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Our NEWS Newsletter: Issue 16

Issue Date: 22nd September 2017

Contacts: Phone: 9758 3007 [email protected]

Moi Beaurain: Stuart Beever: Lisa Williams: Rachel Fuller:

Principal Leading Teacher School Council President Parents & Friends Assoc. President

OFFICE HOURS: Monday: Tuesday:

Wednesday: Thursday:


8.30am-4.00pm 8.30am-3.00pm 8.30am-3.00pm 8.30am-3.00pm 8.30am-4.00pm

2017 TERM DATES: Term 1: 30 Jan to 31 Mar Term 2: 18 Apr to 30 Jun Term 3: 17 Jul to 22 Sep Term 4: 9 Oct to 22 Dec


DIARY DATES: SEPTEMBER 22nd: Last day of Term 2.30 Dismissal

OCTOBER 9th: First day of Term 4

:JSC Walk to School

month 11th :Knox Division Athletics 18th:Foundation 2018 Information night NOVEMBER 6th: CURRICULUM DAY, NO STUDENTS REQUIRED AT SCHOO L *Fairhills Rangers students will be attending on this day



Last day of Term 3 is here!

Thank you to everyone who has helped make Fairhills all about learning.

Thank you to all of our fabulous staff for all of the work you do.

Thankyou PFA members, volunteers and School Councillors.

Congratulations kids – we’ve used our positive mindsets to keep us learning and to help us

show growth!

Thank you Miss J (Miss Zahra JANOOWALLA ) for teaching 5/6W and 1/2C.

Have a fabulous time with your newest family member, Mrs WALDRON – we wish you all

the very best!

Families - how about practising tidying up over the holidays…..

here are some suggestions

Store toys so they are easy to get out and put away

Wait for natural breaks in your child’s play before getting them to tidy up

Let your child know when it is nearly time to tidy up

Tell your child what you want them to do at ‘tidy up time’

Help your child get started if necessary

Make tidying up fun

Praise your child for tidying up

If your child refuses to tidy up, gently guide them

Use quiet time-out for problem behaviour

Then get your child to go back to tidy up the mess

use a logical consequence if you prefer




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Our NEWS Newsletter: Issue 16

Issue Date: 22nd September 2017

Chaplain’s News

Hello Fairhills Primary School community

It has come to that time of term again, the end! What a big term it has been. We have had so many big events

this term ranging from interschool Athletics earlier this term and our school concert just this week to name a

couple of exciting things that we have done this term. I hope that you all have a fantastic break over the next

couple of weeks, I am looking forward to seeing you all at the start of term 4.

Thank you for the parents who have completed the Kidsmatter survey, there is still time left to complete it. I

would strongly encourage parents/guardians to complete the survey, as it helps develop a holistic picture of

what as a community we are doing well, and what areas we would like to develop.

The survey can be completed either online or in a printed hard copy, which will be available at the office. The

survey will not take longer than 10 minutes and is completely anonymous. Special thanks to the staff for

completing the survey already.

The survey is available at the following website:-

Once the website has loaded, scroll down to the Start Parent Survey button and select it.

Under the Find your school heading, enter in Fairhills Primary School. The automatic finder will come up with:

Fairhills Primary School, FERNTREE GULLY, VIC. Make sure to select the name with your curser.

Select the reporting period: 2017 Q3: Jul-Sep

Select the main language spoken at home from the drop box

Select the appropriate year level for your child

Select next and complete the survey

I thought I would take this opportunity to highlight some programs that we offer here at Fairhills through our

Wellbeing Team.

We have Brekky Club Monday and Wednesday 8am-8:45am. Parents, students and staff are welcome to drop by.

Fresh Fruit is available on Mondays and Fridays for additional brain food

There is a wonderful Food Support program run on Wednesday afternoons at 3:20pm until 3:40pm in the hall, which is available to all families

Kids Club is run by the Boronia Salvation Army from 4:30-5:30pm on Thursdays, with a healthy afternoon tea provided. If you would like to know more details about this program please contact Allan Morrison on 0438 254 311. Kids Club will be having a break over the holidays, and will be back on the second Thursday of term.

This week Kids Club will be on Friday night for an end of term pizza dinner, families welcome. Please call Allan for more details and dietary requirements and bookings.

Hope that you all have a fun and exciting break, look forward to seeing you all next term!

Mat Pendle

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Our NEWS Newsletter: Issue 16

Issue Date: 22nd September 2017

Student of the week awards- Congratulations to all our achievers!

8th September 15th September


Damien For putting in lots of effort with his listening



For fantastic dancing in Footsteps

1/2C 1/2C

Diesel,Zaine,Jaime,Charli,Leni,Ruby, Tayla,Lily,Grace, Kooper,Micah, Minnie,Paige, Matilda,Trinity and Talen

For showing fantastic growth in their multiplication and division pre/post test



For consistently challenging himself in Maths


Amie For continuing to work hard to improve her reading


Juan For always putting in his best effort with his school work and homework as well as producing detailed reflections



For the effort she put in to explain her reasoning in the last maths post test


Robert For reading in an extremely expressive and entertainingly way

5/6D Johnny For being a hard working student and a most welcome member of 5/6D


Brock For impressive growth in his Multiplication and Division post test


Tas For being so welcoming and helpful to Mrs Bruhn

Reading Lily

For expressive reading and re-telling the story well

Reading Shayla For her excellent illustrations of her writing

Congratulations to these 3 students who have been identified as our top 3 Mathletics students for

the year so far. Well Done Jack, Anvesh and Mitchell.

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Our NEWS Newsletter: Issue 16

Issue Date: 22nd September 2017

Foundation, Grade 1 and Grade 2 News

Current Learning Focus

Mathematics: Addition and Subtraction

Reading: Fluency

Writing: Information Reports


All students need to be reading every night at home to help

them progress with their reading and understand what they

are reading on a deeper level. If time is an issue reading in the

car is a great way to maximise everyone’s time. Asking your

children who, what, where, why and when questions

throughout their reading and also at the end ensures they

understand what they are reading. Please make sure over the

holidays the students continue with their reading as it is

imperative to their learning.

A refresher course for classroom helpers is to be held on

Tuesday the 17th of October, please let the classroom teacher

know if you would like to attend. The more helpers we get,

the more we are able to assist the students with their



The students have been celebrating the growth they have

shown after completing the multiplication and division post-

test. The students put in lots of effort learning about

multiplication and division and this was shown with their


Wow what a fantastic concert on Wednesday. All students

worked hard practising and rehearsing their dance moves and

music over the last couple of weeks which showed with their

performance. We hoped you enjoyed watching it as much as

they enjoyed performing.

We had a visit from the Platypus Education Group last term

and the students were left with a task of collecting elastic and

plastic bands to help keep them out of our waterways and

save our Platypus. Everyone got involved bringing in lots of

elastic and plastic bands. It is with great pleasure that I’m

able to announce that we were joint winners of this

competition collecting over 500 elastic and plastic bands. This

is an amazing effort, well done to everyone what a fantastic


Grade 3 and Grade 4 News

Current Learning Focus

Mathematics: Keep practising your times tables and other maths skills using Hit the Button and Mathletics. Reading: Keep reading over the holidays and recording in

your read it diary. We currently have 3 students that have

reached 200 nights of reading this year. Well done Lillian,

Karylle and Juan!

Writing: Next term we will be learning to write responses.

Celebrations: A big congratulations to all the students in 3/4T

and 3/4C who participated in Wednesday’s Spring Music and

Dance Festival. You all worked really hard over the term to

develop your skills, which showed throughout the


Thank you for a fantastic term 3. We look forward to another

packed term of learning and celebrations.

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Our NEWS Newsletter: Issue 16

Issue Date: 22nd September 2017

Grade 5 and Grade 6 News

Mathematics: 2D and 3D Shapes - We have been having a lot of fun making 3D shapes from matchsticks and paper nets and learning how to label their faces, edges and vertices.


C - Identify Imaginative Text Elements such as Setting,

Problem, Resolution

A - Trade a Word, Guess A Word

F - Read the Text as the Author Intended

E - Use Word Parts to Determine the Meaning of Words

Writing: Responses

Reminders: A reminder to all families that Mrs. Waldron is

going on leave and will be replaced during term 4 by Liz

Bruhn. Liz has spent the last 2 weeks in 5/6W getting to know

the children and we are looking forward to a wonderful term

4 together.

The Division Athletics competition will be held in the first

week of term 4. We have approximately 10 children who

have qualified who should have received permission forms.

Congratulations to all!

Yobbo Lotto is the first weekend after the school holidays. It

would be great to see as many people as possible there

joining in the fun! Tickets are available from the office.


Congratulations to all the children on a wonderful Spring

Dance and Music Festival. They all performed beautifully and

the artwork was amazing! Well done to everyone involved.

Congratulations to those students who have already achieved

their 200 nights of reading for 2017. We are still hoping to

have many more achieve this goal before the end of term 4.

Remember to read nightly and fill in your diary!

From Mrs. Waldron

Thank you to everyone for all the lovely warm wishes and

gifts that I've received in the past couple of weeks. My family

and I are very excited to soon be welcoming our little bub

into the world. Hopefully you'll hear some news in the first 2 weeks of term 4. I'll make sure to pop in and visit towards the

end of term and I'll definitely see the Year 6 students at

Graduation. Have a wonderful holiday and Term 4 everyone!

Sports News

Wheel talk

On Friday the 16th October, students were involved in a

disability awareness program. “Wheel talk” is an

interactive program, teaching students about diversity,

acceptance and disability within the sporting

community. We were fortunate enough to have two

inspirational presenters, Ofaio and Mingnon who are

actively involved in sport and recreation. Both these

athletes have disabilities. They chatted to the students

and explained what the alternatives of sport looks like

for those who have a disability.

At the end of the presentation students got to

experience what it’s like to have a disability by getting

involved in a game of wheel chair basketball. This gave

students a physical understanding of what it is like to

live with a disability.

The students enjoyed their time and were extremely

engaged in the program. Thank you Ofaio and Mingnon

– you were fantastic!

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Our NEWS Newsletter: Issue 16

Issue Date: 22nd September 2017

PFA News

Thank you to everyone who helped with the Footy Day Lunch. We all had a wonderful day.

REMINDER Yobbo Lotto is on Saturday 14th October 7pm for a 7.30 start. Get dressed up, bring friends and family along for a night of games, laughs and fun. Tickets available at the office $15 per person.

Thank you to all our staff, families, friends and members for your ongoing support, it is

greatly appreciated.

Thanks from the PFA

Junior School Council

Walk to School.

In October we will be participating in the Walk to School Month. Students are encouraged to walk,

ride or scoot to school. If you can’t do this you can be dropped off a few streets away and walk the

rest. Alternatively, if none of the above can be done you can walk 5 laps of the basketball court in

the morning and afternoon. There will be a fortnightly raffle draw at our assembly for everyone who

participates. There will also be a draw for major prizes from Knox Council. Last year one of our

students won a scooter for participating. We hope everyone can get involved as there are prizes for

the school with the highest participation rates as well. Each morning the JSC members of your class

will update the class calendar, recording everyone who has participated for the day.

Thank you from the Junior School Council

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Our NEWS Newsletter: Issue 16

Issue Date: 22nd September 2017

School Values


Confidence Acceptance Integrity Responsibility Honesty

Soon we will be reviewing our school values and we will be seeking your input.

More info to come.

Thank you to everyone that helped by

collecting stickers for our school.

Keep an eye out in future newsletters to see

what we were able to get for our stickers.

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