
St. Jane Frances Catholic School

2745 Jane Street

Toronto, Ontario M3 L2E8

Tel. 416 3935296 Fax. 416 3935135

Principal: Lillian Kurnik

Vice Principal: Jacqueline Puri

Vice Principal: Stephen Patel

Superintendent: Gina Iuliano Marello

416-222-8282, ext. 2267

Trustee: Patricia Bottoni


St. Jane Frances Parish:

2747 Jane Street

Toronto, Ontario M3 L2E8

(416) 741-1463

School Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. morning session begins

10:12 a.m. – 10:27 a.m. Morning recess

11:15 p.m. - 12:15 p.m. Lunch recess

1:40 p.m. - 1:55 p.m. Afternoon recess

3:30 p.m. Dismissal

During February, we think about Valentine’s Day and all of the festivities associated with this special

day. Valentine’s Day is the celebration of Love and in John’s Gospel, we are reminded of how much

God loves each and every one of us, “For God so loved the world, He gave His own son”. John 3:16. As

we focus on the virtue of love, let us remember that love not only inspires the practice of all other

virtues it is the completion of all the other virtues.

In the upcoming month, teachers have planned various activities in their classrooms that center on the

virtue of love. Also in February, we acknowledge African Canadian Heritage Month. African Canadian

Heritage Month refers to the stories, experiences and accomplishments of people of African

origin. The Grade 7 students of Mr. Cole’s class will be attending a very special Mass at the Catholic

Education Center on February 5th, 2016 to honor this month and have been asked to participate in the

offertory celebration and a lovely luncheon afterwards.

St. Jane Frances School will also be the site of the installation of the African Invention Museum on

Monday February 29th. Parents are most welcome to come in and visit this wonderful display of

African inventions and artifacts.

Lastly, our teachers will be infusing the curriculum with stories, and discussions, plays and film around

heritage family and celebrating the goodness of our school community.

February also marks the time that we enter into the penitential season of Lent. On Wednesday,

February 10th, 2016, Father Giacomo will be coming over to our school to give ashes as part of our

school Ash Wednesday observance between 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm that day. Parents and families in

the community are invited to receive ashes if they come to school at that time as well. Palms from the

previous Palm Sunday are burned into ashes which are then put onto our foreheads. While the ashes

are being placed, the words, “Repent and believe in the Gospel” or Remember that you are dust and

to dust you shall return” are used.

We look forward to send parents and guardians a copy of their son/daughters report card home this

month on Monday February 8th, 2016 at the end of the school day. Interviews will be taking place on

Wednesday February 10th, 2016 and Thursday February 11th, 2016. A reminder to all our parents that

Friday February 12th, 2016 is a Professional Activity day with no school for the children.

Happy Chinese New Year to families celebrating this joyful occasion.

Parents please have a look at our February and March calendars in the Newsletter for other activities

and important dates coming up!


L. Kurnik J. Puri/S. Patel Principal Vice – Principals New PA Day Added to Calendar The Board has approved Friday, April 15, 2016 as a system-wide Professional Activity Day.

Multi-Year Strategic Plan Welcome to your opportunity to provide direct input as the Board refines its strategic directions to produce a revised

Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP) that will guide the organization for the next several years. All TCDSB stakeholders are invited to complete the

online survey and submit their personal comments regarding the DRAFT MYSP by no later than February 1st. Get all the information here:

Newcomer Adults Seeking English or French ClassesTry out the new app to find free English and French courses for adult newcomers:

Investing in Our Diversity Scholarship Program Involved in your community? Planning to attend school in the fall of 2016? Under 25?

Lifeguarding jobs with Toronto Police Service Application deadline March 18, 2016

Principal’s Message February, 2016



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Year of the Family One Lord, One Faith, One God of All

Student Mental Health and Well-Being


It is through kindness and helping others

that we show love. Researchers have found

that watching someone being kind triggers

the same physiological changes in the brain

as those triggered in the person being kind.

Dopamine levels rise in the brain and

activate the brain’s pleasure centers. Being

kind and helping others makes us feel

happy, decreases depression by increasing

our feelings of optimism, and improves

overall health. Kindness also promotes social

connectedness. When we are kind to others

we feel closer to them and they feel closer

to us, which leads us to perceive others

more positively. It’s also contagious! It can

motivate others to be kind thereby creating

a ripple effect throughout a community.

If we dedicate a few minutes each week to

kindness we can greatly improve our own

well-being and those around us.

Encourage students to engage in Random Acts of Kindness e.g. pick up another student’s jacket that has fallen on the floor, ask a student that has never played with you to join them at recess or during lunch, hold the door open for someone.

Create a “saying” and make posters that can be displayed in the classroom e.g. “Kindness can change

the world”, or “Practice Random

Kindness.” Display suggestions of what

students can do to show kindness to


Have students find quotes about kindness and discuss what they mean, or write about them

Introduce a rule - Enter the room with a smile! Discuss the importance of spreading joy.

Words have power ~ form a circle and say one nice thing about the student beside you, or celebrate a “say something nice day”. Share your experiences at the end of the day.

Never underestimate the impact of a single act of


(Information obtained from: Kid

Activities/Random Acts of Kindness; and 10

Mindful Minutes by Goldie Hawn)

February, 2016

The Power of Kindness “Not all of us can do great things, but

we can do small things with great

love” ~ Mother Teresa. Our hope is that you

spread kindness and love throughout your

school and home.

Mental Health Initiatives 2015-2016 February is Psychology

Month Presentation for Parents, Students,


Understanding Challenging

Behaviours in Children &

Adolescents and how to help

manage them

February 22, 2016


CEC 3rd floor

TCDSB Mental Health and

Well-Being Strategy 2015-

18 approved, and on our


Support for schools in

developing a mentally

healthy classroom. See

Supporting Minds on the

Ministry’s website and

Feb, 12th Student Success

PD day-many Mental

Health Offerings e.g. safe



Feb. 18th Stop the Stigma

elementary student

symposium for 9 pilot


SAFE TALK suicide

awareness workshops

for staff available via

PAL, April and May

Loving-kindness mediation “is the simple practice of directing well-wishes towards other people.” This

can be done with students of all ages. Most children “are good at using their imaginations to send love

and well wishes.” Research has shown that this type of mediation “increases positive emotions” and

“changes the way people approach life for the better.”

Have students sit comfortably with their eyes closed and imagine what they wish for in their life.

Formulate wishes into three or four phrases. For example, “May I be healthy. May I be happy, May I be

filled with peace Loving-Kindness meditation is a repetition of these phrases, but directing them at

different people.

Begin by directing the phrase at yourself eg. may I be happy

Then direct the phrase toward someone you feel thankful for.

Visualize someone you feel neutral about –people you neither like nor dislike. This will encourage students to stop and think about how quickly we are to judge people as either positive or negative in our lives.

Visualize someone you don’t like or who you’re having a difficult time with eg. someone who is teasing or bullying you. You often feel empowered when you send love to someone who is being difficult.

Direct the phrase towards everyone universally, “may all beings everywhere be happy”.

Watch a 3-minute video on how to use this Loving-Kindness meditation with children (Sylvia Boorstein at

This meditation was obtained from Christine Carter, Ph.D. from

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not

self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but

rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love

never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Loving-Kindness Meditation

Fostering The Family: The TCDSB Pastoral Plan 2015-18

“Together With one Voice: Harmonizing

Our Faith Through Family, Parish, and

School” 2015 -2016 focuses on the


Practice Random Acts of Kindness in

your home

Write a note of appreciation to a family member

Give a hug…just because

Do a chore without someone asking you to do it

Say “I Love You”

Suggested Readings and Websites:


Because Amelia Smiled by David Ezra Stein

Ordinary Mary’s Extraordinary Deed by Fumi Kosaka

How Full Is Your Bucket? By Tom Rath and Mary


The Invisible Boy by Trudy Ludwig

The Power of Kindness for Teens – true stories written by

teens from Guideposts

Pay it Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde


Download an Educator’s Guide ~ Kindness in the

Classroom as well as posters, bookmarks (K-12)


A Laugh A Day…

Patricia Marra-Stapleton, Psychological Associate/Mental Health Lead

[email protected]

Marci Buhagiar, Psychologist; [email protected]

Add “making someone

laugh” to your to-do list

every day. Go out of your

way to make at least one

person laugh every day.

Tickle them

Tease them

Tell a joke

Tell a story


Catholic School Parent Council Update

We would like to thank all the families in the St. Jane Frances community and the CSPC for your support and


Congratulations to our top sellers for our Raffle Fundraiser

Jonathan B.

Layla N.

Kayla L.

Through our Raffle Fundraiser we raised $4189.79. Through the sale of tickets for both the Grade 1 to 3 and

JK/SK Christmas concerts we raised $1198.86. Remember all the money raised goes directly back into the


Using the money raised through the monthly pizza lunch we have purchased 6 projectors that have been

distributed at each grade level in order to enhance teaching and help bring our children towards the goal of 21st

Century Learning.

We like to remind Parents if you have a receipt from the Samko Toy Sale please bring them to the school. We

will be accepting receipts until Wednesday February 10th.

And finally with the cold weather the children are having more indoor recesses. We are asking all families to

take a look into their closets and donate any used board games so that the children have something to do.

Games can be sent directly to your child's teacher.

If you would like to be added to our distribution list please email us at [email protected]

Our next meeting is Wednesday March 23rd at 6:30 p.m.

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