Page 1: Primarily desert Part of the Sahara Desert Land is very moist and fertile near the river Nile River basin was home to many different types of animals


Page 2: Primarily desert Part of the Sahara Desert Land is very moist and fertile near the river Nile River basin was home to many different types of animals


• Primarily desert• Part of the

Sahara Desert

Page 3: Primarily desert Part of the Sahara Desert Land is very moist and fertile near the river Nile River basin was home to many different types of animals

NILE RIVER•Land is very moist and fertile near the river•Nile River basin was home to many different types of animals•Water from the Nile allowed the Egyptians to grow huge crops of:

• barley

• emmer wheat

• beans

• chickpeas

• flax•Made oils and traded•Able to raise different farm animals:

• Chickens

• Cattle•Supplied the Ancient Egyptians with a year-round supply of fish to eat

Page 4: Primarily desert Part of the Sahara Desert Land is very moist and fertile near the river Nile River basin was home to many different types of animals



Archaic Kingdom

2,950 - 2,636 B.C.

Unification of all Egypt

Old Kingdom2,636 - 2,031 B.C.

Construction of the pyramids begins

First Intermediate Kingdom

2,031 - 1,941 B.C.

Political Chaos

Middle Kingdom

1,941 - 1,736 B.C.

Political Stability

Second Intermediate Kindom

1,736 - 1,517 B.C.

Invasion of Ancient Egypt by the Hyksos

New Kingdom1,571 - 1,055 B.C.

Creation of the Egyptian Empire

Civilization of Ancient Egypt flourished for more than 3,000 years

Survived years of wars and political struggle

Most of Ancient Egyptian history is organized according to the Kingdom, or Dynasty, that was in control of Ancient Egypt at the time

Page 5: Primarily desert Part of the Sahara Desert Land is very moist and fertile near the river Nile River basin was home to many different types of animals


Homes Clothing

Built their homes from bricks of sun-dried mud.

The houses would have several rooms and windows covered with curtains to keep out flies and dust

During the summers, many people slept on their roofs to keep cool

Egyptians had very little furniture - usually only small stools and jewelry boxes

Clothing was made out of linen.

Both men and women wore skirts called kilts, and children usually didn't wear clothes at all in the warm weather

Wealthy women sometimes wore beaded dresses, and wealthy men often wore decorative robes

Page 6: Primarily desert Part of the Sahara Desert Land is very moist and fertile near the river Nile River basin was home to many different types of animals


The language spoken by Ancient Egyptians changed a bit over time

Came from: the languages spoken to

the east of Egypt Semitic languages like

Hebrew, and languages spoken to

the south, Hamitic languages like Somali.

The words in this language are mostly made up of consonant sounds

Old Egyptian is the language that scientists believe was being spoken at the time when the pyramids were built

Middle Egyptian came a bit later and has been found on many recently discovered business and government documents

Coptic the last known stage of the

Ancient Egyptian language used a lot of the Greek alphabet

with only a few additional letters from the older Egyptian languages

Coptic was mainly used by the Egyptian Christians toward the end of the time of the Ancient Egyptians.

Page 7: Primarily desert Part of the Sahara Desert Land is very moist and fertile near the river Nile River basin was home to many different types of animals

EDUCATION•Education was very important to the Ancient Egyptians

•By becoming educated, Egyptians could move up to a more respected position in the society

•Getting a respected job, however, meant learning how to read and write

Hieroglyphs •Schoolchildren spent hours copying these hieroglyphs in order to get their education•Egyptian children also learned a lot about math in school.•Importance of Math

• Pyramids•Young boys went to school to learn reading, writing, religion, and arithmetic. •There were no schools for girls, but many learned to read and write at home.

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Step True

Page 9: Primarily desert Part of the Sahara Desert Land is very moist and fertile near the river Nile River basin was home to many different types of animals

PYRAMIDS (CONT’D) Built in Ancient Egypt as tombs, or burial

places, for Egyptian pharaohs, or kings Believed in an afterlife, so it was very

important to them to protect the bodies of their pharaohs

In order to keep the body of the pharaoh safe, the insides of the pyramids were like mazes with secret doors and dead-end passages

The pharaoh would be near the bottom or even underground

Other rooms contained things like jewelry and furniture that the pharaoh might want in his next life

Page 10: Primarily desert Part of the Sahara Desert Land is very moist and fertile near the river Nile River basin was home to many different types of animals

PYRAMIDS (CONT’D) The Egyptians had

to use their hands to make big blocks out of different kinds of sand, clay, and stone

Pulled them up big ramps onto the pyramid

The largest pyramid ever built was over 450 feet high

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Page 12: Primarily desert Part of the Sahara Desert Land is very moist and fertile near the river Nile River basin was home to many different types of animals
Page 13: Primarily desert Part of the Sahara Desert Land is very moist and fertile near the river Nile River basin was home to many different types of animals


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