
Propaganda!What is it?

What is Propaganda?Propaganda designers have been putting messages

into television commercials, news programs, magazine ads, and other things we read and see for years. These messages have been carefully designed to influence our opinions, emotions, attitudes and behavior. Their purpose is to persuade us to believe in something or to do something that we would not normally believe or do. These messages have been designed to benefit someone, and that someone may not be you!


•Nothing says that you can't appreciate a good piece of propaganda, and still agree with the messages hidden within it. But, you don't want to be persuaded into doing something you do not wish to do or into believing something that is not true simply because you've been the target of an effective propaganda campaign. That's why it's important to understand what propaganda is and how it works. 

Three questions to ask yourself when viewing ads or other media.......•Who does this benefit? •Why did they do that? •According to whom?

Interesting Fact......

•Did you know that the average American is bombarded by over 500 selling messages (advertisements and commercials) per day? That amounts to over 182,500 selling messages per year. How do we handle all these messages?

Let’s see how much you are affected by ads daily....•You will see an advertisement, but the

name of the company will be covered up. Your job is to fill in the blank. How well do you simply know the symbols that represent a company?

Symbol # 1

So how did you do???Choose the top two emblems that you recognize most easily or that you use the most.

Types of Propaganda we must knowEvidently, we are all affected by propaganda in our daily lives without even realizing it. Record the different types of propaganda on your tracking sheet.

Bandwagon The basic idea behind the bandwagon approach

is just that, "getting on the bandwagon." The propagandist puts forth the idea that everyone is doing this, or everyone supports this person/cause, so should you. The bandwagon approach appeals to the conformist in all of us: No one wants to be left out of what is perceived to be a popular trend.

• Example: Everyone in Murfreesboro is behind Officer Templeton for Mayor. Shouldn't you be part of this winning team?


•This is the celebrity endorsement of a philosophy, movement or candidate. In advertising, for example, athletes are often paid millions of dollars to promote sports shoes, equipment and fast food. In political circles, movie stars, television stars, rock stars and athletes lend a great deal of credibility and power to a political cause or candidate.

Plain Folks

Here the candidate or cause is identified with common people from everyday walks of life. The idea is to make the candidate/cause come off as grassroots and all-American.

•EXAMPLE: After a morning speech to wealthy Democratic donors, Bill Clinton stops by McDonald's for a burger, fries, and photo-op.

Name Calling

Name-calling ties a person or cause to a largely perceived negative image.

EXAMPLE: In a campaign speech to Rock Springs Middle School, Coach referred to the competing team as “a bunch of sissies”

Snob Appeal

The attributes of something that appeal to people who associate those qualities with social or intellectual superiority; a thing's attractiveness to snobs.


Loaded Words

Loaded words and phrases have strong emotional implications and involve strongly positive or negative reactions beyond their literal meaning

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