
The Lakes Trip Geography Art English Music Science( From2013) PSHE Food INPUTS pre LakesOUTPUTS post Lakes Dance Art English Music Drama PSHE Mathematics Food Exhibition of work Geography; Glaciation. Normal Curriculum. On paper for transfer to Art book with crea-tive extension e.g. Factual -Glaciers of the world. Visualtexture/transparency Liter-aryPoetry Art ; Artists/ themes/ inspiration/ How to create the book English; Intro to and impact of Ro-mantic poetry, how it brings land-scape to life and changes its mean-ing, de familiarisation affecting our perceptions and reflections in a pro-found way MusicComposers and landscape music. Home-work Research. On paper for transfer to Art Book.ScienceFROM 2013 PSHE; Lakes Preparation Lessons. OnPaper for transfer to Art Book PLTS based Food; Learning Groups 4,5,6, 8 will design and produce a snack bar , taking a batch on the trip where they will evaluateit;INPUTS pre LakesOUTPUTS post Lakes Dance; Castlerigg, Rocks, Weath-er>>> Avebury & stories of the stones Art: Creative process books, Sketch book transfer, Final pieces e.g. clay English; Continuation of the pre Lakes project to include Poetry writing Music ; Landscape music composition Drama; Stories of the stones >> a creative extension into Stonehenge, Avebury, Carnac, >>>Paganism PSHEFollow up lesson reviewing PLTS skills developed on in the Lakes Mathematics; Use of Castlerigg DataCircles, scale, creative extension e.g Maths in stone, scale models Food Learning Groups 1,2,3,7 will evaluate the provided lunch snack barson the trip and return to design their own, hopefully improved, versions SkeLchlng , phoLo-graphs, leaf and Lex-Lure rubblngs ually evaluauon of snack bars elLher provlded or own deslgn ually L1S based reecuon on Lhe days acuvlues and llfe LogeLher ln Lhe Seelng Lhe lmpacL of Claclauon on Lhe land-scape Lxperlenclng Lhe landscape Collecung Lhe maLhemaucal uaLa on CasLlerlgg8eecung on Lhe dramauc ,danceand muslc based posslblllues of CasLlerlggand Lhe surroundlng land-8elng creauvely lnsplred by Lhe awe and wonder of Lhe Lake ulsLrlcL During The Lakes Trip Key Resources; Each student will have a Hard Cover Art Book to use as the cen-tral record of their creative process. Work from ALL subjects will be presented here They will also have a small sketchbook with removable pages to use whilst in the Lakes. Paper plain or lined or their own. The intention is that all the work is done on paper to allow transfer to the Art Book. Plastic Pockets for the collection of papers Creative Rules A successful sketchbook shows a learning journey - how the visual ideas develop from a starting point All materials used should be kept rough work and draft work is of value as evidence of the creative process it isnt about end product. The purpose of the book is to show how ideas develop including the rough bits and the dead ends and the alternative paths ideas have taken The direction of the creative thought is not important provided the link and path of development is clear.Students should be encouraged to use mixed media ( different techniques and materials) in creating and presenting their work- leaf rubbings, maps, photographs, sketches, collage, ink , paint Colours need to be considered,, particularly as a way to theme and link pag-es together within and across the book All books should have evidence of -collecting -drawing -annotation Research of other artists Dont get distracted by trying to make it look pretty you want to allow the book to show your thoughts e.g. if your ideas come out as a mixture of words and images, try to show it that way on the page Sha||ow

Deeprofound MeansMemorlsauon (to commlt to memoty) 8eecuon (cotefol tbooqbt, ot oo lJeo ot oploloo) lnLuluon (to ooJetstooJ ot koow sometbloq be-coose of o feelloq ) Cutcomeslnformauon (koowleJqe commoolcoteJ ot tecelveJ) knowledge (ooJetstooJloq of focts, lJeos) Wlsdom (qooJ joJqemeot boseJ oo expetleoce) Lv|dence8epllcauon (o copy ot tepto-Jocuoo) undersLandlng (opptebeoJ tbe meooloq of sometbloq) Meanlng (cooslJet wbot ls meoot ot loteoJeJ) MonvanonLxLrlnslc (ftom ootslJe) lnLrlnslc ( ftom loslJe) Moral (telouoq to ptloclples of tlqbt ooJ wtooq) AmtudesCompllance ( to Jo wbot ls oskeJ) lnLerpreLauon (explolo tbe meooloq) Challenge ( to poesuoo tbe meooloq) ke|anonsh|psuependence ( telles oo otbets fot soppott) lndependence ( oot coottolleJ by otbets) lnLerdependence (JepeoJeot oo eocb otbet) WnA1?nCW?

Wn? 1he challengeCan we go from Lhe shallow Lo Lhe profound ? Organisation Make sure each student has a plastic pocket with a label or cover ( Name and Learning Group) to collect their work. You may find it useful for them to write down who their teachers are in the other subjects involved ?ou can use Lhe resources on Lhe Currlculum urlve Lo help creaLe your lessons and also puL your work lnLo folders Lo allow oLhers Lo make easy llnks

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