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Juniato SidaurukNPM 0906655282

MK.: Teori Pengajaran Bahasa Asing

Pengajar: Sisilia S. Halimi, SS, MA, PhD

Pascasarjana Linguistik, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, Universitas Indonesia, 22 Des 2010

Kumaravadivelu, B. TESOL Quarterly Vol. 40. No. 1 March 2006.

Page 2: Presentasi tesol method

3 Perceptible Shifts:1. From CLT TBLT

2. From Method-based Pedagogy Postmethod Pedagogy

3. From Systemic Discovery Critical Discourse


.: Awareness about: Communicative and task-based language teaching The limitations of the concept of method Possible postmethod pedagogies (to answer limitations above) The complexity of teacher’s beliefs The vitality of the macrostructures –(social, cultural, political, historical).


Kumaravadivelu, focuses on the nature and scope of the transitions (work in progress, not replaced completely);

> Before 1990 = Period of Awareness

> After 1990 = Period of Awakening

Method = refer to what theoriests propose and to what teachers practice.

The article is about method analysis, not teaching analysis.

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CLT (1980s) TBLT

Views competence of social interaction TBLT is just CLT by another name.

= Austin’s Speech Act Theory (how lg users perform speech acts)

Communicative Task

= Halliday’s Functional Perspective (meaning potential)

Ellis (2003): a TASK is:-a workplan, learners to process lg pragmatically-can be evaluated-to result in lg use-can engage productive and receptive

= Hymes Communicative Competence (interactional and sociocultural norms)

Skehan “task orientation”:-structure-oriented tasks (emphasizes form to detriment of meaning)-communicatively oriented tasks (vice versa)


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CLT (1980s) TBLT

Concerned with concepts of:Negotiation, interpretation, expression

Kumaravadivelu:TBLT is not linked to any one particular method.

Realia: Proposes: a three part of lg teaching methods:

-information gap activities-games, role plays, drama techniques

1.Lg-centered tasks (attention to linguistic forms)= Foto n Ellis “Grammar Tasks”

To move away structural orientation (pattern practices) to communicative orientation (partial simulation)

2.Learners-centered tasks (to formal as well as functional properties)= Nunan’s Task for comm. classroom.

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Efficacy of CLT :

1. authenticity (no communicative curriculum “abstract”Kumaravadivelu: teachers can fail to create genuine interaction in their classroom

Against / 7 Conts:India (Prabhu) CLT are so inappropriate for Indian situationSouth Africa (Chick) CLT, a sort of naïve ethnocentricism

2. Acceptability (connects to DM and ALM)

Pakistan (Shamim) introducing CLT “creating psychological barriers to learning”

3. Adaptability (suit to various contexts of language teaching across the world and across time)

South Korea (Li), CLT has resulted in more difficulties China (Yu), resistance from teachers and learners.Japan (Sato), practical difficulties

Thailand (Jarvis and Atsilarat), CLT in appropriate and unworkable

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Pennycook; Prabhu what really matters is the need for teachers to learn “to operate with some personal conceptualization of how their teaching leads to desired learning” sense of plausibility : is not how to design a new method BUT how to devise a new way “to help activate and develop teachers varied senses of plausibility” (reasonable). Allwright (1991): Method is DEAD. (Brown, 2002).And that what is needed is NOT an alternative method, BUT an alternative TO method. Kumaravadivelu (1994) “POSTMETHOD CONDITION”. 3 tokoh Postmethod:1. Stern’s “Three-dimensional Frameworks”2. Allwright’s “Exploratory Practice F.”3. Kumaravadivelu’s “Macrostrategic F.”

From Method-based Pedagogy Postmethod PedagogyFrom Method-based Pedagogy Postmethod Pedagogy

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Stern’s “Three-dimensional F.” Allwright’s “Exploratory Practice F.” in 3 fundamental tenets:

Kumaravadivelu’s “Macrostrategic F.”

1.Strategies (intentional action policy level)

1. the quality of life in the lg classroom more important than instructional efficiency

Based on the hypothesis : Lg learning and teaching needs, wants, and situation are unpredictably numerous, therefore : we can only help them for capacity varied and situation-specified ideas within general frameworks.

2.Technique (practical action procedural level)

2. ensuring our understanding of the quality classroom life is more essential

3 General frameworks:

Framework has 3 dimensions: 3. Understanding a quality of life is a social

1. Particularity (context sensitive)

1. The L1-L2 connection (67) intralingual and crosslingual strategy

Allwright “7 broad principles of lg. teaching”: (68)

2. practicality (relationships between theorizers and practitioners)

2. The Code-comm.dilemma EP 7 series basic steps (68) 3. possibility (to tap the sociopolitical consciousness – a catalyst)

3. Explicit-implicit option The central focus of EP is Local practice. Of 3, derivates 10 macrostrategies (69)

Macrostrategies for microstrategies designed by teachers considering linguistic, social, cultural, and political particularities.

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“Critical Turn”, is about: Connecting the word with the world Recognizing lg as ideology, NOT just a system Extending the educational space to extra Realizing Lg learning and Teaching is more than learning

and teaching Lg. Creating the cultural forms and interested knowledge. Pennycook “critical applied linguistics”.

From Systemic Discovery Critical DiscourseFrom Systemic Discovery Critical Discourse

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CLT TBLT Postmethod Critical Discourse

Sociolinguistically oriented

Psycholinguistically oriented Conts: Skepticism “social justice”

? relationship between form and meaning? how the learner’s attention resources are allocated.? how to make sure that learners focus their attention on grammatical forms while expressing their intended meaning.

Liu: is not an alternative to method, BUT only an addition to methodLarsen-Freeman: questioned Kumaravadivelu’s macro-microstrategies constitute a method

That lg teaching is an interpretive one in search of meaning, so runs the risk of becoming a speculative exercise.

= the issue of context ( refer to linguistic and pragmatic features of lg and lg.use.

+++Postmethod pedagogy: -encourages teachers crafted process of diagnosis, treatment, and assessment.

= the issue of context ( refer to linguistic and pragmatic features of lg and lg.use.

Shifts from CLT to TBLT as internal shift

-possible way to be responsive to lived experiences-makes it more feasible for teachers to acknowledge and work with diversity of the learners.

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The progress the TESOL profession 1970s and 80s, shifting focus from:

Product-oriented teaching process-oriented teaching A rigid curriculum a more flexible one. Moved from a state of awareness a state of awakening

Awakened to: The necessity of making method-based pedagogies more sensitive

to local exigencies The opportunity afforded by postmethod pedagogy The multiplicity of learner identities The complexity of teacher beliefs The vitality of macro-structures

??? What is not clear is how this awakening has actually changed the

practice of everyday teaching and teacher preparation?   Expectation thru Competition for TESOL golden jubilee 2016…

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