
PowerPoint Presentation

President ObamasPerformance Record1

President Obama signing the Lily Ledbetter Act

Romneys Debatable Win

Stock Market Performance

The Republicans have introduced the following bills:

46 bills on abortion113 bills on religion73 bills on family relations36 bills on marriage72 bills on guns604 bills on taxation467 bills on government investigationsThe Republicans have created the following number of jobs:


Do Little, Do Nothing CongressCongress gave itself 1 week off in February, 2 more in April, 1 more in May, and 4 weeks off in August.

In 38 minutes, Romney told 27 lies or half-truths

In 38 minutes, Romney told 27 lies or half-truthsHere are a few:

In 38 minutes, Romney told 27 lies or half-truthsHere are a few:

In 38 minutes, Romney told 27 lies or half-truthsHere are a few:

In 38 minutes, Romney told 27 lies or half-truthsHere are a few:

Where some of Romneys Money goes for a Vacation (to avoid taxes)

Where some of Romneys Money goes to hide (to avoid taxes)

In 2012, a review of federal reports by Iowa Watchdog shows 452 projects or 38 percent that received stimulus money under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act are incomplete.

Another 27 have yet to get under way. The unfinished project costs total nearly $1.3 billion, according to Stimulus Funds in IowaThe Stimulus Funds in IowaTo date, nearly 700 projects have been completed using Iowa stimulus dollars. In return, the state has created an average of 3,215 jobs in each of the past six quarters the most recent ending March 31, according to federal figures.

Iowas unemployment rate sat at 5.2 percent in last weeks most recent jobs report by Iowa Workforce Development. That compares to 6 percent a year ago and a current national unemployment rate of 8.2 percent.

Legislative Prowess

Despite detractions from some, Obamas success rate in winning congressional votes on issues was an unprecedented 96.7% for his first year in office. This beats President Lyndon Johnsons success rate in 1965 which was only 93%.

Fiscal Responsibility

Within days after taking office, he signed an Executive Order ordering an audit of government contracts, and combating waste and abuse.

Created the post of Chief Performance Officer, whose job it is to make operations more efficient to save the federal government money.

Fiscal Responsibility

On his first full day, he froze White House salaries.

He appointed the first Federal Chief Information Officer to oversee federal IT spending.

Fiscal Responsibility

He committed to phasing out unnecessary and outdated weapons systems

He signed the Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Act to stop waste, fraud and abuse in the defense procurement and contracting system.

Fiscal Responsibility

Through an executive order, he created the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.

Improving the Economy

He pushed through and signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, otherwise known as the stimulus package, despite the fact that not one Republican voted for that bill.

He launched, so that taxpayers could track spending from the Act.

Senate GOP Blocks Jobs Bill for VetsAlexander (R-TN)Ayotte (R-NH)Barrasso (R-WY)Blunt (R-MO)Boozman (R-AR)Burr (R-NC)Chambliss (R-GA)Coats (R-IN)Coburn (R-OK)Cochran (R-MS)Corker (R-TN)Cornyn (R-TX)Crapo (R-ID)DeMint (R-SC)Enzi (R-WY)Graham (R-SC)Grassley (R-IA)Hatch (R-UT)Hoeven (R-ND)Hutchison (R-TX)Isakson (R-GA)Johanns (R-NE)Johnson (R-WI)Kyl (R-AZ)Lee (R-UT)Lugar (R-IN)McCain (R-AZ)McConnell (R-KY)Moran (R-KS)Paul (R-KY)Portman (R-OH)Risch (R-ID)Roberts (R-KS)Rubio (R-FL)Sessions (R-AL)Shelby (R-AL)Thune (R-SD)Toomey (R-PA)Vitter (R-LA)Wicker (R-MS)

Obama in War Room during Osama Bin Laden Raid

Bad for Iowa

Republican-Led House Passes Bill to Block Energy Loans (H.R. 6213)

GOP Recesses without passing a Farm Bill

Bad for Iowa16 million agricultural jobs hang in the balance

Romney tries to score on Libya

Romney: I also believe the administration was wrong to stand by a statement sympathizing with those who had breached our embassy in Egypt, instead of condemning their actions.The statement Romney was referring to was issued by the Embassy itself 6 HOURS BEFORE THE ATTACK.

Romney insensitive to the 47%

Romney Fumbles on Foreign Relations

Mitt Romney blundered on his first diplomatic outing by questioning whether London was capable of staging a successful Olympic Games. It astonished Downing Street. One senior Whitehall source said: "What a total shocker. We are speechless."Romney insults BritainRomney Fumbles on Foreign Relations

Romney insults IsraelRomney: What America is not a collective where we all work in a Kibbutz or we all in some little entity, instead its individuals pursuing their dreams and building successful enterprises which employ others and they become inspired as they see what has happened in the place they work and go off and start their own enterprises.Romney Fumbles on Foreign Relations

Romney insults PalestiniansNot only did he inflame Palestinian sentiment by suggesting that their culture was responsible for their economic distress, he gave tacit encouragement for an Israeli strike on Iran and recognized Jerusalem as the countrys capital, despite a careful US policy of maintaining its major presence in Tel Aviv.Romney Fumbles on Foreign Relations

Romney insults Polish PeopleRomney press aid insults reporters in Warsaw by cursing Polish reporters after they repeatedly asked the presidential candidate to answer questions in Warsaw, Tuesday.

Romney tells a Polish woman a Polak joke today in Gdansk, Poland, swiftly bringing the wrath of the Polish press upon him during his visit to Poland. Romney Tied to Bain Capital in 2012

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has said he had no active role in Bain Capital, the private equity firm he founded, after he exited in February 1999, but he personally signed or approved a series of corporate and legal documents through the spring of 2001.Why did Romney have to say something that was provably false?

The effect of Citizens United.

Obama and Medyedev Signing Nuclear Pact

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