added Sauce Tomat and Hollandaise.

52. Describe the “Sauce Béchamel”

It is a milk-based sauce, thickened with a white roux.

53. Describe the “Sauce Velouté”

It is a light stock-based sauce, thickened with a roux or a liaison, a mixture of egg yolks and cream.

54. Describe the “Sauce Hollandaise”

It is an emulsion of egg yolk, butter and lemon or vinegar, usually seasoned with lemon juice, salt, and

a little white pepper or cayenne pepper. Hollandaise sauce is well known as a key ingredient of Eggs

Benedict, and is often paired with vegetables such as steamed asparagus.

55. Describe the “Sauce Espagnole”

It is a fortified brown veal stock sauce, thickened with a brown roux.

56. Describe the “Sauce Tomate”

It is a tomato based sauce.

57. Describe the “Sauce Béarnaise “

It is a sauce made of clarified butter emulsified in egg yolks and white wine vinegar and flavored with

herbs. It is considered to be a "child" of the mother Hollandaise sauce.

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58. What is the difference between Béarnaise Sauce and Hollandaise Sauce?

While the batter of Hollandaise and Béarnaise sauces is the same, there are differences in flavorings.

- Hollandaise makes use of lemon juice while Béarnaise sauce has ingredients such as peppercorns,

vinegar, and chervil, in addition to the ingredients of Hollandaise that happen to be salt, cayenne,

thyme, and shallots.

- Béarnaise is creamier of the two while Hollandaise is thicker of the two sauces.

- Hollandaise is used with dishes of eggs and vegetables whereas Béarnaise is used more often as a

condiment with meats and fish recipes."

59. What is “Sauce Allemande” (translated German sauce)?

Also known as Sauce Parisienne, Allemande sauce is a sauce in French cuisine that is based on a

light-colored velouté sauce (typically veal; chicken and shellfish veloutés can also be used), but

thickened with egg yolks and heavy cream, and seasoned with lemon juice. The sauce is generally

known today as Sauce Parisienne. It is best used with eggs, poached fish, poultry, hot hors d'oeuvres,

and gratiné dishes topped with a coating of bread crumbs.

60. Describe “Mint Jelly”

Is a sauce traditionally made from finely chopped spearmint leaves, soaked in vinegar, and a small

amount of sugar. Occasionally, the juice from a squeezed lime is added. The sauce should have the

consistency of double cream. In British and Irish cuisine it is traditionally used as a complement to roast


61. Describe the “Bolognaise” sauce

Known in Italian as ragù alla bolognese, is a meat-based sauce originating from Bologna, Italy. In

Italian cuisine, it is customarily used to dress "tagliatelle al ragù" and to prepare "lasagne alla


62. Describe the “Pesto” sauce

It is a green colored sauce originating in Genoa in the Liguria region of northern Italy (pesto

genovese). It is traditionally made with crushed garlic, basil, and European pine nuts blended with

olive oil, Parmigiano-Reggiano.

63. What is “Carbonara”?

It is an Italian pasta dish sauce from Rome based on eggs, cheese (Pecorino Romano or Parmigiano-

Reggiano), bacon (guanciale or pancetta), and black pepper. Spaghetti and bucatini are usually

the preferred pasta for this sauce. Cream is not common in Italian recipes, but is often used elsewhere

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64. Describe baked potatoes

A baked potato, or jacket potato, is the edible result of baking a potato. When well cooked, a baked

potato has a fluffy interior and a crisp skin. It may be served with fillings and condiments such as

butter, cheese or ham. Sour cream is usually offered as a condiment.

65. Describe “Potatoes au Gratin” or “Potatoes Gratinées”

Is a traditional regional French dish based on potatoes and crème fraiche.

66. Describe “Mashed Potatoes”

It is a dish prepared by mashing boiled potatoes. Butter, vegetable oil, milk and/or cream are usually

added to improve flavor and texture, and the potatoes are seasoned with salt, pepper, and any

other desired herbs and spices.

67. Name 5 kinds of potato dishes

Mashed, puree, au-gratin, duchess, baked, dauphinois

Gratin dauphinois


68. What is blue cheese?

Blue cheese is a general classification of cheeses that have had cultures of the mold Penicillium

added so that the final product is spotted or veined throughout with blue, blue-grey, blue-green, or

blue-brown mold and carries a distinct smell, either from that or various specially cultivated bacteria.

The characteristic flavor of blue cheeses tends to be sharp and salty.

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69. What is Brie?

It is a French soft cheese made with cow's milk.

70. What is Camembert?

It is a French soft, creamy, surface-ripened cow's milk cheese.

71. What is Cheddar?

It is a relatively hard, pale-yellow-to-off-white sometimes "sharp" (i.e., acidic)-tasting, natural cheese. It

originates in the British village of Cheddar in Somerset, United Kingdom.

72. Describe Emmental cheese

Emmental is a yellow, medium-hard cheese that originated in the area around Emmental, in

Switzerland. It is one of the cheeses of Switzerland, and is sometimes known as Swiss cheese.

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73. What is goat cheese?

It is a cheese made out of the milk of goats.

74. What is Gouda?

It is a Dutch yellow cheese made from cow's milk.

75. What is Mozzarella?

Mozzarella is a southern Italian semi-soft, usually white cheese traditionally made from Italian buffalo

milk by the pasta filata method. It is one of the main ingredients of the popular appetizer Caprese


76. What is Parmesan Cheese?

Parmigiano-Reggiano, or Parmesan cheese, is an Italian hard and granular cheese made from

unpasteurized cow's milk. It is commonly grated over pasta dishes, stirred into soups and risottos, and

eaten on its own.

77. What is Provolone?

Provolone is an Italian semi-hard cheese with taste varying greatly from provolone piccante

(sharp/piquant), aged for a minimum of four months and with a very sharp taste, to provolone dolce

(sweet) with a very mild taste.

78. What is Stilton?

Stilton is an English cheese, produced in two varieties: Blue, known for its characteristic strong smell

and taste, and the lesser-known White.

79. What is the difference between Brie and Camembert?

- Brie originates in Brie while Camembert originates in Normandy, France.

- Brie is usually made from pasteurized milk, on the other hand Camembert’s early production was

made from unpasteurized milk.

- Brie is made into big wheels, while camembert cheese are made into small rounds.

80. What is the difference between Roquefort and Gongorzola?

Roquefort and Gorgonzola are two kinds of blue cheese. Roquefort is a French sheep’s milk cheese

and Gorgonzola is Italian and made from cow’s milk. Roquefort has a sharper flavor, but is not as

strongly flavored as robust and aromatic Gorgonzola.

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81. Describe the “Tiramisu”?

Tiramisu is a popular coffee-flavored Italian dessert. It is made of ladyfingers (Savoiardi biscuits),

dipped in coffee, layered with a whipped mixture of eggs, sugar, and mascarpone cheese, flavoured

with cocoa.

82. What is a “Crème Brulée”

Also known as burnt cream, crema catalana, or Trinity cream is a dessert consisting of a rich custard

base topped with a contrasting layer of hard caramel.

83. Describe a “Cheesecake”

Cheesecake is a sweet dish consisting of one or more layers. The main, and thickest layer, consists of a

mixture of soft, fresh cheese (typically cream cheese or ricotta), eggs, and sugar; if there is a bottom

layer it often consists of a crust or base made from crushed cookies (or digestive biscuit), graham

crackers, pastry, or sponge cake.

84. What is a sorbet?

Often confused with Ice-Cream. It is a frozen dessert made from sweetened water with flavoring

(typically fruit juice).

85. Describe “gelato”

It is the Italian word for ice cream, derived from the Latin word "gelātus" (meaning frozen). In English

this word commonly refers to varieties of ice cream made in a traditional Italian style. Gelato can be

made with milk, cream, various sugars.

86. What is a “Rice Pudding”?

Riz au lait (French). It is a dish made from rice mixed with water or milk and other ingredients such as

cinnamon and raisins.

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87. Describe the “Floating Island on vanilla sauce”

Œufs à la neige (French). It is a French dessert consisting of meringue floating on crème anglaise (a

vanilla custard). The meringues are prepared from whipped egg whites, sugar and vanilla extract

then quickly poached. The crème anglaise is prepared with the egg yolks, vanilla, and hot milk, briefly


88. Describe “Rum Baba”

It is a spongy cake soaked in Rum.

89. What is the “Sachertorte”?

It is a cake invented by an Austrian confectioner called Franz Sacher. The cake consists of a dense

chocolate cake with a thin layer of apricot jam on top, coated in dark chocolate icing on the top

and sides. It is traditionally served with unsweetened whipped cream.

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90. What is a “Bavarois”?

Bavarian cream, Crème bavaroise or simply Bavarois is a dessert similar to pastry cream but thickened

with gelatin or isinglass instead of flour or cornstarch, and sometimes flavored with liqueur. It is not to

be confused with crème anglaise, which is a custard sauce thickened with egg.

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1. Which wine should be paired with red meat?

Red wines

2. Name the three types of wine.

Still (or natural), fortified, sparkling.

3. Which color wine should be generally paired with seafood?

White wine.

4. What color wine is traditionally paired with cheeses?

Red wine.

5. Describe how to properly open a bottle of sparkling wine.

Remove the foil completely from neck to cork. Place a napkin over the cork and wire cage nd hold

your thumb on the top of the cork to prevent it from popping. Loosen the cage around the neck,

keeping the cork covered with the napkin. Hold the bottle at a 45° angle and slowly twist the bottle

and cork in opposite directions to release the cork.

6. Describe how to properly evaluate the color and clarity of a wine.

Pick up the glass by the stem or base, hold the glass up to the light to evaluate the color.

7. What type of wine should be paired with a blue cheese?

White wines or Port.

8. Name four types of white wines.

Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio, Riesling.

9. What is the difference between a sparkling wine and Champagne?

Sparkling wine can only be called Champagne if it is made in Champagne, France.

10. What is the dominant grape in Chianti wines?


11. When speaking of new world wines, which countries are generally referred to?

Argentina, Australia, Chile, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States.

12. Name four types of red wines.

Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Malbec.

13. Why are red wines usually aged in oak barrels?

The oak barrels also contain tannins (in addition to those already in the wine), which contribute to the

wine's flavor. These tannins have antioxidants to keep the wine from spoiling. As the wine ages, the

tannins will mellow and lose their astringency, making the wine more enjoyable to drink.

14. How many basic tastes can the tongue perceive?

Four. The tongue can only identify the basic tastes of Sweet, detected on the tip, Sour and Salty,

detected on the sides, and Bitter, detected on the back. It is the combination of these that make up

the myriad of our perceived tastes.

15. Do you know what “appellation of origin” means?

Appellation of origin is another name for the place in which the dominant grapes used in the wine

were grown. It can be the name of a country, State, county or geographic region called a viticultural

area, or their foreign equivalents.

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1. Can you name three types of Whisky?

Single malt whisky: it is from a single distillery made from a mash that uses only one particular malted


Blended malt whisky: it is a mixture of single malt whiskies from different distilleries.

Bourbon whiskey: made from mash that consists of at least 51% corn (maize).

2. What is Gin made from?

From the distillation of juniper berries.

3. How do you make a “White Russian”?

Vodka, coffee liqueur (Kahlua), light cream or milk.

4. Can you list the ingredients of a “Cosmopolitan”?

Vodka, Triple Sec, cranberry juice, fresh lime.

5. Can you list the ingredients of a “Classic Martini”?

Gin, Dry Vermouth, Bitters. Garnish with green olives or lemon twist.

6. Can you name the four categories of tequila?

Oro/Gold, Bianco/White/Silver, Reposado/Rested, Anejo/Aged

7. Describe the differences between Johnnie Walker Red, Black and Blue.

Red: aged in wooed for less than 8 years.

Black: aged in wood for 12 years.

Blue: blended to recreate the authentic taste and character of some of the earliest whiskey blends,

giving it a rich and smooth taste.

8. Identify the four glasses below:

Hurricane Highball Snifter Shot Glass

or Piña Colada glass

9. Kahlua, Chambord, Lemoncello and Triple Sec are all examples of what type of alcoholic beverage?

Flavored liqueurs.

10. Name three cocktails that feature Vodka.

Cosmopolitan, Bloody Mary, Screwdriver, Sex on the Beach, Sea Breeze

11. What flavor is Cointreau?


12. What flavor is Midori?


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13. Can you list the ingredients of a “Long Island Iced Tea”?

Gin, Vodka, Tequila, Rum, Triple Sec, topped with Coke.

14. What country is Kronenbourg beer from?


15. Can you list the ingredients of a “Margarita”?

Tequila, Triple Sec or Cointreau, Lemon Juice

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