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Prepared by the OAMFA Communications Support Team <Final 1.2> 1

Requisition SupervisorsLeadership Alignment


Commerce Business EnvironmentConvergence for Implementation

The beginning of an evolutionLinking Procurement, Program and Finance




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Terms and acronyms

System definitions ORSI: Acronym for “Obligation and Requisition Standard Interface” which

connects systems delivering a procurement and financial processing electronic support environment.

TIBCO: The formal name for the ORSI middle ware (software) CFS: Acronym for “Commerce Financial System” C.Request: The web-based requisitioning system CSTARS: Acronym for “Commerce Standard Acquisition and Report

Systems”, the current client-server acquisition production system CSPS: Acronym for “Commerce Small Purchase System”, part of CFS, and

currently used by Census

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Terms and acronyms (con’t.)

Process and role definitions Go-live: The ORSI cutover date when all systems will be connected

operationally. Deployment: ORSI preparation activities and launch which include the Go-

live date. CD435: the printed Commerce form titled “Procurement Request” that is

eliminated with ORSI deployment Requisitioner: A person who historically prepared CD435s Reviewer/Approver: A person who historically checked and okayed

prepared CD435s. Business Broker: The Procurement representative who works with

Program Managers and Acquisition Teams. Cross-servicing: The use of another bureau’s Procurement Office and

acquisition processing systems and services.

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AgendaORSI technology with common business processes and standardized data take the acquisition business to the next level.





BPR & DataStandardizationBPR & DataStandardization

The big picture Requisitioner direct benefits The new electronic process Differences between today and

tomorrow Requisitioner roles & responsibilities ’07 processing before Go-live Working with Procurement Get ready for Go-live How you can help your

Requisitioners make the transition How to sign your people up for


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Requisitioner benefits Increases speed of requisition processing and reduces paper processing

Reduces paper processing – no more paper CD435s Electronic selection and instantaneous routing Supporting documents assembled and attached electronically Electronic approvals for certifying and approving officials Electronic requisition “submit” to Procurement Office

Eliminates rework and increases requisition accuracy Reduces double keying of requisition and obligation document data Increases financial accuracy and cleaner data Increases early involvement by Procurement to support planning Eliminates invalid ACCS codes Improves FAR and CAR compliance through common business processes

Increases ability to manage requisition process Near real-time status action tracking from desk top Automated and consistent feedback and updates from Procurement Office Increases accuracy and completeness of financial (CBS) and acquisition (CBE) data

warehouse reports

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The electronic requisition process

Program Management

Budget Liaison




3. Electronically routes requisition for internal approvals and funding

4. The requisition proceeds electronically, as needed, for external approvals

6. Requisitioner uses C.Request “SUBMIT” to transfer the requisition package electronically to the Procurement Office

2. Attaches notes and supporting documents to create a requisition package and selects review/approval routing

5. Requisitioner uses C.Request COMMIT. CFS confirms valid ACCS, and establishes requisition record. Requisition data is locked.

1. Requisitioner enters requisition data into C.Request

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What is the difference between processing requisitions today vs. after ORSI Go-live?Bureau Today ORSI Go-live Go-live Functionality 

Census CSPSC.Request &

CSPSCSPS: Route, ApproveC.Request: Create, Commit & Submit

NISTCSTARS(Manual Commit)

C.RequestC.Request: Create, Route, Approve, Commit and Submit Requisitions

NOAA Manual C.RequestC.Request: Create, Route, Approve, Commit and Submit Requisitions

OS Manual C.RequestC.Request: Create, Route, Approve, Commit and Submit Requisitions

Cross Servicing

ManualDepends upon

receiving bureau

Common data and system allows any bureau to cross service

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Requisitioner roles and responsibilities Requisitioners must use C.Request on all FY07 requisitions

Customers, NOT Procurement, must complete all requisitions Paper CD435s will not be accepted by the Procurement office Supporting documents should be attached and submitted electronically with the

requisition Orders against existing contracts can be processed as well

Requisitioners will speak this standard language A C. Request customer requisition becomes a CSTARS purchase request. A requisition package is the C.Request requisition plus all supporting

documents assembled electronically. The ACCS is the “Accounting Classifications Code Structure”, the financial codes

found on the old CD435. To confirm that the ACCS codes are valid within CFS, Requisitioners “Commit” in

C.Request.* To send the requisition package to the Procurement Office after it is approved

(and the ACCS is validated), Requisitioners will “Submit” in C.Request.

Note: Budget offices will continue to verify that ACCS codes are accurate for the purchasing organization.

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Requisitioner roles and responsibilities (continued) Requisitioners must use electronic routing for reviews and approvals

Send out the requisition package electronically Routing can be linear, simultaneous or a combination

Requisitioners will select Reviewers/approvers from automated lists User profiles contain contact information Back-ups can be assigned to cover for vacations and other absences Names can be selected individually or in predefined groups

Requisitioners will track Reviewer/approver status automatically No more paper lost on someone’s desk for days No more “I didn’t get a copy”

Requisitioners will track an acquisition through its life cycle automatically Messages on receipt and acceptability of requisition by Procurement Office Automatic status updates from CSTARS to C.Request on key milestones

Requisitioners must attend training Learn both process and system Before they are allowed to use C.Request.

It is a challenge to change old habits, especially reliance on paper processing!

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Requisition Approver roles and responsibilities Reviewers/approvers must use C.Request

Receive the requisition package electronically C.Request reviewer/approver inboxes contain the work to be done Messages to “go look” in the C.Request in-box arrive via bureau email account

Reviewers/approvers selection lists are maintained in C.Request User profiles contain contact information Back-ups can be assigned to cover for vacations and other absences

Reviewers/approvers are selected by Requisitioners Routing can be linear, simultaneous or a combination Names can be selected individually or in predefined groups

Reviewer/approver completion status is tracked automatically No more paper lost on someone’s desk for days No more “I didn’t get a copy”

Reviewers/approvers must attend C.Request training Before they are allowed to use C.Request review/approval function.

It is a challenge to change old habits, especially reliance on paper processing!

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For ’07 requisitions that must be processed before ORSI Go-live

Create requisitions using your current process. These “legacy” documents will not be linked

electronically to CSTARS because they were not created in C.Request.

This means that: No automatic status updates through C.Request Your Procurement Office must re-key requisition

data into CSTARS for purchase request, solicitation and award processing.

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Introducing the Business Broker role Your Business Broker is the Procurement representative

who works with Program Managers and Acquisition Teams. For example, he/she helps plan complex acquisitions

before the development of the requisitions. Key features:

A full member of the Acquisition Team No more “Berlin wall” between the organizations Creates a win-win situation for everyone!

The Program Managers Life Cycle

Strategy/AcquisitionPlanning &Budgeting



Strategic Sourcing

Acquisition Strategy

Solicitation &Contract



Procurement as your Partner, the “Business Broker”



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Business Broker role – why now?

ORSI technology enables Easier, more consistent communications,

and information access and sharing Frees Procurement staff from clerical

work Requisitioners have found this role delivers

promised benefits, especially on large complex acquisitions

New common planning process provides a guide to this partnership relationship and work.

Increased need to consolidate small acquisitions through joint analysis and planning to increase purchasing power

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Working with the Procurement Office will be easier

Requisitioners can expect:

Less requisition rework after submission to Procurement.

More accurate and complete information from Program managers when you start to develop requisitions.

Increased productive capacity and increased job satisfaction.

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What will your Procurement representative expect from Requisitioners? Before submission to Procurement,

All approvals must be completed electronically The ACCS codes must be validated electronically Supporting documents and notes are attached

electronically. NO paper CD435s. More effort to work with Program Managers to

consolidate small acquisitions for strategic sourcing Self-tracking through status checking using C.Request


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What can Requisitioners expect from their Procurement representatives A better understanding of your bureau’s purchasing needs

Procurement representatives and Requisitioners are members of the Acquisition Team from the beginning

Advice on contracting vehicle alternatives

Increase options before developing the requisition

Coaching in writing requirements that

Result in performance-based services requirements

Help with complex acquisition needs

Creating acquisition milestone plans that are realistic and achievable

Conducting early market research to increase or target your solution options

Help in consolidating many small acquisitions into larger contracts

Take advantage of strategic sourcing opportunities

Save money and deliver a better value

Mitigate frustrations with solid communications and responsive actions

You and your Procurement representative are on the ‘’same page’ before she/he receives the requisition

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Get ready for ORSI Go-live!

Identify potential trainers and super users

Identify Requisitioners good at helping others.

Schedule them for “train-the-trainer” course

Get end user training completed

Get Reviewers/approvers AND Requisitioners trained

Work with your C.Request system administrator and Program Managers to

Load Requisitioner user profiles with complete information

Establish a process for maintaining to those profiles

Develop default Reviewer/approver group lists for your area of responsibility

Start communicating with your Requisitioners

Use the Requisitioner Communications Package

Reward those who jump on board, perform well, reinforce processes, and help others

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Please contact your bureau ORSI implementation coordinator for training schedules and communications support Census – Peter Sefton ([email protected]) NOAA – John Abbott ([email protected]) OS - Crystal Davis ([email protected]) NIST – Pat Grimes ([email protected])

or Debbie Turner ([email protected])

ORSI Communications Support Team or ORSI Communications Support. Tom Cochran ([email protected]) Jerry Rorstrom Lee ([email protected]) Dorine Andrews ([email protected])

Web site, click-on ORSI Information (available October 1, 2006).

ORSI information contacts and resources

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Propensity to Accept

Propensity to Reject

Neutral or Mixed

How can you help Requisitioners make the transition? Immediate acceptors – love any kind of innovation.

These people are willing to put up with problems and inconvenience.

Early adopters – will change as soon as they see personal advantage to advance their position (become a “star”) and make work easier, even if it takes some learning. However, they can’t deal with bugs and other start-up problems.

Late adopters – will change when they see it takes less effort to change than to resist. These are the people who create work arounds until it’s obvious that it is easier to change.

Skeptics – will change when everyone else has changed and they can no longer afford to be left out. It will affect their performance reviews, plain and simple.

Hard core resistors – will change only when the consequences of not changing are very much more significant than changing (e.g., job loss). Some may even choose not to change.

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Stage 1: DenialStage 1: Denial

Stage 2: ResistanceStage 2: Resistance

Stage 4: Acceptance and CommitmentStage 4: Acceptance and Commitment

They come to accept the change. “Yes, the new way works well, now that I’ve got some experience.”

People become excited about the possibilities and the future. They begin working together to accomplish the change vision.

“This is too complicated to learn.”

People feel frustrated, angry, or fearful about the change. They feel they have lost control of their work. Performance deteriorates.

“This won’t last. It won’t work.”

People feel comfortable, safe, and in control doing things the old way. They are working hard-but often on the wrong things.

Stage 3: BargainingStage 3: Bargaining

How will people react?

After a while, some want to bargain some of the change away. “I’ll do the data entry, but we don’t really have to route stuff electronically, do we?”

People want to make the change work-on their terms, but don’t have clear answers.

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Acknowledge hard work Reward new behavior Reaffirm vision and how people have built on that

vision Acknowledge what is left behind Develop long term goals, plans & measures Provide on-going information sessions, Q & A

mechanisms Integrate technology & processes into daily lives

Stage 1: Get Past Denial

Stage 2: Overcome Resistance

Stage 4: Reinforce Acceptance and Commitment

Stage 3: Support Exploration, not bargaining

How can you help people? Acknowledge successful past Describe the pain and

consequences of not changing Sell the problem, not the

solution Link need for change to the

future Fully inform, repeatedly, to

make change inevitable

Give people freedom & direction to explore Give permission to find ways to use the

solution, test out options, and build action plans Encourage risk taking, team work and

collaboration Make room for other’s ideas Set short term goals and measure achievement Share information about what you know and

don’t know Publicize success stories

Get people engaged in ways to solve problems through the solution

Keep sharing information about what you know and don’t know

Encourage debate, dissent Don’t deny people’s feelings Give people control where you

can (e.g., training dates) Create forums for discussion

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Let’s work together to create an environment where change is welcomed, not resisted!

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