Page 1: Programme – Session: Making international students and ... · Why do we need international talent attraction and retention management? - Lack of right kind of competence is one

Programme – Session: Making internationalstudents and companies meetPresentations:• International talents boosting growth –agenda / Laura Lindeman, Ministry of

Economic Affairs and Employment• New competence for SMEs –project / Sari Turunen-Zwinger, Finnish National

Agency for Education

10.45-11.00 Coffee

11.00 Fishbowl panel:• Sami Ilomäki, University of Vaasa• Terhi Kipinä, Tampere University of Technology• Kaisu Paasio, POLKU project, University of Turku• Birgitta Vuorinen, Ministry of Education, Science and Culture


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Page 2: Programme – Session: Making international students and ... · Why do we need international talent attraction and retention management? - Lack of right kind of competence is one

International talents boostinggrowth -agenda

Spring formum for international affairs 2017, Vaasa10.5.2017

Laura Lindeman


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Move toFinland


Next step?

Source: Chamber of Multicultural Employment /Subproject of At Work in Finland (ESF)

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Page 5: Programme – Session: Making international students and ... · Why do we need international talent attraction and retention management? - Lack of right kind of competence is one

Hiring migrants into international businesstasks leads to growth and internationalisation

Swedish studies have shown thatmigration:Increases competitiveness and foreign trade.Increases the flexibilty of the job market.Strengthens entrepreneurship .Has brought Sweden 900 billion crowns after1950’s and 22% growth in the nationalproduction.Increase of one percentage point in the levelof diversity in the company led into 9%growth in export and 12% growth in import.

More info:

Reforminstitutet: I nationens intresse – en översikt av hur invandring bidrar tillSverige (pdf)Arena Idèn: 900 miljarder skäl att uppskatta invandring – En analys avinvandringens effekter på de offentliga finanserna i Sverige 1950–2014 (pdf)

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Case Kala-apu

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland•

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What is international competence?

Source: Hidden Competences, CIMO & Demos Helsinki, 2013

Ability to createnetworks

Ability to work inmulticultural


Ability to adaptin new

situations andenvironment

Ability to thinkoutside one’s

sphere ofexperience

Interest offollowing global


Language skills Tolerance Culturalknowledge

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Talent Attraction Management Circle

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International talents bring added value to theeconomy, but only if:

- Professional communities, innovation ecosystemsand startup communities are inclusive for internationaltalents.

- Services that connect international talents andbusinesses are included in service collection thatsupport growth and internationalisation of companies.

- New ways of business & talent co-creation arecreated.

- Networks of international talents are utilised in theinternationalisation of companies & internationalinvestment promotion.

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Why do we need international talent attractionand retention management?

- Lack of right kind of competence is one of the biggest challenges forgrowth and internationalisation of companies.

- The potential of international talents is underutilised in companies.- Investments follow talents.- Global competition for talents is here.

- Lack of competent workforce, eg. software developers or regions of positivestructural change.

- An open, attractive and international labour market safeguards theavailability of workforce.

- Diversity produces new innovations and companies.- Strong growth of migration vs. aging population.- Services are fragmented: A lot of projects, pilots and service providers

around Finland it’s a jungle for customers.

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Talent Boost - International talents boostinggrowth programme by the Government

Builds on the

OBJECTIVE: International expertise will support the growth andinternationalisation of companies.


Target 1: International talents consider Finland attractive.Target 2: The business sector utilises networks and expertise of

international talents to accelerate growth and internationalisationand attract investments.

Target 3: Finnish business ecosystems, innovation platforms and labourmarket are inclusive for international talents and encourageentrepreneurship.

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Under construction: ”Talent Finland” as part ofTeam Finland

Examples of functions:

- Coordination of int’l talent pools around Finland, boosting their visibilityand matching them to Team Finland’s client companies.

- Designing a national model for utilising int’l talents’ networks in investmentpromotion and international talent attraction.

- Connecting int’l talents to Team Finland internationalisation events &developing co-creation models.

- Talent component as part of the toolbox of regional Team Finlandcoordinators.

- Connecting int’l talent attraction to the country promotion.

- Establishing regional ”Talent Hubs” for connecting companies,internationals & universities.

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Research project by VTT: International talent incompanies’ innovation activity andinternationalisation

- Part of Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities in 2017.- The study compares good practices of studied countries and produces a

summary of their applicability to Finland.- National good practices are studied in four countries: Denmark, Netherlands,

Austria and Canada.- The study relates to Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment’s International

talents boosting growth –agenda.- The study started in February 2017 and finishes in the end of the year.- More info:

- Nina Rilla, [email protected] Laura Lindeman, [email protected]


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Kasvua kansainvälisistä osaajista –projectcall

- The application period for ”Kasvua kansainvälisistä osaajista”projects: 14th of June – 25th of September.

- The projects implement the International talents boosting growthagenda.

- ESF & ERDF funding- Info session 14th of June in Helsinki (in Finnish)

- Intial info:

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- Aims to recognize organizations that have succeeded in multiculturalism and whohave embraced the diverse workforce and bring up their positive experience.

- Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce’s COME project organises the campaign inco-operation with Finland Chamber of Commerce and Ministry of Economic Affairsand Employment.

- Open and free of charge for all companies in Finland.- itim International provides the analysis on multiculturalism for companies- Registration to the competition is open until May 31st, 2017.- The results will be announced in a Gala, organised in Helsinki on October 5, 2017.- Registration in


More info:Markku Lahtinen, Project Director, [email protected], 050 571 3564Satu Salonen, Marketing Communication Officer, [email protected], 040 922 1021

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Thank you!

Laura LindemanSenior [email protected]. 029 504 7205Ministry of Economic Affairs and EmploymentLinkedIn: @LindemanLaura

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