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Music in thrillers

  In all trailers there will be some sort of music/sound, which would generally include a soundtrack or sound effects. For this specific genre, the sound effects tend to be quite choppy and loud at specific moments where the producers wanted to build tension; this is common where the protagonist is facing a disturbing/scary moment and there is no background noise, sound effects are added in to get the viewers to jump.


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Furthermore, in terms of soundtracks, in thriller trailers it is usually instrumental and at a fast or slow pace depending upon the scene; the soundtrack inclines to be instrumental as having lyrics may give too much away about the movie. Also, I have noticed that violins are always used in these instrumentals suggesting that it is seen as an instrument which holds that secretive and mysterious vibe and I found a few different soundtracks which are good examples of soundtracks which are appropriate instrumentals for thriller movies shown on this website: Consequently, after listening to these soundtracks my group and I could possibly use one of these and incorporate it into our own trailer to fit conventions of a thriller trailer.


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Finally, as mentioned earlier the soundtrack could be fast or slow paced as if the scene is quite intense where the producers want the viewers to focus greatly on something then the soundtrack may not be as fast and thrilling as this would be disturbing. However, in many trailers there is usually a moment where there is a montage of scenes and they are own shown for a few seconds each and this is where producers like to add very fast pace soundtracks to match the intensity of the scenes.

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