
APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY, JUly 1971, p. 66-78 Vol. 22, No. ICopyright © 1971 American Society for Microbiology Printed in U.S.A.

Automation of a Hemagglutination-Inhibition Testfor Parainfluenza 3 Antibodies in Bovine Sera'

DONALD W. WEBERT AND DANIEL COHEN2Section of Epidemiology and Public Health, School of Veterinary Medicine, Unziversity of Pennsylvania,

Philadelphiia, Pennsylvania 19104

Received for publication 17 March 1971

An automated hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) test for the "shipping fever"strain (SF-4) of parainfluenza 3 antibody in bovine sera was developed and com-pared to manual tube and microtiter test procedures. The automated system oper-ating at 60 samples per hr provided the most test results per specified time period,and the manual tube test provided the least. The manual microtiter test and theautomated system at 40 samples per hr, falling between the two above procedures,were comparable in the number of sera that could be titrated in 1 day by one tech-nician. There was little difference between automated and manual test reproduci-bility when measured at the twofold titer one-dilution difference level. However,the automated system titrated a higher number of sera at the same titer on repeatruns than either of the manual test procedures. The automated one-quartile differ-ence reproducibility (each twofold dilution subdivided into 4 units-"quartiles")was equal to the manual test one-dilution difference reproducibility. The standarddeviation of the per cent variation from the mean of paired serum titers for 40-sample-per-hr runs ranged from ±3.49 to ±5.36%. The manual and automatedsystems were of comparable sensitivity in their detection of negative sera.

For serological investigations in which there iseither a very high or a very low prevalence ofantibodies, serological screening may requirevast numbers of specimens to find statisticallyvalid differences for any given characteristic.Many large-scale sero-epidemiological studieshave not been instituted in the past because oflaboratory limitations of time, space, or ade-quately trained personnel, or all three.

Parainfluenza of cattle presents a case in point.The epidemiological study of this disease iscurrently impeded by virtue of the high prev-alence of antibodies (ranging from 50 to 86%)found in normal bovine populations (21).Manual serological tests for parainfluenza

antibody in cattle include complement fixation(CF), hemagglutination-inhibition (HI), andserum neutralization (SN) procedures, with theCF test being the least sensitive (1, 11). The HItest has been shown to correlate well with theSN test (1, 11) [which is generally recognized as a

I Taken from a thesis submitted by Donald W. Webert to theUniversity of Pennsylvania in partial fulfillment of the require-ments for the Master of Medical Science [M.S. (Med.)] degree.Presented in part at the 2nd Technicon Internatiotnal Congress,Advances in Automated Analysis, New York, 1970.

2 Present address: Section of Veterinary Public Health, WorldHealth Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.

better indicator of protective immunity (14)] andis simpler and less expensive to conduct (11).Automated systems are relatively new in the

serology laboratory. There are several differentautomated tests in use in syphilis serology. Theseinclude CF procedures (6, 15), a flocculation test(with antigen adsorbed to charcoal particles;references 13, 17, 18), and a fluorescent trepone-mal antibody absorption test (G. W. Stout et al.,Amer. Pub. Health Ass. Annu. Meeting, Detroit,Mich., 10 to 15 Nov. 1968). Recent developmentshave been made in CF procedures for the detec-tion of Australia antigen (R. Vargues et al.,E. Suba, and S. Vernace et al., 1970 TechniconInt. Congr., Advan. Automated Analysis, NewYork, 2 to 4 Nov. 1970). A diagnostic CF testfor amebiasis (20) is under development at theCenter for Disease Control in Atlanta, Ga.The automated CF test has also been used inthe study of foot-and-mouth disease virus typesand subtypes (16). Automated hemagglutina-tion (HA) systems have been utilized in researchassociated with influenza viruses (9, 10). Thesesystems have proved of great value to the phar-maceutical industry in the production of in-fluenza vaccines (4, 7). An automated HI testwas developed in England (3) for the detectionof influenza antibodies.


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It is the purpose of this paper to present theprocedures used and results obtained in thedevelopment of an automated serological HIsystem for the detection of parainfluenza anti-bodies in bovine sera and its comparison toaccepted manual test procedures.

MATERIALS AND METHODSVirus. Virus used in the parainfluenza 3 (PI-3) HI

tests, both manual and automated, was the "shippingfever" (SF4) strain obtained from G. Frank of theNational Animal Disease Laboratory, Ames, Iowa.Viral antigen was prepared in monolayer cultures ofbovine embryonic kidney cells.

Sera. A series of 51 bovine sera used in the manualand automated test procedures were obtained from thefield services unit of the University of PennsylvaniaSchool of Veterinary Medicine. An additional serum,titrated in each of the manual test runs, was used asthe "standard" in the automated runs. Sera were in-activated at 56 C for 30 min and diluted 1: 5 in sterilephosphate-buffered saline (PBS). Each specimen wasdivided into samples which were stored at -20 Cuntil used.Red blood (RB) cells. Bovine blood was collected

in sterile Alsever's solution from calves or maturecattle at various local slaughterhouses. The RB cellswere packed by centrifugation and washed three timesin sterile PBS. The washed cells were resuspended insterile Alsever's solution (in a 10 to 20% cell suspen-sion) and stored at approximately 4C until used.

During the preliminary phases of this study, it wasfound that the RB cells could not be maintained formore than 2 days in PBS without excessive lysis oc-curring. However, when they were maintained inAlsever's solution and were stored at 4 C (with gentleagitation to resuspend the cells daily), they were keptfor up to 2 months without exhibiting any appreciablelysis. There was no detectable difference in sensitivityin these cells over this period of time in the automatedsystem.Manual HI tests. The manual HI tube test used was

laboratory method 9-66 (Virology Section, DiagnosticServices, Animal Health Division, National AnimalDisease Laboratory, Ames, Iowa).

The manual microtiter test was a modification ofthe procedure described by Lennette (12). PBS (0.05ml) was dispensed into appropriate microtiter platewells. After serum dilutions were completed (1:10 to1:1,280), 0.05 ml of antigen (4 HA units/0.05 ml)was added, and plates were incubated at room tem-perature for 1 hr. Then 0.025 ml of 0.5% bovine RBcells was added to appropriate wells. Plates were incu-bated at 4 C overnight (18 to 20 hr).The highest dilution of serum completely in-

hibiting HA was considered the HI titer of that serum(± agglutination was considered as "complete"inhibition).

If the antigen control indicated that the antigenused in a test run was insufficient or in excess, thetiters of all sera in that run were corrected by the

FIG. 1. Two-channel automated HI system.

FIG. 2. Part of two-channel automated HI system.

procedure of Clarke and Casals (2). They stated thata regular reciprocal relationship exists between antigenunits and HI titer.

In manual PI-3 HI tests with bovine RB cells, anantibody titer below 1:20 is considered "negative."This "level of significance" was used in all test resultsreported here (both manual and automated).

Automated HI test. Two basic automated HAsystems (Technicon Corp., Tarrytown, N.Y.) werecombined (Fig. 1-3). One-half of the system was usedto test the sera for HI antibodies and the other halfwas used to test for nonspecific agglutination of RB

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COLORIMETER RECORDER15mm flowcell420 nm filters PUMP 3


FIG. 3. Schematic of two-channel automated parainfiuentza-3 HI test system (only oiie channel showni-positionof tubing in the pumps is indicated for the second channel).


FIG. 4. Recorder tracinlg at beginininig of ant auito-mnated HI test run. A, agglutinated red blood cellbaseline; B, start-of-runi marker; %AoT, per cen2t trans-missiont; QC, quiality control sample.

cells by the sera. Each serum sample was aspiratedthrough two probes simultaneously. To determinewhat effect sample sequence might have on reproduci-bility, the same sequence of randomly selected speci-mens was run on 2 consecutive days on one channelof the system. This procedure was then repeated witha new, randomly selected sequence. Tests were run atthe rate of 40 and 60 specimens per hr controlled by a

2: 1 (sample-to-wash ratio) cam. The cam is a notcheddisc in the sampling unit which controls both the rateof sampling and the period of time that serum samples

and intersample solutions are aspirated into the testsystem.

Serum samples were diluted 1:10 (1:2 dilution ofthe stored sera) and were treated with kaolin (FisherScientific Co., Fair Lawn, N.J.) to remove nonspecificinhibitors of agglutination (5). Approximately I ml ofeach treated serum was placed in a sampler cup. Atthe beginning of a run, a relatively high-titered serumwas aspirated for 10 to 15 sec to act as a start-of-runmarker. This was followed by 9 cups of a seriallydiluted "standard." Two samples of PBS were placedbetween the last standard sample and the first qualitycontrol (QC) specimen to allow the "carry-over"effect of the undiluted standard to wash out (Fig. 4).Following the first QC sample were 11 randomlyselected "unknown" sera. These were followed by aPBS wash sample, a QC sample, 10 randomly selectedunknowns, a PBS wash, etc., until all 51 unknownshad been tested. A PBS wash sample and a QC sampleended the sequence. All QC specimens were precededby a PBS wash sample. This standardized the effect ofthe "preceding sample" on all the control specimensin all runs (Fig. 5).When a weak positive serum specimen is sampled

after a strongly positive specimen, the titer of the weaksample is often uninterpretable on the recorder. Such"sloughed" samples were retitrated at the end of eachrun. Strongly positive sera, whose titers were abovethe linear region of the standard curve, were diluted1:2 or 1:4 and were retitrated also. All reruns wereperiodically bracketed with PBS and QC specimensas they had been in the normal run period.

The description of the automated HI test procedurewhich follows is valid for both manifolds, with theexception that the serum HA control unit used noantigen. In the serum control unit, a solution of PBSwith two drops of Tween 20 per liter (PBS + T20)


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B r1


FIG. 5. Recorder tracings from automated HI test runs. (A) 40 samples per hr; (B) 60 samples per hr; QC, qual-ity control samples, each preceded by a phosphate-buffered saline wash sample. Both A and B are of the samesample-sequence with the first three QC samples in B being the same as the three QC in A. The pictures weretaken at the same lens-to-chart distance so that the physical chart area would be the same and therefore representthe same test-run time period.

was pumped through the "antigen" line to maintainvolumetric relationships in the two halves of thesystem.Serum and antigen (see Fig. 3 for flow rates) were

mixed and allowed to "react" for 8.5 min (Fig. 6A)before 2% bovine RB cells were added (Fig. 6B). AnHA phase of 17.75 min at room temperature followed(Fig. 6C). PBS + T20 was then added to disperse anynonspecifically agglutinated RB cells (Fig. 6D). Ag-glutinated cells settled to the bottom of the movingfluid stream in a large horizontal glass coil (Fig. 6E).These cells were aspirated from the stream and dis-

carded at two "T" fittings (Fig. 6F). Remaining non-agglutinated cells were lysed by the addition of TritonX-100, thereby releasing hemoglobin (Fig. 6G). Theconcentration of the hemoglobin was measured by acolorimeter and was recorded on a strip chart re-corder (there was a separate colorimeter and recorderfor each half of the system). The amount of hemo-globin measured reflected the amount of specific anti-body in the serum sample being tested.

At the end of each run, the system was cleaned witheither (i) 2.5% urea plus 0.05 M NaOH or (ii) 2%RBS 25 (Fisher Scientific Co.) at 50 C. Once a week

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FIG. 6. One manifold of two-channel HI test system. A, serum-antigen reaction phase coil; B, red blood cellilnput; C, hemagglutination reaction phase coils; D, diluent input; E, settling coil; F, agglutinated red blood cellaspiration; G, red blood cell lysing agent input.



0 6

o o _UNDIl











:2.5 1:5 1:10 1:20DILUTION OF STANDARD

FIG. 7. Automated test twofold dilution standardcurve before (0-0) and after (O--*) correctionfor serum density (O----O).

the system was flushed with dilute chromic acid solu-tion. This was forced into the system with a syringe,thereby providing rapid dispersion throughout. After5 min it was flushed out with distilled water. This wasthen pumped through all lines of the system for 30 minor more.














, ..4.... ....640 320 160 00 40




20 10

FIG. 8. Relationship between twofold and quartiletiters based on the standard curve of an automated HItest run.

Calculation of automated test titers. At the end ofeach run, the "peak" values of the standards on thestrip chart recorder were transposed from per centtransmission (%7T) to optical density (OD). An ODvalue equal to that produced by the density of the


--------------------------2Yi--r -



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serum itself was subtracted from the standard curvepeaks (Fig. 7). This was, in effect, diluted out at a 1:10dilution. In the linear region of the corrected curve,the difference in OD values between two adjacentpeaks was divided into equal parts (Fig. 8). This mid-point between two peaks was selected as the dividingpoint between adjacent twofold titers. To recordresults comparable to the manual twofold end points,any unknown peak value falling between two of thesemidpoints was recorded as possessing that particulartwofold titer. Since automated clinical chemistrysystems have generally been shown to provide muchmore precise and reproducible results than corres-ponding manual tests, the OD distance between twostandard curve peaks for the automated HI system wasfurther subdivided into four equal parts ("quartiles",Fig. 8). Unknowns were then also recorded with aquartile titer which could be directly compared tomanual twofold titers.An arbitrary set of "tolerance limits" was set for

the QC specimens. A variation of 10% of the mid-point titer between the highest and lowest QC valuesin any given run was permitted above and below thatmidpoint. Any variation of a QC greater than this10% limit would indicate an apparent baseline shift.Where this occurred, titers would be adjusted tocompensate for the degree of drift. The maximumreproducibility to be expected from the automatedsystem was determined by comparing the titers of thequality control samples within each run.The reproducibility of twofold titers in paired and

multiple replicate manual and automated runs wasdetermined by the one-dilution difference method ofHall (8). The procedure was also adapted to theanalysis of the reproducibility of quartile titers in theautomated system.



Method for evaluation of the automated system. Testcomparisons made in this study are summarized inFig. 9. The manual tube test was used as the standardtest procedure. The within-technician and between-technician reproducibility to be expected from thistest system was determined first. The microtiter testwas then compared to the tube test system. The re-producibility of the automated system was determinedby comparisons between different sample sequencesand sampling rates. The twofold and quartile titerswere determined and compared within-system and tomanual test twofold titers (solid lines in Fig. 9). Thecontinuous titers for the automated system were cal-culated and their reproducibility within-system wasdetermined (dashed lines in Fig. 9). The results ob-tained in the various test comparisons are found inthe tables indicated by the numbers in parentheses inFig. 9 or are in the text.

RESULTSComparison of manual and automated HI test

systems. Table 1 indicates the number of serathat could be titrated in a day by using the testsystems and procedures utilized in this study.Manual test results could not be read until afteran incubation period of 18 to 20 hr. The timespan from serum sample input to recorded-testoutput in the automated system was 37 min.It was found that satisfactory HA of bovine RBcells required approximately 20 min at roomtemperature (21 C), but only 7 min or less at37 C.A comparison of the amount of reagents used

in the manual and automated test procedures






FIG. 9. Schematic of test comparisons made. (a) Solid arrow indicates twofold or quartile tiler analyses, orboth; dashed arrow indicates continuous-titer analyses. (b) Table number which shows the results of the indicatedanalyses. (T) indicates results are in the text. (c) Loops indicate paired-run comparisons completed under thesame conditions on consecutive days (i.e., paired manual tube test runs by technician A).

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was made (Table 2). Reagents used in the as-sociated HA titration and HI antigen controlsfor each run of sera are included in the table.The laboratory space needed for the two-channelautomated system and the manual test systemswas comparable.

Evaluation of reproducibility of manual HItest results. Eleven manual test runs were com-pleted (six tube test and five microtiter test runs).In one tube test run the RB cell agglutinationpatterns were poorly formed. The results of thistest run had to be discarded.The reproducibility and agreement of dupli-

cate runs of the 52 sera in test tubes are pre-

TABLE 1. Time required for a single technician tocomplete a titration run by using test tubes,microtiter plates, and the automated system

Test type

Manual tube test

Manual micro-titer test

Automated (40samples perhr)

Automated (40samples perhr)

No. ofsera





No. ofruns





Avg time No. of tests

(hr:min)a, per8-hrday(estimate)







100 125c

125-1 50c

a Includes time to prepare reagents and com-

plete other pre- and postrun functions.b Plus 9 standards, 9 quality control samples,

12 or more phosphate-buffered saline samples tostandardize the quality controls, and 21 to 29serum sample reruns per 51 unknowns.cThis estimate would be higher if improved

techniques reduced the number of reruns.

sented in Table 3 for each of two technicians.Two tube test runs of each technician werepaired (four pairs of different technician runs)to demonstrate the agreement of test resultsbetween the two technicians (Table 4).The first two of five microtiter test runs com-

pleted by technician B were 98.0% reproducible.These two runs were compared to each of thetwo tube test runs by the same technician (Table5). The reproducibility of all five tube test runswas 90.0%, and that of the five microtiter runswas 86.2%.As a screening procedure, 12 of the 52 sera

titrated at less than 1:20 in 1 or more of the 10repeat titrations. Nine of these sera titrated atthis level in both manual test systems.

Evaluation of reproducibility of automated tests.A total of seven runs of 51 sera was made on

TABLE 3. Summary ofagreement and reproducibilityof titers in duplicate runs of52 serafor each oftwotechnicians with the manual hemagglutination-

inhibition tube test

Technician A Technician BAgreement of duplicate

samplesNo. Per cent No. Per cent

1st Run: I dilution 10 20.8 4 8.0>2nd run

1 st Run: equal to 2nd 29 60.4 41 82.0run

1st Run: I dilution 9 18.8 5 10.0<2nd run

Total no. of pairs' 48 100.0 50 100.0

Reproducibility' 100.0 100.0

a Excludes those serum pairs in which bothtitrations were <1:10.

b Serum pairs that titrated at no greater thanone dilution different. Expressed as per cent.

TABLE 2. Comparison of the total amount of reagents required to titrate comparable runs of sera by iusinigmanutal methods (52 sera) and automated methods (5I sera) with dilutionts anzd units adjusted to the

manual tube test levela

Method Phosphate-buffered Serum (ml), Antigen: 16 HA Red cells (ml), Red blood cellsaline (ml) 1:5 dilution units/ml 0.42%, lysing agent (ml)b

Manual tube test 190 31.2 120 165 0

Manual microtiter test 35 5.2 12 18 0

Automated test (40/hr)c 1,200 6.3 504 275 1,405

Automated test (60/hr)C 900 4.4 364 196 1,015

Manual test titrations were from 1:10 to 1:1,280 in twofold steps.6 Triton X-100.e All figures include the amount of reagents required for standards, quality controls, reruns, etc.


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TABLE 4. Distribuition and agreement of repeattitrations in foulr pairs of manual

hemagglutiniationz-i,ihibitiontube test runiis by twodifferent techniciansa

Technician A

a Reproducibility is 100.07c at the one-dilutiondifference level.

TABLE 5. Distributiont antd agreemenzt of duplicatetiters for four paired runs betweeni the manualmicrotiter and tube tests by one teclhnicianla

Tube testSerum <10 10 20 40 80 160 320 640titer

<10 8 210 2 420 10 1840 6-46 880 14 20 2160 6-31 4 1320 11\4`1640 2-0

a Reproducibility is 99.5% at the one-dilutiondifference level.


the automated system. The runs were made ontwo different channels, in two different serumsequences, and at two different speeds. All sera,as well as reagent controls for each run, werenegative for nonspecific agglutination of bovineRB cells.

All QC samples in all seven test runs titratedto the same twofold titer. This measurementprocedure did not provide a means wherebybaseline drift could be effectively measured bythe QC.When measuring quartile titers, in three of

the seven automated runs all of the QC peaksfell within a single quartile. In three other runsthey fell within two adjacent quartiles. Theseventh run had QC peaks in three adjacentquartiles, and, on this basis, baseline shift wasconsidered to be excessive.

Six of the seven runs in the study had QCsample variations which fell within the :1=10%continuous-titer tolerance limits (Table 6). Alldata in the one run showing excessive baselineshift were corrected before being used in anyof the automated system reproducibility evalu-ations reported here.The series of 51 sera were titrated on two differ-

ent automated HI channels on the same day.The one-dilution difference reproducibility ofthis pair of runs, for the 22 sera that titrated onthe linear region of the standard curve, was100.0%; 95.4% (21 of the 22 pairs) titrated atthe same twofold dilution in both systems.The one-quartile difference reproducibilityshowed that all 22 of these serum pairs titratedat no greater than one-quartile difference. Thisis one-quarter of the difference intimated by

TABLE 6. Reproducibility (by various parameters) ofnine replicate quality control samples in each of sevenruns of 5I sera with the automated hemagglutination inhibition system

Max variationRun no. Samples Mean titer titera SD6 CVC

± Titerd ± Per cent

1 40 90.87 90.89 16.30 17.93e 12.53 13.782 40 88.03 86.87 4.04 4.64 2.62 2.973 40 71.77 72.06 4.04 5.59 2.85 3.974 40 75.94 75.35 2.82 3.74 1.74 2.295 40 74.89 75.33 3.72 4.93 2.64 3.526 60 68.24 68.41 2.77 4.04 1.87 2.747 60 69.74 69.05 2.19 3.17 1.77 2.53

a Midpoint between highest and lowest quality control titer. The same specimens were not used as thequality control sample in all runs. Therefore, differences in titer between runs does not necessarily re-flect system variation from run to run.

I Standard deviation.c Coefficient of variation = SD/mean X 100.d Actual titer variation both above and below the midpoint of the nine replicate quality controls.6 Exceeds the -+10% quality control tolerance limits set for this study.







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TABLE 7. Distribution2 anzd agreement of twofoldtiters in four replicate automated rnlsbetweeni two differen-t sequenzces of

5I sera at 40 samples per hrraSequence 1






a Excludes results from 10 sera in each run inwhich all replicate titers were <10 or in which allfour replicates were not interpretable. Reproduci-bility is 100.0w". with 82.9% of the sera titrating atthe same titer in all four replicates.

TABLE 8. Agreement and reproducibility o f titersfor one pair each of automated runs at 40 and 60samples per hr (each pair composed of twodifferent-sequence runs) on consecutive days

40/Hr 60/HrAgreement of duplicate

samplesNo. Per cent No. Per cent

Sequence 1: I dilution 4 9.8 4 9.8>sequence 2

Sequence 1: equal to 36 87.7 35 85.3sequence 2

Sequence 1: I dilution 1 2.5 2 4.9<sequence 2

Total no. of pairsa 41 100.0 41 100.0

Reproducibilityb 100.0 100.0

a Excludes those serum pairs in which bothtitrations were <1:10.

b Serum pairs that titrated at no greater thanone dilution difference. Expressed as per cent.

the twofold titration results. Thirteen of the 22serum pairs titrated to the same quartile.At 40 samples per hr, titers for each of the

two same-sequence paired runs were 100.0%reproducible at the one-dilution difference level.In both sequences, 85.4% of the serum pairstitrated at the same titer. The one-quartiledifference reproducibility for these two sets ofruns was 93.3 and 95.7%. If only those resultsfrom the linear region of the standard curve are

considered, the one-quartile difference repro-ducibility was 100.0% for both sets of pairedruns.

TABLE 9. Distributiont antd agreemenit of twofoldtiters in paired manuiial-v-ersiis-automlated test

runls for both techniicianis by usinig themanual tube test anid the autom1ated

test at 40 samnples per hraManual runs



a Manual tube test runs two through five were

paired with automated test runs one and threethrough five, respectively. Results exclude 10 sera

in each run in which all replicate titers were <10or in which all four automated replicates were not

interpretable. There is 99.4'-c reproducibility at theone-dilution difference level between these manualand automated test runs.

Table 7 shows the distribution and agreementof twofold titers for four sets of different-sequence paired runs at 40 samples per hr. Twoof the 40-per-hr runs (one of each sample se-

quence) were followed on the same day by 60-per-hr runs (Fig. 5). The agreement and re-producibility of duplicate titers between thetwo runs at each speed are given in Table 8.The one-quartile difference reproducibility ofthese paired different-sequence runs at 40 and 60samples per hr was 97.7 and 90.9%, respectively(100.0 and 95.4%, respectively, when only thoseresults from the linear region of the curve were

considered).The two 40-per-hr runs and two 60-per-hr

runs were paired against each other to determineif there was any difference between the resultsproduced at the two different speeds on both a

same-sequence and different-sequence basis.Reproducibility at the one-dilution differencelevel was found to be 100.0% in both cases.

On a same-sequence basis, 75.8% of the serumpairs titrated at the same titer, whereas thisoccurred in 72.7% of the serum pairs on a differ-ent-sequence basis.As a screening procedure, in the seven auto-

mated runs 12 of the sera were titrated at lessthan 1:20 in one or more of the runs.

Evaluation of reproducibility between manualand automated systems. Two manual tube testruns of each technician were compared to thefour automated 40-sample-per-hr runs (Table 9).

SerumI <10 10 20 40 80 160 320 640titerI

<101020 7 340 11 61. 480 28 2160 24 6320 16 0640 2-

Serum <10 10 20 40 80 160 320 6titer

<101020 1 10 .-340 15 51 480 6 23 2160 7 21320 1 10\8 16401 1\0


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Various paired and multiple test comparisonsof six manual and five automated (40/hr) runsshowed the reproducibility levels indicated inTable 10.

In the first seven manual runs completed andthe seven automated runs, 13 sera were titratedone or more times at less than 1:20. Twelve ofthese sera were titrated at this level in both themanual and automated systems. Of the total of91 individual titrations (13 sera X 7 titrations/serum), the manual and automated systems bothtitrated 35 samples at 1:20. A total of 56 speci-mens were negative (<1:20) by the automatedsystem, with the manual systems titrating 52specimens at < 1:20 and 4 at 1:40.

Analysis of "continuous-titers." The vari-ability of titers from "standardized" qualitycontrols measured on the same day and thesame channel of the automated system waspresented in Table 4. The standard deviationsranged from -0.74 to -12.53 with a mean of

3.72. The mean of the variation between paired"unknown" sera (expressed as a per cent of themean titer of the pairs) and the correspondingstandard deviations are shown in Table 11. Asmight be expected, the mean variation for 60-sample-per-hr different-sequence runs was greaterthan 40-sample-per-hr runs under the same con-ditions. The mean variation for 40-sample-per-hr different-sequence runs was greater than simi-lar same-sequence runs only when analysis was

confined to the linear portion of the standardcurve.

DISCUSSIONThe automated continuous-flow system (Tech-

nicon Corp.) is currently the major contributorto automated serology. Most of the discretesample systems now used in automated clinicalchemistry have not been reported to have beenused in serology. These will probably contributelittle to sero-epidemiology in the future, espe-

TABLE 10. Reproducibility of manual and 40-sample-per-hr automated hemagglutintation inhibition testruns at different levels

Two runs/comparison > Two runs/comparison

Reproducibility level Automated Manual Automated (four runs)Manual (6)a (three runs)

All pairs (4) Restricted (2) All replicates Restrictedpairs, (5) (2) replicates' (2)

Sametiter(twofolddilu- 50.0-83.7c 79.5-88.9 90.9-100.0 22.0-48.0 66.7-80.0 86.4-90.0tions)

One-dilution differenced 90.0-100.0 95.6-100.0 100.0 88.0-90.0 95.2-95.6 100.0One-quartile difference, 90.0-97.7 95.4-100.0f 73.8-91.1 95.4-100.0

Number in parentheses is the number of comparisons represented in that column.b Only those results that fell on the central straight portion of the standard curve are included.c All values expressed as percentages.d The "accepted" reproducibility level of manual twofold dilution test procedures.e One-dilution difference encompasses a total of eight quartiles, whereas a one-quartile difference has

a range of only two quartiles.f Four of the five paired runs were 100.0% reproducible at this level.

TABLE 11. Per cent variation from the mean ofpaired serum titers of the same and different sequences at40 and 60 samples per hr

Same sequence 40/hr Different sequence

Serumpairs" Sequence 1 Sequence 2 40/Hr 60/Hr

Mean SDb Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

41 4.03 5.15 4.41 4.20 4.29 3.49 6.77 5.4522c 3.09 1.74 3.48 3.66 4.22 3.39 5.59 5.66

" Number of duplicate sera with interpretable results, but not including pairs with both titers of<10 or pairs in which one result was uninterpretable.

b Standard deviation.e All pairs were limited to the "straight" portion of the standard curve.

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cially in programs involving large numbers (thou-sands) of serum specimens.The study demonstrated the feasibility of

combining individual HI units into multichannelHI systems as has been done with automatedCF and clinical chemistry systems. These couldbe structured in two ways: (i) to titrate a serumspecimen against several antigens simultaneously,and (ii) to titrate several serum specimenssimultaneously against one antigen.

Vargosko (19) has estimated that, by usingmanual test procedures, 50%0 of the time of aserological laboratory technician is spent inperforming clerical duties. The utilization of anautomatic data acquisition system in conjunctionwith automated serological systems would elimi-nate most of the routine clerical duties. An on-linecomputer in a multichannel automated serologysystem would also be of great importance forsystem monitoring and control. This wouldprovide immediate and automatic adjustment oftest results whenever excessive baseline shiftoccurred.Although it was quite conservative in the

amount of undiluted serum used per test (0.02ml), the automated system used antigen at arate three to four times greater than the manualtube test and 30 to 40 times greater than themicrotiter test system. This level of antigen con-sumption must be reduced and might be ac-complished by one or more methods. Reagentconcentrations and flow rates, or both, might bechanged. Other methods would be to pumpantigen into the HI system only when a serumspecimen is aspirated or to increase the samplingrate without increasing reagent flow rates. Avalve and control unit was developed duringthis study to regulate antigen flow in this manner.Although not used in this study, preliminarywork with this unit showed it to be a satisfactoryworking system. The combination of samplingrate and sample-to-wash ratio would be a de-termining factor as to the applicability of such aprocedure in any specific test system. The costand availability of the antigen used in the testsystem would be another important factor tobe considered.

In the 10 manual test runs carried out in thestudy, 60.8c% of the sera titrated at one-dilutiondifference or less in all 10 replicates. The highdegree of reproducibility consistently seenthroughout the manual test phase of this studyexceeded expectations. It can probably be at-tributed to the practice of adjusting the testresults (2) in any of the runs in which the antigencontrol indicated that the amount of antigenused was not the optimum.

Since the quality control specimens were used

in the automated test runs to determine thewithin-run system stability, they were subjectedas closely as possible to the same prior-sampleinfluence. Test results showed that inserting aPBS sample in front of each control specimenwas a satisfactory procedure. An alternativemethod would be to use two quality controls insuccession and read only the second one of eachpair. The first QC of each pair would act as the"standardizing" prior sample. Tumbleson (Tech-nicon Int. Congr., Advan. Automated Analysis,New York, 1970) has found this method to bethe more stable of the two methods.The calculation of automated twofold and

quartile titers served basically one purpose: toprovide a frame of reference for comparing theautomated HI system directly to the currentlyaccepted manual HI test procedures. Thesecomparisons showed that when all test resultsin each automated run were included, the auto-mated one-dilution difference reproducibilitywas only slightly higher than that of the manualtest systems. However, if the per cent of repli-cates that titrated at the same titer in bothmanual and automated runs was compared,the automated system was found to be muchmore reproducible especially when three ormore runs were included (Table 10). All auto-mated test comparisons showed 100.0%. re-producibility at the one-dilution difference levelif only those results from the linear portion ofthe curve were used, regardless of the number ofruns in the comparison. In some paired runs ofthe automated system, the reproducibility was100.Oco at the same-titer level.The one-quartile difference reproducibility of

the automated tests was comparable to the one-dilution difference reproducibility of the manualtests. When restricted to the straight portion ofthe standard curve, the one-quartile repro-ducibility was 100.0%o in four of five paired runsand in one of two multireplicate comparisons(Table 10). This high degree of reproducibilityat the one-quartile difference level demonstratedthe ability of the automated system to titratesera much more precisely than is possible withthe manual twofold procedure.

If the automated system standard curves areviewed as a series of discrete but contiguouspoints, it can be seen that antibody titers aredefinable to a much finer degree than either thetwofold or quartile measuring systems allow.In fact, if the concept of dividing twofoldtiters into quartile titers is carried on into smallerand smaller units, a series of discrete points willbe the result ("continuous titers"). This type oftiter definition is not possible in manual testtechniques, even if sera are titrated in fractional-fold dilutions. Furthermore, the inability of the


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twofold titer measurement system to detectlarge fluctuations in automated test-run baselinesis probably reflected in manual test systems. Thismight explain some of the problems experiencedin manual serological test procedures. By pro-viding continuous titers, the automated systemmakes as important a contribution to serologyas it does with increased speed of analysis andreproducibility of titration results.The 100% tolerance limit established for

automated system QC variation in this study(by using the continuous-titer measurementprocedure) is a much narrower range than thatwhich is accepted in the manual test procedures.The one-dilution difference accepted for "re-produced" repeat titrations in manual serologicaltests allows a variation of 50 or 100% of a giventiter. That is, a test result with a titer of 1:160may, on a subsequent run, be titrated at 1:80(50% change) or 1:320 (100% change) andstill be considered as a reproduced result. The±10%Xc tolerance limit at a titer of 1:160 con-fined repeat titrations to the range of 1:144 to1:176 for a reproduced result. The greater re-producibility of the automated system maymake it possible to reevaluate the serologicaldefinition of "evidence of infection" which isused in manual techniques (i.e., fourfold changein titer between acute- and convalescent-phasesera).At 40 specimens per hr, sample sequence had

little, if any, significant effect upon an individualserum titer when the practice of retitrating thosesera which appeared to be adversely affectedby a preceding sample was observed. Hopefully,mathematical correction of test results for sampleinteraction would be as satisfactory a procedurein serology as it is in those clinical chemistrysystems which utilize on-line computer systems.This could preclude the necessity of retitratingsloughed samples.

In the automated test, the range of the standarddeviations of the per cent variation from themean titer of the serum pairs (40/hr runs) wastwice as large when all test results in a run wereincluded (±3.49 to ±5.36%) as when only thoseresults on the central straight portion of thestandard curves were measured (±1.74 to±3.66%). When four replicate runs (at 40/hr)were analyzed, the standard deviations wereequal to the highest value of the paired-run ranges(±5.41 and ±3.48%c, respectively).Comparison of the manual and automated

procedures as screening test systems to detectpositive sera (titers of 1:20 or greater) and nega-tive sera (<1:20) indicated that the two typesof systems were of comparable sensitivity. Auto-mated systems will make it possible to screen

large numbers of sera at a specific level of sig-nificance, especially in low prevalence antibodyrate disease conditions. Screening runs can becarried out at a faster rate than titration runsin the automated system and would be of greatvalue in determining which specimens havetiters that are too low to be of further interestin a study.Automated serological systems will provide the

means for undertaking many long-range epi-demiological studies of importance to bothhuman and animal health. These may includelong-range surveillance systems, specific diseaseeradication programs, etc. The results of thisstudy show that automated continuous-flowHI systems are feasible.


This study was supported by Public Health Service researchtraining grant #5 TI GM 975 from the National Institute ofGeneral Medical Sciences.We thank Beth Rubino for performing several HI test runs of

the sera in this study.


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