Page 1: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading1.1

Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

A Trip to the Zoo(1) Last week our class took a trip to the zoo. (2) The weather was a little

cold—we could see our breath—but not frigid. (3) Everyone was full of enorgy and excited to see all the animals. (4) When the class got off the bus, there was a bit of a crush to get in the front door, but then everyone spread out again. (5) We all got into groups and had to promise not to wander away from our teacher. (6) My group went to see the penguins first! (7) We had to go down a flight of stairs, so our teacher told us to graspt the railing. (8) The penguins were so cute! (9) It was fun to watch them wobble as they walked. (10) We walked around the zoo so much that I got a blister on my foot. (11) It was a terrific day except for that blister.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 3?

A Change full to foll

B Change enorgy to energy

C Change excited to excitad

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 7?

E Change flight to flite

F Change stairs to stares

G Change graspt to grasp

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about what else you think happened on the trip to the zoo. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 2: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading1.6

Proofreading: Words with Long a, Long e

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

A Stray Puppy(1) John had always wanted a dog. (2) He thought it would be terrific to have a

pet that would greet him at the door each time he arrived home. (3) John’s mother thought a dog would keep them awoke at night and that it would be hard to train. (4) One day, John came across a stray puppy. (5) He brought it home and promised to do all the training himself. (6) John was able to sway his mother! (7) They kept the puppy. (8) John learned how to praise the puppy when its behavior was good and correct any behavior that was wrong. (9) John was so happy to have a dog! (10) He proved that he was able to be responsible for a new pet.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 3?

A Change awoke to awake

B Change night to nite

C Change train to trane

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 8?

E Change learned to lerned

F Change praise to prase

G Change wrong to rong

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about what you think happened when they got the puppy home. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 3: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading1.11

Proofreading: Words with Long i, Long o

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

The Princess and the Monster(1) Once upon a time, a heroic princess rode forth to defend her kingdom

from a terrible monster. (2) As she approched the monster’s lair, she considered her strategy. (3) She was ready to do battle, but she did not know where to strike the mighty beast first. (4) At last she met her foe: a giant spider.

(5) “You must leave the kingdom and never return,” she said in her most commanding princess voice. (6) “I will leave your kingdom alone if you can answer my riddle,” offered the spider with a sly smile. (7) “Tell me, what is the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space?” (8) At first, the princess did not know what to replie, so she remained silent for a long time. (9) Finally, she had a thought so clear that it seemed like a sign pointing to the answer. (10) “It is the letter e!” she crowed.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 2?

A Change monster to monstor

B Change strategy to strategee

C Change approched to approached

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 8?

E Change replie to reply

F Change remained to remayned

G Change silent to sighlent

H Make no change

> What do you think happens next? Finish the story by writing two or three sentences about the princess and the giant spider. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 4: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading2.1

Proofreading: Words with /oo͞/, /yoo͞/

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

A Tale of Treasure(1) Mia pulled the chair up to her computer desk and opened the document.

(2) She had the whole afternoon free to work on her story. (3) Her main characters—a brother and sister and their aunt—were adventurers searching for a jewl hidden in a sorcerer’s cave. (4) Mia wrote, “They sat around the fire eating their stew and planning.”

(5) “No! That’s not exciting,” she said to herself. (6) She started over.(7) “Brianna’s heart beat faster as they approached the cave. (8) She looked

around. (9) Nobody was in veiw, but she felt like someone was watching her. (10) She held her magic flute tightly, ready to start playing in case of danger.”

(11) That’s better, Mia thought. (12) The world around her was forgotten as she wrote on.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 3?

A Change adventurers to adventurors

B Change aunt to ant

C Change jewl to jewel

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 9?

E Change veiw to view

F Change watching to waching

G Change Nobody to No body

H Make no change

> What do you think happens next? Finish the story by writing two or three sentences about Brianna and her search for treasure. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 5: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading2.6

Proofreading: Words with /ou/, /ô/, /oi/

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

A Chance Encounter(1) A man was walking quickly down the street. (2) He was rushing to avoid

being late for work. (3) He was distracted when he saw a cat try to pownce on a mouse. (4) Since he wasn’t looking, the man bumped right into a woman coming from the other direction. (5) He felt terribly aukward and quickly apologized. (6) He didn’t see her face because she was bent over the papers that were sprawled on the ground. (7) The man bent down to help her. (8) As they both stood up, he realized he knew her. (9) It was his third-grade teacher! (10) How surprising to have such a chance encounter.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 3?

A Change pownce to pounce

B Change distracted to distraced

C Change mouse to mowse

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 5?

E Change terribly to teribly

F Change aukward to awkward

G Change apologized to apollogized

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about what you think happened after the man realized the woman was his third-grade teacher. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 6: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading2.11

Proofreading: Words with r-Controlled Vowels /ôr/, /är/, /âr/

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

The Last Day of School(1) It was almost the last day of school. (2) Charlie was awore that this might

be the last time he saw some of his friends because he was moving to a new city over the summer. (3) He had tried to warn most of his friends that he might be sad. (4) He hoped that they would be able to pardon his behavior. (5) When his parents first shared the news, it was hard for Charlie to absarb. (6) He really liked his city and his school and all of his friends. (7) He knew that his mom was getting a better job in the new city, but it was still going to be hard to say goodbye. (8) Charlie had barely walked into school when he was greeted by friends. (9) Together, they walked up the stairway to their classroom. (10) Charlie was pleased that his friends were going to make this the best last day of school ever!

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 2?

A Change awore to aware

B Change summer to sumer

C Change might to mite

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 5?

E Change shared to sheared

F Change news to newz

G Change absarb to absorb

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about what you think happened after Charlie moved to his new city. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Grade 5 Printable

Page 7: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading3.1

Proofreading: Words with /ûr/, /îr/

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

The Science Fair(1) I was excited to participate in this year’s science fair. (2) I hope to have a

carreer as a scientist, so this was great practice! (3) I decided that a worthwhile project would be to demonstrate how our nerve endings work. (4) I used three glasses filled with water at different temperatures: hot, warm, and cold. (5) I put my hands around the hot and cold glasses at the same time for a full 60 seconds. (6) Then I put both hands around the warm glass together. (7) I couldn’t tell if the warm glass was warm or cold! (8) This was because the different temperatures sent different signals to my brain through my nerve endings. (9) I made a terrific display and got lots of people to voluntier to try out my experiment!

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 2?

A Change carreer to career

B Change scientist to sceintist

C Change practice to practise

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 9?

E Change terrific to tirrific

F Change voluntier to volunteer

G Change experiment to expeeriment

H Make no change

> Write two or three more sentences about what happens next at the science fair. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 8: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading3.6

Proofreading: Compound Words

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

Wildlife Protection(1) Wildlife is a term that refers to animals that are not normally

domesticated. (2) There are some very wellknown animals that fall into this category, such as lions, tigers, elephants, and gorillas. (3) Wildlife is important for its beauty and scientific value. (4) It helps maintain the ecological balance of nature and the food chain. (5) There are many people who make a career of protecting wildlife, and it is possible to do this work either full-time or part-time. (6) Wildlife conservation refers to the steps that are taken to protect and conserve wild animals and plants. (7) Many wild-life advocates take the protection of endangered animals and plants very seriously. (8) Some outspoken advocates take the message of conservation public and appear on local and national newscasts. (9) This is because these animals and plants are important to the environment. (10) We can each do our part by being conscious of animals and plants throughout our lives.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 2?

A Change wellknown to well-known

B Change category to catagory

C Change gorillas to gorilas

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 7?

E Change wild-life to wildlife

F Change advocates to advocats

G Change endangered to endangared

H Make no change

> Write two or three more sentences about wildlife preservation. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 9: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading3.11

Proofreading: Words with VCCV Syllable Division

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

The Merchant’s Journey(1) Once, a merchant left his small hometown to go trading far away. (2) His

family was sad to see him go. (3) His little daughter especially felt great sorow to say goodbye to her father.

(4) “It is true that this is a long journey,” said the merchant. (5) “I will not arrive back home for many weeks, but perhaps I will have such a successful trip that I will not need to travel so far ever again.

(6) After many weeks of traveling, the merchant finally reached a great city. (7) The merchant carefully began trading for the best goods he could find. (8) He went to the markets and examined each object. (9) He bought only those that appeared to be a good bargin and that he could sell for a profit back home. (10) At last, the merchant boarded his heavily laden ship to return home.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 3?

A Change daughter to daghter

B Change especially to esspecially

C Change sorow to sorrow

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 9?

E Change appeared to apeared

F Change bargin to bargain

G Change profit to proffit

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about what happened when the merchant arrived home. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Grade 5 Printable

Page 10: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading4.1

Proofreading: Words with VCV Syllable Division Pattern

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

Math Class(1) I was struggling to keep up in my basic math class. (2) I could never seem

to get the exact answer my teacher was expecting. (3) I definitely preffer my writing class, but I know that it is important to do well in math. (4) When our teacher announced a test, I knew I wanted to try my best to get full credit. (5) I decided not to panick. (6) I studied for days! (7) All that hard work really paid off. (8) I realized that math is not evil! (9) I know that if I want to succeed in our modern world, I will need math to help me. (10) I am determined to continue to do well in math.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 3?

A Change writing to writting

B Change know to now

C Change preffer to prefer

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 5?

E Change decided to desided

F Change not to knot

G Change panick to panic

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about why math class is important. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 11: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading4.6

Proofreading: Words with VCCCV Syllable Division Pattern

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

A Boat Trip(1) My friend Anthony has a boat and he invited me to go out on it with his

family. (2) I shouted, “Yes!” the instant he asked because I love being out on the water. (3) Plus, I have always wanted to improove my fishing and swimming skills. (4) Before boarding the boat, we stopped at a local merchant to purchase some supplies. (5) Then we were off! (6) After some time we decided to stop, so Anthony helped drop the boat’s ancher. (7) Then we had time to fish and swim. (8) I realized that fishing can be a lot more complex than I originally thought. (9) I practiced a lot and I think I got much better. (10) I am so glad I went on the boat trip with Anthony and his family.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 3?

A Change improove to improve

B Change always to alwayz

C Change skills to skils

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 6?

E Change drop to droop

F Change decided to desided

G Change ancher to anchor

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about the boat trip. What do you think happened next? Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Grade 5 Printable

Page 12: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading4.11

Proofreading: Words with VV Syllable Division Pattern

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

Ethan’s Birthday Parties(1) Ethan’s annual birthday celebration was always exciting. (2) One year, he and

his friends visited a natural history musuem together and saw huge dinosaur fossils. (3) Another year, they went to a double feature of two cartoon movies at a movie theeter. (4) Yet another year, a baker helped the kids create their own fancy cupcakes. (5) Ethan’s favorite was the year they went panning for genuine gold, like pioneers.

(6) Ethan couldn’t think of anything to top his earlier birthday parties. (7) He was completely out of ideas. (8) In the end, he decided to keep things casual. (9) He invited a few friends over for pizza and games at his house. (10) He was worried that his friends would be disappointed at the simple party, but everyone had fun. (11) Ethan realized that, at a party, good friends are more important than exciting activities.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 2?

A Change natural to natual

B Change dinosaur to dinosar

C Change musuem to museum

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 3?

E Change cartoon to cartoone

F Change theeter to theater

G Change double to duble

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about what you think Ethan might do for his next birthday. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 13: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading5.1

Proofreading: Words with Final Schwa + /l/ Sounds

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

A Legal Matter(1) Emma was very nervous when she took her first case as a new lawyer.

(2) The case concerned a quarrel between two famous paleontologists about which one had first identified a rare gerbil fossil. (3) Emma looked through every legal book and articel she had on intellectual property. (4) She looked at every angle, but she doubted whether anyone could win. (5) Emma feared that she would bungle her very first case. (6) Suddenly, Emma had an idea.

(7) “Would you be willing to try a mediator?” she asked her client. (8) Her client was agreeable, and so was the other paleontologist. (9) The mediator helped the paleontologists find a solution to their argument: they would write a joint paper on the fossil. (10) Emma drafted a formle agreement, and both paleontologists signed it. (11) She breathed a sigh of relief that her first case had been a success.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 3?

A Change articel to article

B Change intellectual to intellectal

C Change legal to legale

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 10?

E Change agreement to agrement

F Change signed to sined

G Change formle to formal

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about how the paleontologists agreed on a solution. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 14: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading5.6

Proofreading: Adding –ed and –ing

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

Improving My Behavior(1) Dear Aunt Lisa, (2) I am working on my behavior and I could use your help. (3) Here are some

good things I did last week. (4) I answerred 11 out of 12 questions correctly when we were quizzed in science. (5) I also skimed bugs from the backyard pool and kept the yarn ball away from the cat while Grandma was knitting. (6) Some other things I did weren’t so good. (7) My teacher had to tell me to stop chatting in class. (8) I stood by while the dog whipped the neighbor’s flowers with his tail. (9) Overall, I think my behavior is good, and I am working on improving. (10) I hope you agree and are proud of me!

Love, Tommy

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 4?

A Change quizzed to quized

B Change correctly to corectly

C Change answerred to answered

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 5?

E Change skimed to skimmed

F Change kept to keeped

G Change knitting to kniting

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about Tommy’s behavior. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 15: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading5.11

Proofreading: Adding –ed and –ing

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

A Sledding Story(1) Phillip was visiting his aunt and uncle when the first snow of the winter

fell. (2) Thanks to all the fluffy white snow, it was perfect weather for sledding, Phillip decideed, but he hadn’t brought a sled. (3) Fortunately, he had an idea. (4) He borrowed a big baking tray from the kitchen. (5) Clutching his tray, Phillip raced with his aunt toward a hilly park.

(6) His aunt chose a safe hill, and Phillip slid down the hill over and over, all afternoon. (7) At last, it was time to leave the freezing weather behind and go inside.

(8) “How was the sledding?” asked his uncle.(9) “It was amazing!” answered Phillip. (10) “It was even more exciting than I

expected, but I had no idea that sledding could be so tireing.” (11) His uncle laughed and offered Phillip a cup of steaming hot chocolate to regain his strength.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 2?

A Change fluffy to fluffie

B Change sledding to sleding

C Change decideed to decided

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 10?

E Change exciting to exciteing

F Change expected to expeected

G Change tireing to tiring

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about what it feels like to go sledding. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 16: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading6.1

Proofreading: Changing Final y to i

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

The Swim Meet(1) It was one of the loveliest Saturdays of autumn, but Irma felt terrified.

(2) Not because she was up at 6 a.m.—she had been getting up even earlier for swim practices. (3) Her swim team, the Y Nots, had a meet with the scaryest competition in the area: St. Vincent Central School. (4) Irma didn’t know if her abilities would allow her to win any races against the strong, fast St. Vincent swimmers.

(5) At first, it seemed as if the Y Nots would be denied any trophies, but their persistence brought them victories in the 800-meter relay and the freestyle. (6) As she stood with her teammates receiving their trophies, Irma knew this day would become one of her favorite memories.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 3?

A Change scaryest to scaryiest

B Change competition to competishun

C Change scaryest to scariest

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made to sentence 5?

E Change victories to victory

F Change denied to denyed

G Change persistence to persistance

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about your opinion of student sports. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 17: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading6.6

Proofreading: Words with Suffixes –ful, –ly, –ness, –less, –ment

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

The School Dance(1) Chris and Jordan were good friends, so he was sure she would say yes

when he asked her to the dance. (2) Chris felt nervous, but he calmley approached Jordan one day. (3) She had seemed distracted lately. (4) Chris had offered to study together countless times, but Jordan was always busy. (5) Chris had thought that asking her to the dance would be effortless, but he felt shaky! (6) Chris walked over to Jordan and asked, “Will you go to the dance with me?” (7) Jordan replied that she was going to the dance with Miguel. (8) Chris was disappointed, but they made an agreemant to dance to one song. (9) Chris was determined that the dance would still be delightful.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 2?

A Change nervous to nervus

B Change calmley to calmly

C Change calmley to calmlly

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 8?

E Change disappointed to disapointed

F Change agreemant to agreemint

G Change agreemant to agreement

H Make no change

> What do you think happens next? Write two or three sentences about what you think happened at the dance. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Grade 5 Printable

Page 18: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading6.11

Proofreading: Words from Other Languages

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

A Delicious Lunch(1) Austen and Hannah were making burritos for lunch on the pateo.

(2) First, they spread their tortillas on a plate. (3) Then they added beans and cheese. (4) Before they rolled up the tortillas, they decided on other toppings.

(5) “I’m going to put tomato slices in my burrito,” said Austen.(6) “I prefer to eat burritos with salsuh,” said Hannah. (7) “I like the really

spicy kind.”(8) Austen and Hannah agreed on one thing. (9) They both wanted dessert

when they finished their burritos. (10) They decided to have vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 1?

A Change pateo to patio

B Change burritos to burreetos

C Change pateo to pateeo

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 6?

E Change salsuh to salsah

F Change prefer to prefur

G Change salsuh to salsa

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about what Austen and Hannah might have done after lunch. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Grade 5 Printable

Page 19: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading7.1

Proofreading: Words with Final /n/ or /әn/, /chәr/, /zhәr/

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

The Science Experiment(1) Science is my favorite class. (2) I was so excited when the teacher

announced we would be doing a chemistry experiment! (3) I wanted this to go well because I hope to become a scientist in the future. (4) First, we explored the smell and textere of different chemicals. (5) Next, we combined those chemicals precisely. (6) Finally, we had to observe the mixture and note how it behaved. (7) I was glad to be sitting near the fountain because we needed to get a little water. (8) Watching the chemicals react with one another gave me a lot of pleasher. (9) I was very careful not to get anything on the furniture or my clothes. (10) Science is great!

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 4?

A Change explored to explorred

B Change textere to texture

C Change chemicals to cemicals

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 8?

E Change watching to waching

F Change react to reackt

G Change pleasher to pleasure

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about the science experiment. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Grade 5 Printable

Page 20: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading7.6

Proofreading: Words with Final /ĭj/, /ĭv/, /ĭs/

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

The Field Trip(1) Last week our class took a field trip to the aquarium. (2) We were all

excited to see some fish that are native to our region of the country, along with many other kinds of fish. (3) There was relative calm for most of the ride. (4) We played some creative games to pass the time on the way to the aquarium. (5) When we arrived, we were split into groups. (6) It was interesting that the various displays had more than one languaje written on them. (7) My favorite fish was the Puffer Fish. (8) I think the best adjective to describe this fish would be colorful. (9) I thought it was so interesting to see the different varieties of fish.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 2?

A Change excited to exsited

B Change native to natave

C Change region to regon

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 6?

E Change various to varios

F Change written to writen

G Change languaje to language

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about the field trip. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Grade 5 Printable

Page 21: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading7.11

Proofreading: Words with Unstressed Syllables

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

The Design Contest(1) Saniya nervously waited for the judges’ decision in the fashun competition. (2) She

had waited her entire life for this moment. (3) She knew she had talent, but would that be enough to win? (4) Bringing her design to life had been a challenge. (5) Saniya had sketched and sewed for hours every day. (6) She had allowed no one to disturb her work time. (7) At last, she finished her masterpiece—a flowing gown the color of fresh spinache. (8) When she showed it to her friend Erin, Erin knew just how to respond.

(9) “This amazing design is sure to impress the judges,” exclaimed Erin. (10) As the judges returned to announce their decision, Saniya hoped Erin was right.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 1?

A Change decision to decisen

B Change fashun to fashion

C Change competition to competiton

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 7?

E Change masterpiece to masterpeace

F Change flowing to flowwing

G Change spinache to spinach

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about what you think happens next in the story. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 22: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading8.1

Proofreading: Homophones

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

The Waiting Room(1) Carlos had hurt his ankle at soccer practice. (2) He and his mother were

sitting in the doctor’s waiting room. (3) There were a few other patients sitting in the room with them. (4) Carlos listened to a man describing something that had happened to him. (5) The man had hurt his wrist mussel in an accident. (6) Now the man could not write because it hurt just to hold a pen. (7) Carlos worried that he would not be able to walk again because of his bad ankle. (8) When his name was called, Carlos stood up and limped across the room. (9) His mother looked at him funny and pointed to his ankle. (10) He had been limping on his left leg when he’d actually hurt his right one! (11) Carlos and his mother both started laughing. (12) Carlos was going to be just fine!

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 3?

A Change patients to patience

B Change there to their

C Change were to where

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 5?

E Change wrist to rist

F Change mussel to muscle

G Change accident to axident

H Make no change

> What do you think happens next? Write two or three sentences about what might happen next to Carlos. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 23: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading8.6

Proofreading: Words with Prefixes in–, un–, dis–, mis–

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

New Foods(1) I love food! (2) My mom says that I have always been a really good eater.

(3) I love to try new things and discuver new flavors. (4) Whenever I encounter an unknown food, I am always willing to give it a try. (5) I know that sometimes others think this is unwize, but I really like being an adventurous eater. (6) The most unusual thing I have ever tasted was frog legs. (7) I was a little worried that the name might mislead me and that I’d be unable to finish them, but that didn’t happen. (8) They tasted delicious! (9) Other interesting things I have eaten are sushi, bean curd, and star fruit. (10) You may disagree, but I think trying new food is fantastic!

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 3?

A Change discuver to discover

B Change new to knew

C Change flavors to flayvors

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 5?

E Change adventurous to adventerous

F Change eater to eatter

G Change unwize to unwise

H Make no change

> Write two or three more sentences about eating new foods. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 24: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading8.11

Proofreading: Adding the Suffixes –ion, –ian

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

After the Concert(1) After the concert, Sam waited outside the stage door for almost an hour to see

his favorite musicion. (2) At last, Gil Bennett emerged. (3) Sam yelled and waved to show his admiration for the famous rocker.

(4) “I love your music, Gil!” gushed Sam. (5) “My favorite song is the selecttion where you play the electric guitar. (6) Could I please have your autograph?” (7) Sam did not expect the star to react, but Gil Bennett leaned in close to Sam, as if to confess a secret.

(8) “That’s my favorite too,” the rocker agreed. (9) He grinned at Sam and scrawled his name on Sam’s program. (10) Later, Sam hung up the signed program in his room as decoration.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 1?

A Change concert to consert

B Change favorite to favorit

C Change musicion to musician

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 5?

E Change selecttion to selection

F Change electric to electrick

G Change guitar to gitar

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about what might happen if Sam mislaid his signed program. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 25: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading9.1

Proofreading: Words with Prefixes com–, con–, pre–, pro–

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

The Preview(1) Carlos and Rachel were at a preview for a new science fiction movie. (2) It

was about a computer conpany that was trying to take over the whole world. (3) Some of the workers tried to convince people that there was an evil plot. (4) Yet when they were questioned for details, no one could confirm their suspicions. (5) “We need to pretect ourselves,” said one of the workers to his friend. (6) But the friend received a promotion and moved to another department. (7) The man suspected that his friend was in on the evil plot. (8) One morning, the computers in the office all went black. (9) Suddenly, the movie screen also went black, and then a voice said, “We are experiencing technical difficulties.” (10) “Wow,” said Carlos. “Maybe they really did take over the world!” (11) “Try to contain your excitement!” said Rachel.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 2?

A Change conpany to company

B Change computer to conputer

C Change whole to hole

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 5?

E Change friend to freind

F Change pretect to pratect

G Change pretect to protect

H Make no change

> What do you think happens next? Write two or three sentences about what might happen next in the movie theater. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 26: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading9.6

Proofreading: Adding the Suffixes –ant, –ent, –able, –ible, –ism, –ist

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

The Contest(1) Josie has always had an interest in journalesm. (2) She has been planning to

become a reporter since she was young. (3) She looks for frequent opportunities to write articles and conduct interviews. (4) Recently, Josie discovered a contest where the winner would have the chance to become a news reporter for a day at the local television station. (5) Josie thought that this would be her big chance to get discovered! (6) She was excited to become a contestant and practiced for weeks. (7) She wanted to be sure she was comfortible with her lines and wouldn’t make any terrible mistakes. (8) She was chosen as a finalist! (9) The night before the final audition Josie tried not to be a pessimist. (10) She knew that she would put her best effort forward.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 1?

A Change always to alwaze

B Change journalesm to journalism

C Change interest to interrest

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 7?

E Change sure to shure

F Change comfortible to comfortable

G Change terrible to terrable

H Make no change > Write two or three sentences about how the contest ended. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 27: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading9.11

Proofreading: Words with Greek Roots

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

A Quiet Afternoon?(1) The afternoon started quietly for Laurette. (2) She made a snack in the microwave

and then sat down to finish her homework. (3) First, she wrote a paragraf about the invention of the telephone for her history class. (4) Then, she took a photograph of a flowering plant for her biology class. (5) Finally, she took out her violin to practice a tricky part of a symphony that she was learning. (6) Suddenly, the telephone rang. (7) It was Laurette’s friend Yann.

(8) “Drop everything and meet me at the corner in two minutes,” said Yann with excitement. (9) “Something is about to happen that will change our lives forever.” (10) Laurette did not usually consider herself a pessimist, but it was hard to greet Yann’s announcement with much optimism. (11) Still, Laurette hurried to the corner. (12) When she arrived, she found Yann waiting with a megafone in his hand.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 3?

A Change paragraf to paragraph

B Change invention to inventone

C Change telephone to telefone

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 12?

E Change arrived to arived

F Change waiting to weighting

G Change megafone to megaphone

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about what you think happens next in the story. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 28: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading10.1

Proofreading: Words with Latin Roots

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

Predicting the Future(1) In social studies, Mr. Singh told his students to predict what the world

would be like in fifty years. (2) The assignment led to some spectacular predictions. (3) Julian predicted that Finland would become a global economic leader after the United States went bankrupt. (4) Moss thought the entire world would be ruled by an evil dictator. (5) Elena suggested that public transportation would expand to include a massive fleet of self-driving cars.

(6) The funniest prediction was Sanjay’s. (7) He pretended that he was actually writing a report from the future. (8) “In retraspect,” he began, “we should all have seen it coming.” (9) He wrote about how giant storms affected individuals and businesses around the globe. (10) No one knew what the awful weather would disrupt next.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 2?

A Change assignment to assignmint

B Change spectacular to spectaculare

C Change predictions to predicshens

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 8?

E Change retraspect to retrospecked

F Change retraspect to retrospect

G Change retraspect to retrispect

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about what Sanjay said happened next. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 29: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading10.6

Proofreading: Adding the Suffixes –ion or –ation

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

Building a Birdhouse(1) Do you want to build a birdhouse? (2) Start by purchasing your materials.

(3) You will need wood, nails, wood glue, paint, and some tools. (4) Next, examine your supplies to be sure you have everything. (5) Be sure your wood pieces are all the correct size. (6) Follow a simple diagram to assemble all the pieces. (7) If you are missing a piece, you might have to make or buy a substitutetion. (8) If you made any mistakes, there is still time to make an alteration or two. (9) After the parts are assembled, you can paint your birdhouse. (10) Finally, step back and admire all your hard work!

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 4?

A Change examine to examination

B Change supplies to supplys

C Change sure to shure

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 7?

E Change missing to mising

F Change piece to peace

G Change substitutetion to substitution

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about building a birdhouse. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 30: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading10.11

Proofreading: Words with Final /әr/

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

The Big Audition(1) Tyler and Stephanie were supposed to be doing their grammar homework, but

instead they were discussing their upcoming school play. (2) The tryouts for The Music Man were coming up next week.

(3) “I hope the director will consider me for a part,” said Tyler. (4) “Harold Hill is such an interesting character, and I think we are similer in a lot of ways.”

(5) “Don’t get your hopes up,” advised Stephanie. (6) “I heard a rumor that the director will only consider a junior or senior for the part. (7) You’re still in your first year of high school.”

(8) “My year in high school won’t be a barrior if my performance is truly superior to everyone else’s,” replied Tyler confidently. (9) “I have to audition.” (10) That is exactly what Tyler did, singing his heart out and showing off his impressive acting skills. (11) Now, he just had to wait for the director’s decision.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 4?

A Change interesting to intaresting

B Change character to charactar

C Change similer to similar

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 8?

E Change barrior to barrier

F Change performance to performence

G Change superior to superier

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about what you think happens next in the story. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 31: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading11.1

Proofreading: Recognize Root Words with Spelling Changes

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

The English Teacher(1) Ms. Ruiz had been tutorring her neighbor’s son Jeremy, who was struggling

with grammar. (2) She was a retired English teacher, who had been honored for her dedication to her students. (3) Thus, it was fitting that she should be the one to give him tutorials. (4) Jeremy went to her house after school twice a week. (5) He was supposed to bring his textbook with him. (6) Jeremy, however, kept forgetting it at school. (7) The day before the quiz on possessive nouns, Jeremy had his regular tutoring session with Ms. Ruiz. (8) She came to the door promptly when he rang the doorbell. (9) She could tell he was nervous, but she smiled and greeted him as usual. (10) As soon as he entered, he admited that he had forgotten to bring his book again and apologized that it kept happening. (11) Ms. Ruiz sighed and said, “Jeremy, let me tell you a story about a student I once had.”

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 1?

A Change tutorring to tutoring

B Change struggling to struggleing

C Change grammar to grammer

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 10?

E Change admited to admitted

F Change forgotten to forgoten

G Change happening to happenning

H Make no change

> What do you think happens next? Write two or three sentences about what Ms. Ruiz might tell Jeremy. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 32: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading11.6

Proofreading: More Words from Other Languages

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

The Shopping Trip(1) Mrs. Jackson had twins, Sophie and Jake, who were turning 10 years old.

(2) While they were attending a friend’s ballet recital, she went shopping for their birthday gifts. (3) At her favorite store, she started looking for a gift for Jake in the boys’ department. (4) She considered several pairs of denim jeans, but decided she preferred to buy him khakee pants instead. (5) In the accessories department, a courteous salesperson helped her pick out a barrette that would look lovely in Sophie’s long dark hair. (6) Mrs. Jackson, who was short and slim, next went to the petite women’s department. (7) After trying on several different dresses, she decided to purchase a pale yellow sundress. (8) By this time, Mrs. Jackson was feeling hungry. (9) She considered stopping at the bouffet restaurant, but remembered she had a coupon for a free slice of pizza at the new restaurant near the railroad depot. (10) When she opened the door to the restaurant, she was surprised to see . . .

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 4?

A Change denim to denime

B Change preferred to prefered

C Change khakee to khaki

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 9?

E Change bouffet to buffet

F Change coupon to cupon

G Change depot to depote

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about what surprising things Mrs. Jackson might find in the new restaurant. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 33: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading11.11

Proofreading: Adding Suffixes

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

Career Ideas(1) It’s never too early to think about what you might like to do for a living.

(2) A good strategy is to observe people you meet every day and what they do. (3) Some professions, like being a doctor, require an advanced degree. (4) A good doctor treats her or his patients with gentleness during a physical examination and reminds them to follow all instructions about medications precisly. (5) If you find something adorable about even the most unlikly species, like spiders, you might find a career as a biologist sincerely rewarding. (6) Or, you might prefer working in an animal shelter. (7) It can be very rewarding to help homeless animals get adopted. (8) If you are creative and like flowers, you might decide to become a florist, arranging beautiful bouquets. (9) Think about an activity you enjoy. (10) You might be able to turn it into a career one day!

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 4?

A Change gentleness to gentlness

B Change examination to examineation

C Change precisly to precisely

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 5?

E Change adorable to adoreable

F Change unlikly to unlikely

G Change sincerely to sincerly

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about a career you might enjoy. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 34: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading12.1

Proofreading: Adding Suffixes –ent/–ence/–ency, –ant/–ance/–ancy

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

The Campus Visit(1) I was excited to visit my brother, Jim, at college. (2) All the students live in

decent residence halls in which each suite has no more than three occupents. (3) I was going to spend the night with him in the suite he shared with two other students. (4) When I arrived with my parents, my brother took us on a tour of the campus. (5) It was impressive! (6) The campus was huge, but Jim showed us around with confidence. (7) It has excellant exercise facilities, brilliant architecture, and fragrant gardens. (8) My brother wants to be a microbiologist, so he is taking all the relevant science courses. (9) The science complex is new and we peeked in on a few of the laboratories and lecture halls. (10) That’s where my brother takes most of his classes. (11) That night, I met his two suitemates and we ordered pizza at 11:00 p.m.! (12) I can’t wait to go to college.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 2?

A Change decent to decant

B Change residence to residance

C Change occupents to occupants

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 7?

E Change excellant to excellent

F Change brilliant to brillient

G Change fragrant to fragrent

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about what Jim and his brother might do the next day. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 35: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading12.6

Proofreading: Suffixes –able/–ible, –ate

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

Digging for Ancient Treasures(1) There is a science to uncovering troves of ancient treasures. (2) Usually,

little is visible above ground. (3) Because archaeologists always appreciate how valuable their finds may be, digging around ancient artworks requires a sensible approach. (4) Only responsable, capable people do the delicate work of cleaning away centuries of dirt and debris. (5) Some people celebrate the task, finding the extremely careful work enjoyable. (6) Others consider it a tedious chore. (7) Either way, it must be done with incredible care. (8) Heavy machinery is used only under the most desperate circumstances. (9) This might occur, for example, if the archaeologists are required to work very quickly for some reason. (10) If they are fortunate, they manage to preserve the art, even under those conditions.

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 3?

A Change appreciate to apreciate

B Change valuable to valuible

C Change sensible to sensable

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 4?

E Change responsable to responsible

F Change capable to capible

G Change delicate to delicite

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about what an archaeologist might find on a dig. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

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Grade 5 Printable

Page 36: Proofreading: Words with Short Vowels

Name Proofreading12.11

Proofreading: Spelling-Sound Patterns, Spelling-Meaning Patterns

> Read the passage. Circle the best answer to each question.

The Big Show(1) We had tickets to go see this big show at the theater. (2) When we entered the

theater, I had to appreciate the elaborate backdrop scenery, which was an immitation of a jungle. (3) We made our way to our seats near the stage. (4) I was only interested in seeing the main act, but we had to sit through a performance by a comedian first. (5) He told some jokes about the queen of England and other royalty that weren’t very funny. (6) Once his act was over, it was finally time for the main act. (7) This featured an amazing magician who was a speciallist in making animals disappear. (8) He was famous for this trick where he made a 25-foot python disappear! (9) That trick always left audiences stunned in disbelief. (10) Before he came on stage, however, the host of the show came out and announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you . . .”

1 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 2?

A Change appreciate to apreciate

B Change scenery to scennery

C Change immitation to imitation

D Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 7?

E Change amazing to amazzing

F Change magician to magition

G Change speciallist to specialist

H Make no change

> Write two or three sentences about what the host might tell the audience. Use a Spelling Word in each sentence.

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Grade 5 Printable

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