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Project ReviewThis project was about making a album coverfor a band we like I did linking park. My album cover is about a cat that is hearing and looking a video of Linkin Park. My inside cover is a photo of the people who form Linkin Park and the logo of it. The most important thing in the back sleeve are the songs that are in the album so I decided to do it simple so showed the logo of Linkin Park and put the songs over it.

My albums usually had 5 or 6 layers to create a good album. I decided that was best to combine them where there are some empty spaces for example the cat’s sun glasses. In the front sleeve there’s a cat that usually it just had two eyes I decided that it was too simple a put him some glasses and put the logos of Linkin Park inside. My inspiration was practically animals.  If human beings are so passionate for the music of Linkin Park why animals aren't?  That is why I decided to put a cat in the front cover. This would also make the people think “why is there a cat in the front of an album” this would help sales because it gets people interested in it and want to hear this album.

The Photoshop tools that I used were the magnetic lasso tool to get the glasses in the cat, the eraser to get any imperfections in the picture erases. The free transform tool was very useful for the time that I wanted to put some text on the album. In the inside I used the gradient tool so that there is more suspense in who is the singer and people will search for it and hear his music. More tools can be overlay, text box, copy, paste and last of all split screen.

I think there were some difficulties in this experience. For example I couldn’t make the eraser bigger but then I understood that it was because instead of making my album 80 cm I did it 800 pixels. Also when I tried to use the magnetic lasso tool it wouldn’t let me use it because it was 50% off of the picture. But not everything was bad there were good things like the overall picture and the form that I understood and practiced my skills in Photoshop.

If I could do the things again I would try to do the back more interesting so that if the people see one of the both sides they would also buy it. Also put clearer the name of the album and do it neater so the people don’t think that it’s made in Photoshop.

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