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  1. 1. 1. Do you find this magazine front cover appealing? and why? Not really, its very packed, its too busy for me. 2. What genre do you think this magazine would be under? Pop, you can tell because of how much is going on within the front cover. 3. What age would you say this magazine is aimed at? At a guess I would say 11-15 4. Do think the colours on this magazine fit the genre? Yes, definitely. Big bold, in your face colours are very pop. 5. Would you buy this magazine? Not personally.. 6. Would you say the font matches the genre? Yes, its basic and interesting. Its very eye catching. 7. Do you think the pictures are appropriate for the age of the magazine? Id say the pictures are appropriate, there not revealing! They definitely fit the age. 8. Would you suggest less sell lines to make the magazine less busy? I would, if you see something that has too much information on it you dont want to stop and read it, something with less information on would be more catching to the eye. 9. Is there anything on this magazine you dont think does the magazine as a whole justice? I dont think the yellow really does it justice.. Its all in your face.. 10. Is there anything on this magazine you dont think matches the genre?
  2. 2. Probably the colours, theyre all very bright. - Age 50 1. Do you find this magazine front cover appealing? and why? Yes, theres lots of bright colours! 2. What genre do you think this magazine would be under? Pop? 3. What age would you say this magazine is aimed at? 11 or 12 4. Do think the colours on this magazine fit the genre? Yes, I think the colours are quite pop like. 5. Would you buy this magazine? Yes! I already do.. 6. Would you say the font matches the genre? I dont really know, I like the font though its easy to read. 7. Do you think the pictures are appropriate for the age of the magazine? Yeah the pictures in this magazine suit the age for this magazine
  3. 3. 8. Would you suggest less sell lines to make the magazine less busy? Yeah if there wasnt so much going on, on the page then it might be easier to see what is in the magazine. 9. Is there anything on this magazine you dont think does the magazine as a whole justice? Maybe the yellow, I dont really like how bright it is.. 10. Is there anything on this magazine you dont think matches the genre? Not really. - Age 13 1. Do you find this magazine front cover appealing? and why? No I dont, its to busy and you cant see what its trying to sell. 2. What genre do you think this magazine would be under? Pop 3. What age would you say this magazine is aimed at? 9-14 4. Do think the colours on this magazine fit the genre? Yes they definitely fit the genre all the bright colours
  4. 4. 5. Would you buy this magazine? No I wouldnt 6. Would you say the font matches the genre? Yes the font matches the genre, its in your face and noticeable to. 7. Do you think the pictures are appropriate for the age of the magazine? Yes, none of the pictures reveal to much. 8. Would you suggest less sell lines to make the magazine less busy? Definitely however then it wouldnt be pop! 9. Is there anything on this magazine you dont think does the magazine as a whole justice? The yellow text colour doesnt do much for the magazine. 10. Is there anything on this magazine you dont think matches the genre? Not really. - Age 40 1. Do you find this magazine front cover appealing? and why?
  5. 5. Not really its to in your face 2. What genre do you think this magazine would be under? Pop 3. What age would you say this magazine is aimed at? 8-15 4. Do think the colours on this magazine fit the genre? Yeah I think it does, all the bright colours 5. Would you buy this magazine? No I wouldnt 6. Would you say the font matches the genre? Yeah the font definitely matches the genre, its in your face and easy to read. 7. Do you think the pictures are appropriate for the age of the magazine? Yes the pictures are suitable for the age of this magazine 8. Would you suggest less sell lines to make the magazine less busy? Probably but then it wouldnt really fit the genre. 9. Is there anything on this magazine you dont think does the magazine as a whole justice? The yellow text. 10. Is there anything on this magazine you dont think matches the genre? I wouldnt say so - Age 16
  6. 6. 1. Do you find this magazine front cover appealing? and why? Yes I love the bright colours! 2. What genre do you think this magazine would be under? Pop 3. What age would you say this magazine is aimed at? 10-15 4. Do think the colours on this magazine fit the genre? Yes! There bright and you can see them! 5. Would you buy this magazine? Yes I would 6. Would you say the font matches the genre? I think so, the font is easy to read. 7. Do you think the pictures are appropriate for the age of the magazine? Yes I think so. 8. Would you suggest less sell lines to make the magazine less busy? No I like it how it is 9. Is there anything on this magazine you dont think does the magazine as a whole justice?
  7. 7. No I dont think so.. 10. Is there anything on this magazine you dont think matches the genre? Im not sure. - Age 11

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