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3 requirements for conflict resolution:

1. Allow conflicts to be resolved without irreparable harm to projects objectives

2. Allow and foster honesty between negotiators

3. Solutions must satisfy not only individual needs but also affected / other parties involved

Principled Negotiation (Win-win):

1. Separate people from the problem (don’t include personal matters)

2. Focus on interests, not position (interests is to get job done fair treatment, etc)

3. Before trying to reach agreement, invent options for mutual gain (creative options, middle road)

4. Insist on using objective criteria (find standards such as market value, law, company policy, to determine quality of income)


• Most people worry about what they are going to say, but to be a effective negotiator….

• Listening is more important than speaking

How you listen has the power to affect how it turns out

• How are you listening?

What you already know?

What can be created?

Reactive Listening

What is this this type of listening?

• What you know about the people and the process to date

• Allows pre-conceived notions to color interactions

Test for reactive listening: Are you coming into the negotiation with a fixed viewpoint or one specific outcome you think must occur?

Proactive Listening

What is this listening like?

You need to listen the possibilities beyond the words being said

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What is offered in partial solution to the problem or in movement toward your position?

Why would other members hold fast to certain positions and not offer compromises?

What are your unshakeable positions and why are you holding to them?

Executive Summery

This report highlighted the various issues relating to the conflict that usually arise in the industrial

sector. Industrial conflict is a very severe matter as it affects the usual performance of the

employees. It also deteriorated the relationship between management and employee which

ultimately affect the organization productivity, employee morale, dissatisfaction etc. If employees

are in conflict with management they will work seriously at the same time they will not think

themselves as a citizen if the organization, which demodulate them to work with enthusiasm and

spirit to do the best and to bring the best outcome for the organization. Industrial conflict impede

the achievement of organizational objectives. A gap exist between the owner and the employee

which instigate them to ignore organizational interest even they can go for vandalism without any

hesitation as they think it as a weapon of getting their policies and claims implemented.



By the end of this session, it is envisaged you will –

• be aware of the main perspectives on industrial action, namely the pluralist and radical;

• understand various explanations for industrial disputes;

• be able to interpret recent historical trends in strike activity in the organization

• be able to apply explanations for industrial conflict to contemporary situations.


Table of Contents

Industrial Conflict——————————————- 06

Manifestations of Conflict:

Organized group conflict——————————————————- 08

Unorganized group conflict———————————————— 08

Causes of Industrial conflict————————— 09-10

Kinds of conflict—————————————- 11

Positive impact of conflict——————————- 11-12

Negative impact of Conflict—————————– 13-14

Managing Conflict————————————- 14-16

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Functions of Facilitator in conflict Resolution——- 17-19

Nature of Industrial Conflict in Bangladesh———- 19-22

Government’s role in Conflict Resolution———— 23-24

Trade Union Roles in Conflict Resolution———— 25

Industrial conflict in Private sector in Bangladesh— 26-29

Industrial Conflict and political situation————– 29

Industrial Conflict and social condition—————- 30

Industrial conflict and Industrial Ethics—————- 30

Industrial conflict and corporate social Responsibility- 30-31

Role of several parties in Conflict Resolution:

Role of Social leaders in Conflict Resolution——–31

Role of political leaders in Conflict Resolution——31

Role of Religious in Conflict Resolution————-32

Bibliography————————————————— 33

Causes of Industrial conflict

Economic causes:

If the stakeholders of the industrial sectors (like- labor. Management etc) are affected economic

penury then the interrelationship between or among the parties may deteriorate. For example- if

the employees cannot fulfill their basic needs with the economic condition they posses, then they

can try to ptrotest3 for fulfilling their economic and basic demand that ultimately creates industrial

conflict because sometimes government can fail to intervene or the management may deny

accepting the claims of the employees that integrate industrial conflict.

Political causes:

Social causes: Technological causes: Psychological causes:Market situation causes: Legal causes:

Kinds of conflict

• Interpersonal conflict:

• Intergraph conflict:

• Intra group conflict:

Positive impact of conflict

1. High impression:

Conflict brings new impression in the mind of employees and management and brings about a

change in the organizations environment. This leads to a new arrival as things come in the

concern of the organization.

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2. New Outlook:

Conflict helps to find out existing problems of the organization and help the organization to add

some new changes that can be conducive for the improvement of activities of the organization

and its resources including the Human Resources.

3. Prompt solution:

Any conflict within the organization require the organization to take prompt initiative for solving

the conflict because any late in decision making can have a negative impact on organizational

activities or any loss that may incur for the existence of the conflict.

4. Clear explanation:

When any conflict arises, it needs a clear explanation to know the reasons of conflict,

environment of the conflict and these details details help organization to identify the lacking or

weakness of the association and give an chance to the organization to improve its internal

decoration or policy with necessary changes.

5. Creativity:

When any conflict, arise suggestion, judgment, recommendation or decision is needed to take

from different units of the organization, which allow or help the employees to investigate their

creativity because any result needed is not easy to find out. Therefore, any suggestion if asked

from the employees, helps the business to know the creativity level of the employees.

Negative impact of Conflict

1. Feeling of defeat:

Conflict creates lack in the mind of employees as they remain in fear that they may be defeated

to others in terms of authority or power. This feeling may influence the level of recital of

employees, reduce morale, and increase dissatisfaction that ultimately affect the productivity of

the business.

2. Distance:

Conflict creates reserve between or among employees that deteriorates the relationship among

them and create a chaotic situation within group or within business.

3. Lack of confidence:

Conflict induces lack of confidence among the employees that can reduce their confidence and

dissatisfaction may uplift.

4. Labor turnover:

Conflict increases labor turnover of the organization as the employees may have the business

either to avoid disagreement or to retain authority and status. That’s why the more will be the

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labor turnover as the employees will not be able to adjust themselves with such a conflicting


5. Problem making attitude:

Conflict gives raises the problem-making attitude on employees and they try to do the same tasks

repeatedly to hold power or to fulfill their own interests, such negative approach leads to a long-

term bad significance of conflict and business faces lease less difficulty relating to conflict and the

cost of conflict declaration reach to the peak.

6. Change in intention:

Conflict may motivate change in intention of the workers. It creates maunder standing in the mind

of workers and interrupt the common flow of performance.

Managing Conflict


One of the ways administration can face conflict is by avoiding conflict. That means

administration is not interested to deal with conflict or if any conflict arises a negligible importance

is given to handle such conflict and no unique step is taken to decide such a conflict.


Another way conflict can be managed is by creating smooth situation in the organization that look

after arrival of conflict and minimizes the possibility of such a conflict to happen. Organization can

do it by providing essential facilities within the organization that reduces the dissatisfaction level

of employees, which ultimately reduces the possibility of conflict appearance.


Management can relate force to resolve conflict. It means management can take some harmful

approaches that can discourage employee to go for creating conflict. For example- termination,

salary cut, lay off etc can be supportive to reduce the level of conflict in the business.


Management can Compromise through negotiation or harmony with the employee or employee

representative i.e. trade Union because agreement between management and employee can

remain the conflict level as smallest as feasible.

Changing behavior:

Management can manage conflict by changing activities of employees. This can be done by

providing training to the employees on conflict and conflict resolution technique because if

employees can be trained well and they can be convinced about the harmful consequences of

conflict that may have an efficient influence on the behavior of employees at the time it will be

beneficial for the organization to continue free of conflict in the long run.

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Problem solving:

Management can reduce the conflict by taking initiative of problem solving. That means

management can avoid conflict by solving the problems instantly just after its entrance because

any delay in difficulty solving can create serious ambiguity or misunderstanding among

employees that’s why difficulty should be solved as early as possible.

Structural change:

Management can take away those structures that create conflict or leads to conflict. Organization

can diminish the organizational organization to reduce contact gap and ambiguity. So the

structure of the organization should be changed or redesigned in such a way that minimizes the

possibility of conflict.


All essential support, facilities in terms of resources, equipment should be provided to the

employees so that lodging is smooth sufficient and reduce conflict.


The exercise of competition has to be introduced within the business so that employees always

try to improve their own quality to proof supremacy and to get promotion. That’s why diverse

programs can be initiated that can increase competition. The less will be level of conflict within

the association.

Functions of Facilitator in conflict Resolution

1. Building Anticipation:

First task of the facilitator is to building anticipation.

2. Controlling Discussions:

Facilitator controls the discussions.

3. Reversing antagonistic roles:

The roles that work against the interest of employees or that create conflict should be reversed to

make the procedure easier and to resolve the conflict smoothly and in a friendly atmosphere.

4. Relieving tension:

Facilitators another task is to relieve tension to create a conducive atmosphere in the resolution


5. Transmitting information:

Facilitator has to transmit information to the concerned parties to get their response and to inform

them about the matter in details. This will help the facilitator to resolve the conflict in an effective

manner and in way that is more constructive.

6. Formulating proposals:

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Here the facilitator formulate proposals- how the conflict will be resolved, which procedure will be

followed to resolve the conflict. Supplementary activities:

• Differentiating objectives & functions:

First proposal will include the basic objectives of the facilitator and the procedure to be followed

to resolve conflict. At the same time functions of facilitator is also determined in the proposals that

will be carried out in resolving the conflict.

• Preparing ground rules:

In which legal sense the problem will be treated and solved will have to be incorporated in the


• Determining sequence of speech:

What will be the steps that will be followed to resolve the conflict is to be mentioned in the

proposal to give a clear idea about the resolving procedure.

• Participation:

The parties to be participated in the resolving procedure is also determined and prescribed in the

proposal in a comprehensive manner.

Independence among groups:

The groups involved in conflict will have to be given enough independence so that they can

express their feelings and statements without any fear because any fear can interrupt on the way

to the proper disclosure of information that may be helpful in resolving the conflict.

• Avoiding evaluation :

Facilitator has to keep himself in a far distance from evaluating the concerned people.

• Finding method for removing disintegration:

Facilitator finds the method that removes the disintegration so that no business works in resolving


• Making the procedure understandable to everybody:

The proposal should be designed in such a way that it can be understandable to everybody

involved and concerned in conflict. No vogue word, symbol or statement should be used to avoid

ambiguity in meaning regarding the conflict handing techniques and procedures.

• Follow up of solutions:

Observe the solutions when it is implemented to its effectiveness in resolving the conflict. It helps

the facilitator to identify the lacking or drawbacks in the procedure and give the opportunity to

make improvement and correction.

Nature of Industrial Conflict in Bangladesh:

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1. Lack of tolerance:

Any late or delay in decision-making or accomplishment of any policy may lead to conflict

because employees may not planned to accept any delay. In those situation, where employees

does not show any tolerance in stead they become anger and go for association can create

serious conflict. Example may be the plan of designing wage or salary structure, facilities in

workplace etc when claimed if not fulfilled instantly employees may go for movement, which leads

to a conflict between management and employees.

2. Unfair management:

If the management is autocratic and do not treat employees favorably in terms of salary, facilities

etc these will give rise conflict between management and employees. At the same time if

management go for some unfair behavior in transfer, promotion that may also lead to conflict

between management and employees.

3. Lack of Commitment:

If commitment of employees towards business is not so strong, employees will do not feel

themselves as citizens of the organization that can also work as a means of conflict even for a

very insignificant reason.

4. Corruption:

Corruption is a considerable factor that creates conflict within the organization. Reasons for which

corruption works as a supporting tool of conflict are-

Self-interest is given priority,

Group collision- group that enjoy benefit of corruption and the group of the deprived may create

conflict between them,

Class difference- A higher class with huge opportunity in the organization and lower class those

are deprived from common facilities of the organization.

5. Unfair Disciplinary action:

If management is, biased verdict will be given in favor of those who are subservient to

management. For this reason some people are deprived from promotion, salary increase etc

which instigate the deprived employees to protest and to go movement to fulfill their needs and

obligation. All these lead to a conflict between employees and management and sometimes

between staff and employees.

6. Lack of clear policies:

If the policies of the organization are vogue and create misunderstanding between or among

employees, it will lead to a conflict. Because if the expectation of the organization and the recital

or achievement of employees do not evaluated accordingly that if management criticizes

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employees for lower production and employees criticizes the guideline given by the management

this tow dimensional estimation leads to a conflict.

7. Non- implementing policies:

Any policy recommended by employees for implement some stress remains unimplemented,

employees may feel deprived and it can lead to conflict between management and employees.

8. Lack of Accountability:

If employees are not sincere about their responsibilities and if the liability of both management

situations can increase dishonesty, dishonesty and absolution, which will, ultimately leads to

conflict between management and employees.

9. Political difference :

If management and employees are submissive to different political beliefs then such difference

can lead to conflict because there ids less possibility that they will reach to settlement in any

matter due to different view, beliefs which eventually lead to conflict between management

authority and employee groups.

10. Unethical practice:

Unethical practice like business to some employees for promotion, transfer, salary increment etc

may create dissatisfaction in the mind of other employees and sometimes it can lead to conflict

between management and employees.

11. Lack of corporate social responsibility:

Organization needs to take part in some activities in addition to its general activities like building

Creech for the children of employees, house and recreation centre for employees, and health and

insurance facility to the employees. If not all these activities are done by the organization, these

will increase the dissatisfaction among employees, which ultimately lead to conflict.

12. Political instability:

Political instability in the country can also instigate conflict inside the business because of liaison

of employees specifically the trade union leaders or employee leaders with the political leaders

for their high objective and personal interest. Because political instability helps the leaders to

bring outside problem to inside the organization which ultimately leads to a conflict.

13. High ambition:

If the anticipation of the employees is so high and they are, highly ambitious then this can lead to

conflict between management and employees in case their stress are not fulfilled.

14. Unfair support of politicians:

Sometimes political support gives unfair support to the management or to the employee

representative for their self-motives. When one party is given support another party does not take

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it easily, take it as scheme against them, which lead to a conflict.

Government’s role in Conflict Resolution:

Government is not sincere:

Sometimes government either avoids the importance or arrival of conflict or tries to ignore by

slowing any reason, which shows the insincerity of the government. Government does this to

remain above denigration and to get praise from different sources.

Government is helpless:

Sometimes situation become so difficult when government cannot play role in resolving such a

conflict due to the dependence of government on any of the group involved in conflict or

government has no legal power to apply force for resolving disagreement.

Government does not feel:

Sometimes government can take conflict as a usual matter and a very common one. In those

situations government take no initiative even after having legal right and power because of their

less anxiety regarding the matter.

Government instigates conflict: Government instigates conflict for many reasons-

To get support from the parties involved in conflict

To show compromising attitude towards the parties to take part in conflict

To remain above criticism.

Government officials take benefits from leadership:

Sometimes government officials takes benefit from the employee representatives or trade unions

and stay biased regarding the matter. Ignore any bad consequences of conflict as they are given

incentives from the leaders.

Social leaders take benefits from Trade Union:

Social leaders who can resolve conflict may remain silent by taking some settlement from the

trade union. Sometimes social leaders support the trade union and take part in the conflict along

with the trade union leaders to make the conflict a success in replace of incentives from the trade


Political leaders take benefits from Trade Union/ Management:

Political leaders may take benefit from T.U or management which works as an obstruction on the

way to the conflict resolution procedure. Because political leaders give support to the party which

instigates conflict. Such misappropriation by unethical practices in the industry or company.

Law is not effective:

Law of the country may not be effective enough to convict or to punish the accused. Because

there are many drawbacks in laws which give the accused a way out to remain free of

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punishment and to avoid legal action.

There is no binding of law:

No applications of law in the country also show the lacking of government in terms of legal action

involved in conflict.

Trade Union Roles in Conflict Resolution:

1. T. U are reckless

2. lack of commitment

3. Absence of Accountability

4. Lawlessness

5. Minimum wages etc

6. Minimum welfare facilities

7. Minimum benefits

8. Minimum safety standards

9. Insufficient service

10. Non- Cooperation

11. Domination of some outsiders

12. Instigation from outside T.U

13. ILO inactiveness

14. Relation with politicians

15. Weapon of politicians

16. Lack of patriotism

17. Lack of training & on conflict management.

Industrial Conflict and political situation:

(1) Relationship is negative between conflict and political condition,

(2)Political support instigate industrial conflict,

(3) Political leaders use T.U leaders as weapon,

(4) Political aspiration of T.U leaders becomes severe,

(5) Political leaders do not want to mitigate problem,

(6) T.U asks political support for self-interest,

(7) Political leader’s attitude is not helpful for conflict resolution,

(8) T.U goes for political liaison for high ambition.

Industrial Conflict and social condition:

(1) Industrial conflict increases social unrest,

(2) Industrial conflict hinders the common progress of society,

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(3) Society takes part in movement to fulfill requirement,

(4) Poverty increases conflict,

(5) High inflation increases conflict,

(6) High unemployment increases conflict,

(7) Low salary of employees increases conflict,

(8) Low living standard instigates conflict.

Industrial conflict and Industrial Ethics:

1. Negative relationship,

2. Ethical practice can mitigate conflict,

3. Ethical practice should be increased to create morality of employees strong,

4. Establish ethical practice to resolve conflict,

5. Industrial conflict is the result of unethical practice,

6. Treat employees equality,

7. Ensure honesty and sincerity,

8. Resolve problem in friendly manner,

Ensure proper facilities of health and safety issue.

Industrial conflict and corporate social Responsibility: The following things can reduces conflict:

1. Better working environment ,

2. Proper health care facility,

3. Housing facility,

4. Build school, college etc for children of employees,

5. Establish Hospital, recreation centre,

6. Address environment pollution seriously,

Give priority to social development

Roles of several parties in Conflict Resolution

Role of Social leaders in Conflict Resolution:

1. Make people understand about the impact of conflict

2. Creating awareness among people,

3. Establish employee rights ,

4. Describe management responsibility,

5. Improves relationship between employee and employer,

6. Help government implement laws,

7. Keep industrial activities above social problems,

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8. Relate industrial activities to the society,

9. Increase social involvement of industry.

Role of political leaders in Conflict Resolution:

1. Need to be honest,

2. Need to be sincere,

3. Need to discourage T. U involvement in politics,

4. Need to keep politics outside the industrial activity,

5. Neglect the high ambition of T.U leader,

6. Discourage liaison of T.U with politics,

7. Keep political instigation out of industrial conflict,

8. Reduce corruption,

9. Reduce unfair solicitation or request,

10. Reduce political pressure on industrial activity.

Role of Religious in Conflict Resolution:

1. Describe bad impact of conflict,

2. Consequence of conflict in society,

3. Defining conflict from religious point of view,

4. Providing suggestions to avoid conflict,

5. Giving guidelines to improve conflict resolution,

6. Prescribing conflict resolution procedure from religious viewpoint,

7. Explaining the religious guidelines to be followed for avoiding conflict,

8. Explain the relationship between employees and employer

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The history of the Readymade Garments Sector in Bangladesh is a fairly recent one. Nonetheless it is a rich and varied tale. The recent struggle to realize Workers' Rights adds an important episode to the story. 

The RMG industry of Bangladesh has expanded dramatically over the last three decades. Traditionally, the jute industry dominated the industrial sector of the country until the 1970s. Since the early 1980s, the RMG industry has emerged as an important player in the economy of the country and has gradually replaced the jute industry.

Although Bangladesh is not developed in industry, it has been enriched in Garment industries in the recent past years. In the field of Industrialization garment industry is a promising step. The sector now dominates the modern economy in export earnings, secondary impact and employment generated. It has given the opportunity of employment to millions of unemployed, specially innumerable uneducated women of the country. It is making significant contribution in the field of our export income.

Bangladesh exports 35 types of garment products to about 31 countries around the world. The RMG sector is a 100% export-oriented industry.


That Bangladesh today is considered an economic competitor in terms of international garment manufacturing by other countries of the region and beyond is the country since gaining independence in 1971. it appers much of the socio-economic development in the first decade of the twenty-first century for Bangladesh and its approximately 1.5 million women workers depends on the continuing success of the RMG industry.

Problems surrounding ready made garments sector:

The garment industry of Bangladesh has been the key export division and a main source of foreign exchange for the last 25 years. National labor laws do not apply in the EPZs, leaving BEPZA in full control over work conditions, wages and benefits. Garment factories in Bangladesh provide employment to 40 percent of industrial workers. But without the proper laws the worker are demanding their various wants and as a result conflict is began with the industry

1. Raw materials:

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Bangladesh imports raw materials for garments like cotton, thread color etc. This dependence on raw materials hampers the development of garments industry. Moreover, foreign suppliers often supply low quality materials, which result in low quality products

2. Unskilled workers: 


Most of the illiterate women workers employed in garments are unskilled and so their products often become lower in quality.

3. Improper working environment:

Taking the advantages of workers' poverty and ignorance the owners forced them to work in unsafe and unhealthy work place overcrowded with workers beyond capacity of the factory floor and improper ventilation. 

Most of the garment factories in our country lack the basic amenities where our garment workers sweat their brows from morning to evening to earn our countries the major portion of our foreign exchange. Anybody visiting the factory the first impression he or she will have that these workers are in a roost.


Improper ventilation, stuffy situation, filthy rooms are the characteristics of the majority of our factories. The owners profit are the first priority and this attitude has gone to such an extent that they do not care about their lives. 

3. Lack of managerial knowledge:

There are some other problems which are associated with this sector. Those are- lack of marketing tactics, absence of easily on-hand middle management, a small number of manufacturing methods, lack of training organizations for industrial workers, supervisors and managers, autocratic approach of nearly all the investors, fewer process units for textiles and garments, sluggish backward or forward blending procedure, incompetent ports, entry/exit complicated and loading/unloading takes much time, time-consuming custom clearance etc.

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4. Gendered division of labor:

In the garment industry in Bangladesh, tasks are allocated largely on the basis of gender. This determines many of the working conditions of women workers. All the workers in the sewing section are women, while almost all those in the cutting, ironing and finishing sections are men. Women workers are absorbed in a variety of occupations from cutting, sewing, inserting buttons, making button holes, checking,cleaning the threads, ironing, folding, packing and training to supervising.


Women work mainly as helpers, machinists and less frequently, as line supervisors and quality controllers. There are no female cutting masters. Men dominate the administrative and management level jobs. Women are discriminated against in terms of access to higher-paid white collar and management positions. 


When asked why they prefer to emply women foe sewing, the owner and managers gave several reasons. Most felt that sewing is traditionally done by women and that women are more patient and more controllable than men.

5. Wages:

The government of Bangladesh sets minimum wages for various categories of workers. According of Minimum Wage Ordinance 1994, apprentices’ helpers are to receive Tk500 and Tk930 per month respectively. Apprentices are helpers who have been working in the garment industry for less than three months. After three months, Apprentices are appointed as helpers. Often female helpers are discriminated against in terms of wages levels, and these wages are also often fixed far below the minimum wage rate. A survey conducted in 1998 showed that 73% of female helpers, as opposed to 15% of their male counterparts, did not receive even the minimum wage.

6. Insufficient of loan:

Insufficiency of loan in time, uncertainly of electricity, delay in getting materials, lack of communication, problem in taxes etc. Often obstruct the industry. In the world market 115 to 120 items of dress are in demand where as Bangladesh supplies only ten to twelve items of garments. India, south Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan etc, have made remarkable progress

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in garments industries. Bangladesh is going to challenge the garments of those countries in the world market.

7. Unit labor cost:


Bangladesh has the cheapest unit labor cost in South Asia. It costs only 11 cents to produce a shirt in Bangladesh, whereas it costs 79 cents in Sri Lanka and 26 cents in India. Clearly, Bangladesh’s comparative advantage lies in having the cheapest unit labor cost.

8. Working hours:

Though the wages are low, the working hours are very long. The RMG factories claim to operate one eight-hour shift six days a week. The 1965 factory Act allows women to work delivery deadlines; however, women are virtually compelled to work after 8 o’clock. Sometimes they work until 3 o’clock in the morning and report back to start work again five hours later ar 8 o’clock. They are asked to work whole months at a time the Factory Act, which stipulates that no employee should work more than ten days consecutively without a break.

9. Poor accommodation facilities:

As most of the garment workers come from the poor family and comes from the remote areas and they have to attend to the duties on time, these workers have to hire a room near the factory where four to five huddle in a room and spend life in sub human condition. 


For four to five workers there is one common latrine and a kitchen for which they have to pay from Tk=2000 to Tk=2500/-.They share this amount among themselves to minimize the accommodation expense. 


One cannot believe their eyes in what horrible condition they have to pass out their time after almost whole day of hard work in the factory. After laborious job they come into their roost, cook their food and have their dinner or lunch in unhygienic floor or bed and sleep where they take their food. They share the single bed or sleep on the floor. 


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The owners of these factories must not treat the workers as animals. The owners of these factories who drive the most luxurious car and live in most luxurious house do ever think that these are the workers who have made their living so juicy. Will these selfish owners ever think of these workers of their better living for the sake of humanity by providing better accommodation for these workers in addition to providing with the job.

10. Safety Problems:

Because of the carelessness of the factory management and for their arrogance factory doors used to be kept locked for security reason defying act

Safety need for the worker is mandatory to maintain in all the organization. But without the facility of this necessary product a lot of accident is occur incurred every year in most of the company. Some important cause of the accident are given below-

● Routes are blocked by storage materials


● Machine layout is often staggered


● Lack of signage for escape route


● No provision for emergency lighting


● Doors, opening along escape routes, are not fire resistant


● Doors are not self-closing and often do not open along the direction of escape


 ● Adequate doors as well as adequate staircases are not provided to aid quick exit 


● Fire exit or emergency staircase lacks proper maintenance 

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● Lack of proper exit route to reach the place of safety


● Parked vehicles, goods and rubbish on the outside of the building obstruct exits to the open air


● Fire in a Bangladesh factory is likely to spread quickly because the principle of compartmentalization is practiced

10. Political crisis:

Garments industries often pay dearly for political unrest, hartal and terrorism etc. 

The international market has withdrawn quota advantage over garments export form Bangladesh since December 2005.

Bangladesh has to advance cautiously for getting better position of her garments in the world market. Finally destruction of twin tower in 11 September 2001. invasion on Afghanistan and Iraq and depression in world Economy have seriously affected the export trade of Bangladesh.

11. Price competitiveness:

China and some other competitors of Bangladesh have implemented sharp price-cutting policies in exporting garment products over the last few years, but Bangladesh has failed to respond effectively to such policies. China was able to drop the export price of 29 garment categories by 46 per cent on average in the United States within a year, from $6.23 per sq metre in December 2001 to $3.37 per sq metre in December 2002. Bangladesh needs to respond to such price-cutting policies of its rivals in order to remain competitive in the quota-free global market.

12. Lead time

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Lead time refers to the time required for supplying the ordered garment products after the export order has been received.


In the 1980s, the usual lead time in the garment industry was 120-150 days for the main garment supplier countries of the world; it has been reduced to 30-40 days in the current decade.


However, in this regard the Bangladesh RMG industry has improved little; for example, the average lead time is 90-120 days for woven garment firms and 60-80 days for knit garment firms. In China, the average lead time is 40-60 days and 50-60 days for woven and knit products respectively; in India, it is 50-70 days and 60-70 days for the same products respectively.


Bangladesh should improve its average lead time to compete in the international market.



The Ready-Made Garments (RMG) industry occupies a unique position in the Bangladesh economy. It is the largest exporting industry in Bangladesh, which experienced phenomenal growth during the last 25 years.


Given the remarkable entrepreneurial initiatives and the dedication of its workforce, Bangladesh can look forward to advancing its share of the global RMG market.

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