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There are 4 main parts to a formal presentation

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There are 4 main parts to a formal presentation

1. the introduction

2. develop your outline

3. use materials, people etc.

4. concluding your presentation

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Each part has a specificfunction:

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Each part has a specificfunction:


This is to tell the audience who you are, why they are listening, what they will hear, how they will see theinformation, and what they should do (questions, participation etc.)

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Each part has a specificfunction:

THE BODY (developing your presentation)

This is the most important part – it is why people are listening to you. If you have two pieces of information, say them. If you only have one, then only say ONE. Do not waste people’s time for your own presentation.

This is also the most difficult – you need to maintainyour audience’s attention, usually through personalityand relevant facts.

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Each part has a specificfunction:


This is finishing your presentation of information orideas. It is usually not a conclusion (except in undergraduate courses). The presentation continues –with the audience asking questions.

So, you finish, but the presentation should hopefullycontinue.

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A presenter relies onImplicit KnowledgeThis is language knowledge you use without thinking, withoutstopping. It is very slow to learn, but fast to use.

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The plan is ExplicitKnowledgeExplicit knowledge is information you think about. You need toconstantly think about where your presentation is going, where ithas been, and what you are doing in terms of Presentation Outline.

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INTRO:wise owl

W – welcome the audience

I – introduce yourself

S – say your topic

E – explain why useful forthe audience

O – outline the structure

W – what materials you will use

L – let the audience knowwhen they can ask questions

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BODY:best shot

B – briefly state your topic

E – explain objective / aim

S – signal the beginning of eachpart

T – talk about the topic

S – signal the end of each part

H – highlight important points

O– outline points in bulletpoints

T – tell the audience you’vefinished the body

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Now your turn to practice!

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