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Principles of ecology

(B.Sc.- Zoology Sem. - I)

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Definition of Ecology:

Ecology is a Greek word which means the study of the habitation of living

organisms (oikos=habitation, logos=discourse). The word ecology has been

defined variously by different authors. Some prefer to define it as “scientific

natural history” or “the science of community population” or the “the study of

biotic communities”.

The most comprehensive definition of ecology will be “a study of animals and

plants in their relation to each other and to their environment”.

The word ‘ecology’ was first proposed in the year 1869 by Ernst Haeckel,

although many contributions to this subject was done much earlier. However,

much later, in the 1900s ecology was recognised as a distinct field of science.

Initially it was rather sharply divided into plant and animal ecology, but later the

understanding of the biotic community concept, the food chain, material cycling

concept etc., helped to establish the basic theory for a unified field of general


Ecology till recently was considered in academic circles to be a branch of biology,

which, along with molecular biology, genetics, developmental biology, evolution

etc. was by no means always considered as one of the subjects of biological

sciences only.

However, presently the emphasis has shifted to the study of environmental

systems of the entire ‘household’, which in fact relates to its core meaning. Thus,

ecology has grown from a subdivision of biological sciences to a major

interdisciplinary science that links together the biological, physical and social


Study of Ecology:

Ecology is studied with particular reference to plants or to animals, hence the

topics Plant ecology and Animal ecology. Since plants and animals are intimately

interrelated, study of plant ecology or animal ecology alone is bound to be

imperfect and inadequate.

So plant and animal ecology are to be given equal emphasis and it is better to

study them under the term Bio-ecology. The term Synecology denotes ecological

studies at the community level while the term Autecology denotes ecological

studies at the species level.

History of Ecology:

In a sense ecology is the new name of ‘Natural history’. Man’s interest in natural

history dates back to prehistoric times. The carving and pictures discovered in

France and Spain speak on the observation of the cave-dwellers about the fauna

and flora around them.

The writings of Romans and Greeks bear evidences of their interest in natural

history. ‘The Histories of Animals’ of Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) is a famous

contribution in this line.

The first naturalist to give a systemised knowledge about the relation existing

between living organisms and environment was Buffon. In a series of work in

1749, he stressed on habits and adaptations. After this, outstanding advances were

made in the study of natural history in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Darwin’s Naturalistic voyage round the world, Wallace’s Island of life and many

other work stimulated the knowledge of Biology to a great extent. However, the

term ecology was first coined by German Biologist, Haeckel in 1878.

The science of ecology after undergoing a several hundreds of years gestation

period has emerged today as a matured, honoured and scholarly discipline in

biological science.

Branches of Ecology:

Ecological studies focus on how various organisms interact with their

environment. There are a number of fields within ecology, either focusing on

specific areas of interest or using particular approaches to address ecological


The sub-fields or branches of ecology are:

i. Behavioural Ecology:

It is concerned with explaining the patterns of behaviour in animals.

ii. Physiological Ecology or Eco-Physiology:

It deals with how organisms are adapted to respond to temperature, maintain

proper water and salt balance, and balance levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide,

or deals with other factors of their physical environment. Studies of eco-

physiology play an important role in agriculture since crop yield is very much

dependent on the performance of individual plants.

It also plays an important role in conservation studies. For example, the decline

of migratory bird species focuses on how changes in the environment affect the

physiological mechanisms that prepare birds for long-distance migration.

iii. Molecular Ecology:

The use of molecular biology to directly tackle ecological problems is the focus

of molecular biology.

iv. Evolutionary Ecology:

Evolutionary ecology emphasises the impact of evolution on current patterns and

human induced changes. It relates to how animals choose mates, determine the

sex of their offspring, forage for food and live in groups, or how plants attract

pollinators, disperse seeds, or allocate resources between growth and

reproduction. Evolutionary ecologists are particularly interested in how form and

function adapt organisms to their environment.

v. Ecosystem Ecology:

Organisms obtain energy either through photosynthesis or by consuming other

organisms. These energy transformations are associated with the movements of

materials within and between organisms and the physical environment.

Thus, the interaction between the biotic and abiotic components called an

ecosystem is the sub-field of ecology called ecosystem ecology. Issues of interest

at this level is how human activities affect food webs, energy flow and global

cycling of nutrients.

vi. Population Ecology:

Population ecology constitutes organisms of the same species living in the same

place and same time. It may comprise of the dynamics of a single population of

any living thing (earthworm, fox, whale, pine tree etc.) or may focus on how two

populations (predator and its prey or parasite and its host) interact with each other.

At the level of population, evolutionary changes take place. It is also related

directly to the management of fish and game populations, forestry and agriculture.

Population ecology is also fundamental to our understanding of the dynamics of


vii. Community Ecology:

Populations of many different organisms in a particular place are tied to one

another by feeding relationships and other interactions. These relationships of

interacting populations are called ecological communities and their study is under

the purview of community ecology.

Community studies is principally on how biotic interactions such as predation,

herbivory and competition influence the numbers and distributions of organisms.

It has particular relevance in our understanding of the nature of biological


viii. Landscape Ecology:

These are of ecological fields whose study requires the synthesis of several other

sub-fields of ecology. Landscape ecology is one that emphasizes the inter-

connections among ecosystems of a region.

The values of landscape ecology are:

(a) It emphasises on larger land areas of interacting ecosystems, i.e., next higher

level of organisation above the local ecosystem, and

(b) Its tendency to compartmentalize. We study a lake or forest ecosystem but

landscape ecology considers the connections between them. For example, herons

forage in the lake, nest in the forest and, thus, the herons move nutrients from

water to land.

ix. Conservation Biology:

This sub- field of ecology blends the concepts of genetics with population and

community ecology. It takes a landscape approach and is related to the

maintenance of biodiversity and the preservation of endangered species.

x. Restoration Ecology:

It relates to the re-establishing of the integrity of natural systems that have been

damaged by human activity.

xi. Ecotoxicology:

It is the study of the fate and action of human-made substances, such as pesticides

and detergents, in the natural world. Ecotoxicology focuses on the way in which

human-made substances affect human health. Eco-toxicologists often use other

animals, such as fish or small invertebrates, as models for the action of the parti-

cular toxic substance under study.

Environmentalism, conservationism and preservationism are social or political

movements and not branches of ecology. Roadside trash pickups and city tree

planting drives are well-intentioned public beautification and cleanup activities,

but such activities are not science. Although everyone applauds such civic

responsibilities, they however, do not increase our understanding of the natural


The subfields of ecological studies provide ways to think about the various

approaches in ecology. However, in many cases, individual ecologists conduct

work that crosses boundaries of these subfields. The natural curiosity of most

ecologists, along with the complexity of nature, often encourages broad

approaches. Ecological study, thus, is an integrative science, one that requires

great innovation, breadth and curiosity.

Scope of Ecology:

The solution of a particular ecological problem requires several lines of approach.

None of this constitute an end in itself but each one of these makes important

contribution in making the picture complete.

These various lines of approach towards the ecological problem can be

translated as:

(a) Biotic

(b) Quantitative

(c) Climatic (both physical and chemical)

(d) Taxonomic

(e) Genetic and evolutionary.

Biotic factors are the direct outcome of the various types of activities amongst the

animals. A competition for food and shelter always exists amongst the members

of a community. This competition demands various types of activity amongst the


Quantitative study includes an assessment of the population density in a given

area and also an estimation of the number of members present in different

communities. Information of this kind is of immense value in solving many

problems like food availability and movement within a particular colony.

Climatic factors include both physical and chemical conditions present in a

habitat. These factors are ever changing in nature. Physical factors include mainly

temperature, light and humidity. Chemical factors include acidity or salinity that

are specially present in aquatic habitat. Some animals are so sensitive that a

minute climatic change becomes fatal to them. Climatic factors play an important

role in the distribution of animals.

Taxonomy means classification, naming and description of organisms. A mere

naming of a large number of animals of a given area, as was done earlier in ecolo-

gical surveys, is meaningless without a consideration of the circumstances that

enable them to live there. Thus a complementary observation of the various eco-

logical factors together with taxonomy is emphasized in ecology.

The genetic and evolutionary aspects have taken a rightful place in ecological

problems. In recent years the knowledge of heredity and the mechanism of the

operation of Natural Selection have increased to a considerable extent.

Evolution is no longer regarded as a thing of the past and it has been proved that

evolution is a dynamic process though the progress is very slow. In certain

circumstances it has become possible to detect and to measure the rate of

evolution in wild population.

The above subdivisions form the backbone of the study of ecology. The inter-

relationship existing between these subdivisions can be best understood with the

help of an example. Let us assume that we want to study the ecology of a given

species of edible fish inhabiting a large lake, with an object of establishing a new

colony of these fishes to be started elsewhere.

In so doing, the first information that we need is that whether the food available

in the new place is to be taken by these fishes. Our second enquiry would be to

find out whether predators are present in the locality.

These two are included within the biotic factors. We will have to determine the

number of fishes that are to be let loose in the new locality and the number is to

be determined in such a way that they can live there without being overcrowded.

Herein lies the involvement of the quantitative aspect. We will have to study the

water itself and to find out the extent of the fluctuations in its constitution such

as salt content, acidity or alkalinity in order to determine the tolerance of the

fishes in the changing factors.

If the first lake is a very old one and the fish in question had been isolated there

for a great period of time, it is possible that a subspecies or local race might evolve

there. In such cases the taxonomist might come forward and help identifying the

species. Such a situation opens up a case for the Geneticists and Evolutionists to

find out how and at what rate the new forms have evolved.

Autecology & synecology

Autecology is the study of the environment in relation to only one species in

contrast to synecology, which is the study of the environment affecting groups

of species coexisting in the area.

Autecology primarily deals with the individual organism or species with the

biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem or environment. For instance, it

aims to measure factors such as nutrient availability, light, and humidity in

relation to the organism or species thriving in a particular environment.

Apart from autecology, another subfield of ecology that is closely related to it

is synecology. The latter is concerned primarily with the studying groups of

organisms associated as a unit or a community. While autecology attempts to

understand the relationship between an organism and its environment synecology

aims to understand the association of different groups of species in a community.

Synecology is a subfield of ecology concerned with the relations between groups

of organisms or coexisting biological communities. It encompasses distribution,

abundance, demography and interactions between coexisting groups

of organisms. For instance, interspecific interactions (e.g. predation) are dealt

with in synecology.

Ecological levels of organization

Important levels of organization are:

1. Organisms

2. Population

3. Biological Community

4. Ecosystem

5. Landscape

6. Biome

7. Biosphere.

1. Organisms:

They make the basic unit of study in ecology. At each level, the biological unit

has a specific structure and function. At this level, the form, physiology,

behaviour, distribution and adaptations in relation to the environmental

conditions are studied.

The organisms of the similar type have the potential for interbreeding, and

produce fertile offspring, which are called species.

The organism performs all the life processes independently. However, parts of

organism cannot exist independently of one another.

An organism is fully adapted to its environment. It has a definite life span

including definite series of stages like birth, hatching, growth, maturity,

senescence, aging and death.

Competition, mutualism and predation are various types of interaction between


2. Population:

In ecology, a population is a group of individuals of the same species, inhabiting

the same area, and functioning as a unit of biotic community.

For example, all individuals of the common grass, Cynodon, in a given area

constitute its population. Similarly, the individuals of elephants or tigers in an

area constitute their population.

The interaction between populations is generally studied. These interactions may

be a predator and its prey, or a parasite with its host. Competition, mutualism,

commensalism, parasitism, and predation are various types of interactions.

Levels of organization in ascending order

3. Biological Community:

Biotic community organization results from interdependence and interactions

amongst population of different species in a habitat. This is an assemblage of

populations of plants, animals, bacteria and fungi that live in an area and interact

with each other.

A biotic community is a higher ecological category next to population. These are

three types of biotic community, they are: animals, plants and decomposers (i.e.,

bacteria and fungi). A biotic community has a distinct species composition and


4. Ecosystem:

The ecosystems are parts of nature where living organisms interact amongst

themselves and with their physical environment. An ecosystem in composed of a

biotic community, integrated with its physical environment through the exchange

of energy and recycling of the nutrients. The term ecosystem was coined by Sir

Arthur Tansley in 1935.

The interaction of organisms with atmosphere

Ecosystems can be recognized as self- regulating and self-sustaining units of

landscape, e.g., a pond or a forest.

An ecosystem has two basic components:

(i) Abiotic (non-living), and

(ii) Biotic (living organisms).

Abiotic components comprise inorganic materials, such as carbon, nitrogen,

oxygen, CO2, water etc., while biotic components include producers, consumers

and decomposers.

5. Landscape:

A landscape is a unit of land with a natural boundary having a mosaic of patches,

which generally represent different ecosystems.

6. Biome:

This is a large regional unit characterized by a major vegetation type and

associated fauna found in a specific climate zone. The biome includes all

associated developing and modified communities occurring within the same

climatic region, e.g., forest biomes, grassland and savanna biomes, desert biome,


On a global scale, all the earth’s terrestrial biomes and aquatic systems constitute

the biosphere.

7. Biosphere:

The entire inhabited part of the earth and its atmosphere including the living

components is called the biosphere.

The global environment consists of three main sub-divisions:

(i) The hydrosphere which includes all the water components,

(ii) The lithosphere comprises the solid components of the earth’s crust, and

(iii) The atmosphere formed of the gaseous envelope of the earth. The biosphere

consists of the lower atmosphere, the land and the oceans, rivers and lakes, where

living beings are found.

Limiting factor in biology refers to any of the factors (variables) in

an environment capable of limiting a process, such as growth, abundance, or

distribution of a population of organisms in an ecosystem.

The principles or laws that help explicate limiting factors in an ecosystem are

Liebig’s law of the minimum, Blackman’s law of limiting factor, and

Shelford’s law of tolerance.

In law of minimum, the growth of population could be regulated by the scarcest

resource, not by the resources in abundance.

In law of limiting factor, a biological or an ecological process that depends on

multiple factors will tend to have a rate limited by the slowest factor.

In law of tolerance, the survival success of an organism is suggested to depend

on a complex set of environmental factors.

Limiting factors may be density-dependent or density-independent. Those

that are density-dependent tend to limit growth, abundance, or distribution

of a population depending on how dense a population is. Conversely, a

density-independent limiting factor is capable of limiting population

growth, abundance, or distribution irrespective of population density.

Limiting factors may also be single-limiting, i.e. when only one factor

limits the system. When a factor causes an indirect restrictive effect or

increases the effect of a direct limiting factor, it is termed as a co-limiting

factor. Examples of limiting factors that could limit the size of a population

are food, nutrients, shelter, and mate. These resources are limited in the

ecosystem, and as a result, they could drive living things to compete for


Limiting factor

Different limiting factors affect the ecosystem.

They are

(1) keystone species,

(2) predators,

(3) energy,

(4) available space, and

(5) food supply.

In biology, the term limiting factor is defined as an environmental factor or

variable that has the capacity to restrict growth, abundance, or distribution of

a population in an ecosystem. These factors are present in limited supply. Thus,

organisms tend to compete for their limited availability in the ecosystem.


The term limiting factor comes from Latin limitare, meaning “to bound” and

from Latin factor, meaning “a doer”, “performer”), from factus, meaning “done”

or “made”.

Liebig’s law of the minimum

Law of the minimum was originally developed by Carl Sprengel and then later

popularized by Justus von Liebig.

This law states that the growth is regulated by a limiting factor, i.e. the scarcest

resource, rather than by the total resources available. In biology and ecology, this

means that the growth of a population is restricted by the factors that are scarcest

and not by the factors that are abundant. This was based on the observation of

crop growth. Accordingly, the addition of nutrients in abundance did not result in

increased growth. Conversely, the addition of nutrients that are scarce, which in

this case is the limiting factor, did lead to increased crop growth. This means that

even if some of the nutrients in the soil are abundant but if the other nutrients are

limiting or relatively fewer then crop growth will not increase. Applying this

principle to other biological populations, this implicates growth occurring only

as dictated by the most limiting factor. This principle was used by William

Cumming Rose as a basis in identifying the amino acids that were labelled

as essential.

Blackman’s law of limiting factor

The law of limiting factor was proposed in 1905 by the British plant physiologist,

Frederick Frost Blackman.

According to this law, a process that depends on multiple factors will have a rate

limited by the pace of the slowest factor. Photosynthesis, for example, is a

biological process that depends on multiple factors. The general chemical

reaction of photosynthesis is


Based on this equation, CO2, H2O, and light energy (sunlight) are the limiting

factors of this reaction. If any of them become accessible at a pace slower or lower

than the usual, the rate of photosynthesis is expected to become slow based on

the pace of the slowest factor. For example, if CO2 concentration becomes scarce

(e.g. due to closure of stomatal openings in response to elevated temperatures in

the environment), the rate of photosynthesis becomes slow even if H2O and light

energy levels are amply available. The same result will occur if light energy

becomes less available or less intense, the rate of photosynthesis will be slower

despite the abundance of CO2 and H2O. Light becomes a limiting factor in

photosynthesis when the plant is unable to collect light, for instance, due to shade

resulting from the dense population of plants.

Shelford’s law of tolerance

The law of tolerance was developed in 1913 by American zoologist Victor Ernest

Shelford. It states that the success of an organism depends on a complex set of

environmental conditions (environmental factors). And that organism would have

definite minimum, maximum, and optimum environmental factors that determine

success. These signify the limit of tolerance of that organism. However, the

tolerance ranges may vary within the same organism, for example depending on

the life stage (larval vs. adult).

Types of limiting factors

Density-dependent limiting factor definition

Density-dependent limiting factor refers to the factor restricting the size of a

population based on density. A large, dense population are more strongly affected

than a small or less dense population. For example, a dense population would

have higher demands for food and water compared to a small population. In this

case, food and water supply is the limiting factor and it depends on density.

Disease as a factor is also density-dependent. It spreads faster in dense population

than small ones.

Density-independent limiting factor definition

Density-independent limiting factor refers to the limiting factor that is not

dependent on density. The limiting factor can restrict population size independent

of how dense the population is. For example, a catastrophic event, such as an

earthquake or a volcanic eruption, could cause a population decline regardless of

population density.

Single-limiting and co-limiting

A single-limiting factor is when there is one factor that limits the system. A co-

limiting factor is when a factor affects the population of organisms in an

ecosystem indirectly but increases the limitation of the factor directly affecting

the population.

Limiting factors examples

In the law of the size of a population, a population will grow exponentially as

long as the environment from where all individuals in that population are exposed

to remains constant.Thus, if the environmental conditions are kept the same, the

population is expected to grow. However, there will come a time when the

population will reach the maximum at which the environment can sustain. This

is called the carrying capacity, the maximum load of the environment. Carrying

capacity is the number of individuals that an environment can sustain without

ending in damage or destruction to the organisms and the environment. Thus,

population size may increase until carrying capacity is met. Above this capacity,

the population size will eventually decrease. The determiners of carrying capacity

are limiting factors. The common limiting factors in an ecosystem are food, water,

habitat, and mate. The availability of these factors will affect the carrying capacity

of an environment.

As population increases, food demand increases as well. Since food is a limited

resource, organisms will begin competing for it. The same thing goes for space,

nutrients, and mate. Since these resources are available for a limited amount over

a given period of time, inhabitants of a particular ecosystem will compete,

possibly against the same species (intraspecific competition) or against other

group of species (interspecific competition). In the wild, another predominant

symbiosis is the predator-and-prey relationship. The deer populations, for

instance, could decline if predation is high. If the number of wolves is relatively

greater than the number of deer as their prey, the number of deer could drop.

However, with the dwindling number of deer, the number of wolves could also

eventually decline. This predator-prey factor is an example of a biotic factor in

an ecosystem.

While a biotic factor includes the activities of a living component of an

ecosystem, an abiotic factor includes the various physico-chemical factors in an

ecosystem. These physico-chemical factors include sunlight, humidity,

temperature, atmosphere, soil, geology of the land, and water resources.

Temperature, for instance, is a major limiting factor primarily due to the fact it

affects the effectiveness of enzymes and catalysts, which are essential in an

efficient system, both biological and chemical.

Unit II

Population and its characteristics

A population is defined as a group of individuals of the same species living and

interbreeding within a given area. Members of a population often rely on the same

resources, are subject to similar environmental constraints, and depend on the

availability of other members to persist over time.

As a tool for objectively studying populations, population ecologists rely on a

series of statistical measures, known as demographic parameters, to describe that

population (Lebreton et al. 1992). The field of science interested in collecting and

analyzing these numbers is termed population demographics, also known as



Demography is the study of the characteristics of populations. It provides a

mathematical description of how those characteristics change over time.

Demographics can include any statistical factors that influence population growth

or decline, but several parameters are particularly important: population size,

density, age structure, fecundity (birth rates), mortality (death rates), and sex ratio

(Dodge 2006).

Population Size

The most fundamental demographic parameter is the number of individuals

within a population (Lebreton et al. 1992). Population size is defined as the

number of individuals present in a subjectively designated geographic range.

Despite the simplicity in its concept, locating all individuals during a census (a

full count of every individual) is nearly impossible, so ecologists usually estimate

population size by counting individuals within a small sample area

and extrapolating that sample to the larger population. Regardless of the

challenges in measuring population size, it is an important characteristic of a

population with significant implications for the dynamics of the population as a

whole (Lebreton et al. 1992).

Populations display distinctive behaviours based on their size. Small populations

face a greater risk of extinction (Caughley 1994). Individuals in these populations

can have a hard time finding quality mates so, fewer individuals mate and those

that do risk inbreeding (Hamilton 1967). Additionally, individuals in small

population are more susceptible to random deaths. Events like fire, floods, and

disease have a greater chance of killing all individuals in the population.

Large populations experience their own problems. As they approach the

maximum sustainable population size, known as carrying capacity, large

populations show characteristic behaviour. Populations nearing their carrying

capacity experience greater competition for resources, shifts in predator-prey

relationships, and lowered fecundity. If the population grows too large, it may

begin to exceed the carrying capacity of the environment and degrade available


Population Density

A more complete description of a population's size includes the population

density — the size of a population in relation to the amount of space that it

occupies. Density is usually expressed as the number of individuals per unit area

or volume (Lebreton et al. 1992). For example: the number of crows per square

kilometer or the number of plankton per liter (Andren 1992, Sterner 1986).

Like all population properties, density is a dynamic characteristic that changes

over time as individuals are added to or removed from the population. Birth and

immigration — the influx of new individuals from other areas — can increase a

population's density, while death and emigration — the movement of individuals

out of a population to other areas — can decrease its density (Lebreton et al.


Similar to population size, population density displays distinctive characteristics

at both high and low values.

Density-dependent factors, including competition, predation, migration and

disease, intensify within populations as density increases. In contrast, density-

independent factors, such as weather, fire regimes, and flooding, impact

populations regardless of their specific densities (Lebreton et al. 1992).

Age Structure

Not all individuals contribute equally to a population. Occasionally, researchers

find it useful to characterize the different contributions made by different

individuals. First, individuals are sorted into age-specific categories

called cohorts, such as "juveniles" or "sub-adults" (Dodge 2006). Researchers

then create a profile of the size and age structures of the cohorts to determine the

reproductive potential of that population, in order to estimate current and future

growth. Usually, a rapidly expanding population will have larger reproductive

cohorts, stable populations show a more even distribution of age classes, and

rapidly declining populations have large older cohorts (Lebreton et al. 1992).

Age structure can be represented graphically with a population pyramid.

Although a population's age structure is not always pyramidal in shape, most

populations have younger cohorts that are larger than older cohorts. For example,

Sherman and Morton's studies of the Tioga Pass Belding's ground squirrels

revealed birth cohorts larger than 300 individuals and less than 10 individuals in

cohorts over the age of six (Sherman & Morton 1984).


As age structure suggests, some individuals within a population have a greater

impact on population-level processes, such as growth. Fecundity describes the

number of offspring an individual or a population is able to produce during a

given period of time (Martin 1995).

In demographic studies, fecundity is calculated in age-specific birth rates, which

may be expressed as the number of births per unit of time, the number of births

per female per unit of time, or the number of births per 1,000 individuals per unit

of time. Maximum (or physiological) fecundity is the theoretical maximum

number of offspring produced in a population assuming no ecological constraints.

However, since every ecosystem implements constraints on its populations,

ecologists prefer to measure realized (or ecological) fecundity, which is the

observed number of offspring produced in a population under actual

environmental conditions.

While maximum fecundity is a constant for populations, realized fecundity varies

over time based on the size, density, and age structure of the population. External

conditions, such as food and habitat availability, can also influence

fecundity. Density-dependent regulation provides a negative feedback if the

population grows too large, by reducing birth rates and halting population growth

through a host of mechanisms (Lebreton et al. 1992). In white-footed mice, for

example, populations regulate their reproductive rate via a stress hormone. As

population densities increase, so do aggressive interactions between individuals

(even when food and shelter are unlimited). High population densities lead to

frequent aggressive encounters, triggering a stress syndrome in which hormonal

changes delay sexual maturation, cause reproductive organs to shrink, and

depress the immune system (Krohne 1984).


Another individual trait that affects population growth is mortality. Mortality is

the measure of individual deaths in a population and serves as the counterbalance

to fecundity. Like fecundity, mortality is measured in rates, usually expressed as

the number of individuals that die in a given period (deaths per unit time) or the

proportion of the population that dies in a given period (percent deaths per unit

time). A population theoretically has a minimum mortality — the theoretically

minimum number of deaths in a population assuming no ecological constraints.

The minimum mortality is always lower than

the realized (or ecological) mortality, which is the observed number of losses in

a population under actual environmental conditions. Much like realized

fecundity, realized mortality varies over time based on dynamics internal and

external to the population (Benrey & Denno 1997).

To visualize mortality and fecundity within a population, ecologists create life

tables to display age-specific statistical summaries of a population's survival

patterns. First developed by Roman actuaries, life tables were used to estimate

how long individuals of a particular age category were expected to live in order

to value life insurance products (Trenerry 1926). Raymond Pearl (1928) first

introduced the life table to biology when he applied it to laboratory studies of the

fruit fly, Drosophila. Life tables are particularly useful for species with discrete

developmental stages and mortality rates that vary widely from one stage to the


Sex Ratio

Sexually reproducing organisms must find mates in order to produce offspring.

Without comparable numbers of males and females, mating opportunities may be

limited and population growth stunted. Thus, ecologists measure the number of

males and females within a population to construct a sex ratio, which can help

researchers predict population growth or decline. Much like population size, sex

ratio is a simple concept with major implications for population dynamics. For

example, stable populations may maintain a 1:1 sex ratio and therefore keep their

growth rate constant, whereas declining populations may develop a 3:1 sex ratio

favoring females, resulting in an increased growth rate. In species where males

contribute significantly to offspring rearing, populations may instead maintain a

ratio skewed towards males (Hamilton 1967).

Interestingly, sex ratio is not always random but can be manipulated at birth by

environmental or physiological mechanisms. All crocodiles and many reptiles

utilize a strategy called environmental sex determination, wherein incubation

temperature determines the sex of each individual (Delmas et al. 2008). For

example, low temperatures will produce males and high temperatures will

produce females. In times of limited resources or high population densities,

females can manipulate the sex ratios of their clutch by spending more or less

time incubating their eggs (Girondot et al. 2004).

Unit III

Characteristics of a Community

The features within communities are highly variable, and there are a number of

characteristics that can be used as descriptors to distinguish them.

1. Trophic Organization

Each organism within a community can be categorized within a specific trophic

level, which relates to the way which it obtains nutrition. These trophic levels can

be divided into three main groups:

i) primary producers (also known as autotrophs) manufacture their own

food using energy from the sun to perform photosynthesis. Primary

producers are usually green plants and algae.

ii) Consumers, or heterotrophs must obtain their nutrition from other

organisms. Primary consumers, or herbivores eat the plant material

while secondary and tertiary consumers, carnivores or omnivores, eat

the primary consumers.

iii) Decomposers (which are also heterotrophs) consume dead plant and

animal material, recycling the nutrients back in to the earth.

For example, in a grassland community, the grass (primary producer) is

consumed by a mouse (primary consumer), which is consumed by a snake

(secondary consumer), and subsequently an eagle (tertiary consumer). The dead

body of the eagle may be consumed by fungus (decomposer).


There are usually one or two species at each trophic level, which exert a more

dominant influence over the function and structure of the community than others.

This may be due to their physical size, population numbers, or activities that have

an impact upon other organisms or the environment. These so called ‘ecological

dominants’, can have a major effect on the nature of the community.

Plants usually dominate land communities, and so the name of the community is

often based on the ecologically dominant vegetation, for example Douglas-fir

Woodland or Rocky Mountain Maple Forest.


Communities are not just a random mixture of plants, animals and microbes; each

of the organisms within a community has a fundamental dependence on at least

one other, although most organisms will engage in multiple interactions.

There are three main forms of interdependence.

a) Nutritional interdependence describes the transfer of energy and

nutrients through feeding. Certain organisms may be more reliant on the

presence of others to fulfil their nutritional requirements, for example

insects that can feed only from one species of plant.

b) Reproductive independence can take several forms. A common example

is that of pollination, which is present within most communities. Whilst for

the pollinator the interaction provides a food source of nectar, for the plant,

the interaction is essential to its reproductive success. Certain species may

only be able to reproduce on a particular plant or substrate and are therefore

dependent on the presence of this within the community. Other

reproductive independences involve parasitic interactions, for example

cuckoos, which lay their own eggs in the nests of other birds.

c) Protective interdependence is the third main interaction. Most organisms

require a level of shelter, and may rely on other organisms within the

community for this. For example, insects living on a tree are dependent on

the leaves and branches to shelter them from predation by birds.

Interactions between community members are not always linear and can involve

several highly complex interactions. Many of such interactions may take place

only under precise environmental conditions. An example of this is

the symbiosis between corals and the photosynthetic algae which live within their

body structures. The interaction supplies the coral with energy and the algae with

nutrients; however, the algae only remain within the body under certain


Community Structure

Descriptions of the community structure relate to both the species richness, which

is the total number of species, and the species diversity, a community complexity

measurement which takes in the species richness as well as their relative

abundances (i.e. 5 individuals rather than 100 individuals). Communities in which

species exhibit higher species richness and evenness (the numbers of individuals

in each species present are more equal) are considered to be more diverse.

The structure of a community may be determined by its natural history, i.e. the

chance colonization event of a population onto an island, by (non-living) abiotic

factors such as the climatic patterns, the geography and the habitat location, or

by (living) biotic factors such as the presence of other organisms which exert

pressures such as predation or competition.

Communities at tropical latitudes tend to display high species richness and

diversity, due to the high productivity of plants, which receive large amounts of

solar energy, and have year-round climatic stability. Alternatively, community

structure in habitats such as arctic tundra are very different – usually displaying

lower species richness as a result of fewer basic resources such as sunlight and


As a general rule, communities that have more species diversity are more resilient

against ecosystem damage.

Growth Form & Succession

A community can be described by major categories of its growth form. For

example mosses, herbaceous plants, shrubs or trees.

Communities may also be characterized by their successional stage. Ecological

succession is the progressive and predictable replacement of one type of

community by another, over time. Primary succession is the initial colonization

of a bare landscape which has not previously been occupied, often following a

significant ecological disturbance such as a volcanic eruption. Secondary

succession occurs where a community has existed previously but has been

removed from a landscape, for example, an area of deforestation or an abandoned

cropland. In this case the nutrients within the soil are already present, and

conditions for growth are favorable and so secondary succession happens much

more rapidly than primary succession.

Pioneer species are the first to make up the community within a bare landscape

once their seeds or spores migrate from surrounding areas and successfully

germinate. These pioneer communities consist of fast growing, hardy plants with

a short lifespan and low biomass, requiring very little nutrients. The roots of

pioneer species contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which are important for the

formation of soil and other organic material.

Seral communities develop in the area after the pioneer community. These

transitional communities consist of intermediate sized species such as shrubs and

heaths, which have high biomass and high nutritional content. These species

further build the soil and nutrients with biogeochemical cycling.

The climax community is the stable, self-regulating biotic community, which

establishes after many years. It contains longer-lived and larger species with

high niche specialization, complex food webs and mature interdependent

relationships. Diversity is highest within climax communities and the community

is at equilibrium with the habitat and climate.


Natural climax communities usually exhibit some form of stratification, by which

the populations that make up the community are distributed into defined vertical

or horizontal strata.

For example, the bottom-up stratification of a forest community could be divided


The subterranean layer

The forest floor

The herbaceous vegetation

The shrub layer

The canopy layer

Organisms may not occupy only one stratum, moving between the layers often

on a diurnal basis. For example, a bird that feeds on the forest floor during the

day but roosts within the canopy.

A community may occur along a horizontal stratification where there is transition

between successional stages and ecotones.

Communities occur in a range of different sizes, and the boundaries of each are

often not well defined. An ecotone is the transitional area between two biomes,

where communities meet and may integrate.

Many organisms may be part of several different communities because they have

various geographic ranges, and density peaks; if these boundaries are wide, it is

known as an open community. A community in which the species all have similar

geographic ranges and density peaks, resulting in a discrete unit where the

boundaries are well defined, is called a closed community.

Open communities tend to occur where there is a long environmental gradient,

such as that of soil moisture content or the altitudinal slope of a mountain.

Organisms with different tolerances to the conditions occur at different spatial

scales along the gradients.

Closed communities occur where there is a sharp change in the vegetative

structure or the physical environment, for example, an area of a beach, which

separates the water from the land.

Ecotones are generally very hard to define because within an ecosystem there are

usually organisms, which can disperse between both open and closed




Ecosystem is a complex in which habitat, plants and animals are considered as

one interesting unit, the materials and energy of one passing in and out of the

others” – Woodbury.

Types of ecosystem

Organisms and environment are two non-separable factors. Organisms interact

with each other and also with the physical conditions that are present in their


“The organisms and the physical features of the habitat form an ecological

complex or more briefly an ecosystem.” (Clarke, 1954).

The concept of ecosystem was first put forth by A.G. Tansley (1935). Ecosystem

is the major ecological unit. It has both structure and functions. The structure is

related to species diversity. The more complex is the structure the greater is the

diversity of the species in the ecosystem. The functions of ecosystem are related

to the flow of energy and cycling of materials through structural components of

the ecosystem.

According to Woodbury (1954), ecosystem is a complex in which habitat, plants

and animals are considered as one interesting unit, the materials and energy of

one passing in and out of the others.

According to E.P. Odum, the ecosystem is the basic functional unit of organisms

and their environment interacting with each other and with their own components.

An ecosystem may be conceived and studied in the habitats of various sizes, e.g.,

one square metre of grassland, a pool, a large lake, a large tract of forest, balanced

aquarium, a certain area of river and ocean.

All the ecosystems of the earth are connected to one another, e.g., river ecosystem

is connected with the ecosystem of ocean, and a small ecosystem of dead logs is

a part of large ecosystem of a forest. A complete self-sufficient ecosystem is

rarely found in nature but situations approaching self-sufficiency may occur.

Structure of Ecosystem:

The structure of an ecosystem is basically a description of the organisms and

physical features of environment including the amount and distribution of

nutrients in a particular habitat. It also provides information regarding the range

of climatic conditions prevailing in the area.

Ecosystems consist of the following basic components:

1. Abiotic components

2. Biotic components

1. Abiotic Components:

Ecological relationships are manifested in physicochemical environment. Abiotic

component of ecosystem includes basic inorganic elements and compounds, such

as soil, water, oxygen, calcium carbonates, phosphates and a variety of organic

compounds (by-products of organic activities or death).

It also includes such physical factors and ingredients as moisture, wind currents

and solar radiation. Radiant energy of sun is the only significant energy source

for any ecosystem. The amount of non-living components, such as carbon,

phosphorus, nitrogen, etc. that are present at any given time is known as standing

state or standing quantity.

2. Biotic Components:

The biotic components include all living organisms present in the environmental


From nutrition point of view, the biotic components can be grouped into two

basic components:

(i) Autotrophic components, and

(ii) Heterotrophic components

The autotrophic components include all green plants which fix the radiant energy

of sun and manufacture food from inorganic substances. The heterotrophic

components include non-green plants and all animals which take food from


So biotic components of an ecosystem can be described under the following

three heads:

1. Producers (Autotrophic components),

2. Consumers, and

3. Decomposers or reducers and transformers

The amount of biomass at any time in an ecosystem is known as standing crop

which is usually expressed as fresh weight, dry weight or as free energy in terms

of calories/metre.

Producers (Autotrophic elements):

The producers are the autotrophic elements—chiefly green plants. They use

radiant energy of sun in photosynthetic process whereby carbon dioxide is

assimilated and the light energy is converted into chemical energy. The chemical

energy is actually locked up in the energy rich carbon compounds. Oxygen is

evolved as by-product in the photosynthesis.

This is used in respiration by all living things. Algae and other hydrophytes of a

pond, grasses of the field, and trees of the forests are examples of producers.

Chemosynthetic bacteria and carotenoid bearing purple bacteria that also

assimilate CO2 with the energy of sunlight but only in the presence of organic

compounds also belong to this category.

The term producer is misleading one because in an energy context, producers

produce carbohydrate and not energy. Since they convert or transduce the radiant

energy into chemical form, E.J. Kormondy suggests better alternative terms

‘converters’ or ‘transducers’ because of wide use the term producer is still



Those living members of ecosystem which consume the food synthesized by

producers are called consumers. Under this category are included all kinds of

animals that are found in an ecosystem.

There are different classes or categories of consumers, such as:

(a) Consumers of the first order or primary consumers,

(b) Consumers of the second order or secondary consumers,

(c) Consumers of the third order or tertiary consumers, and

(d) Parasites, scavengers and saprobes.

(a) Primary consumers:

These are purely herbivorous animals that are dependent for their food on

producers or green plants. Insects, rodents, rabbit, deer, cow, buffalo, goat are

some of the common herbivores in the terrestrial ecosystem, and small

crustaceans, molluscs, etc. in the aquatic habitat. Elton (1939) named herbivores

of ecosystem as “key industry animals”. The herbivores serve as the chief food

source for carnivores.

(b) Secondary consumers:

These are carnivores and omnivores. Carnivores are flesh eating animals and the

omnivores are the animals that are adapted to consume herbivores as well as

plants as their food. Examples of secondary consumers are sparrow, crow, fox,

wolves, dogs, cats, snakes, etc.

(c) Tertiary consumers:

These are the top carnivores which prey upon other carnivores, omnivores and

herbivores. Lions, tigers, hawk, vulture, etc. are considered as tertiary or top


(d) Besides different classes of consumers, the parasites, scavengers and saprobes

are also included in the consumers. The parasitic plants and animals utilize the

living tissues of different plants and animals. The scavengers and saprobes utilize

dead remains of animals and plants as their food.

Decomposers and transformers:

Decomposers and transformers are the living components of the ecosystem and

they are fungi and bacteria. Decomposers attack the dead remains of producers

and consumers and degrade the complex organic substances into simpler

compounds. The simple organic matters are then attacked by another kind of

bacteria, the transformers which change these organic compounds into the

inorganic forms that are suitable for reuse by producers or green plants. The

decomposers and transformers play very important role in maintaining the

dynamic nature of ecosystems.

Function of Ecosystem:

An ecosystem is a discrete structural, functional and life sustaining environmental

system. The environmental system consists of biotic and abiotic components in a

habitat. Biotic component of the ecosystem includes the living organisms; plants,

animals and microbes whereas the abiotic component includes inorganic matter

and energy.

Abiotic components provide the matrix for the synthesis and perpetuation of

organic components (protoplasm). The synthesis and perpetuation processes

involve energy exchange and this energy comes from the sun in the form of light

or solar energy.

Thus, in any ecosystem we have the following functional components:

(i) Inorganic constituents (air, water and mineral salts)

(ii) Organisms (plants, animals and microbes), and

(iii) Energy input which enters from outside (the sun).

These three interact and form an environmental system. Inorganic constituents

are synthesized into organic structures by the green plants (primary producers)

through photosynthesis and the solar energy is utilized in the process. Green

plants become the source of energy for renewals (herbivores) which, in turn

become source of energy for the flesh-eating animals (carnivores). Animals of all

types grow and add organic matter to their body weight and their source of energy

is complex organic compound taken as food.

They are known as secondary producers. All the living organisms whether plants

or animals in an ecosystem have a definite life span after which they die. The

dead organic remains of plants and animals provide food for saprophytic

microbes, such as bacteria, fungi and many other animals. The saprobes

ultimately decompose the organic structure and break the complex molecules and

liberate the inorganic components into their environment.

These organisms are known as decomposers. During the process of

decomposition of organic molecules, the energy which kept the inorganic

components bound together in the form of organic molecules gets liberated and

dissipated into the environment as heat energy. Thus, in an ecosystem energy

from the sun, the input is fixed by plants and transferred to animal components.

Nutrients are withdrawn from the substrate, deposited in the tissues of the plants

and animals, cycled from one feeding group to another, released by

decomposition to the soil, water and air and then recycled. The ecosystems

operating in different habitats, such as deserts, forests, grasslands and seas are

interdependent on one another. The energy and nutrients of one ecosystem may

find their way into another so that ultimately all parts of the earth are interrelated,

each comprising a part of the total system that keeps the biosphere functioning.

Thus, the principal steps in the operation of ecosystem are as follows:

(1) Reception of radiant energy of sun,

(2) Manufacture of organic materials from inorganic ones by producers,

(3) Consumption of producers by consumers and further elaboration of consumed

materials; and.

(4) After the death of producers and consumers, complex organic compounds are

degraded and finally converted by decomposers and converters into such forms

as are suitable for reutilization by producers.

The principal steps in the operation of ecosystem not only involve the production,

growth and death of living components but also influence the abiotic aspects of

habitat. It is now clear that there is transfer of both energy and nutrients from

producers to consumers and finally to decomposers and transformers levels. In

this transfer there is a progressive decrease of energy but nutrient component is

not diminished and it shows cycling from abiotic to biotic and vice versa.

The flow of energy is unidirectional. The two ecological processes—energy flow

and mineral cycling which involve interaction between biotic and abiotic

components lie at the heart of ecosystem dynamics. The principal steps and

components of ecosystem are explained below.

Fresh water ecosystems

Pond and lake are fresh water ecosystems in which, like other ecosystems,

there are two main components:

(A) Abiotic component

(B) Biotic component

(A) Abiotic component:

Abiotic component of pond consists of water, dissolved minerals, oxygen and

carbon dioxide. Solar radiations are the main source of energy.

(B) Biotic component:

It includes the following:

(i) Producers

(ii) Consumers

(iii) Decomposers and transformers.

On the basis of water depth and types of vegetation and animals there may be

three zones in a lake or pond littoral, limnetic and pro-fundal. The littoral zone is

the shallow water region which is usually occupied by rooted plants. The

limnetic-zone ranges from the shallow to the depth of effective light penetration

and associated organisms are small crustaceans, rotifers, insects, and their larvae

and algae. The pro-fundal zone is the deep-water parts where there is no effective

light penetration. The associated organisms are snails, mussels, crabs and worms.

(i) Producers:

The main producers in pond or lake ecosystem are algae and other aquatic plants,

such as Azolla, Hydrilla, Potamogeton, Pistia, Wolffia, Lemna, Eichhornia,

Nymphaea, Jussiaea, etc. These are either floating or suspended or rooted at the

bottom. The green plants convert the radiant energy into chemical energy through

photosynthesis. The chemical energy stored in the form of food is utilized by all

the organisms. Oxygen evolved by producers in photosynthesis is utilized by all

the living organisms in respiration.

(ii) Consumers:

In a pond ecosystem, the primary consumers are tadpole larvae of frogs, fishes

and other aquatic animals which consume green plants and algae as their food.

These herbivorous aquatic animals are the food of secondary consumers. Frogs,

big fishes, water snakes, crabs are secondary consumers. In the pond, besides the

secondary consumers, there are consumers of highest order, such as water-birds,

turtles, etc.

(iii) Decomposers and Transformers:

When aquatic plants and animals die, a large number of bacteria and fungi attack

their dead bodies and convert the complex organic substances into simpler

inorganic compounds and elements. These micro-organisms are called

decomposers, chemical elements liberated by decomposers are again utilized by

green plants in their nutrition.

Biogeochemical Cycles

The term bio-geochemical is derived from “bio” meaning biosphere,

“geo” meaning the geological components and “chemical” meaning

the elements that move through a cycle. The matter on Earth is conserved and

present in the form of atoms. Since matter can neither be created nor destroyed,

it is recycled in the earth’s system in various forms.

The earth obtains energy from the sun which is radiated back as heat, rest all other

elements are present in a closed system. The major elements include:







These elements are recycled through the biotic and abiotic components of

the ecosystem. The atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere are the abiotic

components of the ecosystem.

Types of Biogeochemical Cycles

Biogeochemical cycles are basically divided into two types:

Gaseous cycles – Includes Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and the Water


Sedimentary cycles – Includes Sulphur, Phosphorus, Rock cycle, etc.

Nitrogen Cycle

It is the biogeochemical cycle by which nitrogen is converted into several forms

as it circulates through the atmosphere, terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

Nitrogen is an essential element of life. The nitrogen in the atmosphere is fixed

by the nitrogen-fixing bacteria present in the root nodules of the leguminous

plants and made available to the soil and plants.

The bacteria present in the roots of the plants convert this nitrogen gas into a

usable compound called ammonia. Ammonia is also supplied to plants in the form

of fertilizers. This ammonia is converted into nitrites and nitrates. The

denitrifying bacteria reduce the nitrates into nitrogen and return it into the


Unit V


Wildlife conservation and forest conservation are very closely related. When

deforestation is done wild animal run here and there as they lost their habitat.

Hunting of animals for food, skin, bones, horns and ivory is responsible for

reduction in the number of wild animals. Some animals are gun down only for

fun and sports which is very cruel activity. Due to the illegal trade of hides, large

number of tigers, leopards, deer snakes and crocodiles are killed. Indian

rhinoceros, great Indian bustard, musk deer, blue whale are endangered species.

Indian egg-eating snake, olive ridley turtle, Indian pied hornbill and golden cat

are rare species. Hunters and poachers disturb food chain in nature and also

balance of environment. For example, killing of snakes which feed on rats and

mice, increase the number of these pests and damage of crops is increased.

Conservation of wildlife:

1. Hunting should be discouraged.

2. Deforestation should be prevented.

3. Natural habitat of animals should be protected and maintained.

4. Articles made by hides, fur, ivory and horns should be boycotted.

5. Laws against hunting should be implemented effectively.

6. Poachers should be arrested immediately and should be kept behind the bars.

7. More National parks and bird sanctuaries should be established

8. Indian public should be educated by films, T.V. shows, popular articles in

newspapers and magazines regarding the significance of Indian wildlife.


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