
Production optimization withReact and Webpack

@k88hudson Firefox Engineering, Mozilla


Why React?

Abstracts away the DOM

Works on servers, native apps, …Firefox?!?

It’s fast*Helpful errors

Deterministic component rendering



Why Webpack?

node_modules file system

single bundle for client-side applications

Why optimization?


Users have high standards for performance

Good optimization is not just making everything faster, smaller and more

fault tolerant…

…it’s about being aware of your options and making the right


Everyone has Opinions™

Laws of benevolent optimization

Laws of benevolent optimization

1. Don’t optimize prematurely 2. Know your options 3. Instrument your sh*t 4. Set benchmarks that make sense for

your actual users

1. Don’t optimize prematurely

Before you optimize…• Know what you’re building, address the UX/

product risk first

• Are your engineers on the same page as your designers/product? Do you share a common goal?

• Finish a few rounds of internal testing

• Have a good idea of who your users are

You might be ready to optimize if…• You’re about to ship a product to market,

particularly on devices or in conditions that are different from your development environment

• You’ve already shipped an MVP and are seeing latency/perf/errors bog you down

• You’ve already shipped a product and have no idea if it’s performing well but you feel like you should probably figure that out

2. Know your options

Where can we optimize?

Development Build time


Webpack—optimizing at Build time


Optimizing at build time

Transform code (for size, compatibility)

Manage configuration

Remove unused, non-essential code

Re-structure files/output



Typical Webpack set-up

Using custom loaders

Compiling ES2015 and JSX

<Foo bar />

React.createElement(Foo, { bar: true });

How big is the bundle?

Without webpack

react.js 628K react-dom.js 4.0k

With webpack

main.js 648K

Webpack’s built-in production optimization plugins

webpack -p

Webpack’s built-in production optimization plugins

• optimize-minimize (UglifyJS)

• optimize-occurrence-order

• optimize-dedupe

With webpack -p

main.js 172K (-476k)

Another option— Using the production build directly

With resolve/externals

main.js 136K (-512)

Use a production build of React


Use a production build of React

How DefinePlugin works

Using DefinePlugin for dev-only dependencies

my-dev-logger will not be included in the bundle.

With webpack -p NODE_ENV=production

main.js 128K (-520k)

This is stuff you should definitely be doing.

3. Instrument your sh*t

webpack --json


React—optimizing at Runtime

First-load latency

First-load latency

First-load latency

General optimizations

If we render with JS…


Server-side rendering with react

Precompile the initial state

Instrumenting performance

Instrumenting performance

Time to first React render

Time to first React renderwith content

Total render time

What if we’re havingrendering issues?

Reasons this might be a problem

• You are manipulating or reading the DOM directly

• You are handling very large arrays of complex elements

• Your business logic contains computationally expensive functions

• You are rendering very complex DOM elements (such as SVG visualizations)

Manipulating/reading the DOM

Using keys correctly

Using keys correctly

Using keys correctly



Use React Perf toolsrequire(“react-addons-perf“);





Laws of benevolent optimization

1. Don’t optimize prematurely 2. Know your options 3. Instrument your sh*t 4. Set benchmarks that make sense for

your actual users

What should you benchmark?

• File size

• Time to first load

• Time to render

What is acceptable depends on who your users are what they’re likely to expect

The difference between over-engineering and good engineering

is making the right compromises

Thanks! Tweet at me @k88hudson


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