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    Pressure Measurement

    Pressure Transducers

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    4.2.1 Introduction

    Whilst there are a wide range of pressure measuring

    devices on the market, they may be divided into

    main groups: mechanical and electromechanical

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    Mechanical pressure measuring elements



    Dead weight tester Bourdon tubes

    Bellow elements

    Diaphragm element

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    4.2.1 MANOMETERS

    In any column of liquid (Figure 4.2.1),the head

    pressure p is given by:

    P gh

    Where :P head in pressure


    h height

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    In its simplest form the manometer is a Utube about

    half with liquid (commonly water, mercury or alcohol).

    With both ends of the tube open, the liquid is at same

    height in each leg (Figure 4.2.2(a)).

    When positive pressure P is applied to one leg, the

    liquid is forced down in that leg and up in the

    other(Figure 4.2.2(b)).

    The height h, indicates the difference in applied

    pressure P and the atmospheric pressure P.

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    Since the pressure in both tubes must balance:

    P P + gh

    h (P -P)/g

    For water and mercury the conversion intoPascals is:

    Water: Pa = mmHO x 9,80665

    Mercury: Pa= mmHg x133,332

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    Alternatively, when a vacuum is applied to one

    leg, the liquid in that leg and falls in the other

    (Figure 4.2.2(c)).

    This time the difference in height h indicates the

    amount of vacuum. Because the difference in

    height the two columns is always a true

    indication of the pressure, regardless of variation

    in the internal diameter of the tubing, the U-tube

    manometer is a primary standard.

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    A disadvantage of the U-tube manometer is that

    reading must be taken at two different places.

    This shortcoming is overcome in the well-type

    manometer (Figure 4.2.3)where the

    well(reservoir) is sufficiently large that thechange of level in the reservoir is negligible.

    Alternatively, the change in reservoir liquid level

    may be compensated for on the scale.

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    To increase readability and sensitivity further

    the well-type manometer indicating tube can be

    inclined.(Figure 4.2.4) to produce a greater linear

    movement along the tube for a given pressure

    difference. Because the inclined manometer isfrequently used for determining the over- fired

    draft in boiler uptakes and it often is called a

    Draft Gauge.

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    Suitable for measuring pressure in the ranges

    from about 3 to kPs (gas) up to 1 GPa

    (hydraulic), the dead-weight tester is used

    essentially as a primary pressure calibration

    standard and provides accuracies of down to

    0.02% of reading.

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    The dead-weight tester is based on measuring the

    force acting on known area. As illustrated in

    Figure 4.2.5, hydraulic fluid, contained within a

    pressure cylinder, acts on a position, having a

    known cross-section area, which support a knownweight.

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    The operation, the screw press is operated until the

    pressure within the system is sufficient to raise the

    position, with its associated weights, off its stop. At thispoint, ignoring frictional losses, the pressure acting on

    the piston is given by:

    P force /cross-sectional area

    P m.g /A


    P pressure

    g acceleration due to gravityA cross sectional area

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    Two points should be noted. In most system, the apparatus is

    surrounded by atmospheric pressure and the calibrated

    pressure is thus gauge pressure. Some system are mounted

    within an evacuated chamber in order to derive absolute


    A second point is that, as indicated above, performance will be

    affected by the acceleration due to gravity. Thus gives rise to a

    variation of about to 0.5% around the globe. Consequently, it isimportant that local value of the acceleration due to gravity is

    known and corrected for.

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    19/70 BOURDON TUBE

    Figure 4.2.3 illustrates the Cshaped or CBourdon


    The tube is commonly manufactured of phosphor

    bronze having a flattened cross-sectional area and is

    sealed at one end.

    When pressure is applied to the open end of the tube it

    will tend to straighten and the relatively small travel

    of the end of tube is amplified by means of a link to

    drive a pointer through a drive segment and toothed


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    Although the movement of the tip of the tube is non-

    linear this can be compensated for in the link and rearmechanism.

    The link also usually incorporates a bi-metallic

    element for temperature compensation.(Figure 4.2.7)

    Bourdon tubes are available to cover the range from

    0-30 k Pa up to 0-50 M Pa

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    The Bourdon tube can be fabricated from a

    variety of materials including phosphor

    Bronze beryllium copper, 4130 alloy steel, 316

    and 403 stainless, Monel, and titanium

    With the choice determining both the range and

    corrosion resistance.

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    The C- Bourdon tube usually has a relatively

    short arc of around 250and provides a typical

    accuracy of 2%. It is used for local pressure

    indication connected directly to process vessels

    and lines. Inexpensive, C-Bourdon tubeinstruments feature a wide operating range, good

    sensitive and fast response.

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    The main problem with C- Bourdon tube is their

    susceptibility to damage due to shock or vibration

    although this can be overcome by filling the

    instrument case with a damping fluid such as

    glycerin or silicon oil. Apart from reducingresonance-induced fracturing of the measuring

    element, the liquid filling prevents aggressive or

    corrosive gases from entering the instrument and

    prevents condensation from forming.

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    For the lower measurement range use is often made of the

    spiral Bourdon tube (Figure 4.2.8) in which the tube makes

    several turns to increase the effective angular length and

    thus increase the movement of the free end for a givenpressure input. Because the need for further mechanical

    amplification is reduced, the tube end is mechanically linked

    direct to the pointer.

    This eliminates the necessity for the toothed quadrant- withthe consequent reduction backlash and friction errors.

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    Whilst the CBourdon is generally suitable for pressure up toabout 1 Mpa,

    In any bourdon tube element, the higher the pressure required,

    the thicker the wall of the tubing. Thus whilst spiral tube low

    pressure elements may have only two or three coils, high pressureelements with their thicker wall, may require up to 20 coil in

    order not maintain their sensitivity. Generally the spiral tube is

    suitable for pressure up to 30 Mpa.

    A variation on the spiral tube is the helix tube where the tube is

    wound longitudinally to provide ranges up to 50 Mpa. The mail disadvantage of both spiral and helix elements is that

    very expensive.

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    The bellow measuring device is made up of a

    series of thin-walled cylindrical elements that

    from the bellows arrangement and is used where

    a large degree of travel is required in a restricted

    space. Bellows element are also used for lowerpressure ranges and for ranges that cross from

    vacuum into positive gauge pressure.

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    The bellows measuring device(Figure4.2.9)is made of series of thin-walled

    cylindrical element that from the bellow

    arrangement and used where degree oftravel is required in a restricted space.

    Bellows elements are also used for lower

    pressure ranges and for ranges thatcross from vacuum positive gauge


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    The principle of operation is based on the fact when a

    pressure is applied to the bellows element, its length


    In the arrangement shown in Figure 4.2.9, the springloaded bellows elements is enclosed within a pressure

    container that to the process pressure source.

    When pressure is applied the bellows compress against

    the opposing pressure source. When pressure is applied

    the bellows compress against the opposing force of the

    spring- with the vertical movement transmitted,

    through a suitable linkage, to pointer or actuating


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    Because pressure is exerted over a large area,

    the bellows element produces a considerable force

    per unit change in pressure. As a result, bellows

    elements are used in the range from 0-500 Pa up

    to 100 k Pa.Bellows elements are often used to actuate an

    on/off switch for in the air conditioning industry.

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    In the simple diaphragm a flexible disc, which

    can either be flat or have concentric corrugation,

    is fabricated from sheet metal to exacting high to

    tolerance dimensions. In the instrument shown

    in Figure 4.2.10, the diaphragm is usedindependently as a pressure sensor. Applied

    pressure deflects the diaphragm which move a

    push rod.

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    Due to their and position ,diaphragms display

    high mechanical resistance and are less shock-

    sensitive. Compared to Bourdon tubes, the travel

    of a diaphragm is very small and thus both

    quality and tolerances must meet very exactingstandards.

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    The diaphragm is also the basic component of a

    capsular element comprising two diaphragms joinedtogether by crimping or fusion-welding. In Figure

    4.2.11, the orientation of the corrugation of two

    diaphragms is oppose and again a push rod is used to

    actuate a toothed drive segments, gear and pointer.

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    In modern process control system, pressure

    measurement is normally carried out using a

    different pressure transducer. The role of such a

    pressure transducer is to measure the differential

    pressure and convert it to an electrical signalthat can be transmitted from the field to the

    control room or the pressure controlling system.

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    As illustrated in figure 4.2.12, most industrial

    differential cell make use of isolation diaphragms

    that isolate the transmitter. Movement of the

    isolation diaphragms is transmitted via the

    isolating fluid(e.g. silicon fluid) to the measurediaphragm whose deflection is a measure of the

    differential pressure.

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    Deflection of the measuring diaphragm is extremelysmall(of the order of a few millimeters)and measure is

    normally carried out by one of five basic methods:

    1. Inductance

    2. Strain gauge3. Capacitance

    4. Piezoresistive

    5. Piezoelectric

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    50/70 INDUCTANCE

    The inductivebased sensor(often referred to as a

    linear differential transformer)(Figure 4.2.13) senses the displacement of magnetic core

    mounted on the measuring diaphragm.

    This is shown the displacement of a magnetic core

    mounted on the measuring diaphragm. This is showschematically in Figure 4.2.14.

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    Displacement of the magnetic core changes the

    coupling between the primary and the two


    With no differential pressure, the measuring

    diaphragm is not deflected and the voltageinduced in the measuring coil is equal and

    opposite with a net output of zero.

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    When the measuring diaphragm is defected the

    output voltage magnitude and phase of each

    secondary will vary in direct proportional to the

    pressure applied to the movable element.

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    In the simplest form, adhesive is used to bond

    four metal strain gauge elements directly to the

    diaphragm(Figure 4.2.15). In most instances, the

    strain gauges elements are arranged to form the

    four arms of a Wheatstone bridge.

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    Thus , a change in pressure produces mechanical

    deformation which result in a change of electrical

    resistance that is proportional to the change in

    pressure. The greater the pressure applied to the

    diaphragm, the more it will deflect.

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    The bonded foil strain gauge is the most reliable

    and durable of four technologies and can be used

    in ultra high pressure application(0-600 kPa

    through to 700 MPa). Its durability makes it

    suitable for application that experience pressurecycling, shock, and vibration.

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    Another major advantage of this technology is

    that foil strain gauge can be matched and bonded

    with extreme accuracy, these is no need to

    include any temperature compensating devices

    within the transmitter.

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    The mail limitation of this technology is its poor

    performance at below 500 k Pa. If the diaphragm

    is too thin, the strain gauges begin to interfere

    with the diaphragms motion. Increased

    sensitivity can be obtained using a metallic thinsensor where the strain gauge is vapor deposited

    or spattered onto the diaphragm sensing


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    The variable capacitance transmitter(Figure

    4.2.16) is the most widely used method of

    measuring differential pressure. The upstream

    and downstream pressure are applied to isolation

    diaphragms on the high and low pressure sides,and are transmitted to the sensing

    diaphragm(movable electrode)- usually through

    a fail oil. Movement of the sensing diaphragm

    changes its distance from the fixed plate

    electrodes, resulting in a change in


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    Capacitance based transmitters are simple,reliable , accurate, small, in size and weight, and

    remain stable over a wide temperature range.

    The main advantage of the capacitive transmitter

    is that it is extremely sensitive to small changesin pressure- down to 250 Pa pressure.

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    Similar in operation to the strain gauge , thepiezoresistive element employs four nearly

    identical piezio-resistive diffused the surface of a

    thin circular wafer of N- type silicon. The

    diaphragm is formed by chemically etching acircular cavity- with the un etched portion

    forming a rigid boundary and surface. The

    mechanical strength of silicon generally impose

    an upper limit of around about 3 MPa.

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    Through not as rugged as a foil strain gage,piezoresistive gauges are generally more

    sensitive than metallic thick film device and thus

    produce a measurable signal at lower strain.

    However, silicon piezoresistive sensingtechnology is not suited for application that

    experience extreme pressure cycles, shocks, or

    vibration, due to the weakness of the silicon

    piezoresistors. Further, the upper temperature

    limit for diffused silicon strain gauge based

    transmitters runs between 125 and 200C.

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    Ceramic piezoresistive sensing technology usesconductive link deposition on the reference side of

    a ceramic sensing diaphragm. Like silicon

    piezoresistive, this technology provides a strong,

    sensitive output signal in lower pressure ranges.Ceramic piezoresistive technology is slightly

    more rugged than silicon piezoresistive and is

    used in pressure ranges of 0- 100 kPa to 0 -

    10MPa. Further, the ceramic wetted face may be

    used in corrosive fluid application


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    When a mechanical stretching or compressing forceis applied to an asymmetrical crystalline

    material, such as barium titanite or

    quartz(Figure 4.2.17), equal and opposite

    electrical changes appear across it . themagnitude of the charges appear across it. The

    magnitude of the charges depends on the

    dimension of the quartz crystal and the

    magnitude of the applied force.

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    Pressure transducers based on this phenomenonproduce an out that is proportional to a change in

    applied pressure and do not thus respond to

    static conditions. Available in a wide range of

    dynamic pressure from to 200 kPa to 100 MPawith an accuracy down to 0.075%, piezoelectric

    pressure transducer have a very fast response(

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