

JUNE, 2017

Greetings Atlanta Marietta United Methodist Women, summer is here!

I pray it has been an enjoyable one for you!

Smyrna First United Methodist Women kicked off the summer with their Annual Ice Cream Social Event. Kudos ladies for a successful event! Mark Lee, a member of the band “Third Day” and also our past AMAR President, Carolyn Wilson’s son, was the special guest. What a great event!

I prayed that your Unit did “Greater Works” with the “Hands on Mission Project” in April. I am looking forward to hearing and seeing the work of the Units. Please share your work by sending your information to Ada Bretti at [email protected].

Annual Conference was awesome this year! The theme was “Show Your Work”, which was represented well at the UMW breakfast. Each table representing the Districts displayed different decorations around our theme “A Call to Community to Do Greater Works”. Our speaker for the breakfast was our very own Kathy Griffith from Smyrna First UMC, representing Global Ministries as their Program Manager. Kathy delivered a compelling message around the works of Global Ministries and how the UMW can assist in their mission.

Sue Raymond also shared that as a conference we collected 1193

UMCOR Layette Kits! Along with other UMCOR kit supplies and donations. A thank you to all that committed to this worthy mission!

Mission u is approaching very quickly. The dates are July 21-22 at the Georgia Baptist Conference Center in Toccoa, GA. Registration is still open! Please visit for more information. This will be a great event with awesome leaders for the studies. Don’t miss out register now!

Be sure to mark your calendar for the following:

October 7th North Ga Conference UMW Annual Meeting at Griffin First UMC in Griffin, Georgia

October 15th Atlanta Marietta District UMW Annual Meeting at St. Andrew UMC in Marietta, Georgia at 2:30 p.m.

November 11th Atlanta Marietta UMW Leadership and Executive meeting at Powder Springs UMC at 9:00 a.m.

Local Presidents in the next coming days you will receive an email from me regarding the Local Unit Report. The due date for the reports is July 17th, more details to come.

If your Unit or church has any event you would like for me, or any of our executive officers to attend, please share. We would love to fellowship with you!

Thank you for your continued dedication to the PURPOSE of United Methodist Women!

Peace and Love,

Tamara Askew AMAR District President 678-862-3277 Email: [email protected]





July 21-22 Mission U, Georgia Baptist Conference Center, Toccoa, Ga.

August 6 Finance and Exec. Meeting, Union Chapel UMC, 2:00 p.m.

October 15 AMAR District Annual Meeting, St. Andrew UMC,

2:30 p.m. November 11 District Leadership and Exec. Meeting, Powder

Springs, UMC, (Saturday) 9:00a.m.

2017 North GA Conference

October 7 Annual Meeting Griffin First UMC, Griffin, GA November 4 Leadership Development/Executive Meeting,

Ousley UMC, Lithonia GA

Nadine Lacy, Treasurer Hello to all, It is hard to believe that we are at the 4th quarter of this year in the life of the United Methodist Women. Looking forward to celebrating with you all the mission’s areas that have been explored this past year. Just wanted to include the areas of Mission Giving for you in this Newsletter. Good information for the Treasurers and all members of the United Methodist Women. Make your Mission money count! Five Channels of Mission Giving Through their generosity United Methodist Women members help empower and improve the lives of women, youth and children in the United States and around the world. About 70 percent of Mission Giving funds from members go to programs and projects supporting women, children and youth. Around 20-30 percent stays with the local, district, and conference organizations of United Methodist Women for local mission. Only 9 percent covers administrative costs. Pledge to Mission An Individual member’s Pledge to Mission is the amount a woman gives to her local unit to help fulfill the Purpose of United Methodist Women. The conference United Methodist Women pledges a specific amount to United Methodist Women’s national office for mission with women, children and youth and retains a designated percent to be used for district and conference administration and membership development expenses. World Thank Offering Spontaneous additional gifts can be given out of gratitude for God’s abundance and in celebration of the joys of life. The World Thank Offering is an opportunity for individuals to respond to God’s

abundance and grace with spontaneous gifts of gratitude. The funds collected are used in the total program of mission carried on through United Methodist Women’s national office in the United States and around the world. Special Mission Recognition Pins and Certificates These pins offer a meaningful way to honor members who have dedicated so much time and effort to service. Gift amounts range from $40.00 to $2,000.00. Pins are purchased through a treasurer. Gift to Mission Make a gift in honor of someone and send a card to the honoree. The following cards are available: Congratulations, Thank You, A Baby, In the Service of Christ, A Special Day, Thinking of You, Happy Birthday and assorted Christmas cards. Gift in Memory Give a gift in memory of a member, a friend or anyone, in any amount of $5 or more. Gift in Memory cards, available free, may be sent to the family of the deceased. Blessings, Nadine Lacy Treasurer 770-428-3585 [email protected]

Sara Worden, Education & Interpretation Dear Ones, I am so proud of our North GA Conference and especially our Atlanta

Marietta District of United Methodist Women!

I received the giving report for the first quarter through the end of April, which included the March 23rdMatched Giving. Our North GA was third in the nation’s giving with $19,568.50 plus $625.71 in new commitments. We need to celebrate! If you have a unit that does not know much about the 150th Anniversary/Legacy Fund, I would be happy to visit your unit and give a program for your group. Many have circles who have not been able to visit district or conference meetings and are unaware of all that the United Methodist Women are supporting and why. Let us be informed!

I sure hope I see each of you at Mission U at Lake Louise in Toccoa, GA

on July 21st and 22nd. Let’s have a record attendance for our district.

Enjoy your summer and stay cool!

Love and blessings,

Sara Worden District Coordinator Education & Interpretation

470-298-4559 [email protected]

Lynda Teague, Spiritual Growth

Greetings, Those lazy, hazy days of summer are here. For some, it is a slower pace time with a more relaxed schedule. It is also time we think of vacations and getting away from our everyday life and simply de-stressing and enjoying the beautiful surroundings. As I thought of vacations and travel, I wondered what, if anything, the Bible says about relaxing. Now, not many biblical characters had the opportunity to “get away from it all”, but is there anything in the Bible about relaxation. How about one of my favorites: Psalm 118: 24 – “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!” Nope, not a word about Disney World or the Bahamas, but surely the Lord meant for us to enjoy this beautiful world that he so painstakingly created. It seems that would include a day at the beach, the pool or on the lake marveling at the touch of our God in everything we see. Oh, yes, let's enjoy this lovely world and be ever mindful WHO gave it to us. Or how about Ecclesiastes 3: 13 – “Moreover, this is the gift of God: that all people should eat, drink, and enjoy the results of their hard work.” While this does not give us permission to use our hard work as an excuse to use our resources foolishly, it sure sounds like encouragement to enjoy life along the way. Sometimes, we need to stand back and enjoy what we've accomplished and share those times with family and friends. Perhaps my favorite, however, is Genesis 2:2-3 – “On the sixth day God completed all the work that he had done, and on the seventh day God rested from all the work that he had done. God blessed the seventh day and made it holy because on it God rested from all the work of creation.”

Now, I'm not about to equate our labors with those of the Lord of all creation, but if even He recognized the need to rest and enjoy all He did, surely we are to rest and enjoy this world He took such loving care to create. I'm sure there are other verses as well, but I hope I've given you something to think about. Most of all, whether you travel far and wide or simply vacation in your own backyard, always pause and consider that while your labors are surely great, always give thanks to the One that made it all possible. Make sure you include Him to vacation with you and to enjoy all your summer activities. Know He is always present and always available to you. Remember, getting away from it all, does not mean getting away from Jesus! Have a wonderful, safe and blessed summer! God's Blessings, Lynda Teague Spiritual Growth Coordinator 770-424-2260 [email protected]

Evelynn Herring, Historian

Greetings, Smyrna First UMW held their annual "Ice Cream Social" June 5th. All Atlanta Marietta Officers and other friends were invited. Our program was Mark Lee from "Third Day" who is the son of our past President, Carolyn Lee Wilson. It is our annual drive to get new members and we hit the jackpot! Please give a warm welcome to Christen Vickery (pictured on the right) and the ladies of our new circle!

Nancy Sparks, Program Resources Dear Sisters, As I end my 4 year tenure as Secretary of Program Resources, I want to encourage everyone to join the Reading Program! I’ve enjoyed being able to bring our books directly to the meetings where they can be inspected, perused, and purchased for individuals or church libraries. Participation in the Reading Program is a wonderful way to expand our understanding of God’s mission for us, to increase our sensitivity to the needs and concerns of all human beings, and to educate ourselves about the critical issues facing the world today. If you don’t have a catalog of the books available to you, you can find one on Happy Reading! Nancy Sparks Program Resources 678-860-9893 [email protected]

Book Review - By Edna Felmlee St. Andrew UMC

“Wherever the River Runs: How a Forgotten People Renewed My

Hope in the Gospel” By Kelly Minter - Nurturing for Community 2017

Kelly Minter is a familiar writer to many of us for the many books, and articles written about faith. She is part of “Justice & Mercy International”. Kelly Minter pens a descriptive narrative of her many journeys down the Amazon supporting the gospel. Her picturesque descriptions allow you to feel the actual journey as she canoes from village to village. She experiences people who have nothing but hope and faith. Kelly struggles to make arrangements for medical help, housing supplies, food, and education. As Miss Minter struggles to assist and support the people and ministries along the Amazon, she must deal with her own emotions, faith, challenges, and personal losses. Part of Kelly Minter’s responsibility of her Amazon trips is to help and support the existing ministries along the Amazon. When notice is given of her gatherings, people of the Amazon travel for days to reach the centers. These people are poor economically, often very unhealthy, but remain hopeful, positive, and full of spiritual inspiration. Dangerous animals, Viruses, or other people are unable to alter their focus to worship. Many come because they know Kelly Minter will be there. This narrative will challenge you to observe yourself, your neighborhood, and your church community more closely. It will result in loving your neighbor more dearly and serving your community more selflessly.


To all the Ladies of the AMAR District,

We have quite a few positions to fill this year for the upcoming term. If you

would like to move up to the District level and share your talents as part of

our executive team, I would love to hear from you!

The following AMAR District Positions that are available for 2018 and

2019 are as follows:

Vice President



Spiritual Growth

Nurturing and Outreach

Education and Interpretation


Nominations Committee (2 positions)

All positions need to be submitted by the Nominations Committee,

and approved by the Executive Board no later than August 1, 2017!

Blessings, Angelique Jackson Nominations Committee Chairman 404-277-1214 [email protected]

County Line United Methodist Church hosted Murphy-Harpst January

birthday party. They provided a home cooked barbecue lunch for the

children with birthday cake and ice cream to top off the celebration.

Special thanks to Mrs. Lynda Teague for coordinating the event.


Hands on Mission Projects included assembling Layette kits to take to

Conference. Over 1,000 collected!

Marietta FUMC held our annual Mission Banquet in May and we had

several Mission Pin Recipients. Here is one of several recipients, Sandy

Canup, with some of the members of the Ruby Cooper Circle.

Daughters of Christ Annual Tea and Fashion Show at St. Andrew UMC.

Ada Bretti, Communications Dear Friends, Summer is passing so quickly! As I watched my Grandchildren dancing and laughing last night I was reminded that we too need to dance, and sing, laugh, and share the love that is around us! I hope your summer will be filled with all the love your heart can hold!

And, don’t forget to “Reach Out” to someone that is wishing for a smile,

a word of kindness, or an outstretched hand! Blessings, and Hugs to all, Ada Bretti Communications Coordinator 678-770-6432 [email protected]

Invite Shay Traylor to visit your circle and share the wonderful things she and her group

are doing! (If you ask her, she will sing too!) Shay is an amazing person and we were

honored to have her come and share her good works in our community!

Cancer affects over 11 million Americans nationwide. It affects people of every race,

age, ethnicity, gender, and income level. The mission of Loving Arms Cancer Outreach,

Inc. is to instill hope and joy as well as provide education and support to empower

patients and their families throughout the cancer journey.

Call: Shay Traylor at 770-590-5153 833 Campbell Hill St. Suite 220 Marietta, GA 30060

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