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Analysis of Working Capital in Banking (J&K)


Degree of

Master of Business Administration


Submitted by:

Shameem Ahamad

Under Supervision of:

Mr.Syed Nadeem-Ul Haque

[Assttnt.Prof. JHU]

Department of Management Studies


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Executive Summary

Research statement

Objective & Methodology

Literature Review

Chapter-1 Introduction to the Organization

i. Overview of the Industry

ii. Profile of the Organization

iii. Product & Services of J & K Bank

Chapter-2 Conceptual Discussions

i. Introduction to Working Capital

ii. Method of Working Capital Finance

iii. Classification of Working Capital

iv. Managing of Working Capital

Chapter-3 Financial of Working Capital of J&K Bank

Chapter-4 Analysis of Working Capital of J&K Bank

i) Ratio Analysis

ii) Funds Flow Analysis

iii) Budgeting

Summary, Conclusion, Suggestion and Limitation and References & Bibliography

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Concentration, dedication and application are necessary but not sufficient to achieve any

goal. These must be awarded by guidance, assistance and co-operation of many people to

make it enable. And I am thankful to God that I got them all.

I am extremely grateful and remain indebted to my guide Mr. Syde Nadeem -Ul Haque

(Assistant Professor in JAMIA HAMDAR UNIVERSITY) for his invaluable guidance and

constant support throughout this project. I am thankful to his for valuable suggestions, which

have benefited me a lot while developing this project.

I am even grateful to the employees of J&K Bank for supporting me towards making this

study meaningful. I also express my sincere gratitude to my guide Mrs. MUGDHA GUPTA,

Advance Manager in J&K Bank G.K.1 and Branch Head Mr. K.S. SAMYAL (Highly

Thankful) for taking keen interest in my training/project work and giving me valuable

guidance at every stage.

Finally I acknowledge with deep gratitude, the immense support I received from my parents

and my brothers who have encouraged me, have been a source of inspiration and helped me

in continuing my effort.

This project was a great source of learning and value addition for me.

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The project on “Analysis of Working Capital” is exclusively done by me at J&K Bank,

Greater Kailash-1, Branch, New Delhi and I assure that it is not submitted in any other


Shameem Ahamad



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Executive Summary

I did my summer training programmed in J&K Bank. My project was based on the procedure


banking sector which is a very important sector of the Indian economy. The sector has made

a marked improvement in the liberalization period.

The Jammu and Kashmir Bank Limited was incorporated on 1st October, 1938 and

commenced its business from 4th

July, 1939 at in Kashmir (India). The Bank was the first in

the country as a State owned bank. According to the extended Central laws of the state,

Jammu & Kashmir Bank was defined as a government. Company as per the provision of

Indian companies‟ act 1956.In the year 1971, the Bank received the status of scheduled bank.

It was declared as “A” Class bank by RBI in 1976. Today the bank has more than 500

branches across the country and has recently become a billion Dollar company. The total

business turnover at the end of December 2012 was Rs 79000 Crores, an increase of 21.5%

over the previous fiscal year. The Net Profit of the bank almost doubled during the said

period as it increased from Rs 309 Crores to nearly Rs 600 Crores.

Notably, Mustaq Ahmad, who is known as prudent banker having almost 40 years of

experience at his back, was appointed chairman and chief executive officer of the bank in

October 2010.Soon after assuming the charge; he revisited certain business areas of the bank

and renewed the strategy for achieving solid growth in the fundamentals of the bank.

My project is concerned with Working Capital in Indian banking. Firstly I would like to give

an introduction to working capital-

Working capital is critical for daily management of cash flows to settle bills, wages and other

variable cost. The working capital cycle is the period of time which elapses between the point

at which cash begins to be expended on the production of a product and the collection of cash

from sale of the product to its customers. Working capital requirements can be financed from

both internally generated resources (selling current assets) and externally acquired

alternatives (borrowing and securing current assets). In the Indian context of banking, a major

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part of the working capital requirements are met by bank credit.

As critical part of this project report is three cases of working capital has been taken which

are comprehensive enough to cover all the aspects of working capital.

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Literature Review

The purpose of this chapter is to present a review of literature of relating to the working

capital management. Although working capital is an important ingredient in the smooth

working of business entities, it has not attracted much attention of scholars. Whatever studies

have conducted, those have exercised profound influence on the understanding of working

capital management good number of these studies which pioneered in this area have been


The size and composition of working capital can vary between industries (Atrill P, 2006). For

some types of business, the investment in working capital can be substantial. For example, a

manufacturer will invest heavily in raw materials, work-in-progress and finished good and it

will often sell its goods on credit, thereby generating trade debtors. A retailer, on the other

hand, will hold only one form of stock (finished goods) and will usually sell goods for cash.

Working capital represents a net investment in short-term assets. These assets are continually

flowing into and out of a business and are essential for day-to-day operation. Further Atrill P,

2006 believe that the various elements of working capital are interrelated and can be seen as

part of a short-term cycle.

According to Richard pike and Bill Neale "working capital refers to current assets less

current liabilities - hence its alternative name of net current asset. Current assets include cash,

marketable securities, debtors, and stocks. Current liabilities are obligations that are expected

to be repaid within the year". Long term investment and financing decisions give rise to

future cash flows which, when discounted by an appropriate cost of capital, determine the

market value of a company. However, such long term decision will only result in the

expected benefits for a company if attention is also paid to short term decision regarding

current assets and liabilities. Current assets and liabilities, that are assets and liabilities with

maturities of less than one year, need to be carefully managed. Net working capital is the

term given to the difference between current assets and current liabilities.

Watson D and Head A, 2007 argued that "maintaining adequate working capital is not just

important in the short term. Adequate liquidity is needed to ensure the survival of the

business in the long term". Even a profitable company may fail without adequate cash flow to

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meet its liabilities. It can be argue as according to ACCA paper 2.4, 2005, "an excessively

conservative approach to working capital management resulting in high-level of cash

holdings will harm profits because the opportunity make a return on the assets tied up as cash

will have been missed".

Therefore, in short, working capital is money used to pay short-term obligations such as

creditors, to purchase stock, for paying wages etc - costs that are used to make and sell your

product or deliver your service and will ultimately be recovered from sales. Basically

working capital represents the funds that are required to operate a business on a day to day


The management of working capital is an essential part of a business's short-term planning

process. It is necessary for managers to decide how much of each element should be held.

Watson D and Head A, 2007 have noted that there are costs associated with holding both too

much and too little of each element. Managers must be aware of these costs in order to

manage effectively. They must also be aware that there may be other, more profitable uses

for the funds of the business. Hence the potential benefits must be weighed against the likely

costs in order to achieve the optimum investment.

Level/scale of working capital

According to Meade, N & Gormley , F. 2006 the working capital needs of a particular

business are likely to change over time as a result of change in the commercial environment.

This means that working capital decisions are rarely one-off decisions. Managers must try to

identify changes in an attempt to ensure the level of investment in working capital is

appropriate. In addition to changes in the external environment, changes arising within the

business such as changes in production methods (resulting, perhaps, in a need to hold less

stock) and changes in the level of risk that managers are prepared to take could alter the

required level of investment in working capital. Peter April, 2006 has also tried to explain the

level of working capital in total investment.

Several factors motivate an understanding of the basics of investment analysis. First, the

professional manager - regardless of functional specialty - benefits from a practical

knowledge of the important elements of analyzing and selecting capital projects. Second, a

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well-executed analysis often requires estimates best provided by those with functional area

expertise and experience. For example, from the view point of working capital, the analyst

may call on the marketer to estimate sales levels at various prices and trade discounts which

affect debtors (customers) or the production specialist which affect creditors of raw material

and up to some extent stocks and accountant to estimate variable costs of production, cash

management and receivables. (Steven S et al, 1997)

The level of working capital required is also affected by the following factors:

The nature of business, for e.g. manufacturing companies need more inventory than

service companies.

Uncertainty in supplier deliveries, uncertainty would mean that extra inventory needs

to be carried in order to cover fluctuations.

The overall level of activity of the business, as output increases, receivables,

inventory, etc. all tends to increase.

The company's credit policy, the tighter the company's policy the lower the level of


The length of the operating cycle. The longer it takes to convert material into finished

goods into cash the greater the investment in working capital.

The credit policy of suppliers. The less credit the company is allowed to take, the lower the

level of payables and the higher the net investment in working capital (ACCA- F9, 2007/08).

The investment of a business in working capital can be expressed in terms of time taken to

move from cash ready for investment back to cash again. As Alan Pizzey, 1998 stated in his

book that the working capital cycle starts with an order to supplier of raw material, which is

delivered and waits in stock until requisitioned for use in the factory. This cost is combined

with labour and overheads as work in progress during the production process, and then

becomes finished goods stock awaiting sale. Once, sold the stock is transformed into a debtor

and when the credit period has elapsed the debtor is changed into cash. Somewhere in this

cycle, the supplier (a trade creditor) is paid for the material. A good manager will be able to

reduce the time lag by increasing the velocity of circulation in the cycle, and making the

funds invested work harder. The cash budget is a useful tool in this exercise.

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The consequences of insufficient working capital:

The disadvantages suffered by a business which does not have sufficient working capital

underline its importance. According to White, Get all 2001 operations may be prejudiced and

growth stunted if there is not enough investment to finance stock and debtors. The major

disadvantages are as follows:

Inability to adapt or respond to opportunities - without cash in the bank or unused

overdraft facilities a manager cannot buy a cheap line of raw material as a special

offer, or reorganize production to include a new product.

Trade discounts - all purchasing officers know that a large order can be used to

negotiate a low price, but once the order is placed, the customer must take delivery

and make payment. If there is not enough working capital to finance large stocks,

large orders cannot be placed at favorable prices.

Cash discounts - suppliers may offer a cash discount for early payment. If a company

has insufficient working capital it will not be able to take advantage of it.


A company which tries to finance a certain volume of trade with insufficient working capital

is said to be overtrading. Soufani, K. 2000 explains that expansion means more funds tied up

in stock and debtors, and without capital available in the business this can only be

accomplished by taking longer to pay trade creditors or by increasing the overdraft up to and

even beyond the agreed limit. The working capital ratio may fall below 1:1, and the acid test

ratio and debt to equity ratio will show signs of financial distress. If the trade creditors and/or

the bank and/or the Inland Revenue withdraw their support, liquidation may be the result.

Good working capital management means that the business will always have a reserve of

liquid resources for use if the payment situation deteriorates. An overtrading business often

needs only the slightest upset to its expected cash receipts to overbalance the fragile structure

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of other people's money which it is using to finance its operation.

Major parameters of working capital:


Another name of stocks is inventory. Inventory, or stock, may be classified into the


Pre-production inventory of raw materials and bought in parts.

In process inventory - work in progress at various stages of the production process.

Finished goods inventory - manufactured goods ready for sale.

In most cases, finished goods will convert most rapidly into cash, but where customer tastes

change rapidly, such as in the fashion trade, this stock can also be the most risky. Inventory is

the least liquid of current assets. It is therefore vital to manage it in such a way that it can be

converted from raw material to work in progress and finished goods as quickly as possible.

(Pike R, Neale B, 1999). The form of inventory level varies from one firm to another. For a

construction firm it may consist of bricks, timber and unsold houses, while for a retailer it is

goods bought in for sale but as yet unsold. The level of inventory held is determined by

factors such as the predictability of sales and production (more instability may call for more

safety stocks), the length of time it takes to produce and the nature of the product. On the last

point, note that a dairy company is likely to have low stock levels relative to sales because of

the danger of deterioration, whereas a jeweler will have large inventories to offer greater

choice to the customer. Manufacturers with lengthy production cycles such as shipbuilders

will have proportionately higher inventories than, say, a fast food chain (Arnold G, 2005).

Further, significant amounts of working capital can be invested in stocks of raw material,

work in progress and finished goods. Stocks of raw material and work in progress can act as a

buffer between different stages of the production process, ensuring its smooth operation.

Stocks of finished goods allow the sales department to satisfy customer demand without

unreasonable delay and potential loss of sales. These benefits of holding stock must be

weighed against any costs incurred, however, if optimal stock levels are to be determined.

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Investments which may be incurred in holding stocks include:

holding costs, such as insurance, rent and utility charges

replacement costs, including the cost of obsolete stock

the cost of the stock itself

The opportunity cost of cash tied up in stock. (Watson D and Head A, 2007)

Firms have the difficult task of balancing the costs of holding inventories against the costs

which arise from having low inventory levels. The cost of holding inventories include the lost

interest on the money tied up in stocks as well as additional storage cost (for e.g. rent, secure

and temperature-controlled warehouses), insurance cost and the risk of obsolescence.

The cost of holding low stocks levels fall into two categories.

A low stock level calls for frequent recording. Each order involves administration cost

and the physical handling of the goods.

In a world on uncertainty there is a risk of stock out when production is halted for

want of raw material or WIP and /or sales are lost because of inadequate stocks of

finished goods. Stock out cost can be considerable; in the short term sales and profits

fall, and in the long run customer goodwill is lost. (Arnold G, 2005).

Furthermore, other costs, such as lost sales or the opportunity cost of tying up funds will not

be directly recorded by the accounting system. This lack of information concerning the cost

of holding particular levels of stock makes the management of stock more difficult. (Atrill P,


Stock is carried for two reasons:

1. Business is uncertain: consumer demand and production requirements are difficult to

forecast, and suppliers may not always be reliable in meeting delivery requirements.

The cost of being out of stock, in terms of lost sales, profits and goodwill, is generally

very high.

2. Economics in ordering: each business needs to determine its economic order quantity

for its main stock items.

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Inventory control is an important topic for both production management and financial

management, which should work closely to establish an inventory policy that meets customer

requirement while operating at optimum stock levels.

Overstocking results in the following:

An unduly high level of working capital investment.

Additional storage space requirements and greater handling and insurance costs.

Possible deterioration and increased obsolescence risk.

Under stocking reduces the working capital required, but can lead to out of stock situation

with orders unfulfilled, idle machines and underemployed workers. In the past, carrying

higher than necessary stocks has been a way of compensation for inefficient production and

distribution or poor forecasting. But in today's highly competitive global markets, with

Japanese and other overseas businesses operating efficient production schedules and minimal

stock levels, European companies have been forced to examine their inventory management

processed more closely (Pike R, Neale B, 1999). P.L. Primrose, 1992 noted that "despite the

almost universal belief to the contrary, inventory reduction should not be a major objective

for investing in advanced manufacturing technology because the financial benefits from it can

be relatively small compared with other benefits. High inventory levels are only a symptom

of other problems;" if these problems are not first identified and solved, inventory reductions

can be counterproductive. Further, according to Martin Smith and Chris Poole, 2007 "it may

seem obvious that if you do not have products on the shelf, then business will be lost. What is

not obvious, however, is the extent to which this can destroy value for retailers and

manufacturers. For the manufacturer, 46 per cent of the time the shopper will either substitute

for another brand or not buy at all, according to recent research for ECR (Efficient Consumer

Response) Europe. For the retailer, the biggest risks are that products are not bought at all, or

that the shopper will buy the product from a competing store. When they have no stock, this

happens 30 per cent of the time."

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Research Statement

How management of Working Capital does take place in corporate banking?

Objective of the study

The study will try to achieve the following aims:

To understand meaning of working capital in terms of RBI guidelines.

To study different ways of classification of working capital.

To study how working capital affects overall profitability of banks.

To study RBI guidelines on sale or purchase of working capital.

To analyze current trend of working capital in banking context.

To understand finance to the working capital.


The study includes descriptive research and based on the secondary data.

Sources of data

Entire information is collected through a secondary source i.e. through a data, which have

been gathered for some other purposes. Some of the sources of secondary data are;

Books on working capital and handbook on banking information etc.

Information collected from various sites on internet.

Articles from Magazines like Business World, Financial Express etc.

Information collected from J&K Bank staff at G.K.1 New Delhi.

Information collected from

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Banking in India

The economic reforms undertaken in the last 15 years have brought about a considerable

improvement in the health of banks and financial institutions in India. The banking sector is a

very important sector of the Indian economy. The sector has made marked improvements in

the liberalization period. There has been extraordinary progress in the financial health of the

commercial banks with respect to capital adequacy, profitability assets quality and risk

management. Deregulation has opened new doors for banks to increase revenues by entering

into to investment banking, insurance, credit cards, depository services, mortgage,

securitization etc.

Currently, banking in India is generally fairly mature in terms of supply, product range and

reach even through reach in rural India still remains a challenge for the private sector and

foreign banks. In terms of quality of assets and capital adequacy, Indian banks are considered

to have clean, strong and transparent balance sheet relative to other banks in comparable

economies in its region. The Reserve Bank of India is an autonomous body, with minimal

pressure from the government. The stated policy of the bank of Indian Rupee is to manage

volatility but without any fixed exchange rate and this has mostly been true.

With the growth in the Indian economy expected to be strong for quite some time especially

in its services sector the demand for banking services are expected to be strong.

In March 2006, the Reserve Bank of India allowed Warburg Pincus to increase its stake in

Kotak Mahindra Bank (a private sector bank) to 10%. This is the first time an investor has

been allowed to hold more than 5% in a private sector bank since the RBI announced norms

in 2005 that any stake exceeding 5% in the private sector banks would need to be vetted by


Currently, India has 96 scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) 31 private sector banks and 27

are public sector banks and 38 foreign banks. They have a combined network of over 53000

branches and 49000 ATMs. According to a report by ICRA Limited, a rating agency, the

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public sector banks hold over 75 percent of total assets of the banking industry with the

private and foreign banks holding 18.2% and 6.5% is just say.

Liberalization and globalization have created a more challenging environment in banking

sector as well as the other segments of the financial sector such as mutual funds, non-banking

finance companies, post offices, capital market, venture capitalist etc. Now the challenge

faced by the sector would be gaining profitability, reinforcing technology, maintaining global

standards, corporate governance, risk management and the most important of all, to establish

customer intimacy.


Brief History of the Bank

Jammu and Kashmir Bank Limited was incorporated on 1st October, 1938 and commenced its

business from 4th

July 1939 at in Kashmir (India). The bank was the first in the country as a

state owned bank.

“In my opinion the bank should be an organ of public interest and not an instrument for the

government or the shareholders to achieve their own end.”

(Maharaja Hari Singh)

According to the extended central laws of the state, Jammu and Kashmir Bank was defined as

a government company as per the provision of Indian companies act 1956. In the year 1971,

the bank received the status of scheduled bank. It was declared as “A” class bank by RBI in


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Today the bank has more than 500 branches across the country and has recently become a

billion dollar company.

o Incorporated in 1938 as a limited company.

o Governed by the companies act and banking regulation bank of India.

o Regulated by the Reserve Bank of India and SEBI.

o Listed on the NSE and BSE.

o 53 percent owned by the government of J&K.

Unique characteristics of the bank

o Private sector bank deposit government holding 53 percent of equity.

o Sole banker and lender of last resort to the government of J&K.

o Plan and non-plan fund, taxes and non-taxes revenues routed through the bank.

o Salaries of government officials disbursed by the Bank.

Mission Statement:

“Our mission is two- fold: To provide the people of J&K international quality financial

service and solutions and to be a super specialist bank in the rest of the country. The two

together will makes the most profitable bank in the country.”

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Vision Statement:

“To catalyze economic transformation and capitalize on growth.”

Board of Directors of J&K Bank

Mushtaq Ahmad (Chairman and CEO)

Past Performance

o The bank has delivered a strong performance in 2011.

o The bank strategy of consolidation re-engineering, re-pricing and re-organization has

resulted in productive and efficient growth, robust balance sheet top notch assets book

and substantial provision.

o The bank aggregate business crossed yet another psychological mark and stood

Rs70869.57 crores at the end of financial year 2010-2011.

o The bank total business increased by Rs 10575.18 crores from the previous figure of

60294.39 Crores, registering a growth of 17.54%.

o The bank continued its prudent approach in expanding quality credit assets in line

with its policy on credit risk management. Its net advance increased by Rs 3136.41


o The Bank‟s performance in the recovery of NPAs during the year continued to be


o Investment portfolio increased by Rs 5,739.52 Crores from 13956.25 and 19695.77 as

on 2011.

o The Bank has earned an income of Rs 26.14 crores from the Insurance business. In

life insurance mobilized a business of Rs 103.02 crores and in non-life segment Rs

59.36 crores was mobilized during the year.

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o The gross profit for the financial year 2010-11 stood at Rs 1149.49 crores.

o The highest ever net profit of Rs 615.2 crores.

Area Branches

Metro 39

Urban 168

Semi-Urban 118

Rural 223

Total 548

Future Planning and Turnover

To build a global brand we need to do two things- go global physically and second more

importantly, have a unique business model product offering and services standards, all of

which are globally recognized.

We have taken initial step to achieve the first. As of today, after the state government. Our

second largest shareholders are foreign institutional investors with a combined stake of

almost 36%.

The total turnover increased 60294.39 crores to 70869.57 is 10575.18 crores. This growth is

registered of 17.54%.

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1.3 Products and Services

Financial Products

o Personal finance

o Specialized finance

o Agriculture and Allied Finances

o Business Loan

o Micro finance.

Deposit Products

o Savings Banks Account

o Current Deposit

o Term Deposit.

o Depositors Pension

Technology based financial service

o Anywhere Banking

o Internet Banking

o ATM Services

o Debit and Credit Cards

o Merchant acquiring

Depository services

o Dematerializations

o Stock broking Services through investment

o Depository Participant of NSDL and CDSL.

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Meaning and Conceptual Frame

Working capital means the total amount of circulating funds and current assets. It requires a

specified minimum level of current assets namely raw materials, stock in progress and

finished goods and receivables apart from reasonable cash in hand and certain other current

assets. Working capital is also known as MPBF(Maximum Permissible Bank Finance).

Particulars Classification

Working capital

Current assets such as cash,stocks,book-debts,other current assets

Net WC

Current assets – current liabilities or long term sources – long term


Working capital gap


WC limits Bank facilities needed to purchase current assets. The facilities are

cash credit, overdraft, bills purchase etc.

The working capital comprises;

Amount of raw material of various kinds in store or in transportation.

Amount of consumable stores and other material required for production process.

Value of stock in process.

Value of all finished goods including in transit.

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Amount of receivables or sundry debtors.

Mean to Finance to working capital are;

Credit available for suppliers on purchases.

Surplus of long term funds over the long term uses.[i.e.Net Working Capital]

Short term bank borrowing.

Other current liabilities.

Concept of Net Working Capital

Generally net working capital refers current assets minus current liabilities. Working capital

measures how much in liquid assets a company has available to build its business. The

number can be positive or negative, depending on how much debt the company in carrying.

In general, companies that have a lot of working capital will be more successful since they

can expand and improve their operations. Companies with negative working capital may lack

the funds necessary for growth.

Net working capital also called liquid surplus, net current assets or current capital.

Meaning of Net Working Capital

Working capital refers to the funds required for financing the minimum total current assets.

Liquid surplus or net working capital refers to the surplus long term sources over long term

uses. It is desirable, that the net working capital should be positive which would signify

liquidity and availability of adequate working funds. If in a particular case, the net working

capital is negative, the difference will be called as net working capital deficit.

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Constituents of Current assets

1) Cash at bank

2) Cash in hand

3) Bills receivables

4) Sundry debtors

5) Inventories of stock as;

a) Raw material

b) Work in progress

c) Stores and spares

d) Finished goods

6) Temporary investment of surplus fund

7) Prepaid expenses

8) Accrued income

9) Marketable securities

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Constituents of current liabilities

1) Accrued or outstanding expenses

2) Short term loan and advances

3) Dividends payable

4) Bank overdraft

5) Provision and Taxation

6) Bills payables

7) Sundry credit

The gross working capital concept is financial or going concern concept whereas net working

capital is an accounting concept of working capital. Both the concepts have their own merits.

The gross concept is sometimes preferred to the concept of working capital for the following


1. It enables the enterprise to provide correct amount of working capital at correct time.

2. Every management is more interested in total current assets with which it has to

operate then the source from where it is made available.

3. It take into consideration of the fact every increase in the funds of the enterprise

would increase its working capital.

4. This concept is also useful in determining the rate of return on investments in

working capital. The net working capital concept, however, is also important for

following reasons:

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It is qualitative concept, which indicates the firm‟s ability to meet to its

operating expenses and short-term liabilities.

It indicates the margin of protection available to the short term creditors.

It is an indicator of the financial soundness of enterprises.

It suggests the need of financing a part of working capital requirement out of

the permanent sources of funds of working capital.

Classification of working capital

Working capital may be classified in two ways;

1) On the basis of concept

2) On the basis of time

On the basis of concept working capital can be classified as gross working capital

and net working capital. On the basis of time, working capital may be classified as:

Permanent or fixed working capital

Temporary or variable working capital

Seasonal working capital

Adhoc working capital

Working capital term loan

Working capital gap

Permanent/fixed working capital

Permanent or fixed working capital is minimum amount which is required to ensure effective

utilization of fixed facilities and for maintaining the circulation of current assets. Every firm

has to maintain a minimum level of raw material, work- in-process, finished goods and cash

balance. This minimum level of current assets is called permanent or fixed working capital as

this part of working is permanently blocked in current assets. As the business grow the

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requirements of working capital also increases due to increase in current assets.

Temporary/ Variable working capital

Temporary or variable working capital is the amount of working capital which is required to

meet the seasonal demands and some special exigencies. Variable working capital can further

be classified as seasonal working capital and special working capital. The capital required to

meet the seasonal need of the enterprise is called seasonal working capital. Special working

capital is that part of working capital which is required to meet special exigencies such as

launching of extensive marketing for conducting research, etc.

Temporary working capital differs from permanent working capital in the sense that is

required for short periods and cannot be permanently employed gainfully in the business.

Seasonal working capital

Seasonal working capital requirement for additional current assets due to seasonal nature of

the industry say rice sheller, fan manufacturing etc.

Adhoc working capital

Adhoc working capital means requirement of additional current assets for meeting the needs

arising out of special circumstances such as execution of special orders.

Working capital term loan

Working capital term loan is not used to buy long term assets or investment. Instead it is

used to clear up accounts payable, wages etc. A loan whose purpose is to finance everyday

operations of a company.

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Managing of Working Capital

1) Working capital cycle

2) Sources of working capital

3) Handling of receivables (debtors)

4) Managing of payable (creditors)

5) Inventory management

6) Key working capital ratio

7) Introducing plan ware

8) Copyright and legal stuff

Working capital cycle

Working capital is the cash needed to pay for the day to day operations of the business. In

other words, working capital is needed by the business to:

Pay suppliers and other creditors

Pay employees

Pay for stock

Allow for customer who is allowed to buy now, but pay later so called trade debtors.

Cash in

Goods sold Payment to suppliers /employers

Goods purchased

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2) Sources of working capital

Net Income

Long term loans

Sale of capital assets

Injection of funds by stockholders


Trade vendors

Commercial banks

Short term loans

Short term assets(Inventories, loans and advances, drs ,investment,cash and bank


Short term liabilities(Creditors, Trade advances, borrowings and provisions)

These sources are main sources of working capital. All these sources play a very

important role in collecting working capital. Without these sources any business

cannot stand in the world. Therefore we can say that commencing of any business is

totally depending on working capital management. Working capital is the life blood

of most small businesses. Access to working capital provides the ability to support

and grow a healthy cash flow for your business. So let‟s take a look at just a few easy

sources of working capital. First did you know that your credit card receipts can be a

source of working capital? There are many small business lenders that will know now

purchase amount of your “future” credit card receipts and in return you get working

capital. If your business has account receivables with other businesses that too can be

a quick and easy source of working capital. With this source of working capital your

business sells the outstanding receivables to the lender and the lender gives your

business cash for working capital now.

Does your business own equipment? Owned equipment can be turned in to working

capital through a small business loan called a sale and leaseback. Your business sells

your equipment to the lender for cash you then lease the equipment back from the

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lender for a monthly payment ,and at the end of lease your owns the equipment again.

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Method of Working Capital

There are four methods of financing working capital gap. In order to explain the methods we

took an example of projected financial results of ABC traders this is as follows:

(Resin Lacks)







Fixed Assets


Unsecured Loans


Cash in hand


Sundry Creditors




C/C Limit


Sundry Debtors






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Sales : Rs 60 Laces

Purchases : Rs 59.15 Lacs

Cost of Sales :Rs 60 Lacs

Gross Profit : Rs 4 Lacs

Net Profit : Rs 1.5 Lacs

CA : Rs 18.25 Lacs

(Assets which are realizable within one year)

CL : Rs 13.25 Lacs

(Liabilities which are payable within one year)


=5.00 Lacs

Current Ratio = CA/CL

=18.25/13.25 = 1.37:1

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Holding Periods:

Stocks = stock*365/Cost of Sales

= 65 Days

Debtors = Debtors*365/Sales

= 43 Days

Creditors = Creditors*365/Purchases

= 20 Days

A. Traditional Method






















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Less Creditors






Deficit in NWC = Rs 2.25 Lacs

B. First Method of Finance

S.No. Particulars Holding Period Amount

A Current Assets




S. Debtors







B Current Liabilities

S. Creditors



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C. Working Capital Gap A-B


D. Stipulated margin @ 25% in SSI and 40

% in trading units of



E. Projected NWC


F. MPBF C-(D or E whichever

is higher)


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C. Second Method of Finance

S. No. Particulars Holding Period Amount

A. Current Assets

Stock in Trade

65 Days


S. Debtors

43 Days






B. Current Liabilities

S. Creditors

20 days






C. Working Capital Gap



D. Stipulated Margin @ 25% 25% of WCG


E. Projected NWC


F. MPBF C-(D or E whichever

is higher)


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D. Turnover Method

S. No.



A. Accepted sales

60.00 Lacs

B. Working Capital Requirement @ 25% of A

15.00 Lacs

C. Margin @ 5% of A

3.00 Lacs

D. Projected NWC

4.00 Lacs

E. Permissible Limit = B-( C or D whichever is


11.00 Lacs

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Balance Sheet of Jammu and Kashmir Bank ------------------- in Rs. Cr. -------------------

Mar '11 Mar '10 Mar '09 Mar '08 Mar '07

12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths

Capital and Liabilities:

Total Share Capital 48.49 48.49 48.49 48.49 48.49

Equity Share Capital 48.49 48.49 48.49 48.49 48.49

Share Application Money 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.10 0.00

Preference Share Capital 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Reserves 3,430.19 2,961.97 2,574.37 2,232.34 1,960.24

Revaluation Reserves 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Net Worth 3,478.68 3,010.46 2,622.86 2,308.93 2,008.73

Deposits 44,675.94 37,237.16 33,004.10 28,593.26 25,194.29

Borrowings 1,104.65 1,100.21 996.63 751.79 620.19

Total Debt 45,780.59 38,337.37 34,000.73 29,345.05 25,814.48

Other Liabilities & Provisions 1,248.88 1,198.97 1,069.67 1,102.02 823.31

Total Liabilities 50,508.15 42,546.80 37,693.26 32,756.00 28,646.52

Mar '11 Mar '10 Mar '09 Mar '08 Mar '07

12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths


Cash & Balances with RBI 2,974.96 2,744.73 2,302.95 3,219.97 1,854.77

Balance with Banks, Money at Call 573.85 1,869.51 2,971.81 1,217.27 1,758.99

Advances 26,193.64 23,057.23 20,930.41 18,882.61 17,079.94

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Investments 19,695.77 13,956.25 10,736.33 8,757.66 7,392.19

Gross Block 788.10 561.35 517.90 471.32 433.63

Accumulated Depreciation 396.47 358.54 321.61 289.10 256.94

Net Block 391.63 202.81 196.29 182.22 176.69

Capital Work In Progress 2.13 1.32 3.13 9.79 6.76

Other Assets 676.17 714.95 552.34 486.47 377.19

Total Assets 50,508.15 42,546.80 37,693.26 32,755.99 28,646.53

Contingent Liabilities 18,189.26 8,291.77 6,578.22 7,959.21 1,844.39

Bills for collection 8,790.08 3,799.74 3,502.74 3,933.76 1,996.48

Book Value (Rs) 717.58 621.00 541.04 470.49 414.36

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Financials of J&K Bank (B/S as on 2010-011)


Capital and liabilities

Capital 484,922 484,922

Reserve and Surplus 34,301,946 29,619,706

Deposit 446,759,350 372,371,604

Borrowings 11,046,502 11,002,064

Other liabilities and


12,488,814 11,989,652

TOTAL 505,081,534 425,467,948


Cash and balance with RBI 29,749,638 27,447,263

Balance with Banks 5,738,477 18,695,109

Investment 196,957,679 139,562,473

Advances 261,936,350 230,572,250

Fixed Assets 3,937,702 2,041,332

Other assets 6,761,688 7,149,521


505,081,534 425,467,948

Contingent liabilities 255,176,641 114,992,485

BALANCE SHEET AS ON 31ST March 2009-2010

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MARCH 2009



MARCH 2010


Capital and Current liabilities

Capital 484,922 484,922

Equity share capital - 280,950

Reserve and surplus 25,743,684 22,323,351

Deposit 330,041,036 285,932,630

Borrowings 9,966,265 7.517,861

Other liabilities and


10,696,711 11,020,157

TOTAL 376,932,618 327,559,871


Cash and Balance with RBI 23,029,505 32,199,667

Balance with Banks 27,718,115 12,172,743

Investment 107,363,347 87,576,631

Advances 209,304,113 188,826,118

Fixed Assets 1,994,143 1,920,015

Other Assets 5,523,395 4,864,697

TOTAL 376,932,318 327,559,871

Contingent liabilities 91,409,177 112,644,286

Bills for Collection 9,490,429 6,285,380


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The analysis of working capital can be conducted through a number of devices, such as:

1. Ratio analysis.

2. Fund flow analysis.

3. Budgeting.

1. RATIO ANALYSIS A ratio is a simple arithmetical expression one number to another.

The technique of ratio analysis can be employed for measuring short-term liquidity or

working capital position of a firm. The following ratios can be calculated for these purposes:

1. Current ratio.

2. Quick ratio

3. Gross Profit Ratio

4. Fixed Assets turnover ratio

5. Receivables turnover.

6. Payable turnover ratio.

7. Working capital turnover ratio.

8. Net Profit Ratio

9. Ratio of current liabilities to tangible net worth.

10. Total assets turnover ratio.

2. FUND FLOW ANALYSIS Fund flow analysis is a technical device designated to the

study the source from which additional funds were derived and the use to which these sources

were put. The funds flow analysis consists of

a. Preparing schedule of changes of working capital

b. Statement of sources and application of funds.

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It is an effective management tool to study the changes in financial position (working capital)

business enterprise between beginning and ending of the financial dates.

3. WORKING CAPITAL BUDGETING A budget is a financial and / or quantitative

expression of business plans and polices to be pursued in the future period time. Working

capital budget as a part of the total budge ting process of a business is prepared estimating

future long term and short term working capital needs and sources to finance them, and then

comparing the budgeted figures with actual performance for calculating the variances, if any,

so that corrective actions may be taken in future. He objective working capital budget is to

ensure availability of funds as and needed, and to ensure effective utilization of these

resources. The successful implementation of working capital budget involves the preparing of

separate budget for each element of working capital, such as, cash, inventories and

receivables etc.

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Calculation of Ratios

1. Current Ratio: - Current ratio is calculated by current assets upon current liabilities.

It measures short term paying ability of the firm.

Year 2009 2010 2011

Current Assets 37371.65 42343.9 50116.52

Current Liabilities 36623.6 41347.8 49259.3

Current Ratio 1.02 1.02 1.01

Significance: - An ideal current ratio is 2:1. This ratio is used for short term paying ability of

the firm. Approximate of 1 of current ratio the creditors will be able to get their payment in


2. Quick Ratio: - This ratio is also known as liquid ratio. It measures short term paying

ability by measuring short term liquidity.

Year 2009 2010 2011

Liquid assets 37371.65 42343.9 50116.52

Current liabilities 36623.6 41347.8 49259.3

Liquid Ratio 1.024 1.02 1.01


Significance: - This ratio is able to payment for its creditors. This ideal figure is 1.

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3. Gross profit ratio: - Gross profit ratio indicates the efficiency of the production or

operation of trading. It expresses relation between gross profit and net sales.

G.P. Ratio= Gross profit/net sales* 100

Year 2009 2010 2011

Gross profit 774.45 958.21 1149.49

Net Sales 53934.51 60294.39 70869.57

G.P.R. 14.3% 15.8% 16.2%

Significance:- This ratio indicates the degree to which the selling price of goods per

unit may decline without resulting in losses from operations to the firm. If there is

continuous increment in gross profit ratio then it means the selling price of goods is

increasing day by day.

4. Net Profit Ratio: - Net profit ratio indicates efficiency of P&L A/C of the firm. It

intends relation between net profit and net sales.

Net Profit Ratio= N.P. /Net sales*100

Year 2009 2010 2011

Net Profit 409.84 512.38 615.2

Net sales 53934.51 60294.39 70869.57

N.P.R 7.5% 8.4% 8.6%

\\Significance: - Net profit ratio indicates net margin on sales. This margin is

continuously increasing year to year.

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5. Fixed assets Turnover Ratio: - It indicates the investment in fixed assets has been

judicious or not. It calculated by the following formula;

FATOR = Net sales /Net fixed assets

Net fixed assets = Fixed assets – depreciation

Year 2009 2010 2011

Net sales 53934.51 60294.39 70869.57

Net fixed assets 1,994,1.43 3,937,7.02 1,920,0.15

FATOR 2.7 Times 1.53 Times 3.69 Times

Significance: - It indicates the extent to which the investment in fixed assets

contributes towards sales. It compared with the previous period, it indicates whether

the investment in fixed assets has been judicious or not.

6. Working capital Turnover Ratio: - Working capital ratio is talking about utilization of

working capital for the firm. Working capital turnover ratios express the relation

between net sales and working capital. It is calculate by the following formula;

WCTOR = Net Sales/Working capital

Year 2009 2010 2011

Net Sales 53934.51 60294.39 70869.57

Working capital 37371.65 42343.9 50116.52

WCTOR 1.44 Times 1.42 Times 1.41 Times

7. Total assets turnover ratio: - Total assets turnover ratio intends to the total assets to

total turnover. It indicates to efficiency of total assets and total turnover. This ratio is

very important for estimate the position of the firm. This ratio is calculated by the

following formula;

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TATOR = Total assets/total turnover

Year 2009 2010 2011

Total assets 376,932,318 327,559,871 425,467,948

Turnover 53934.51 60294.39 70869.57

TATOR 69% 54% 60%


The Bank‟s aggregate business crossed yet another

psychological mark and stood at ` 70,869.57 Crores at

the end of the financial year 2010-11. The Bank‟s total

business increased by ` 10,575.18 Crores from the

previous year‟s figure of ` 60,294.39 Crores, registering

a growth of 17.54%

The above parameters are used for critical analysis of financial position. With the evaluation

of each component, the financial position from different angles is tried to be presented in well

and systematic manner. By critical analysis with the help of different tools, it becomes clear

how the financial manager handles the finance matters in profitable manner in the critical

challenging atmosphere, there commendation are made which would suggest the organization

in formulation of a healthy and strong position financially with proper management system. I

sincerely hope, through the evaluation of various percentage, ratios and comparative analysis,

the organization would be able to conquer it‟s in efficiencies and makes the desired changes.

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Financial statement is a collection of data organized according to logical and consistent

accounting procedure to convey an under-standing of some financial aspects of a business

firm. It may show position at a moment in time, as in the case of balance sheet or may reveal

a series of activities over a given period of time, as in the case of an income statement. Thus,

the term „financial statements‟ generally refers to the two statements

(1) The position statement or Balance sheet.

(2) The income statement or the profit and loss Account.

OBJECTIVES OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: According to accounting Principal Board

of America (APB) states. The following objectives of financial statements: -

1. To provide reliable financial information about economic resources and obligation of a

business firm.

2. To provide other needed information about charges in such economic resources and


3. To provide reliable information about change in net resources (recourses less obligations)

missing out of business activities.

4. To provide financial information those assets in estimating the learning potential of the



Though financial statements are relevant and useful for a concern, still they do not

present a final picture a final picture of a concern. The utility of these statements is

dependent upon a number of factors. The analysis and interpretation of these

statements must be done carefully otherwise misleading conclusion may be drawn.

Financial statements suffer from the following limitations: -

1. Financial statements do not given a final picture of the concern. The data given in these

statements is only approximate. The actual value can only be determined when the business is

sold or liquidated.

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2. Financial statements have been prepared for different accounting periods, generally one

year, during the life of a concern. The costs and incomes are apportioned to different periods

with a view to determine profits etc. The allocation of expenses and income depends upon the

personal judgment of the accountant. The existence of contingent assets and liabilities also

make the statements imprecise. So the financial statements are at the most interim reports

rather than the final picture of the firm.

3. The financial statements are expressed in monetary value, so they appear to give final and

accurate position. The value of fixed assets in the balance sheet neither represent the value for

which fixed assets can be sold nor the amount which will be required to replace these assets.

The balance sheet is prepared on the presumption of a going concern. The concern is

expected to continue in future. So, the fixed assets are shown at cost less accumulated

depreciation. Moreover, there are certain assets in the balance sheet which will realize

nothing at the time of liquidation but they are shown in the balance sheets.

4. The financial statements are prepared on the basis of historical costs or original costs. The

value of assets decreases with the passage of time current price changes are not taken into

account. The statements are not prepared with the keeping in view the economic conditions.

The balance sheet loses the significance of being an index of current economic realities.

Similarly, the profitability shown by the income statements may be representing the earning

capacity of the concern.

5. There are certain factors which have a bearing on the financial position and operating

result of the business but they do not become a part of these statements because they cannot

be measured in monetary terms. The basic limitation of the traditional financial statements

comprising the balance sheet, profit & loss A/c is that they do not give all the information

regarding the financial operation of the firm. Nevertheless, they provide some extremely

useful information to the extent the balance sheet mirrors the financial position on a particular

data in lines of the structure of the basis of assets, liabilities etc. and the profit & loss A/c

shows the result of operation during a certain period in terms revenue obtained and cost

incurred during the year.

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FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS : - It is the process of identifying the financial

strength and weakness of a firm from the available accounting data and financial statements.

The analysis is done CALCULATIONS OF RATIOS. Ratios are relationship expressed in

mathematical terms between figures, which are connected with each other in some manner.

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Working capital may be regarded as the life blood of business. Working capital is of major

importance to internal and external analysis because of its close relationship with the current

day-to-day operations of a business. Every business needs funds for two purposes.

* Long term funds are required to create production facilities through purchase of fixed

assets such as plants, machineries, lands, buildings & etc

* Short term funds are required for the purchase of raw materials, payment of wages, and

other day-to-day expenses. . It is otherwise known as revolving or circulating capital

It is nothing but the difference between current assets and current liabilities. i.e. Working

Capital = Current Asset – Current Liability.

Businesses use capital for construction, renovation, furniture, software, equipment, or

machinery. It is also commonly used to purchase inventory, or to make payroll. Capital is

also used often by businesses to put a down payment down on a piece of commercial real

estate. Working capital is essential for any business to succeed. It is becoming increasingly

important to have access to more working capital when we need it.

Importance of Adequate Working Capital

A business firm must maintain an adequate level of working capital in order to run its

business smoothly. It is worthy to note that both excessive and inadequate working capital

positions are harmful. Working capital is just like the heart of business. If it becomes weak,

the business can hardly prosper and survive. No business can run successfully without an

adequate amount of working capital.

Danger of inadequate working capital

When working capital is inadequate, a firm faces the following problems.

Fixed Assets cannot efficiently and effectively be utilized on account of lack of sufficient

working capital. Low liquidity position may lead to liquidation of firm. When a firm is

unable to meets its debts at maturity, there is an unsound position. Credit worthiness of the

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firm may be damaged because of lack of liquidity. Thus it will lose its reputation. There by, a

firm may not be able to get credit facilities. It may not be able to take advantages of cash


It is helpful for us, as a business owner, to think of working capital in terms of five


1. Cash and equivalents. This most liquid form of working capital requires constant

supervision. A good cash budgeting and forecasting system provides answers to key

questions such as:

Is the cash level adequate to meet current expenses as they come due?

What is the timing relationship between cash inflow and outflow?

When will peak cash needs occur?

When and how much bank borrowing will be needed to meet any cash shortfalls?

When will repayment be expected and will the cash flow cover it?

2. Accounts receivable. Many businesses extend credit to their customers. If you do, is the

amount of accounts receivable reasonable relative to sales? How rapidly are receivables being

collected? Which customers are slow to pay and what should be done about them?

3. Inventory. Inventory is often as much as 50 percent of a firm's current assets, so naturally it

requires continual scrutiny. Is the inventory level reasonable compared with sales and the

nature of your business? What's the rate of inventory turnover compared with other

companies in your type of business?

4. Accounts payable. Financing by suppliers is common in small business; it is one of the

major sources of funds for entrepreneurs. Is the amount of money owed suppliers reasonable

relative to what you purchase? What is your firm's payment policy doing to enhance or

detract from your credit rating?

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5. Accrued expenses and taxes payable. These are obligations of your company at any given

time and represent a future outflow of cash.

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Ratio analysis can be used by financial executives to check upon the efficiency with which

working capital is being used in the enterprise. The following are the important ratios to

measure the efficiency of working capital. The following, easily calculated, ratios are

important measures of working capital utilization.

Ratio Formulae Result Interpretation

` Average Stock *


Cost of Goods


= x days On average, you turn over the value of your

entire stock every x days. You may need to

break this down into product groups for

effective stock management.

Obsolete stock, slow moving lines will extend

overall stock turnover days. Faster production,

fewer product lines, just in time ordering will

reduce average days.



(in days)

Debtors * 365/


= x days It takes you on average x days to collect

monies due to you. If you‟re official credit

terms are 45 day and it takes you 65 days...


One or more large or slow debts can drag out

the average days. Effective debtor

management will minimize the days.



(in days)

Creditors * 365/

Cost of Sales (or


= x days On average, you pay your suppliers every x

days. If you negotiate better credit terms this

will increase. If you pay earlier, say, to get a

discount this will decline. If you simply defer

paying your suppliers (without agreement) this

will also increase - but your reputation, the

quality of service and any flexibility provided

by your suppliers may suffer.

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Total Current


Total Current


= x times Current Assets are assets that you can readily

turn in to cash or will do so within 12 months

in the course of business. Current Liabilities

are amount you are due to pay within the

coming 12 months. For example, 1.5 times

means that you should be able to lay your

hands on $1.50 for every $1.00 you owe. Less

than 1 time e.g. 0.75 means that you could

have liquidity problems and be under pressure

to generate sufficient cash to meet oncoming


Quick Ratio (Total Current

Assets -


Total Current


= x times Similar to the Current Ratio but takes account

of the fact that it may take time to convert

inventory into cash.




(Inventory +

Receivables -



As %


A high percentage means that working capital

needs are high relative to your sales.

Other working capital measures include the following:

Bad debts expressed as a percentage of sales.

Cost of bank loans, lines of credit, invoice discounting etc.

Debtor concentration - degree of dependency on a limited number of customers.

Once ratios have been established for our business, it is important to track them over time and

to compare them with ratios for other comparable businesses or industry sectors.

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Cash flows in a cycle into, around and out of a business. It is the business's life blood and

every manager's primary task is to help keep it flowing and to use the cash flow to generate

profits. If a business is operating profitably, then it should, in theory, generate cash surpluses.

If it doesn't generate surpluses, the business will eventually run out of cash and expire. The

faster a business expands, the more cash it will need for working capital and investment. The

cheapest and best sources of cash exist as working capital right within business. Good

management of working capital will generate cash will help improve profits and reduce risks.

Bear in mind that the cost of providing credit to customers and holding stocks can represent a

substantial proportion of a firm's total profits.

There are two elements in the business cycle that absorb cash - Inventory (stocks and work-

in-progress) and Receivables (debtors owing you money). The main sources of cash are

Payables (your creditors) and Equity and Loans.

Each component of working capital (namely inventory, receivables and payables) has two

dimensions ........TIME ......... and MONEY. When it comes to managing working capital -

TIME IS MONEY. If you can get money to move faster around the cycle (e.g. collect monies

due from debtors more quickly) or reduce the amount of money tied up (e.g. reduce inventory

levels relative to sales), the business will generate more cash or it will need to borrow less

money to fund working capital. As a consequence, you could reduce the cost of bank interest

or you'll have additional free money available to support additional sales growth or

investment. Similarly, if you can negotiate improved terms with suppliers e.g. get longer

credit or an increased credit limit, you effectively create free finance to help fund future sales.

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Any change in the working capital will have an effect on a business's cash flows. A positive

change in working capital indicates that the business has paid out cash, for example in

purchasing or converting inventory, paying creditors etc. Hence, an increase in working

capital will have a negative effect on the business's cash holding. However, a negative change

in working capital indicates lower funds to pay off short term liabilities (current liabilities),

which may have bad repercussions to the future of the company. If you would like to get a

better understanding of financial statements or budgeting contact [email protected].

Therefore we can say that working capital plays a very important role in Corporate Banking.

o Without working capital any business cannot run.

The bank aggregate business crossed yet another psychological mark and stood

Rs70869.57 crores at the end of financial year 2010-2011.

o The bank total business increased by Rs 10575.18 crores from the previous figure of

60294.39 Crores, registering a growth of 17.54%.

o The bank continued its prudent approach in expanding quality credit assets in line

with its policy on credit risk management. Its net advance increased by Rs 3136.41


o The Bank‟s performance in the recovery of NPAs during the year continued to be


o Investment portfolio increased by Rs 5,739.52 Crores from 13956.25 and 19695.77 as

on 2011.

o The Bank has earned an income of Rs 26.14 crores from the Insurance business. In

life insurance mobilized a business of Rs 103.02 crores and in non-life segment Rs

59.36 crores was mobilized during the year.

o The gross profit for the financial year 2010-11 stood at Rs 1149.49 crores.

o The highest ever net profit of Rs 615.2 crores.

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After a lot of research of working capital, I am able to say that there should be more liquid

surplus for smooth running of any business. But under the corporate banking this is more

prominent requirement. Because in banking, working capital is more exchangeable as

compare other organization. When we provide term loan to our customer as per RBI

guidelines. Loan can be short term or long term. Profitability of the bank is also affect by

working capital.

Generally, all things are affected by working capital under in a house.

The J&K Bank is the only private sector bank in the country assigned with the responsibility

of convening State Level Banker‟s Committee meetings. The bank continued to discharge its

lead bank responsibility in 12 out of 22 districts of J&K State satisfactory.

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During the completion of this project work I have taken references from various sources

which include:

Annual report of The Jammu and Kashmir Bank ltd.

Magazines such as Business Economics, Newspaper such as Greater Kashmir, Bank

Dairy, Bank Catalogue, Bank magazine etc.

Yearly journals of the Jammu and Kashmir Bank Ltd.

Website of the bank;

Circulars of J&K Bank

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