
“Professional Networking for New Librarians”

(Online Program)

provided by

ALA NMRT Annual Program Committee 2011-2012

Alyse Ergood, Ava Iuliano (Co-chair), Bohyun Kim (Co-chair), Breanne Kirsch, Christy Shorey, Jared Harmon

Speakers• Time/Date: Thurs. June 7, 2012 at Noon EST (US time)• Place:

• Speakers: (See below for speaker bios) – Ned Potter ("On the What of Professional Networking")– Loida Garcia-Febo ("On the How of Professional Networking")– JP Porcaro ("On the With Whom of Professional Networking")– Courtney L Young ("On the Where of Professional Networking”)– Pat Hawthorne ("On the When of Professional Networking”)– Ned Potter ("On the Why of Professional Networking")

• Evaluation Survey:


•• #ALA12 #networking

Ned - What

So: what is networking anyway?

So: what is networking anyway?

Well, here’s what it’s not...

“It’s not about exploiting who you know, or shameless self-promotion, or accumulating and dispensing as many business cards as possible. It’s about sharing advice and support.”

- Adrienne Cooper (@SphericalFruit)

It’s not an exercise in broadcasting, it’s a 2-way street.

To network is to build relationships

and become part of a supportive

system of sharing information,

advice and ideas among

individuals and groups with a

common interest

Let’s define day-to-day networking for information professionals like this:

More formal networking is the process of establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with other people or groups - one of the key differences might be, you go in there with a plan...

Loida – How

Walk this Way: How to NetworkProfessional Networking Tips for New Librarians

Loida Garcia-Febo Coordinator, New Americans Program Queens Library

How did I first get involved in ALA?REFORMA: ALA Affiliate -> ALA Round Table -> ALA Committee

Networking 101

• Visibility• Credibility• Trustability

Stay active in each one:

•Professional associations•Events•Online networks

Better together

Online Communities created by and for librarians*

Name of GroupCountry Activities Online tool

ALA Think TankUSA-based; open for librarians worldwide.

Motivate those that find difficult for new librarians to break through into the organization, discuss related issues, announce events, and plan professional and social events.


Finnish young librarian movement Finland Network, discuss issues and plan events. Ning

*Hack Library School USAPost blog entries about issues of interest for students and new librarians, and exchange ideas about LIS curriculum.

Facebook; TwitterWordPress

Hawaii-Pacific Law Library initiative Hawaii Brainstorm and promote collaboration. Google

IFLA New Professionals SIG Worldwide

Discuss worldwide concerns, post blog entries and videos about issues of interest and conferences, share news, and announce events.

Facebook; TwitterWordPress; YouTube

LIS New Professionals Network

England-based; open for librarians worldwide.

Post blog entries about issues of interest, announce conferences, social events and contests, and network.


*New Academic Librarians: Networking for Success Worldwide

Share news and information of interest to new librarians, and post job vacancies. LinkedIn

New Federal Librarians Group USA Network with other federal librarians. Facebook

*The NY Librarians Meetup USA Coordinate events, share information and job vacancies.

Digg; FacebookFlickr; GoodreadsLibraryThing; LinkedIn; Meetup Blog; TwitterYouTube

*Urban Librarians Unite USA Activist librarians organize grassroots advocacy efforts, organize networking events. Facebook; Twitter; WordPress.

*Garcia-Febo & Kear in Worldwide Perceptions of NewLibrarians (2012).


Get ready!

Building Networks Take Time

Cultivate relationships

•Say hello•Acknowledge•Phone calls•Thank you notes•Greeting cards•Emails•Send articles of interest•Friend/ Like/ Join websites•Posts their links on your social media pages•Direct messages

Give back!

Above all:

TransparentEthicalProfessionalPromise what you know you will provideAware of the expectations you create

Useful Resources

Ferrazi, Keith, and Tahl Raz. Never eat alone: and other secrets to success, one relationship at a time. New York: Currency Doubleday, 2005.

Garcia-Febo, Loida, and Robin Kear. 2012. “Worldwide Perceptions of New Librarians.” In Wolf-Fritz Riekert and Ingeborg Simon (Eds.), Information in e-motion Proceedings BOBCATSSS 2012 – 20th International Conference on Information Science. Amsterdam, 23-25 January 2012. Bad Honnef,

Germany: Bock+Herchen Verlag, p.121-124.

Gladwell, Malcolm. The tipping point: how little things can make a big difference. Boston: Little, Brown, 2002.

Meisner, Ivan. Truth or delusion: busting networks biggest myths. Nashville: Nelson, 2006.


Walk this Way: How to NetworkProfessional Networking Tips for New Librarians

Loida Garcia-FeboALA NMRT Webinar

June 7, 2012

[email protected]



Thank You!

JP – With Whom

Courtney - Where


Photo by emreterok

Professional Networking Tips for New Librarians:Where to Network

NMRT MW 2009 ACRL 2007

NMRT MW 2008ACRL 2011

#ala12 #networking

#ala12 #networking

Internet Librarian 2011 ACRL 2011


NMRT 2008

#ala12 #networking


Library TypesAcademicPublicSchoolSpecial/CorporateIndependent/Consultant

#ala12 #networking

#ala12 #networking

Most important events?

Face to FaceConferences & Unconferences - local, regional, state, national, international - orientations, receptionsEvents: alumni, vendor

OnlineWebinars, Webcasts - product based, service based, professional development- Carterette Series Webinars (GLA): Conferences - LJ, WebJunction, Library 2.0 – NMRT-LGroups – Facebook, LinkedinTwitter: #libchat

Library Day in the Life:

What are you waiting for?Start networking now!

Courtney YoungFacebook, Twitter, Gmail, Blogspot: librarycourtney

#ala12 #networking

Pat - When

When to network?• Start early – recognize the power of knowing people

– Introduce yourself – name, job, employer + brief description of what you do (what you love about your job)

– Ask others – about their employer, their job, what they like about their work, involvement

– Ask for what you want/need if you want/need something specific• Do it often – it gets easier and more natural

– Networking is about connections – therefore must be ongoing– Collect cards and names and introduce people to each other – in person or on the

phone• Do it in all settings – it becomes more powerful

– Do it at ALA, your state association, professional events in your city, social events +– Consider the purpose of an event and assess it for networking potential

• Follow up – Get to know those you want to know better by following up to have coffee or lunch or

a phone call– Keep in touch

Ned - Why

Why network?

Quite simply, the best part of this profession is...…the profession!

Networking gives you support, opens up new possibilities, makes you feel part of something bigger.

Networking can help progress your career, enhance your professional activities, and accomplish your goals.

Networking can help progress your career, enhance your professional activities, and accomplish your goals. (Including those you haven’t even thought of yet...)…

A real-life example...

My story: everything leads back to online or face-to-face networking in the end…

A real-life example...

My story: everything leads back to online or face-to-face networking in the end…

Escaping the Echo


Escaping the Echo


Escaping the Echo


Escaping the Echo


Escaping the Echo


(The ideal job.)

Above all though, Networking is


Network with me!


All images via



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