Page 1: Product Advertisement By: Annie Lu. Industrial Good

Product Advertisement

By: Annie Lu

Page 2: Product Advertisement By: Annie Lu. Industrial Good

Industrial Good

Page 3: Product Advertisement By: Annie Lu. Industrial Good

Industrial Good This ad is targeting electronic product users or anyone who uses items that require battery power. By portraying the Duracell Ultra battery as a huge tornado that sweeps up every energizer bunny in its path, the target audience can see just how powerful the company’s new battery is. I think it is a very clever and colorful ad that effectively does its job. It catches my eye right off the bat and sends a very clear message.

Page 4: Product Advertisement By: Annie Lu. Industrial Good





Page 5: Product Advertisement By: Annie Lu. Industrial Good




Good This ad is targeting

parents who have little kids, people with sensitive skin, or anyone who likes soft toilet paper. By adding a happy baby to the ad, this brand of toilet paper will appeal to parents who don’t want their kids whining over rough toilet paper. It’s so soft that even babies (usually the ones identified with very sensitive skin) like it. The toilet paper in this ad could also be compared to clouds.

Clouds have a connotation of being light and fluffy and that’s what this company wants their product to come off as. I think it’s very effective. It shows that Angel Soft toilet paper is truly “the softest around”.

Page 6: Product Advertisement By: Annie Lu. Industrial Good


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Page 7: Product Advertisement By: Annie Lu. Industrial Good


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This ad is targeting all Avril Lavigne fans. Perfumes are shopping goods because there are so many different brands and fragrances. Because Avril Lavigne designed this perfume, any of her fans will be inclined to purchase it over other choices, depending on the price and quality of the spray. I think it’s an average advertisement. A lot of other celebrities have designed their own fragrances as well and most of the ads are similar, so Avril Lavigne’s Black Star doesn’t particularly stand out.

Page 9: Product Advertisement By: Annie Lu. Industrial Good

Specialty Good

This ad is targeting either young adults who are into the “newest thing” or even business people who need to carry around their laptops all the time. This ad describes the new MacBook Air notebook as paper thin. This shows how easy it is to carry around—not being too heavy and not having to take up a lot of room. It is also appealing because it’s so thin and the thinner or smaller products are these days, the more alluring they are. Anything of the Apple brand is a specialty good because even though there are other products similar to their products, nothing can compare to the actual brand. I think this ad is very effective. The notebook really looks paper thin and really “sleek”. I’d buy it!

Page 10: Product Advertisement By: Annie Lu. Industrial Good

Unsought Good

Page 11: Product Advertisement By: Annie Lu. Industrial Good

UnsoughtGoodThis ad targets parents or people with kids. By showing this little kid in his mini taxi cornered by two life-style taxis, this ad appeals to the emotions of the audience and is very effective in tempting them to buy this company’s life insurance. Life insurance is usually an unsought good because consumers usually don’t think of buying it and spending so much money on an accident that may never happen, especially during such an economic crisis. It usually takes a lot of really good advertising to get consumers to buy life insurance.

Page 12: Product Advertisement By: Annie Lu. Industrial Good

My Advertisement

Page 13: Product Advertisement By: Annie Lu. Industrial Good

This ad is targeting parents or very busy people who always get frustrated whenever they get held up at the cash register at the store.My PayBreezePayBreeze credit card bracelet is a specialty good because it’s a specific version of a credit card – a particular type of payment. Even though there are other credit card companies, my product is different because the function of payment is located in a bracelet rather than a card. However, it may still be considered a shopping good because consumers can still compare the credit card bracelet and its deal with other credit card plans.

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