Page 1: Print brief design board

Target AudienceAlthough the very nature of my website means that pinning down a specific target audience, I would definitly say that the urban origins of the audience and their location generally is their defining point.

Becaue my website is limited to the north norfolk coast that means that my audience is limited to Norwich and the other East Anglian cities.

The term yuppie could be applied to my target audience. Mostly living in the city20-40, a full time job that ocupies most of their time, as a result they have quite a busy and hectic life style. Unlikely to have children to drag around and entertain.

Has enough money to make use of the restuarants and amenities a city provides and most likely makes use of public transport within the city but does have a car for practicality.

Curious minded and would bo more open to a clever or witty add that engages. Also are quite numbed to the day to day visual noise of adds , so possibly a different approach is required.

MessageThe aims of this campaign are simple:-Make people aware the website is there.-Make people want to use it.-Make people want to visit the Norfolk coast.Although the message has to make these things happen, these are not the message. the message its self will be the ease and proximity of such a beautiful day out. This will require the positive suggestion not only of the location but also the way to organise it through the website. Posiibly the way to do this is to make the message simply ‘The Norfolk coast is just around the corner and a wonderful experience.

Tone of Voice





Witty but sincere

Get Out There

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