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International Foundation (PEIFC) Corporation

Promotion of Education

Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of

progress, in every society, in every family.

Kofi Annan

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Provoking critical changes with knowledge◦ Educating the young “inner

city” obese to weight management… a life altering task;

◦ Providing support programs to poor children in developing countries, allowing them hope to access university;

◦ Educating retirees globally to the challenges and opportunities of prolonged retirement,…of “protirement”;

Respecting Cultural idiosyncrasies while delivering education solutions

Promotion of Education:Funding Actions Which Enlighten

Obesity Education

Education Access



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Obesity◦ is tracking towards 50% of

the population in the US if left unchecked.

◦ 30 million are obese in China and growing;

◦ In addition to shortened lives, diabetes & numerous physical ailments, the obese suffer low self esteem.

◦ The obese have become metaphors for “dependence”, not unlike drug addicts;

Promotion of Education:Enlightening where it matters most


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Promotion of Education:Enlightening where it matters most• For the Obese, allowing themselves to think they are suffering from a disease, reduces their “ownership” of their condition and puts the blame on the external factor;

• “Obesity” is a metaphor for “dependence”, like an addict who is no longer in control and dependent on others to change;

See for China Obesity See


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In attempting to control weight, one might expect that understanding is enough. It isn't. Our free will is compromised. Why?

The science around weight control is largely uncontested. We know what we should weigh and why. We know what we should eat and why. We know how much exercise is needed and why.

…Yet we continue to eat the wrong foods in the wrong quantities and forgo exercise, Why?

Promotion of Education:“Seeing the light”: Take charge of your life



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These “chains” can be broken through education: knowing optimum calorific intake & benefits of managed activity. It is also to augment self-awareness necessary to root out the myriad “other causes”… associating the community in the ultimate solutions.

Promotion of Education:“Seeing the light”: Take charge of your life

See &


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The Importance of University Education in Developing Countries University education is more than the

next level in the learning process; it is a critical component of human development worldwide. It provides not only the high-level skills necessary for every labor market but also the training essential for teachers, doctors, nurses, civil servants, engineers, humanists, entrepreneurs, scientists, social scientists, and a myriad of other personnel. It is these trained individuals who develop the capacity and analytical skills that drive local economies, support civil society, teach children, lead effective governments, and make important decisions which affect entire societies.


Promotion of Education:Increasing Access to learning

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An educated populace is vital in today’s world, with the convergent impacts of globalization, the increasing importance of knowledge as a main driver of growth, and the information and communication revolution.

Knowledge accumulation and application have become major factors in economic development and are increasingly at the core of a country’s competitive advantage in the global economy.

The combination of increased computing power, diminishing prices of hardware and software, improvement of wireless and satellite technologies, and reduced telecommunication costs has all but removed the space and time barriers to information access and exchange.


Promotion of Education:Increasing Access to learning

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The recent World Bank study Globalization, Growth, and Poverty: Building an Inclusive World Economy, by David Dollar and Paul Collier, describes how 24 developing countries that integrated themselves more closely into the global economy experienced higher economic growth, a reduced incidence of poverty, a rise in the average wage, an increased share of trade in gross domestic product, and improved health outcomes.

These countries simultaneously raised their rates of participation in higher education. Indeed, the countries that benefited most from integration with the world economy achieved the most marked increases in educational levels.

In addition, there is growing evidence that university education, through its role in empowering domestic constituencies, building institutions, and nurturing favorable regulatory frameworks and governance structures, is vital to a country’s efforts to increase social capital and to promote social cohesion, which is proving to be an important determinant of economic growth and development.


Promotion of Education:Increasing Access to learning


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New model of retirement, “aka working forever”. Americans woefully underprepared to face retirement and half of households have zero retirement plan.

Most Americans are incredibly unprepared when it comes to retirement. The goal posts keep shifting. Now for full retirement under Social Security people will need to retire at 67 versus 65. What is rarely discussed is that rising Medicare premiums are being taken out of monthly payments so the amount being received is already shrinking while the cost of living is going up. One startling piece of information that came out this year was that half of Americans are one tiny emergency away from being flat out broke.


Promotion of Education:Prolonged Retirement: “Protirement” Preparation

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The fact of the matter is traditional retirement has become a distant dream for most. In other words, you are going to work forever, or at least have to redefine traditional models of retirement.

In China, the situation is not very different. Delaying retirement is a partial solution. Learning to earn revenue during retirement is becoming essential in China as well.

The communities of retirees can structure opportunities and harmonize the diverse labor skills of those living there. These retirement communities can still provide recreation and calm while introducing work opportunities that are matched to your capabilities.


Promotion of Education:Prolonged Retirement: “Protirement” Preparation


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PEIFC Education

Inner City Obesity

University access

“Protirement” training

Promotion of Education:Donations

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Promotion of Education:Donations

Getting involved and making a commitment at a personal level was the basis for Promotion of Education International’s formation. There are many ways in which you, too, can participate:[consider inserting a donation payment page like we see at ]

Your kindness is most appreciated!

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Norbert Sporns, FounderFather, writer, philosopher, businessman, lawyer, teacher…Norbert’s journey has demonstrated an examination of life in North America and China.The PEIFC Foundation distills certain needs understood through this journey and the more than150 articles he has published in LinkedIn.Underlying each of these areas of giving, is the philosopher’s insistence that “education” be seen as understanding, not memorization. The young, inner city obese are demonstrating their need for help. The talented poor in developing countries can provoke change with understanding. Those retirees entering what may be a period representing 1/3 of their life need to re-learn their levels and types of activity based on the opportunities available. …all require the greater self-awareness that education as understanding brings.

Promotion of Education:About us

“The unexamined life is not worth living” –

Socrates (470-399 BCE).

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