
The Atlantis Kingdoms

((The Mistery of The Lost Continents Finally FoundThe Mistery of The Lost Continents Finally Found))

By :By :XxxxxXxxxxXxxxxXxxxxXxxxxXxxxx


Table of Contents : Cover .................................................... iTable of Content .................................... iiOverview ............................................... 1Developer(Studio) reference/ resume ... . . 2Game Design Documents ........................ 3

Name of Game/ Genre........................ 3Target Audience / Positioning (Brief market analysis) ............................... 3 Key features / Several bullet point elements that makes your game unique, different ........................................... 4Rule ................................................. 4Business Model ................................. 5Project Budget Plan / Timeline ........... 6

Visuals .................................................. 8Attachment ........................................... 9


Overview :The Atlantis Kingdoms game is a combination of strategy and

simulation games that depart from the historical background of the lost kingdom of Atlantis since about 11600 years ago along with the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age. A researcher named Santos suggested that the location of Atlantis was strongly suspected to be in Indonesia. During this time, Plato described the continent 2500 years ago it was the continent which is inhabited by a nation that has civilization of Atlantis which is very high by nature a very rich, who then lost sank to the seabed by the catastrophic floods and earthquakes. Adjusted with the actual history of Atlantis with credible evidence has been found, namely in the early development of the kingdom of Atlantis until at the time of its demise.

In this game, players will be faced with the problem of how to conquer the nations residing in the Atlantic region in accordance with the strengths and weaknesses are owned by the nation. Players will be asked to do a strategy to do lobbying or negotiation, politics, war tactics, trade, mining, food self-sufficiency and early detection of natural disasters to conquer a nation that will be encountered. This game teaches the player chose the path before the first run so that players must find a method or steps are more simple and professional in carrying out its mission as the method in development, peace, war and natural disaster. The player is successful when it has conquered two thirds of existing nations. In carrying out its mission, the player can work collaboratively with other players, chat as in RPG (role playing game), status updates, uploading avatars, etc. with the support of web-based applications. Therefore, Games The Atlantis Kingdom is an attractive game for players who want to have fun while sharpening the ability to understand how the control of a nation with historical background.


Developer reference / resume :

Teams Core Developer Developer I :

o Name : xxxxxx

o Email : xxxxxx

Developer II :

o Name : xxxxxx

o Email : xxxxxx

Developer III :

o Name : xxxxxx

o Email : xxxxxx

Development SoftwareAdobe Flash Professional CS5

If the development of this game is made by using open source software, it will be very time saving production cost. However, this will result in the functionality of the software development. Because free software is usually not supported with adequate features and compatibility. Therefore, it is necessary to use software that is really reliable for use in the development of this game.


Game design documents : Name of Game / Genre

The Atlantis Kingdoms / Strategic + Simulations. This type of MMOG games, which amounted to more than one player.

Target Audience / Positioning (Brief market analysis) Over 21 Years.

Based on statistical data available, more people in the world is a player games with an average age above 21 years.

Market (Developed countries & developing countries).Creating the image of games lasting products to create the largest market share in the wetlands of the developed and developing countries.


Key features/ Several bullet point elements that makes your game unique, different Integrating strategy games with the

ancient and modern setting with natural events and simulation games give the player interaction in the form of a dialogue between (like RPG).

Integrate the history of the birth of human civilization with the kingdom of Atlantis.

Provide Moral values, why the kingdom with a high civilization can be destroyed.

The installation is easy, because the Flash-based.

Chatting between players (person to person, conference or room).

Upload avatar. Set Status/ Comment.



Business model Players can buy Items (Like:

Special forces, Combo and weapons) with PayPal, Vouchers Physical or Score.

The player can place the ads on web pages where playing games.

Each player has a level of member (VVIP, VIP, MIDDLE, Beginner).

Games will be implemented in a web-base applications, both internet and intranet online local network and even a PC.

It is expected that with the support system on the web-bases will be able to become a social networking class facebook or twitter. Obviously there will be some features in these games that are similar to social networking application that is like a status


update, and then between the players can communicate via live chat menu provided.

Project budget plan/ Timeline

Table. Job description & HR Supplies

Table. Timeline / Schedule Job Description


From the above table shows that the estimated time needed to make games is 6 Months.

Table. Payroll Teams Games.

Table. Hardware Requirements

Table. Software Requirement

Total of all costs required for making games is : $45800 + $29700 + $5440 = $80940.




AttachmentRuleo History of Atlantis

FictionVersion I :

When natural disasters so devastating that the country is beautiful and majestic Atlantis crumbled to the ground, all residents scrambled and headed to the palace of the King. Fortunately that has reached inside the fort palace. But several days later along with the end of the Ice Age, there was a tremendous earthquake and resulting tsunami accompanied by the King Palace tengelam into the Earth.

After tens of thousands of years, finally the kingdom of Atlantis suddenly appeared from the sea surface exactly where the place of the sinking of their kingdom. The inhabitants of the earth was shocked by this incident, so they want to know what actually happened.

The experts all over the country finally got together and accept their presence. After the meeting both parties, they finally agreed to establish relations and cooperation. Within a relatively short time, residents of Atlantis able to master the world economy and make cooperation with developing countries and underdeveloped that they finally declared to be state of Atlantis. And Atlantis was wider region in terms of both sea and land.

But over time, there were some unscrupulous elements in modern humans, who want to destroy this relationship by performing the invasion of the royal palace fortress of Atlantis. Finally one day, which culminated in the determination of who is ruling the Earth happens terrifying battle finally won by the people of Atlantis.

Version II :Some people who are royal princes many choose to fly into

space with large ships, and until now they have not known its existence, whether they live on a planet or are still in the vessel or even have perished.


Non FictionAdjusted with the actual history of Atlantis with credible

evidence has been found, namely in the early development of the kingdom of Atlantis until at the time of its demise.

o Map of Atlantis Kingdoms

Atlan Nation (Capital of the Kingdom) Advance the science and the military. Metals and gold mining. Sell mining products. Generate money to build a fort and troops.

Lemuria Nation Conducting diplomacy cooperation. Dominate trade between countries.


Stone-rock mining and gold. Sell mining products. Generate money to build a fort and troops.

Saba Nation Cooperation in military field. Cooperation in the field of export and import of foodstuffs. Metals and gold mining. Sell mining products. Generate money to build a fort and troops.

Khalawalan Nation Cooperation in the field of export and import of metallic

materials. Cooperation exchange students. Gold mine. Sell mining products. Generate money to build a fort and troops.

Toraja Nation Cooperation in the field of export and import of materials rocks. Timber mining, metals and gold. Sell mining products. Generate money to build a fort and troops.

Ant Nation Petroleum mining, rocks and gold. Sell mining products. Generate money to build a fort and troops.

Golia Nation Stone-rock mining, metals and gold. Produces a highly developed animal husbandry. Sell mining products. Generate money to build a fort and troops.

Titan Nation Largest producer of fish, mostly sea territory. Stone-rock mining, metal and white gold. Sell mining products. Generate money to build a fort and troops.

Jawa Nation Largest grain producer. Stone-rock mining and metals. Sell mining products. Generate money to build a fort and troops.

o Missions:Most of the mission concept here is how the strategies of the players

to do lobbying or negotiation, politics, war tactics, self-sufficiency in food and early detection of natural disasters. So better choose the path before the walk first. The point is that there is a solution of each mission with the methods or steps are more simple and professional.


DevelopmentAt the beginning of civilization, each player shall build a house

(either a resident or house royal house), grow crops, build roads and make the forces of war.

PeaceIf there are two people or more who want a way of peace without

war, they can request a grace period up to specified limits for peace. By providing any aid, could be food, money and peace to the nation's soldiers who had been invited to settle. And this can be extended until the two nations will not allow more peace and no choice but to fight.

WarfareBefore the war, each nation involved will send messengers

through the mail. This is a code of ethics that exist in people of Atlantis, so do not allow direct attack each other for granted. If indeed the two nations had a deal to go to war, it will make two choices the way the war is ancient and bellows. Ancient war here is that each nation would incite some of their best knights (maximum of five knights), with a reason to save many lives. While the war was a war blowing up at the death and declared lost if the ¾ of their troops had been killed and 1/3 houses had been burned or killed the king and the royal house had been burned.

If you have won the war, then automatically every enemy forces that are still alive will be the nation's forces won, and if the king is still alive, it will be captured. Similarly, houses, territory and wealth will automatically become the property of the victorious nation.

Natural DisasterEvery nation has experts in several fields, such as geo-physics,

astronomy and marine who gathered in a special room. So that every time the experts will be working in order to conduct early detection associated with the occurrence of a hazardous nature of man. Disasters such as floods, volcanic eruption, tsunami and others, it is expected that the experts can predict the occurrence of at least Day-1 before the incident. And this applies to all other natural events.

In addition to natural disaster, experts can also assist in making war strategy associated with weather conditions that occur during war.

o Dialogues (Similar RPG) and Set Statuso Strategies of War

The character of each nation has its own advantages and disadvantages for each army. Ancient armies :

They are located in inland areas. Equestrian forces. Archers troops. Troops armed with a lance. Meriam troops.

Modern Forces :They are located in urban areas. Naval forces.


AU troops. Army troops. Special Forces.

o Business Strategy Foarm. Ice Age.

o Civilization & Culture Technology (Supernormal) Science Building

o Actor : Kings The people of the kingdom

Officials of the kingdom Soldier The scientists / experts Spy

Ordinary People Trader Fisherman Farmer

Menu & Settings / Configure Games :At these games began to play, then the player will be directed by

some of the start menu like some clarification on this paragraph below. But actually there is another side in this game is how players can interact between the player and the surrounding nature. The interaction here is very thick with social concepts concerning all things in their daily living as in modern human life. However, there is the distinction that is when people interact with nature Atlantis, for example those with animals can understand each other's language.

Intro / ProloguePrologue in these games there are two kinds, the first in

accordance with the history of Atlantis in the Fiction section 1 or could be called postmodern era for Atlanta people after natural disasters. While the latter is adjusted for non-fiction story of the kingdom of Atlantis in the early days of civilization up to our glory or gold.

And later every kind of option will be shown a video prologue beginning to facilitate the understanding of the story line of games that have been selected.

Main MenuAlmost every strategy games have the same main menu but with

different specifications. Here is the menu for games played the Atlantis Kingdoms :

New Game Load Game


Multiplayer Option Quit

LevelsFor each level has a difficulty level that is different. In this game

provided four levels: Silver / Beginner Gold / Easy Platinum / Medium Ultimate / Difficult Eternity / Very Difficult

Money/ ScoreEvery nation is chosen to be played will always compete to

achieve wealth, armies and territories. Any additional amounts of wealth or force, there are limitations. And the most dominant power, so if a player has mastered the 2/3 from all the empire of Atlantis, then he is declared the winner

SoundCreate sound effects on any movement or atmosphere of a

particular event that can bring the players seemed in the nature of how many games. And enables players to identify each specific sound occurs with the best feedback as to what to do.

Animation EffectsCreating animated effects of each event move on or dwell in a

place (eg the granting of the shadow) whether it comes from Artist movement with each character or other unforeseen events or random nature of existing in the environment, so that is expected to refine the detail images when there is movement.

Artist & CharacterCreate a player character in accordance strata of society ranging

from politicians, military, scientists, merchants, unemployment and even robbers / thieves. And also need diperhatihan their physical strength and intelligence. So that each character has its own advantages and disadvantages of each. Then a specific weapon or combo if one exists.

EpilogueEnd of these games is a precursor to the commencement of the

golden age of Atlantis post-modern nation. But this did not last long, because two-year intervals after they reached the summit of its power, they were surprised by the arrival of a spaceship that landed on Earth so huge. And after further identification, they are not aliens, but the


ancient people who had disappeared Atlanta for thousands of years ago after a natural disaster. More than that the King was still alive, his face still young as ever, there are approximately whatsoever. Why those who remain outside the space in which youth from being on Earth. It is estimated that they experience time dilation when outside air in accordance with the laws of Einstein E = mc2 due to the speed of their aircraft approached the speed of light ≈ 3108 meters / second.

The entire top brass of post-modern Altantis an uproar and confusion. What should they do, there are only two options, namely peace or war. (This is what will we make the games "The Atlantis Kingdoms II" the second volume)

CreditIn this menu, you can use to show all team personnel who are

involved in making these games in accordance with the job description. Such sponsorship can also be included which supports these games. And can also be included some videos related to either of the kingdom of Atlantis from the documentary film or video games during the course of play.

Additional Creation of Nature is very beautiful sketch and soothing.

Almost rare ocean, because the time was the ice age in the form of a vast plain.

Certain areas often snowing. Number of active volcanoes along the territory of Atlantis which will

trigger the destruction of the kingdom. Number of wild animals that roam in any forests.

Technology is already very advanced, even existing aircraft soften it. The buildings of the towering rocks into the sky. Mining Industry of metals such as gold, silver, tin and others. Agriculture is highly developed ranging from whole grains, fruits and

others. Military industry that has been produced on a very sophisticated

weaponry, so that when the war with other kingdoms or nations they always win. This is also supported by military forces trained and the They are masters at fighting strategy.

The difference in contrast between the culture of the kingdom of Atlantis with other kingdoms. Most of the cultural and technology advancement neighboring

kingdoms or the enemies they are still far below them, even likely primitive.

Can be said that the Atlanteans were the nation and the conqueror of other peoples is a forerunner of modern culture today.

Community on a very complex ranging from politicians, military, scientists, merchants, unemployment and even robbers / thieves also exist.

Some important parts in making an art of the games are as follows :o Nature of the natural Atlantis


Paddy fields. The mountains. Forest. Garden. Farm. Ice Age

o Magnificent royal buildings Kingdom City Home residents School Industry Hut

o Chronology of unique games Storieso The shape and character artisto Sketch weaponso Sound

The essence of art here is every sketch that made it have a specific meaning that can attract the attention of lovers of games and also can bring an atmosphere of Atlantis into the imagination of every player.


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