Page 1: Progress Report On Tangible Outputs

Progress Report on Tangible Outputs

Page 2: Progress Report On Tangible Outputs

Programme OutputKey Activities Target (Nos.) Status (Nos & %)

Preparation of DM Plans

State 1 Draft Plan Prepared

Cities 3 3 draft form waiting for HRVA Report to incorporate and finalize

Districts 3 3 (100%)

CommunitiesVillage PlanWard Plan


9 (100%)40 (47%)


Cities 3 Under Progress

Under ProgressDistricts 1

Capacity Building/ Training/ Sensitisations

Sensitisation of Mayors, Corporations and Govt. Officials etc.

Elected Rep.-67Govt. Officials-35

80 (119%)140 (400%)

Engineers, Architects, builders & Masons on disaster resistant construction technologies


Engg.-65 (162%)Mason-81 (101%)

NGOs and Volunteers on CBDP, life saving skills etc. 40 92 (230%)

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Key Activities Target (Nos.) Status (Nos & %)

Strengthening of EOCs

State 1 1 (100%)

Districts 3 3 (100%)

Cities 3 3 (100%)

Advocacy of Mainstreaming DRR


Districts 3 (20 nos in each dist.)

3 (228, 380%)

Others (Deptt. levels)


Cities implementing School safety Initiative 3 3( 17 schools)

Cities implementing Hospitals Safety Initiative (URR) 0 0

Technical institutions involved for knowledge development (URR)

5 5 ( College of Engg. & Technology, Deptt. Of Geography, Utkal University, NIIT, Rorukela, SUDA, BBSR, IGIT, Saranga)

Amendment to Building Byelaws incorporating measures for disaster resilient constructions Any other

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Best Practices• Collaboration with Handicap International for structural

modification of Multi Purpose Cyclone Shelters for accessibility of the Person With Disabilities (PWDs)

• Facilitating in formation of farmers club in collaboration with NABARD in Kendrapada dist.

• Collaboration with “Mission Shakti” and Women & Child Development (W&CD) Department for capacity building of WSHGs on various aspect of disaster management

• Training of Teachers / Students on School Safety and preparation of School Safety Plans at Shelters periphery villages of six coastal districts (97 Schools).

• Mock Drill & Tsunami Mock Drill• Response Drill ( In responding to ensuing extreme event like

cyclone / flood)

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Best Practices

• Convergence programmes held with different Departments in programmed Districts and villages. The departments are given below:

– NABARD (SHG / Krushak Club Promotion)– OREDA– District Water and Sanitation Mission (Individual

Latrine) – Deputy Director Horticulture, (DDH) Balangir – Deputy Director Agriculture (DDA), Balangir Fisheries – Dist. Industrial Center, Balangir – Department of forest / Bamboo Development Agency

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Contd.Convergence with

Orissa Renewable Energy Development Authority (OREDA)

Objective Target Beneficiaries Out come• To use Bio-gas by installing Bio-Gas plants in maximum households of three DRR Project villages.• To save fire woods and save the nearby forest• To have a healthy and smokeless environment

Community members of Dukalghat, Pendimunda and Budhabhal village

10 families in Dukalghat, 9 families in Pendimunda and 5 families in Budhabhal villages have installed Bio-Gas plants in their houses.

Mr. Surendra Pathy, OREDA discussing with Villagers

Excavation of pit for Bio-Gas Chamber

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Contd.Convergence with

District Water and Sanitation Mission (DWSM)Objective Target Beneficiaries Out come

•To adopt CLTS (Community leads total sanitation ) methods to make it a total sanitation village

•To make the village epidemic free in case of any calamities

Community members of Dukalghat village

130 Individual Household Latrine (IHL) have been constructed

Community awareness for IHL Digging of Latrine pit Digging of Latrine pit

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Contd.Convergence with

Orissa Bamboo Development Agency (OBDA)Objective Target Beneficiaries Out come

• To check soil erosion and save the standing crops due to flash floods

Community members of DRR Project village Pendimunda and its nearby disaster effected villages Tentelkhunti and Bohihuda

Bamboo plantation was done at the bank of river Tel

Bamboo Plantation News paper clipping

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Contd.Convergence with

Animal Husbandry DepartmentObjective Target Beneficiaries Out come

• To train the Disaster Management Team (DMT) members on First-aid of live stocks

Disaster Management Team (DMT) members of the three DRR project villages

15 members from three programmed villages undergone training on First Aid of Livestock

DMT training on First Aid of Livestock News paper clipping

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Contd.Convergence with

Deputy Director Horticulture (DDH)Objective Target Beneficiaries Out come

• To adopt advanced horticultural practices to reduce the loss of crops in case of disasters like drought, unseasonal rain, pest attack and flash floods.

• Demonstration of Water resistant onion seeds in kharif

DRR Project Villages One DRR programmed village named Budabahal practiced the kharif onion cultivation

Community awareness Community awareness News paper clipping

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Contd.Convergence with

Deputy Director Agriculture (DDA)Objective Target Beneficiaries Out come

• To generate awareness and capacity building of farmers on climate resistant cultivation

• To save crops by enhancing preparedness level of farmers on low soil moisture condition

DRR Project Villages • Capacity building of farmers on SRI cultivation• Use of pesticides and fertilizers for better harvest without damaging the soil nutrient

Community awareness News paper clipping

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Challenges & Constraints

• Mainstreaming of DRR with departments• Motivation of line departments towards DRR

(Bringing all the departments to a common platform)

• Recovery framework not in function in DRR programme

• High expectancy from the project as regards facilities and infrastructure

• Ownership of the project

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Challenges & Constraints• Non-availability of funds for Programme

Implementation (Staff Salary and approved funds as per AWP)

• Lack of inter-departmental coordination for convergence programmes in Ganjam and Kendrapada

• Lack of NGO coordination at the grass root due to less provision of funds

• Non-availability of resource persons for carrying out different training programmes

• Frequent transfer of nodal Officers

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